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Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:02:37 -0600 Yom Shishi, Chodesh Aser'i 24, 6024 — יום ששי חדש עשרי כד ו׳כד

Ernest Klein
A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary
Of The Hebrew Language For Readers Of English


Carta Jerusalem; 1st edition, 1987

abbr.  abbreviation, abbreviated
abs.  absolute (grammar)
act.  active
adj.  adjective
adv.  adverb
Akka.  Akkadia
Am.  Amos (book of the Bible)
Arab.  Arabic
Aram.  Aramaic
art.  article (grammar)
attrib.  attributive (grammar)
auxil.  auxiliary (grammar)
BAram.  Biblical Aramaic
BH  Biblical Hebrew
Cant.  Canticles (book of the Bible)
CEDEL  Klein’s Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
Chron.  Chronicles (book of the Bible)
Chr.-Pal.  Christian Palestinian Aramaic
cogn.  cognate (linguistically)
coll.  collective, collectively
colloq.  colloquial
comp.  comparative (grammar)
conj.  conjunction
copul.  copulative (grammar)
corrupt.  corruption (linguistically)
cp.  compare
c. st.  construct state (grammar)
Dan.  Daniel (book of the Bible)
def.  definite (grammar)
Deut.  Deuteronomy (book of the Bible)
dial.  dialect, dialectical
dimin.  diminutive
Eccles.  Ecclesiastes (book of the Bible)
e.g.  exempligratia (= for example)
Egypt.  Egyptian
Eng.  English
esp.  especially
Est.  Esther (book of the Bible)
etc.  etcetera (= and the others)
Ethiop.  Ethiopian
euphem.  euphemistically
Ex.  Exodus (book of the Bible)
Ez.  Ezra (book of the Bible)
Ezek.  Ezekiel (book of the Bible)
f.  feminine (grammar)
fig.  figurative
Fren.  French
fut.  future
FW  foreign word, foreign element
Gen.  Genesis (book of the Bible)
gen.  genitive
Ger.  German
Gk.  Greek
Hab.  Habakkuk (book of the Bible)
Hag.  Haggai (book of the Bible)
Heb.  Hebrew
Hiph.  Hiph‘îl (Hebrew grammar)
Hish.  Hishstaph‘çl (Hebrew grammar
Hith.  Hithpa‘çl (Hebrew grammar)
Hithpalp.  Hithpalpel (Hebrew grammar)
Hithpol.  Hithpol‘çl (Hebrew grammar)
Hitt.  Hittite
Hoph.  Hoph‘âl (Hebrew grammar)
Hos.  Hosea (book of the Bible)
Hoth.  Hothpu‘âl (Hebrew grammar)
I.  Indian
IE  Indo-European
i.e.  id est (= which is to say)
imit.  imitative (linguistically)
imper.  imperative (grammar)
imperf.  imperfect (grammar)
indef. art.  indefinite article (grammar)
inf.  infinitive (grammar)
instr.  instrumental
interj.  interjection (grammar)
interr.  interrogative (grammar)
intr.  intransitive (grammar)
Is.  Isaiah (book of the Bible)
It.  Italian
JAram.  Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
Jer.  Jeremiah (book of the Bible)
Job  (book of the Bible)
Joel  (book of the Bible)
Jon.  Jonah (book of the Bible)
Josh.  Joshua (book of the Bible)
Jud.  Judges (book of the Bible)
Kin.  Kings (book of the Bible)
L.  Latin
Lam.  Lamentations (book of the Bible)
Lev.  Leviticus (book of the Bible)
lit.  literal, literally
m.  masculine (grammar)
Mal.  Malachi (book of the Bible)
Mand.  Mandaen, Mandaic
Med.  Medieval
metath.  metathesis (linguistics)
MH  Medieval Hebrew
Micah  (book of the Bible)
Moab.  Moabite
n.  noun
Nab.  Nabatean
Nah.  Nahum (book of the Bible)
NArab.  North Arabic
Neh.  Nehemiah (book of the Bible)
neut.  neuter (grammar)
NH  New Hebrew
Niph.  Niph‘âl (Hebrew grammar)
Nith.  Nithpa‘çl (Hebrew grammar)
NT  New Testament
Num.  Numbers (book of the Bible)
OAram.  Old Aramaic
Oba.  Obadiah (book of the Bible)
obs.  obsolete (linguistically)
orig.  original, originally
OSArab.  Old South Arabic
p.  past
Pa.  Pa‘el (Hebrew grammar)
Palm.  Palmyra, Palmyrene
part.  participle (grammar)
pass.  passive (grammar)
perf.  perfect (grammar)
Pers.  Persian
pers.  personal
Phoen.  Phoenician
Pi.  Pi‘çl (Hebrew grammar)
Pil.  Pi‘lel (Hebrew grammar)
Pilp.  Pilpel (Hebrew grammar)
Pir.  Pir‘çl (Hebrew grammar)
pl.  plural
PN  Personal Name, Proper Name
Po.  Po‘lal (Hebrew grammar)
Pol.  Po‘lel (Hebrew grammar)
Polp.  Polpal (Hebrew grammar)
possess.  possessive (grammar)
p. part.  past participle (grammar)
Pr.  Proverbs (book of the Bible)
pref.  prefix
prep.  preposition (grammar)
pres. part.  present participle (grammar)
pres. t.  present tense (grammar)
prob.  probably
pron.  pronoun
Ps.  Psalms (book of the Bible)
p.t.  past tense (grammar)
Pu.  Pu‘âl (Hebrew grammar)
Pul.  Pu‘âl (Hebrew grammar)
Pulp.  Pulpal (Hebrew grammar)
Pun.  Punic
Qal  (Hebrew grammar)
q.v.  quod vide (= which see)
resp.  respectively
Rom.  Roman
Russ.  Russian
Ruth  (book of the Bible)
Sab.  Sabean
Sam.  Samuel (book of the Bible)
Samar.  Samaritan
SArab.  South Arabic
scil.  scilicet (= understood, namely)
Sem.  Semitic
Sept.  Septuagint
Shaph.  Shaph‘el (Hebrew grammar)
Shiph.  Shiph‘el (Hebrew grammar
Shuph.  Shuph‘al (Hebrew grammar)
sing.  singular (grammar)
s.m.  same meaning
Sp.  Spanish
st.  state
subj.  subjunctive (grammar)
subst.  substantive, substantival, substantiation
suff.  suffix
s.v.  sub voce (= under the word)
Syr.  Syriac
TA  Tel el-Amarna letters
Tiph.  Tiph‘el (Hebrew grammar)
tr.  transitive (grammar)
Tuph.  Tuph‘âl (Hebrew grammar)
Ugar.  Ugaritic
ult.  ultimate, ultimately
v.  verb
var.  variant
VArab.  Vulgar Arabic
VL  Vulgate Latin
vulg.  vulgar (linguistically)
Zech.  Zechariah (book of the Bible)
Zeph.  Zephaniah (book of the Bible)

כ י ט ח ז ו ה ד ג ב א
ת ש ר ק צ פ ע ס נ מ ל

Notes On Usage
Transliteration Rules
Names of Authors, Books and Journals

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