Ernest Klein
A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary
Of The Hebrew Language For Readers Of English


Carta Jerusalem; 1st edition, 1987
ט Tet

כ י ט ח ז ו ה ד ג ב א
ת ש ר ק צ פ ע ס נ מ ל

ט The ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In PBH it has the numerical value nine. The sound ט (ṭ = emphatic ṯ) occurs in all Sem. languages. ט alternates with ת (cp. תעה and טעה, חתף and חטף) and appears esp. in the vicinity of emphatic and guttural sounds. See טֵית.

טָאוּט adj. MH swept. [Pass. part. of טָאַט. See טאט.]

טֵאוּט m.n. MH sweeping. [Verbal n. of טֵאֵט. Pi. of טאט.]

טאט to sweep.
    — Pi. - טֵאֵט he swept.
    — Pu. - טֹאַט was swept. [From טאטא.]

טאטא to sweep.
    — Pi. - טאטֵא he swept (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 14:23 in the form וְטֵאטֵאתִיהָ).
    — Pu. - טֻאטָא was swept. [Aram. טָאטֵי (= he swept).] Derivatives: טִאטוּא, מַטְאֲטֵא. cp. טאט.

טִאטוּא m.n. NH sweeping. [Verbal n. of טִאטֵא.]

טָב, טָבָא adj. PBH good. [Aram. equivalent of Heb. טוֹב (q.v.). cp. טִיבוּתָא.]

טַבּוּ m.n. FW taboo. [Tongan tabu (= forbidden), related to Polynesian tapu (= sacred). The orig. meaning prob. was ‘exceedingly marked’, from ta (= mark) and pu (= exceedingly).]

טַבּוּ ᴵᴵ m.n. FW ‘Tabu’ — Land Registry office in Mandatory Palestine. [From Turkish.]

טָבֽוּחַ adj. PBH slaughtering. [Pass. part of טָבַח. See טבח.]

טְבֽוֹחַ m.n. PBH slaughtering. [From טבח.]

טָבוּל adj. PBH immersed, dipped. [Pass. part. of טָבַל. See טבל ᴵ.]

טָבוּל ᴵᴵ adj. produce from which the priestly and levitical dues were not set aside. [Pass. part. of טָבַל. See טבל ᴵᴵ.]

טִבּוּל m.n. PBH dipping (into salt, vinegar, etc.). [Verbal n. of טִבֵּל, Pi. of טבל.]

טְבוּל m.n. turban (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 23:15 in the pl. טְבוּלִים). [cp. Ethiop. tablala (= he wrapped up).]

טִבּֽוּעַ m.n. PBH sinking, immersion. [Verbal n. of טִבַּע, Pi. of טבע.]

טִבְּוּעַ ᴵᴵ m.n. NH ringing (of birds for identification). [Verbal n. of טִבַּע, Pi. of טבע ᴵᴵ.]

טָבֽוּעַ adj. MH 1 drowned, sunk. PBH 2 minted, coined. NH 3 engraved, impressed (fig.). [Pass. part. of טָבַע. See טבע ᴵᴵ.]

טַבּוּר m.n. navel, highest point, center. [Of uncertain origin. Aram. טבּוּרָא is prob. a Heb. loan word.] Derivatives: סַבּוּרִי, טַבּוּרִית.

טַבּוּרִי adj. NH umbilical, navel (orange). [Formed from טַבּוּר with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טַבּוּרִית f.n. NH navelwort. [Formed from טַבּוּר with suff. ◌ִית.]

טבח to slaughter, kill.
    — Qal - he slaughtered, slew, killed.
    — Niph. - נִטְבַּח ws slaughtered, was slain, was killed. [Pun. טבח (= to slaughter), מטבח (= slaughtering place), Aram.-Syr. טְבַח (= he slaughtered, slew), Ugar. ṭbkh (= to slaughter, to cook), Akka. ṭabākhu (= to slaughter), Arab. ṭabakha (= he cooked, he baked), Ethiop. ṭabaḥa (= he slaughtered, sacrificed).] Derivatives: טָבוּחַ, טְבוֹחַ, טַבָּח, טֶבַח, סבְחָה, טְבִיחָה, מַטֽבֵּחַ, מטְבָּח, מטְבָּחַיִם.

טַבָּח m.n. 1 cook. PBH 2 butcher. 3 executioner, guardsman. [Nomen opificis formed from טבח according to the pattern פַּעָל. cp. BAram. טַבָּח (= guardsman).] Derivatives: טַבָּחוּת, טַבַּחַת.

טֶֽבַח m.n. 1 slaughtering. 2 slaughter, massacre. [From טבח.]

טִבְחָה f.n. 1 meat killed for food. 2 slaughter, massacre. [From טבח. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַבָּחוּת f.n. MH 1 slaughter. NH 2 cooking. [Formed from טַבָּח with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַבַּחַת f.n. female cook. [f. of טַבָּח.]

טַבְטוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. FW tautology. [Late L. tautologia, from Gk. tautologia, lit. ‘the saying of the same thing’, compounded of toato — contraction of to auto (= the same), and logia (= one who speaks in a certain manner, one who deals with a certain topic). For the etymology of logia see ◌לוֹגֽיָה.]

טְבִיחָה f.n. PBH 1 slaughtering (of animals). MH 2 slaughtering, slaying, killing. [Verbal n. of טָבַח. See טבח and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְבִילָה f.n. PBH dipping, immersion. [Verbal n. of טָבַל. See טבל ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְבִיעָה f.n. PBH 1 sinking, drowning. MH 2 minting, coining. [Verbal n. of טָבַע. See טבע ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְבִיעוּת f.n. PBH impression (used especially in the phrase טְבִיעוּת־עַיִן, ‘perceptiveness’, ‘intuition’). [Formed from טבע ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

טבל to dip, immerse.
    — Qal - טָבַל 1 he dipped, immersed; 2 he immersed himself (bodily).
    — Niph. - נִטֽבַּל was dipped, was immersed.
    — Pi. - טבֵּל he dipped (into salt, vinegar, etc.).
    — Pu. - טֻבַּל was dipped (into salt, vinegar, etc.).
    — Hiph. - הִטְבִּיל PBH 1 he immersed; NH 2 he baptized.
    — Hoph. - הֻטֽבַּל MH 1 was immersed; NH 2 was baptized. [Aram. טְבַל (= he dipped, immersed).] Derivatives: טָבוּל ᴵ, טִבּוּל, טְבִילָה, טוֹבֽלָן, טַבְלָן, הַטְבָּלָה, מַטְבִּיל, מֻטֽבָּל, מְטֻבָּל, מטֽבָּלָה.

טבל ᴵᴵ to make produce subject to priestly and levitical dues.
    — Qal - טָבַל he made produce subject to priestly and levitical dues.
    — Niph. - נִטְבַּל was made subject to priestly and levitical dues (said of produce). [Denominated from טֶבֶל.] Derivative: טָבוּל ᴵᴵ.

טֶֽבֶל m.n. PBH produce from which the priestly and levitical dues have not been set aside. [Of uncertain origin.] Derivative: טבל ᴵᴵ

טֵבְלָא, טַבְלָה f.n. PBH 1 table, board. NH 2 list. [Gk. tabla, L. tabula (= board, plank, writing tablet, picture), which is of uncertain origin. cp. ‘table’ in my CEDEL. cp. also first element in דּוֹלְמֶן in this dictionary.] Derivatives: טַבְלִית, טַבְלָר.

טַבְלִית f.n. NH tablet, lozenge. [Formed from טַבְלָה with dimin. suff. ◌ִית.]

טַבְלָן m.n. NH Podiceps (a kind of a water bird). [Coined by Mendele Mocher Sepharim, c. 1836–1917, from טָבַל (= he dipped, immersed) and suff. ◌ָן.]

טבע to sink, sink down; to impress, coin.
    — Qal - טָבַע 1 he sank, sank down, was drowned; PBH 2 he coined, stamped; PBH 3 he formulated.
    — Niph. - נטֽבַּע PBH 1 was sunk; NH 2 was impressed.
    — Pi. - טבַּע he stamped.
    — Pu. - טֻבַּע was drowned.
    — Hiph. - הִטֽבִּיעַ 1 he caused to sink; 2 he coined, stamped, struck.
    — Hoph. - הָטֽבַּע 1 was sunk; 2 was set as a foundation; NH 3 was coined, was stamped, was struck. [Aram.-Syr. טֽבַע (= he sank, was drowned), Phoen. טִבע (= coin), Arab. ṭaba‘a (= he sealed, stamped, imprinted) Ethiop. ṭamava (= he dipped, immersed), Akka. ṭebü (= to sink in). cp. טֵבֵת, cp. also טמע.] Derivatives: טָבוּעַ, טֽבִיעָה, טְבִיעוּת, טֶבַע ᴵ, טֶבַע ᴵᴵ, טִבֽעוֹנִי, טַבַּעַת, מִטֽבָּע, מֻטֽבָּע ᴵ, מֻטֽבָּע ᴵᴵ, מִטְבָּעָה, מַטְבַּעַת. cp. טֵבֵת.

