Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:02:37 -0600 Yom Shishi, Chodesh Aser'i 24, 6024 — יום ששי חדש עשרי כד ו׳כד |
Ernest Klein
A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary Of The Hebrew Language For Readers Of English ( Carta Jerusalem; 1st edition, 1987 Abbreviations |
abbr. abbreviation, abbreviated |
abs. absolute (grammar) |
act. active |
adj. adjective |
adv. adverb |
Akka. Akkadia |
Am. Amos (book of the Bible) |
Arab. Arabic |
Aram. Aramaic |
art. article (grammar) |
attrib. attributive (grammar) |
auxil. auxiliary (grammar) |
BAram. Biblical Aramaic |
BH Biblical Hebrew |
Cant. Canticles (book of the Bible) |
CEDEL Klein’s Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language |
Chron. Chronicles (book of the Bible) |
Chr.-Pal. Christian Palestinian Aramaic |
cogn. cognate (linguistically) |
coll. collective, collectively |
colloq. colloquial |
comp. comparative (grammar) |
conj. conjunction |
copul. copulative (grammar) |
corrupt. corruption (linguistically) |
cp. compare |
c. st. construct state (grammar) |
Dan. Daniel (book of the Bible) |
def. definite (grammar) |
Deut. Deuteronomy (book of the Bible) |
dial. dialect, dialectical |
dimin. diminutive |
Eccles. Ecclesiastes (book of the Bible) |
e.g. exempligratia (= for example) |
Egypt. Egyptian |
Eng. English |
esp. especially |
Est. Esther (book of the Bible) |
etc. etcetera (= and the others) |
Ethiop. Ethiopian |
euphem. euphemistically |
Ex. Exodus (book of the Bible) |
Ez. Ezra (book of the Bible) |
Ezek. Ezekiel (book of the Bible) |
f. feminine (grammar) |
fig. figurative |
Fren. French |
fut. future |
FW foreign word, foreign element |
Gen. Genesis (book of the Bible) |
gen. genitive |
Ger. German |
Gk. Greek |
Hab. Habakkuk (book of the Bible) |
Hag. Haggai (book of the Bible) |
Heb. Hebrew |
Hiph. Hiph‘îl (Hebrew grammar) |
Hish. Hishstaph‘çl (Hebrew grammar |
Hith. Hithpa‘çl (Hebrew grammar) |
Hithpalp. Hithpalpel (Hebrew grammar) |
Hithpol. Hithpol‘çl (Hebrew grammar) |
Hitt. Hittite |
Hoph. Hoph‘âl (Hebrew grammar) |
Hos. Hosea (book of the Bible) |
Hoth. Hothpu‘âl (Hebrew grammar) |
I. Indian |
IE Indo-European |
i.e. id est (= which is to say) |
imit. imitative (linguistically) |
imper. imperative (grammar) |
imperf. imperfect (grammar) |
indef. art. indefinite article (grammar) |
inf. infinitive (grammar) |
instr. instrumental |
interj. interjection (grammar) |
interr. interrogative (grammar) |
intr. intransitive (grammar) |
Is. Isaiah (book of the Bible) |
It. Italian |
JAram. Jewish Palestinian Aramaic |
Jer. Jeremiah (book of the Bible) |
Job (book of the Bible) |
Joel (book of the Bible) |
Jon. Jonah (book of the Bible) |
Josh. Joshua (book of the Bible) |
Jud. Judges (book of the Bible) |
Kin. Kings (book of the Bible) |
L. Latin |
Lam. Lamentations (book of the Bible) |
Lev. Leviticus (book of the Bible) |
lit. literal, literally |
m. masculine (grammar) |
Mal. Malachi (book of the Bible) |
Mand. Mandaen, Mandaic |
Med. Medieval |
metath. metathesis (linguistics) |
MH Medieval Hebrew |
Micah (book of the Bible) |
Moab. Moabite |
n. noun |
Nab. Nabatean |
Nah. Nahum (book of the Bible) |
NArab. North Arabic |
Neh. Nehemiah (book of the Bible) |
neut. neuter (grammar) |
NH New Hebrew |
Niph. Niph‘âl (Hebrew grammar) |
Nith. Nithpa‘çl (Hebrew grammar) |
NT New Testament |
Num. Numbers (book of the Bible) |
OAram. Old Aramaic |
Oba. Obadiah (book of the Bible) |
obs. obsolete (linguistically) |
orig. original, originally |
OSArab. Old South Arabic |
p. past |
Pa. Pa‘el (Hebrew grammar) |
Palm. Palmyra, Palmyrene |
part. participle (grammar) |
pass. passive (grammar) |
perf. perfect (grammar) |
Pers. Persian |
pers. personal |
Phoen. Phoenician |
Pi. Pi‘çl (Hebrew grammar) |
Pil. Pi‘lel (Hebrew grammar) |
Pilp. Pilpel (Hebrew grammar) |
Pir. Pir‘çl (Hebrew grammar) |
pl. plural |
PN Personal Name, Proper Name |
Po. Po‘lal (Hebrew grammar) |
Pol. Po‘lel (Hebrew grammar) |
Polp. Polpal (Hebrew grammar) |
possess. possessive (grammar) |
p. part. past participle (grammar) |
Pr. Proverbs (book of the Bible) |
pref. prefix |
prep. preposition (grammar) |
pres. part. present participle (grammar) |
pres. t. present tense (grammar) |
prob. probably |
pron. pronoun |
Ps. Psalms (book of the Bible) |
p.t. past tense (grammar) |
Pu. Pu‘âl (Hebrew grammar) |
Pul. Pu‘âl (Hebrew grammar) |
Pulp. Pulpal (Hebrew grammar) |
Pun. Punic |
Qal (Hebrew grammar) |
q.v. quod vide (= which see) |
resp. respectively |
Rom. Roman |
Russ. Russian |
Ruth (book of the Bible) |
Sab. Sabean |
Sam. Samuel (book of the Bible) |
Samar. Samaritan |
SArab. South Arabic |
scil. scilicet (= understood, namely) |
Sem. Semitic |
Sept. Septuagint |
Shaph. Shaph‘el (Hebrew grammar) |
Shiph. Shiph‘el (Hebrew grammar |
Shuph. Shuph‘al (Hebrew grammar) |
sing. singular (grammar) |
s.m. same meaning |
Sp. Spanish |
st. state |
subj. subjunctive (grammar) |
subst. substantive, substantival, substantiation |
suff. suffix |
s.v. sub voce (= under the word) |
Syr. Syriac |
TA Tel el-Amarna letters |
Tiph. Tiph‘el (Hebrew grammar) |
tr. transitive (grammar) |
Tuph. Tuph‘âl (Hebrew grammar) |
Ugar. Ugaritic |
ult. ultimate, ultimately |
v. verb |
var. variant |
VArab. Vulgar Arabic |
VL Vulgate Latin |
vulg. vulgar (linguistically) |
Zech. Zechariah (book of the Bible) |
Zeph. Zephaniah (book of the Bible) |
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