טבע ᴵᴵ to put a ring (on something).
    — Pi. - טִבַּע he put a ring (esp. on birds, etc. for identification), ringed.
    — Pu. - טֻבָּע was ringed. [Denominated from טַבַּעַת. Derivatives: טִבּוּעַ ᴵᴵ, מְטֻבָּע ᴵᴵ.

טֶֽבַע m.n. NH 1 nature. PBH 2 substance, element. [From טבע ᴵ. cp. Aram. טִבְעָא, Arab. ṭabī‘a (= nature).] Derivatives: טִבְעוֹנוּת, טִבְעוֹנִי, טִבְעִי, טִבֽעֲתָן.

טֶֽבַע ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH 1 name of an ancient coin in the value of half a ‘sela’. 2 character, characteristic. MH 3 impression on a coin. [From טבע ᴵ.]

טִבְעוֹנוּת f.n. NH naturalism, naturism. [Formed from טֶבַע ᴵ with suff. ◌וֹנוּת (the compound of the suffixes ◌וֹן and ◌וּת).]

טִבְעוֹנִי adj. NH naturalistic, naturistic. [Formed from טֶבַע ᴵ with suff. ◌וֹנִי (the compound of the suffixes ◌וֹן and ◌ִי.]

טִבְעִי adj. MH natural. [Formed from טֶבַע ᴵ with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טִבְעִיּוּת f.n. NH naturalness. [Formed from טִבֽעִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַבַֽעַת f.n. ring, signet ring. [Formed from טבע ᴵ with suff. ◌ַת. cp. Akka. ṭimbu‘u, timbuttu, Syr. טַבְעָא (= seal ring).] Derivative: טַבַּעְתִּי.

טַבַּעְתִּי adj. NH ringlike, annular. [Formed from טֵבַּעַת with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טִבְעֲתָן m.n. NH naturalist. [From טֶבַע ᴵ. For the ending see suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: טִבְעֲתָנוּת.

טִבְעֲתָנוּת f.n. NH naturalism. [Formed from טבֽעֲתָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַבָּק m.n. FW tobacco. [Sp. tabaco, from Taino (Caribbean) tabaco (= pipe for smoking, roll of tobacco leaves). See ‘tobacco’ in my CEDEL.] Derivative: טַבָּקֵאי.

טַבָּקַאי m.n. NH tobacconist. [Formed from טַבָּק with suff. ◌ַאי.]

טְבֶרְיָנִי, טַבְרָנִי adj. MH of Tiberias, Tiberian. [Formed from טְבֶרְיָה (= Tiberias), with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

טֵבֵת m.n. ‘tebeth’ — name of the tenth Jewish month. [Akka. ṭebētu, which is of uncertain origin. It means perhaps lit. ‘month of sinking in’ (i.e. muddy month), from ṭebē (= to sink in), which is related to Heb. טָבַע (= he sank) (q.v.).]

טִגּוּן m.n. PBH frying. [Verbal n. of טִגֵּן, Pi. of טגן.]

טגן to fry.
    — Pi. - טִגֵּן he fried.
    — Pu. - טֻגַּן was fried.
    — Nith. - נִטַּגֵּן was fried. [Denominated from טֵיגָן. cp. Arab. ṭajana (= he fried), denominated from ṭājin (= frying pan).] Derivatives: טִגּוּן, טֻגָּן, הִטַּגְּנוּת, מְטֻגָּן.

טֻגָּן m.n. NH chips. [From טֻגַּן, Pu. of טגן.]

טָהוֹר adj. pure. [From טהר.]

טִהוּר m.n. NH cleaning, purification.

טהר to be clean, be pure.
    — Qal - טָהַר was clean, was pure.
    — Niph. - נִטְהַר was clean, was pure, became clean, became pure.
    — Pi. - טִהֵר, טִהַר 1 he cleansed, purified; 2 he pronounced clean.
    — Pu. - טֹהַר was cleansed, was purified.
    — Hith. - הִטַּהֵר he cleansed himself, purified himself. [Ugar. ṭhr (= pure), Aram. טְהֵר, טִיהֲרָא (= cleanness, emptiness), Arab. ṭahara, ṭahura (= was clean, was pure), OSArab. טהר (= clean), Ethiop. ’athara (= he purified).] Derivatives: טָהוֹר, טִהוּר, טֹהַר, טָהֳרָה, טַהֲרָן, הִטַּהֲרוּת, מְטֹהָר, מַטְהֶרֶת.

טֹהַר m.n. purity, purification. [From טהר.]

טָהֳרָה f.n. cleansing, purifying, purification. [From טהר with first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְהָרוֹת f.n. pl. PBH ‘Tohoroth’ — name of the sixth order of the Mishnah and of the tractate dealing with the laws of purity and impurity. [Pl. of טָהַֽרָה.]

טַהֲרָן m.n. NH purish. [Formed from טהר with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: טַהֲרָנוּת, טַהֲרָנִי.]

טַהֲרָנוּת f.n. NH purism. [Formed from טַהֲרָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַהֲרָנִי adj. NH puristic. [Formed from טַהֲרָן with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טָו m.n. NH yarn. [From טוה.]

טַוַּאי m.n. NH spinner. [Nomen opificis formed from טוה.]

טַוָּאִיִּים m.n. pl. NH Bombycidae (entomology). [Pl. of טַוַּאי.]

טוב to be good, be pleasing.
    — Qal - טֹב (= was good, was pleasing).
    — Hiph. - הֵטִיב, הֵיטִיב (= he did good, did well).
    — Hoph. - הוּטַב became better, was improved.
    — Pi. - טִיֵּב he improved or ameliorated (the soil).
    — Pu. - טֻיַּב was improved, was ameliorated.
    — Hith. - הִטַּיֵּב (of s.m.). [For the other forms see יטב, which is a collateral form of טוב. cp. the following pairs of bases, which, like טוב and יטב complete each other: אבה and יאב (= to wish, desire), בוֹש and יבשׁ (= to be ashamed), גור and יגר (= to fear), יצב and נצב (= to stand), קוץ and יקץ (= to awake), ירק and רקק (= to spit).] [Aram. טָב, BAram. טְאֵב, Syr. טֵאב, טָב (= was good), Ugar. ṭb (= good), ṭbn (= goodness), Arab. ṭāba (= was good, pleasant, delicious or savory in taste or odor), Akka. ṭābu (= to be good, kind or joyful).] Derivatives: טוֹב ᴵ (adj.), טוֹב ᴵᴵ (n.), טוּב, טוֹבָה, הֲטָבָה, מוּטָב, מֵטִיב, מְטֻיָּב. cp. טִיבוּתָא.

טוֹב adj. good, pleasant, agreeable, kind. [From בוב. cp. טָב.] Derivatives: טוֹב ᴵᴵ, טוֹב ᴵᴵᴵ, טוֹבָה.

טוֹב ᴵᴵ n. a good thing, welfare. [From טוֹב (adj.).]

טוֹב ᴵᴵᴵ adv. well. [From טוֹב (adj.).]

טוּב m.n. goodness, good things, welfare. [From טוב.] Derivatives: טוּבִים, טוּבִין.

טוֹבָה f.n. goodness, welfare, prosperity. [Properly f. of the adj. טוֹב (= good), used as an noun.]

טוּבָּה f.n. FW tuba (music). [L. tuba (= trumpet). Of uncertain origin.]

טוּבִים, טוּבִין m.n. pl. NH goods, chattel [Formed from טוּב on the analogy of Eng. goods.]

טוֹבְלָן m.n. NH plunger (mechanics). [Formed from טוֹבֵל, act. part. of טָבַל (see טבל) with suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: טוֹבְלָנִי.

טוֹבְלָנִי adj. plunger (adj.). [Formed from טוֹבְלָן with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טוֹבְעָנוּת f.n. NH waterlogging. [Formed from טוֹבְעָנִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

טוֹבְעָנִי adj. PBH swampy, boggy, waterlogged. [Formed from טוֹבֵעַ, active part, of טבע (= to sink), with suff. ◌ָנִי.] Derivative: טוֹבְצָנוּת.

טוֹגָה f.n. FW toga. [From L. toga (= a garment), lit. ‘a covering’, which stands in gradational relationship to tegere (= to cover). See ‘thatch’ in my CEDEL.]

טוה to spin.
    — Qal - טָוָה he spun.
    — Niph. - נִטְוָה was spun. [Akka. tāmu (= to spin), Arab. tawa(y) (= he folded, wound), Aram. מַטְוַיְתָא (= spider), Ethiop. ṭawaya (= he turned, twisted).] Derivatives: טָו, טַוַּאי, טָווּי, טִוּוּי, טְוִי, טְוִיָּה, מִטְוָאָה, מַטְוֶה, מַטֽוִיָּה.

טִוּוּחַ m.n. NH ranging, range-finding (artillery). [Verbal n. of טִוַּח, Pi. of טוח ᴵᴵ.]

טָווּי adj. PBH spun. [Pass. part. of טָוָה. See טוה.]

טִוּוּי m.n. NH spinning. [From טוה.]

טַוְזִיג, טוּזִיג m.n. PBH picnic. [From Pers. tūzī (= picnic) whence also Arab. tūzīgh.]

טוח to spread over, besmear, to press plaster, squeeze.
    — Qal - טָח 1 he plastered, daubed, coated; PBH 2 he pressed, squeezed.
    — Niph. - נִטּוֹחַ 1 was plastered; PBH 2 was pressed, was squeezed.
    — Pi. - טִיַּח he plastered, daubed, coated.
    — Pu. - טֻיַּח was plastered, was daubed, was coated.
    — Hiph. - הֵטִיחַ 1 he plastered; 2 he knocked against, he shot.
    — Hoph. - הוּטַח 1 was plastered; 2 was knocked. [Aram. טוח (of s.m.), Arab. ṭakha (= he besmeared), Ethiop. tē‘a (= he spread over). Related to base טחח.] Derivatives: טוּחַ, טִיּוּחַ, טִיחַ, טַיַּח, טִיחָה, הֶטֵּחַ, הֲטָחָה, מֻטָח, מְטֻיָּח. cp. טוּחָה.

טוח ᴵᴵ to find the range, to range.
    — Pi. - טִוַּח he found the range, ranged.
    — Pu. - טֻוַּח its range was found, was ranged. [Denominated from טְוָח.] Derivatives: טִוּוּחַ, מִטְוָח, מְטֻוָּח.

טֽוּחַ adj. PBH plastered. [Pass. part. of טוּחַ (= to plaster). See טוח ᴵ.]

טְוָח m.n. PBH shooting distance, range. [Related to טחה.] Derivatives: טוח ᴵᴵ, טַוָּח, מִטְוָח.

טֵוָּח m.n. NH range taker. [Nomen opificis formed from טְוָח (= range), according to the pattern פַּעָל.]

טוּחָה f.n. inward part (occurring Ps. 51:8 and Job 38:36 in the pl. טֻחוֹת and usually rendered by ‘kidneys’). [Prob. derived from טוח and lit. meaning ‘something covered’.]

טוֹחֵן f.n. miller. [Subst. use of the active part of טָחַן. See טחו and cp. טוֹחֶנֶת.]

טוֹחֶֽנֶת f.n. NH 1 miller. NH 2 miller’s wife. 3 molar tooth. [Subst. use of the f. act. part. of טָחַן. See טחן and cp. טוֹחֵן. cp. also Arab. ṭāḥina (= molar tooth), which is the exact equivalent of טוֹחֶנֶת.]

טוּט m.n. PBH sound of the ‘shofar’. [Aram., imitative.]

טוֹטָלִי adj. FW total. [L. tōtālis, from L. tōtus (= all, the whole of, entire), which is of uncertain origin. For the ending see adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טוֹטֶם m.n. FW totem. [Of Algonquian origin. cp. Ojibway ototeman (= his relations).] Derivative: טוֹטֶמִיזְם

טוֹטֶמִיזְם m.n. FW totemism. [Formed from טוֹטֶם with suff. ◌ִיזְם.]

טוֹטָף m.n. NH carrier pigeon’s ring. [Back formation from טוֹטֶפֶת.]

טוֹטֶֽפֶת f.n. 1 band, frontlet-band. PBH 2 phylactery. [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps formed from טַפְטָפוֹת, from טִפְטֵף, Pi. of נטף (= to drop), whence נְטִיפָה (= pendant). cp. טַפְטֶפֶת.]

טְוִי m.n. NH web. [From טוה.]

טְוִיָּה f.n. PBH spinning. [Verbal n. of טַוָה. See טוה and first suff. ◌ָה.][[illegible]]

טיכְּסִין see טוֹקְסִין.

טול to cast. throw, hurl.
    — Hiph. - הֵטִיל 1 he cast, threw, hurled; PBH 2 it laid (eggs).
    — Hoph. - הוּטַל was cast, was thrown, was hurled; NH 2 was laid (said of an egg).
    — Pi. - טִלְטֵל (See טלטל). [Related to נטל. cp. Arab. ṭāla (= was long). cp. also טיל.] Derivatives: הֶטֵּל ᴵ, הֲטָלָה, טִיל, מוֹטָל, מָטוֹל, מְטִילָה, מְטִילָן.

טוֹלֶרַנְטִי adj. FW tolerant. [Formed from Fren. tolérant, from L. tolerantem, accusative of tolerāns, pres. part. of tolerāre (= to bear, support, endure, tolerate), from the stem of tollere (= to lift up, raise).]

טוּמְאָה see טֻמְאָה.

טוּמְטוּם see טֻמְטוּם.

טוֹן m.n. FW tone. [L. tonus (= sound, tone), from Gk. tonos (= that which is stretched, a stretching, a straining, pitch of the voice, musical tone). See ‘tend’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘tone’ ibid. cp. also טוֹנוּס, טוֹנִיק and the second element in מוֹנוֹטוֹנִי.]

טוֹן ᴵᴵ see טוֹנָה.

טוּנְגְסְטֶן m.n. FW tungsten — a metallic element (chemistry). [Swedish tungsten, coined by its discoverer, the Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele in 1780 from Swedish tung (= heavy), and sten (= stone).]

טוּנְדְּרָה f.n. FW tundra (plain in northern Russia). [Russian, from Lapp tun-tur (= lit.: ‘a marshy plain’).]

טוֹנָה f.n. FW ton. [Fren. tonne, from L. tonna, tunna, which is of Gaulish origin. See ‘ton’ (a large weight) in my CEDEL and cp. טוֹנָז׳.]

טוֹנוּס m.n. FW tonus. [L. tonus (= sound, tone). See טוֹן ᴵ.]

טוֹנָז׳ m.n. FW tonnage. [Fren. tonnage, from tonne (= ton). See טוֹנָה. For the ending see suff. ‘-age’ in my CEDEL.]

טוֹנִיק m.n. FW tonic. [Fren. tonique, from Gk. tonkos (= of or for stretching, of or for tones), from tonos. See טוֹן ᴵ. For the ending see adj. suff. ‘-ic’ in my CEDEL.]

טוּנִיקָה f.n. FW tunic. [From Fren. tunique, or directly from L. tunica, which stands for *tunica and was borrowed, prob. through the medium of the Phoenicians, from Aram. כִּתּוּנָא, from Heb. כְּתֹנֶת.]

טוס to fly, flutter.
    — Qal. - טָס PBH 1 it flew (said of a bird); NH 2 he flew in an airplane (in this latter sense suggested by H.N. Bialik, 1873–1934).
    — Hiph. - הֵטִיס PBH 1 he caused to fly; NH 2 he carried or transported in an aircraft.
    — Hoph. - הוּטַס 1 was flown; 2 was carried or transported in an aircraft. [A PBH var. of BH טושׁ.] Derivatives: טִיּוּס, טַיִס, טַיָּס, טִיסָה, טַיֶּסֶת ᴵ, טַיֶּסֶת ᴵᴵ, מוּטָס, מָטוֹס, מַטָּס.

טַוָּס m.n. PBH peacock, peahen. [From Gk. taos (whence also Aram. טַוָּסָא, Arab. ṭāwūs), which prob. comes ultimately from Tamil tōkei, tōgei (whence also Heb. תֻּכִּי, ‘peacock’, q.v.). cp. פָּוָן.]

טוֹעֶה adj. PBH erring, mistaken; esp. referred to the followers of the early Christians. [Part. of טָעָה. See טעה.]

טוֹעֵם m.n. NH taster. [Part. of טָעַם. See טעם.]

טוֹעֵן m.n. MH 1 claimant. 2 pleader. [Subst. use of the act. part. of טָעַן. See טען.]

טוף to float. [Aram. equivalent of Heb. צוף. [Whence טָף (= floated), אֲטֵף (= he drowned). Occurring in Hillel’s saying on seeing a skull floating on the surface of the water (Aboth, 2:6) עַל דַּאֲטֵפְתְּ אֲטִיפוּךְ וְסוֹף מְטִיפַיִךְ יְטוּפוּן (= because you drowned others, others have drowned you, and those who have drowned you shall themselves be drowned).]

טוֹפּוֹגְרַפְיָה f.n. FW topography. [L. topographia, from Gk. topographia (= description of a place), from topographos (= one who describes a place), which is compounded of topos (= place) and graphos (= one who writes), from graphein (= to write). See אוּטוֹפְּיָה and ◌גְרָף.]

טוֹפְפָנִי adj. NH mincing (walk). [From טפף (= to mince). For the ending see suff. ◌ָנִי.]

טוֹקָטָה f.n. FW toccata (music). [Italian, properly pass. part of toccare (= to touch), used as a noun. Toccata lit. means ‘a keyboard that is touched’. Italian toccare derives from L. toccare (= to knock, strike, rap), which is of imitative origin. See ‘touch’ in my CEDEL.]

טוּקָן m.n. FW toucan (a South American bird). [From Portuguese tucano, from Tupi tuca which is of imitative origin.]

טוֹקְסִין, טוֹכְּסִין m.n. FW toxin. [From Gk. toxikon (= bow, arrow), used in the sense of ‘poison’. A loan word from Scythian taxsha, whence also L. taxus (= yew). See ‘toxic’ and suff. ‘-in’ in my CEDEL.]

טוּר m.n. 1 row, line. MH 2 line in script. NH 3 column of a page. NH 4 series (mathematics). [Related to Syr. טוֹרָא (= space — of time or distance), Arab. ṭaur (= time — in the sense of L. vicis.] Derivatives: טוּרַאי, טוּרִי, טוּרַיִם ᴵ, טוּרַיִם ᴵᴵ, טוּרִית.

טוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. mountain. [Aram. Related to Heb. צוּר (= rock) (q.v.).]

טוֹר m. FW agential suff. -tor. [L. -tor, cognate with Gk. -tor, -ter, Old I. tār.]

טוּרַאי m.n. NH private (in the army). [Formed from טוּר ᴵ with agential suff. ◌ַאי.]

טוּרְבִּינָה f.n. FW turbine. [Fren. turbine, from L. turbinem, accusative of turbō (= that which spins), which derives from turba (= uproar, confusion, crowd), whence also turbāre (= to confuse, bewilder). See ‘turbid’ in my CEDEL.]

טוּרְבָּל see טֻרְבָּל.

טוֹרְדָן adj. NH troublesome, bothersome. [Formed from טרד (= to trouble), with agential suff. ◌ָן. cp. טַרְדָן.] Derivative: טוֹרְדָנִי.

טוֹרְדָנִי adj. NH bothering, annoying. [Formed from טוֹרְדָן with adj. suff. ◌ִי. cp. טַרְדָנִי.]

טוּרִי adj. NH arranged in a row. [Formed from טוּר (= row), with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טוֹרִי n. FW Tory. [Eng. Tory, from Irish tōraidhe (= robber), lit. ‘pursuer’, which is related to Old Irish toraht, Gaelic tōir (= pursuit). The name was orig. used for a class of Irish outlaws in the 16th and 17th centuries.]

טוֹרֵיאָדוֹר m.n. FW toreador. [Sp. toreador (= bullfighter), from torear (= to fight bulls), from toro (= bull), from L. taurus, which is of Sem. origin. See שׁוֹר.]

טוּרִיָּה f.n. hoe. [From Arab. ṭūriyya (= hoe).]

טוּרַֽיִם m. dual n. NH double row. [Dual of טוּר.]

טוּרַֽיִם ᴵᴵ m. dual n. Diplotaxis (botany). [Dual of טוּר; so called because its seeds are arranged in double rows.]

טוּרִית f.n. NH sowing machine. [Formed from טוּר ᴵ, with suff. ◌ִית.]

טוֹרְנָדוֹ m.n. FW [Sp. tronada (= thunderstorm), from tronar (= to thunder), from L. tonāre (= to thunder); influenced in form by Sp. tornado, p. part of tornar (= to turn), from L. tornāre (= to turn in a lathe, turn, polish, fashion).]

טוֹרְסוּ m.n. torso. [Italian torso, from L. thyrsus, from Gk. thyrsos (= a light, straight shaft). See ‘thyrsus’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘torso’ ibid.]

טוֹרֵף adj. 1 raptorial; 2 carnivorous. [Properly part. of טָרַף. See טרף ᴵ.]

טוֹרֵף ᴵᴵ n. NH 1 scrambler (telephone, radio); 2 shuffler (of cards). [Properly part. of טָרַף. See טרף ᴵᴵ.]

טוֹרְפֶּדוֹ m.n. FW torpedo. [L. torpēdō, genitive torpēdinis (= numbness; crampfish), from torpēre (= to be numb, be torpid, be sluggish, to be stupefied). See ‘torpedo’ in my CEDEL.] Derivative: טרפד.

טוֹרְפָנִי adj. NH predatory, preying. [Formed from טוֹרֵף ᴵ with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

טושׂ to fly, flutter.
    — Qal - טָשׂ it flew (the bird), fluttered, swooped down (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 9:26 in the form יָטוּש.) [Aram. טוס (= to fly), Syr. טָס (= flew), Arab. ṭāsha (= was unstable). cp. טוס.]

טושׁ to smear over, to polish.
    — Qal - טָשׁ he polished.
    — Pi. - טִשְׁטֵשׁ (see טשׁטשׁ). [Of uncertain origin.] Derivative: מָטוֹשׁ.

טְַחַב m.n. PBH dampness, moisture. [Prob. related to Arab. ṭaḫf (= a light cloud).] Derivatives: טחב, טְחָב.

טחב to be damp, be moist.
    — Qal - טָחַב became damp (see טָחוּב).
    — Hiph. - וִזטְחִיב made damp, dampened, moistened.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְחַב was made damp, was dampened, was moistened. [Denominated from טַחַב.]

טְחָב m.n. NH bryophyte (botany). [From טַחַב.]

טחה to hurl, shoot.
    — Qal - טָחָה he pushed.
    — Pa.‘el . - טִחֲוָה prob. ‘he shot a bow’ (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 21:16 in the phrase כִּמְטַחֲוֵי קֶשֶׁת, which prob. means ‘like shootness of a bow’, or ‘as it were a bow-shot’). [Arab. taḥa(y) (= he spread, carried far). cp. טְוָח (= shooting, distance, range).]

טָחוּב adj. NH damp, humid. [Pass. part. of טָחַב. See טחב.]

טְחוֹל m.n. PBH spleen, milt. [Related to Aram. טְחָלָא, טְחוֹלָא, Syr. טְחָלָא, Arab. tiḥāl (of s.m.).]

טָחוֹן adj. MH ground. [Pass. part. of טָחַן. See טחן.]

טָחוֹן ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH miller. [From טחן.]

טְחוֹן m.n. grinding mill, handmill (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lam. 5:13). [From טחן.]

טָחוּר adj. NH suffering from piles. [Pass. part. of טָחַר. See טחן.]

טְחוֹרִים m.n. pl. hemorrhoids, piles. [Related to Aram. טְחוֹרִין (= hemorrhoids), Syr. טְחוֹרָא, טִחָרָא (= straining at stool). Derivatives: טְחִירָה, טָחַר, טַחֲרָן.

טחח to be besmeared.
    — Qal - טָח was besmeared (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 44:18 in the phrase טַח מֵרְאוֹת עֵינֵיהֶם (= their eyes have been besmeared so that they do not see). [Related to טוח.]

טְחִינָה f.n. PBH grinding. [Verbal n. of טָחַן. See טחן and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְחִינָה ᴵᴵ f.n. NH ‘tehina’ (sesame oil used as food and for making ‘halwa’). [Arab. taḥīna, from ṭaḥana (= he ground). See טחן and cp. טְחִינָה ᴵ.]

טְחִירָה f.n. NH tenesmus (medicine). [Back formation from טְחוֹרִים.]

טחן to grind.
    — Qal - טָחֵן he ground.
    — Niph. - נִטְחֵן was ground.
    — Hiph. - הִטְחִין he caused to grind, engaged in grinding.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְחַן was made to grind, was engaged in grinding. [Aram. טְחַן, Syr. טְחֵן, Arab. ṭaḥana (= he ground), OSArab. טחן, Ugar. ṭḥn, Akka. tēnu, ṭemu (= to grind), Ethiop. ṭeḥn (= meal).] Derivatives: טוֹחֵן, טוֹחֶנֶת, טָחוֹן, טָחוּן, טְחוֹן, טְחִינָה ᴵ, טֶחָן. מַטֽחֵן, מַטְחֵנָה.

טֶחָן m.n. NH miller. [Nomen opificis coined from טחן (= to grind).]

טַחֲנָה m.n. mill (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 12:4). [Formed from טחן with first suff. ◌ָה.]

טחר to strain at stool.
    — Qal - טָחַר he strained at stool. [Back formation from טְחוֹרִים. cp. Syr. טְחַר (of. s.m.).] Derivative: טַחֲרָן.

טַחֲרָן m.n. NH a person who works with effort. [Formed from טחר with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: טַחֲרָנוּת.

טַחֲרָנוּת f.n. NH toilsomeness. [Formed from טַחֲרָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טֶטְרָאֶדֶר m.n. FW tetrahedron (geometry). [Compounded of Gk. tetra (= four) and hedra (= seat, base, side, face). See ‘tetarto’ and ‘hedron’ in my CEDEL.]

טֶטְרָגוֹן m.n. FW tetragon (geometry). [L. tetragonum, from Gk. tetragonon, which is compounded of tetra (= four) and gonon (see ‘-gon’ in my CEDEL).]

טֶטְרַכּוֹרְד m.n. FW tetrachord. [Compounded of Gk. tetra (= four) and chorde (= string). See ‘chord’ in my CEDEL.]

טֶטְרָלוֹגְיָה f.n. FW tetralogy. [Compounded of Gk. tetra (= four) and logia, from logos (= word, speech, discourse, reason, account). See לוֹגוּס.]

טְיָאָרָה f.n. FW tiara. [L. tiāra, from Gk. tiara, which is of Oriental origin.]

טִיב m.n. PBH quality, character, nature. [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps related to Syr. טֶאבָא (= message, news, tidings, rumors, fame, reportation), Arab. ẓāb (= speech, talk). See טוב.]

טֵיבוּתָא f.n. PBH goodness, thanks, favor. (Occurring in Aram. phrases quoted from Talmud.) [From טָב, טָבָא (= good). See טוֹב.]

טֵיגַן m.n. PBH frying pan. [From Gk. teganon (= frying pan). Aram.-Syr. טֵיגְגָא, whence Arab. ṭājin (= frying pan) is of the same origin.] Derivative: טגן.

טִיגְרִיס m.n. PBH tiger. [L. tigris, from Gk. tigris (properly ‘the swift animal’), word of Iranian origin. cp. Avestic tijrish (= arrow), tijra (= pointed). These words are derivatives of base * (s)teig (= to prick, stick, pierce). See ‘stick’ (v.) in my CEDEL.]

טִיּוּב m.n. PBH improvement, amelioration (said of the soil). [Verbal n. of טִיֵּב, Pi. of טוב.]

טִיּֽוּחַ m.n. NH plastering. [Verbal n. of טִיַּח, Pi. of טוח.]

טִיּוּט m.n. NH drafting. [Verbal n. of טִיֵּט, Pi. of טיט ᴵᴵ.]

טְיּוּטָה f.n. NH rough draft, first copy. [Aram. טִיּוּטָא. From טיט ᴵᴵ. Hence it follows that the correct vocalization of the word is טִיּוּטָה and not טְיוּטָה. See טִיּוּט.]

טִיּוּל m.n. NH walking, walk, trip, excursion. [Verbal n. of טִיֵּל, Pi. of טיל.]

טַיּוּן m.n. NH elecampane, inula (botany).

טִיּוּס m.n. NH flying. [Verbal n. of טִיֵּס, Pi. of טוס.]

טִֽיחַ m.n. coating, plaster (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 13:12). [From טוח ᴵ.]

טַיָּח m.n. NH plasterer. [Nomen opificis formed from טוח (= to plaster), according to the pattern פַּעָל.] Derivative: טַיָּחוּת.

טִיחָה f.n. PBH plastering. [Verbal n. of טוח (= to plaster). See טוח and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טִיחָה ᴵᴵ f.n. MH shooting, shot. [From the stem of טִוַּח (= he found the range). For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַיָּחוּת m.n. plastering. [Formed from טַיָּח with suff. ◌וּת.]

טיט to plaster.
    — Pi. - טִיֵּט he plastered.
    — Pu. - טֻיַּט was plastered.
    — Nith. - נִטַּיֵּט was smeared with mud. [Denominated from טִיט.] Derivative: מְטֻיָּט ᴵ.

טיט ᴵᴵ to erase, to draft.
    — Pi. - טִיֵּט he erased, he drafted.
    — Pu. - טֻיַּט was erased, was drafted. [Special sense development of טיט ᴵ.] Derivatives: טִיּוּט, מְטֻיָּט ᴵᴵ.

טִיט m.n. mud, mire, clay. [Prob. standing for ṭint and related to Aram., BAram. and Syr. טִינָא (= mud, mire, clay), Arab. ṭīn (= clay). Arab. ṭīn, however, may be an Aram. loan word.] Derivatives: טיט ᴵ, טיט ᴵᴵ, טִיטִי, טְיּוּטָה, מְטֻיָּט.

טִיטִי adj. MH muddy. [Formed from טִיט with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טִיטָן m.n. FW Titan (Greek mythology). [Gk. titan (= a Titan), orig. god of the sun, and derived from tito (= sun, day), which is prob. a loan word from Asia Minor. cp. טִיטָנִיּוּם.]

טִיטָנִיּוּם m.n. FW titanium (chemistry). [L. titanium, coined by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1796 from L. Titānī or Titānōs, from Gk. Titanes (pl. of Titan), the sons of Uranus and Gaea, in reference to another element discovered by him six years before and called by him uranium. See טִיטָן. For the ending of titanium see second ‘-ium’ in my CEDEL.]

טיל to walk, to go on a trip.
    — Pi. - טִיֵּל 1 he walked; 2 he went on a trip; 3 he took for a walk. [Prob. related to Arab. ṭāla (= was long). See טול.] Derivatives: טִיּוּל, טַיָּל, טַיְּלָן, טַיֶּלֶת, מָטוּלָה, מְטַיֵּל.

טַיָּל m.n. PBH one who walks for pleasure, stroller. [Formed from טִיֵּל (= he walked) according to the pattern פַּעָל.]

טִיל m.n. NH missile. [From טול (= to cast, throw, hurl).]

טַֽיִל m.n. NH walk, trip. [From טיל.]

טִילְיָה f.n. FW Tilia, the linden (botany). [L. tilia (= the linden tree). Of uncertain origin; possibly cogn. with Gk. ptelea (= the elm). See ‘Ptelea’ in my CEDEL. cp. טִלְלוֹן.]

טַיְּלָן m.n. MH one who walks for pleasure. [Formed from טִיֵּל (= he walked), with agential suff. ◌ָן. See טיל.]

טַיֶּֽלֶת f.n. NH promenade. [Formed from טִיֵּל (= he walked), with suff. ◌ֶת. See טיל.]

טִין m.n. NH mud, mire, clay. [From Aram. טִינָא. See טִיט and cp. טנן.]

טִינָא f.n. PBH jealousy, grudge. [Aram., related to Aram. טִינְנָא, Syr. טְנָנָא (= jealousy, zeal), from טְנַן (= he envied, was moved with jealousy), which is prob. related to Arab. ẓanna (= he thought, he believed, supposed), Ethiop. ṣanna (= he bent, he inclined.]

טַֽיִם m.n. NH flying, flight. [Coined by the Hebrew poet H.N. Bialik from טוס.]

טַיָּס m.n. NH pilot, flyer. [Nomen opificis formed from טוס. Like the word טַיִס coined by H.N. Bialik.]

טִיסָה f.n. NH flying, flight. [Verbal n. of טוּס (= to fly). See טוס and first suff. ◌ָה.] Derivative: טִיסָן.

טִיסָן m.n. NH flying model. [Formed from טִיסָה with suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: טִיסָנָאוּת, טִיסָנַאי.

טִיסָנָאוּת f.n. NH aeromodelling. [Formed from טִיסָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טִיסָנַאי m.n. NH 1 aeromodeller. 2 one who flies flying models. [Formed from טִיטָן with agential suff. ◌ַאי.]

טַיֶּסֶת f.n. NH woman pilot. [f. of. טַיָּס.]

טַיֶּסֶת ᴵᴵ f.n. NH squadron. [Coined by the Hebrew poet H.N. Bialik from טוס, on the analogy of חַמֶּרֶת (= caravan of donkey drivers), גַמֶּלֶת (= caravan of camel drivers), etc.]

טִיף m.n. PBH drop. [Partly from נטף (= to drop), partly imitative of the sound of dropping.]

טִיף ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH stand for a portable stove. [Of uncertain origin.]

טִיפּוֹגְרַפְיָה f.n. FW typography. [Compounded of Gk. typos (impression, pattern) and graphia, from graphein (= to write). See ◌גְרַפְיָה.]

טַיְפוּן m.n. FW typhoon. [Chinese tai fung, lit. ‘great wind’; influenced in form by Arab. tufān (whence also Portuguese tufāo), from Gk. typhon (= whirlwind). See טִיפוּס.]

טִיפּוּס, טִפּוּס type, kind, class, model. [Gk. typos (= blow, mark of a blow, impression, stamp on a coin, pattern, model), from the stem of typtein (= to beat, strike), from IE base *(s)tup (= to strike, cut, hew). See ‘tupe’ in my CEDEL. cp. טֹפֶס.] Derivative: טִיפּוּסִי.

טִיפוּס m.n. FW typhus. [L. typhus, from Gk. typhos (= smoke, mist, cloud, fever accompanied by stupor), which is related to typhein (= to smoke). See ‘typhus’ in my CEDEL.]

טִיפּוּסִי adj. NH typical, characteristic. [Formed from טִיפּוּס with adj. suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: טִיפּוּסִיּוּת.

טִיפּוּסִיּוּת f.n. NH typicalness. [Formed from טִיפּוּסִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַֽיִר m.n. PBH divination from birds, augury. [Related to Syr. טִירָא (= bird), Arab. tayr (= bird, birds, augury, omen), Ethiop. taṭayyara (= he foretold by auguries). cp. טַיָּרָה.]

טִירָדָה f.n. FW tirade. [Fren. tirade, from Italian tirata (= volley), lit. ‘a pulling, drawing, lengthening, a long speech’, from titare (= to pull, draw), which is of uncertain origin.] cp. טִירָז׳.

טִירָה m.n. 1 enclosure, encampment of tents. 2 palace. PBH 3 fence. [Related to Syr. טְיָרָא (= sheepfold), Arab. ṭawār (= fence).]

טַיָּרָה f.n. NH kite (toy). [Arab. ṭayyāra (= woman pilot; kite), f. of ṭayyār (flying, flyer, pilot).] cp. טַיִר.

טִירוֹן m.n. NH beginner, novice, tyro. [L. tīrō (= young soldier; recruit; beginner). [Of uncertain origin.] Derivative: טִירוֹנוּת.

טִירוֹנוּת f.n. NH novitiate. [Formed from טִירוֹן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טִירָז׳ m.n. FW circulation of a newspaper. [Fren. tirage, from tirer (= to pull, draw). See טִירָדָה. For the ending see suff. ‘-age’ in my CEDEL.]

טִירָן m.n. FW tyrant. [From Gk. tyrannos (= an absolute ruler, tyrant), which is a loan word from one of the languages of Asia Minor (prob. the Lydian). cp. Etruscan Turan (= mistress, lady — surname of Venus). cp. also טְרוּנְיָה.]

טֵית f.n. (pl. טֵיתִין) name of the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. [Of uncertain origin.]

טָכוֹמֶטֶר m.n. FW tachometer. [Compounded of Gk. tachos (= speed), which is of uncertain origin, and of metron (= measure), for which see מֶטֶר.]

טִכּוּס m.n. MH setting in order, arranging. [Verbal n. of טִכֵּס, Pi. of טכס.]

טֶכְנַאי m.n. NH technician. [Formed with agential suff. ◌ַאי from Gk. techne (= art, skill).] See טֶקְסְט and cp. טֶכֽנִי, טֶכֽנִיקָה.

טֶכְנוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. FW technology. [Compounded of Gk. techne (= art, skill), and logia (see ◌לוֹגֽיָה).]

טֶכְנוֹקְרַטְיָה f.n. FW technocracy. [Compounded of Gk. techne and kratīa (= rule of), from krator (= strength, power, rule). See ‘-cracy’ in my CEDEL.]

טֶכְנִי adj. FW technical. [Back formation from Gk. technikos (= pertaining to art), from techne (= art, skill). See טֶכֽנַאי and adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טֶכְנִיּוֹן f.n. FW the ‘Technion’ (Institute of Technology in Haifa). [From techne (= art, skill). See טֶכְנִי.]

טֶכְנִיקָה f.n. FW technique. [Fren. technique, from Gk. technikos (= pertaining to art). See טֶכְנִי.]

טֶֽכֶס m.n. PBH 1 arrangement, adornment. NH 2 ceremony. [From Gk. taxis (= arrangement, order, position). See ‘taxis’ in my CEDEL. cp. טֶקֶס, טכס, טַכְסִיס. cp. also טַקְטִיקָה and second element in סִינְטַקְסִיס.]

טכס to arrange.
    — Qal - טָכַס he arranged, set in order.
    — Pi. - טִכֵּס NH 1 he arranged, set in order; MH 2 he praised.
    — Pu. - טֻכַּס was arranged, was set in order. [Denominated from טֶכֶס. cp. טקס.]

טַכְּסָה see טַקֽסָה.

טֶכְּסְט see טֶקְסְט.

טֶכְּסְטִיל see טֶקְסְטִיל.

טַכְסִיס m.n. PBH 1 array of battle, arrangement. NH 2 stratagem, tactics, scheme, trick. [From Gk. taxis (= arrangement, order, position; a body of soldiers). See טֶכֶס and cp. תַּכֽסִיס.] Derivatives: טַכְסִיסִי, טַכְסִיסָן, טכסס.

טַכְסִיסִי adj. NH tactical. [Formed from טַכְסִיס with suff. ◌ִי. cp. תַּכְסִיסִי.] Derivative: טַכְסִיסָן.

טַכְסִיסָן m.n. NH tactician. [Formed from טַכֽסִיס with agential suff. ◌ָן. cp. תַּכְסִיסָן.] Derivative: טַכֽסִיסָנוּת.

טַכְסִיסָנוּת f.n. NH strategy, tactics. [Formed from טַכְסִיס with suff. ◌וּת.]

טכסס to devise (tactics).
    — Pi. - טִכְסֵס he devised (planned).
    — Pu. - טֻכְסַס was devised, was planned. [Denominated from טַכְסִיס. cp. תכסס.]

טַל m.n. (pl. טֽלָלִים) dew. [Related to BAram. טַל, Aram.-Syr. טַלָּא, Ugar. ṭl (= dew), Arab. ṭall (= light rain, dew), Ethiop. ṭal (= dew). Derivative: טלל ᴵᴵ.

טלא to patch.
    — Qal - טָלָא he patched (in the Bible occurring only in the passive part.; see טָלוּא).
    — Pi. - טִלֵּא he patched.
    — Pu. - טֻלָּא was patched.
    — Hiph. - הִטֽלִיא he patched.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְלָא was patched. [Of uncertain etymology. cp. טלה.] Derivatives: טְלַאי, טַלַּאי, טְלִיאָה, הַטְלָאָה, מְטֻלָּא.

טְלַאי m.n. PBH patch. [From טלא.]

טַלַּאי m.n. NH patcher. [Nomen opificis formed from טִלֵּא (= he patched), Pi. of טלא.]

טִלְגְּרוּף m.n. NH wiring, telegraphy. [Verbal n. of טִלְגְּרֵף, Pi. of טלגרף.]

טֶלֶגְרַמָּה f.n. FW telegram. [Eng. telegram, coined by the American E.P. Smith in Rochester in 1852 from Gk. tele (= far off, at a distance) and gramma (= that which is written, letter). For the first element see טֶלֶגְרַף. Gk. gramma derives from the stem of graphein (= to write). See ◌גֽרָף.]

טֶלֶגְרָף m.n. FW telegraph. [Borrowed through the medium of a European language from Gk. tele (= far off, at a distance) and graphos, from graphein (= to write). See ‘telegraph’ in my CEDEL.] Derivatives: טֶלֶגֽרָפַאי, טֶלֶגְרָפִי, טֶלֶגְרָפִית.

טלגרף to send a wire.
    — Pi. - טִלְגְּרֵף he wired.
    — Pu. - טֻלְגְּרַף was sent by wire. [Back formation from טֶלֶגְרָף.]

טֶלֶגְרָפַאי m.n. NH telegraphist. [A hybrid coined from טֵלֶגְרָף and the Heb. agential suff. ◌ַאי.]

טֶלֶגְרָפִי adj. NH telegraphic. [A hybrid coined from טֶלֶגְרָף and the Heb. adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טֶלֶגְרָפִית adv. NH telegraphically. [A hybrid coined from טֶלֶגְרָף and the Heb. adv. suff. ◌ִית.]

טלה to patch.
    — Qal - טָלָה he patched.
    — Hiph. - הִטְלָה he patched. [A collateral form of טלא.] Derivative: מַטְלִית.

טָלֶה m.n. lamb. [Related to Aram. טַלְיָא (= lamb, boy, youth), Syr. טַלְיָא (= boy, youth), Arab. talan (= young of a cloven-footed animal, esp. a young gazelle), Ethiop. ṭalī (= kid). cp. טַלְיָא.] Derivative: טַלְיָה.

טָלוּא adj. 1 patched. 2 spotted. [From טלא; formally, pass. part. of Qal.]

טֶלֶוִיזְיָה f.n. FW television. [Lit.: ‘seeing at a distance’ — a hybrid coined by Hugo Gernsback in 1911 from Gk. tele (= far off, at a distance) and L. visio (= the act of seeing). See טֶלֶגְרַף and וִיזָה.]

טָלוּל adj. PBH dewy, bedewed. [From טלל ᴵᴵ.]

טִלּוּל m.n. MH overshadowing. [Verbal n. טִלֵּל, Pi. טלל ᴵ.]

טִלּוּל ᴵᴵ m.n. MH falling of dew. [Verbal n. of טִלֵּל, Pi. of טלל ᴵᴵ.]

טְלוּלָא see אִטֽלוּלָא.

טֶלּוּרְיוּם m.n. FW tellurium (chemistry). [L. tellurium, coined by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1798 from L. tellūs, gen. telluris (= earth), to denote this element as the opposite of the one called by him uranium. See ‘tellurian’ and suff. ‘-ium’ in my CEDEL and cp. אוּרַנְיוּם.]

טִלְטוּל m.n. PBH 1 moving. 2 wandering. [Verbal n. of טִלְטֵל. See טלטל.]

טלטל to cast, throw, hurl.
    — Pilp. - טִלְטֵל 1 he cast, threw, hurled; PBH 2 he moved; PBH 3 he caused to move.
    — Pulp. - טֻלְטַל was moved.
    — Nith. - נִטַּלְטֵל PBH 1 he moved; PBH 2 was made to wander; MH 3 he wandered. [Pilp. of טול. For other Pilp. words derived from ע״ו stems cp. קִרְקֵר (from קור), כִּלְכֵּל (from כול,) טִשְׁטֵשׁ (from טושׁ).] Derivatives: טִלְטוּל, טַלְטָל, טַלְטֵלָה, הִטַּלְטְלוּת, מִטַּלְטֵל, מְטֻלֽטָל, מְטֻלְטֶלֶת, מְטֻטֶּלֶת.

טַלְטָל m.n. NH connecting rod. [From טִלְטֵל. See טלטל.]

טַלְטֵלָה f.n. hurling (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 22:17). [Verbal n. formed from טִלְטֵל (= he cast, hurled). See טלטל.]

טַלְיָא m.n. MH lamb; young. [Aram. See טָלֶה.]

טַלְיָה f.n. PBH young lamb (less than a year old). [From טָלֶה (q.v.). Related to טַלֽיָא (q.v.).]

טְלִיאָה f.n. NH patch. [Verbal n. of טָלָא. See טלא and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טָלִיסְמָא f.n. MH talisman. [VArab. ṭilsam. corresponding to Classical Arab. ṭilasm, a loan word from Gk. telesma (= consecration, mystery).]

טַלִּית f.n. PBH 1 cloak. 2 prayer shawl. [Prob. from טִלֵּל (= he covered, roofed). See טלל ᴵ.]

טלל to overshadow, roof, cover.
    — Pi. - טִלֵּל he overshadowed, roofed (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Neh. 3:15 in the form יְטַלְלֶנּוּ, which is prob. an Aramaism).
    — Pu. - טֻלַּל was roofed, was covered. [Aram. טְלָל, Aram-Syr. טַלֵּל (= he overshadowed). Related to צלל ᴵᴵᴵ (= to be or grow dark). cp. טַלִּית, cp. also טֽלוּלָא, אִטְלוּלָא.] Derivatives: טִלּוּל ᴵ, מְטֻלָּל ᴵ.

טלל ᴵᴵ to cover with dew.
    — Pi. - טִלֵּל he bedewed, covered with dew.
    — Pu. - טֻלַּל was covered with dew.
    — Hiph. - הִטֽלִיל he bedewed, covered with dew.
    — Hoph. - הֻטֽלַל was covered with dew. [Denominated from טַל (= dew).] Derivatives: טָלוּל, טִלּוּל ᴵᴵ, מֽטֻלָּל ᴵᴵ, הַטֽלָלָה.

טִלְלוֹן m.n. NH Tilia, the linden (botany). [Another name for the טִילֽיָה.]

טֶלֶסְקוֹפּ m.n. FW telescope. [L. tēles copium, coined by Prince Cesi, present of the Academia dei Lincei in Rome, from Gk. tele (= far off, at a distance), and skopion, from skopein (= to look at, examine).]

טֶֽלֶף m.n. PBH hoof. [Related to Aram. טַלְפָא, Arab. ẓilf (= hoof).]

טלף to hoof (like an animal).
    — Qal - טָלַף he hoofed, it hoofed. [Denominated from טֶלֶף (= hoof).]

טֶלֶפוֹן m.n. FW telephone. [Fren. téléphone, compounded of Gk. tele (= far off, at a distance), and phone (= voice). Coined in 1834 by the French scientist Sudré to denote an acoustic apparel. The word was adopted by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 for the real telephone invented by the latter.] Derivatives: טלפן, טֶלֶפוֹנֵאי, טֶלֶפוֹנִי, טֶלֶפוֹנִית.

טֶלֶפוֹנַאי m.n. NH telephonist. [A hybrid coined from טֶלֶפוֹן and the Heb. agential suff. ◌ַאי.]

טֶלֶפוֹנִי adj. NH telephonic. [A hybrid coined from טֶלֶפוֹן and the Heb. adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טֶלֶפוֹנִית adj. NH telephonically. [A hybrid coined from טֶלֶפוֹן and the Heb. adv. suff. ◌ִית.]

טלפן to telephone.
    — Pi. - טִלְפֵּן he telephoned.
    — Pu. - טֻלְפַּן was telephoned. [Back formation from טֶלֶפוֹן.]

טֶלֶפְּרִינְטֶר m.n. FW teleprinter. [Eng. teleprinter — a hybrid coined from Gk. tele (= far off, at a distance) and Eng. printer. [See ‘print’ and subst. suff. ‘-er’ in my CEDEL.]

טַלֶּפֶת m.n. hoof and mouth disease. [Formed from טֶלֶף according to the pattern פַּעֶלֶת serving to form names of diseases. See אַדֶּמֶת and cp. words there referred to.]

טֶלֶפַּתְיָה m.n. FW telepathy. [Eng. telepathy (lit.: ‘feeling from afar’). Coined by the English writer Frederic William Henry Myers in 1882 from Gk. tele (= far off, at a distance) and patheia, from pathos (= feeling, passion, suffering). See טֶלֶגְרָף and פָּתוֹס.]

טַלְק m.n. FW talc. [Arab. ṭalaq, ṭalq (whence also Sp. talque, Italian talco, Ger. Talk, etc.)]

טמא to be or become unclean.
    — Qal - טָמֵא was unclean, became unclean.
    — Niph. - נִטְמָא 1 he defiled himself: PBH 2 he became unclean.
    — Pi. - טִמֵּא 1 he defiled; 2 he pronounced unclean.
    — Pu. - טֻמָּא was defiled.
    — Hith. - הִטַּמֵּא he defiled himself.
    — Hoth. - הֻטַּמָּא he was defiled, became unclean (see Deut. 24:4). [Aram.-Syr. טְמָא (= was or became unclean), Aram. טַמִּי, Syr. טַמַּא (= he polluted, defiled), Arab. ṭami’a (= silted up).] Derivatives: טָמֵא (adj.), טֻמְאָה, הִטַּמְּאוּת, מֽטֻמָּא.

טָמֵא adj. 1 unclean, defiled. 2 impure, forbidden for eating. [From טמא.]

טֻמְאָה f.n. uncleanness, defilement. [From טמא. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַמְבּוּדִין see טַנְבּוּד.

טֶמְבֶּל m.n. FW ‘tembel’, fool (slang). [From Arab. tanbal (of s.m).]

טֶמְבֶּר m.n. FW timbre. [Fren. timbre (= a bell with striking hammer; quality of a tone), from old Fren. tymbre (= a kind of drum), from Gk. tymbanon (= kettledrum).]

טמה to be stopped up, be stupid.
    — Niph. - נִטֽמָה was stopped up, was stupid (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 18:3 in the form נִטְמִינוּ). [Related to אטם, טמם.]

טָמוּם adj. MH 1 stupid. NH 2 massive. [Pass. part. of טָמַם. See טמם.]

טָמוּן adj. hidden, concealed. [Pass. part. of טָמַן. See טמן.]

טְמוּנָה m.n. MH secret. [Properly f. of the adj. טָמוּן (q.v.) used as a noun.]

טָמוּס m.n. FW Tamus (a genus of vines). [Modern L., from earlier Tamnus, from L. tamnus (= a kind of vine), which is prob. of Etruscan origin.]

טִמּֽוּעַ m.n. NH mixture, assimilation. [From טמע.]

טָמוּר adj. NH hidden, latent. [Formally pass. part. of טָמַר. See טמר and cp. טָמִיר.]

טִמְטוּם m.n. PBH 1 kneading into a lump. 2 making stupid. [Verbal n. of טִמְטֵם. See טמטם.]

טֻמְטוּם m.n. PBH 1 a person whose sex is unknown, a hermaphrodite; NH 2 a stupid person. [From טמטם.]

טמטם to make stupid.
    — Pilp. - טִמֽטֵם 1 he kneaded into a lump; 2 he made stupid.
    — Pulp. - טֻמְטַם 1 was kneaded into a lump; 2 was made stupid.
    — Nith. - נִטַּמְטֵם (of s.m.). [Pilpel of טמם. For other Pilpel words formed from ע״ע cp. בזבז and words there referred to.] Derivatives: טִמֽטוּם, טֻמְטוּם, הִטַּמֽטְמוּת, מְטֻמְטָם.

טְמַיָּא m.n. pl. bones (occurring in phrases quoted from the Talmud). [Aram., of טְמָא, aphetic for עַטְמָא (= bone). See עֶצֶם (= bone) and cp. אַטֽמָה.]

טִמְיוֹן m.n. PBH government treasury. [Gk. tameíon, related to tamias (= one who distributes, dispenser, steward), orig. ‘one who cuts up portions for the sake of distributing them’, in gradational relationship to temnein (= to cut), tomos (= piece cut off, section). See ‘tone’ in my CEDEL.]

טְמִינָה f.n. PBH hiding, concealing. [Verbal n. of טָמַן. See טמן and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טָמִֽיעַ adj. NH assimilable. [Coined from טמע according to the pattern פָּעִיל, which is used in NH to form adjectives denoting capability or fitness.] Derivative: טְמִיעוּת.

טְמִיעָה f.n. NH assimilation. [From טמע, For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְמִיעוּת f.n. NH assimilability. [Formed from טָמִיעַ with suff. ◌וּת.]

טָמִיר adj. MH hidden, secret. [Aram. טְמִיר, pass. part. of טֽמַר (= he hid). See טמר and cp. טָמוּר.] Derivative: טְמִירוּת.

טְמִירוּת f.n. NH latency. [Formed from טָמִיר with suff. ◌וּת.]

טמם to stop up, fill up.
    — Qal - טָמַם he stopped up, filled up.
    — Niph. - נִטְמַם was stopped up, was filled up.
    — Pilp. - טִמְטֵם (see טמטם). [Related to אטם.] Derivative: טָמוּם.

טמן to hide, conceal.
    — Qal - טָמַן 1 he hid; PBH 2 he placed food in an oven.
    — Niph. - נִטְמַן 1 he was hidden, was concealed; 2 he was buried.
    — Hith. - הִטַּמֵּן he hid himself, was concealed.
    — Hiph. - הִטְמִין 1 he hid, concealed; PBH 2 he placed (food) in an oven (to keep it warm for the Sabbath).
    — Hoph. - הֻטְמַן was hidden, was concealed. [Aram.-Syr. טְמַר (= he hid under the earth, covered with earth); whence prob. Arab. ṭamara (= he buried, covered with earth); Akka. ṭamāru (= to cover with earth). cp. טמר. cp. also ‘mattamore’ in my CEDEL.] Derivatives: טָמוּן, טְמוּנָה, הַטְמָנָה, מַטְמוֹן, מֻטְמָן, מַטְמֹנֶת.

טמע to be mixed up.
    — Niph. - נִטְמַע PBH 1 was mixed up; NH 2 was assimilated.
    — Pu. - טֻמַּע (See מְטֻמָּע).
    — Nith. - נִטַּמַּע became intermixed, was assimilated, was absorbed.
    — Hiph. - הִטְמִיעַ he assimilated, absorbed.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְמַע was assimilated, was absorbed. [Aram. טְמַע (= he sank), Ethiop. ṭam‘a (= he sank). Related to Heb. טָבַע, Aram.-Syr. טְבַע (= he sank). See טבע.] Derivatives: טִמּוּעַ, טָמִיעַ, טְמִיעָה, הַטְמָעָה הִטָּמְעוּת, מִטְמָע, מֻטְמָע.

טֶמְפּוֹ m.n. FW tempo. [Italian tempo (= time), from L. tempus (= time, properly ‘span of time’), from IE base * temp- (= to stretch, strain, extend), whence also L. templum (= an open place marked for the observation of the sky, consecrated place, sanctuary, temple). See ‘temple’ (place of worship) in my CEDEL. cp. טֶמְפֶּרָטוּרָה. cp. also טַפֵּיט.]

טֶמְפֶּרָטוּרָה f.n. FW temperature. [L. temperātūra (= due measure, proportion, composition, temper, temperament), from temperātus, p. part. of temperāre (= to mix in due proportion, combine properly, moderate, regulate), from tempus, gen. temporis (= time). For the ending - ātūra see verbal suff. ‘-ate’ and suff. ‘-ure’ in my CEDEL. In its physical sense, L. temperātūra was first used by the Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei, 1564–1642.]

טֶמְפֶּרָמֶנְט m.n. FW temperament. [L. temperāmentum (= a mixing in due proportion, disposition), from temperāre. See טֶמְפֶּרָטוּרָה. For the ending see suff. ‘-ment’ in my CEDEL.]

טמר to hide, conceal.
    — Qal - טָמַר he hid, concealed.
    — Niph. - נִטְמַר was hidden, was concealed.
    — Pi. - טִמֵּר he hid, concealed.
    — Hiph. - הִטְמִיר he hid, concealed.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְמַר was hidden, was concealed.
    — Hith. - הִטַּמֵּר he hid himself. [From Aram. טֽמַר (= he hid under the earth, covered with earth). See טמן.] Derivatives: טָמוּר, טָמִיר, הַטְמָרָה, מַטְמו̇רָה.

טֶֽנֶא m.n. basket. [A loan word from Egypt. dn’ (= basket, metal vessel). For other Egyptian loan words in Hebrew see אָחוּ and words there referred to. cp. טְנִי.]

טַנְבּוּר m.n. PBH tambour. [Fren. tambour, from Old Fren., from Arab. ṭabūl, pl. of ṭabl (= drum), influenced in form by VArab. ṭanbūr, Classical Arab. unbūr (= lute).]

טַנְבּוּרִית f.n. NH tambourine. [Formed from טַנְבּוּר with dimin. suff. ◌ִית.]

טַנְגּוֹ m.n. FW tango. [South American Sp. tango. Prob. of Niger-Congo origin.]

טַנְגֶּנְס m.n. FW tangent. (mathematics). [L. tangēns, pres. part of tangere (= to touch). First used by the Danish mathematician Thomas Fincke in 1583 and adopted by the German mathematician Bartholomäus Pitiscus in 1595. cp. קוֹטַנְגֶּנְס, cp. also טַקְט, טַקְסָה, קוֹנְטַקְט. See also ‘tangent’ in my CEDEL.]

טַנְגְּרָם m.n. FW tangram (a Chinese puzzle). [Prob. formed on the analogy of words like anagram, cryptogram, etc.]

טַן־דּוּ, טַנְדּוּ adv. PBH two together. [Aram. From Pers. tan dū (= two persons), from tan (= person), (= two).]

טֶנְדֶּנְצְיָה f.n. FW tendency. [Med. L. tendentia, from L. tendēns, pres. part. of tendere (= to stretch, extend, direct one’s course, aim, strive), from IE * tend (= to stretch, extend). See ‘tend’ (= to move in a certain direction) in my CEDEL. For the ending see suff. ◌יָה. cp. טֶנְדֶּר.]

טֶנְדֶּר m.n. FW tender. [Eng. tender (n.), from tender (v.), from Middle Fren. tendre (= to stretch, hold out, to offer); whence Fren. tendre (= to stretch), from L. tendere (= to stretch). See טֶנֽדֶּנֽצְיָה and cp. טֶנוֹר.]

טִנּוּן m.n. NH covering (flooding) the earth with mud. [Verbal n. of טִנֵּן, Pi. of טנן.]

טָנוּף adj. NH dirty, filthy. [From טנף, formally, the pass. part. of the Qal טָנַף. See טנף.]

טִנּוּף m.n. PBH defilement, dirt, filth. [Verbal n. of טִנֵּף, Pi. of טנף.]

טֶנוֹר m.n. FW tenor (music). [Italian tenore, from L. tenōrem, accusative of tenor (= course; lit. ‘a holding’), from the stem of tenēre (= to hold, grasp, have, keep), which is related to tendere (= to stretch). So called because of its dominant character in singing. cp. טֶנִּיס.]

טְנִי m.n. PBH big basket, bin. [Prob. related to טֶנֶא.]

טָנִין m.n. FW tannin. [Fren. tanin, tannin, from tan (= tan), from Med. L. tannum which is of Celtic origin. cp. Breton tann (= oak tree).]

טֶנִּיס m.n. FW tennis. [Eng. tennis, from Middle Eng. teneis, from Anglo-Fren. tenetz, from Old Fren. tenez (= hold), from vulgar L. * tenīre, from L. tenēre (= to hold). See טֶנוֹר.]

טנן to be moist, be damp.
    — Qal - טׇנַן was moist, was damp.
    — Pi. - טִנֵּן PBH 1 he moistened, dampened; NH 2 he covered (flooded) the earth with mud.
    — Pu. - טֻנַּן was moistened, was dampened.
    — Hiph. - הֵטֵן he moistened, dampened.
    — Hoph. - הוּטַן was moistened, was dampened. [Aram. טְנַן (= was moist, was damp). [Perhaps denominated from טִין.] Derivatives: טִנּוּן, מְטֻנָּן.

טנף to soil, defile.
    — Pi. - טִנֵּף he soiled, made dirty (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Cant. 5:3 in the form אֲטַנּֽפֵם).
    — Pu. - טֻנַּף was soiled, was made dirty.
    — Nith. - נִטַּנֵּף became dirty. [Aram.-Syr. טַנֵּף (= he polluted, defiled).] Derivatives: טָנוּף, טִנּוּף, טֶנֶף, טִנֹּפֶת, הִטַּנּֽפוּת, מְטֻנָּף.

טֶֽנֶף m.n. MH dirt, filth. [From טנף.]

טִנֹּֽפֶת f.n. PBH dirt, filth, excrement. [Formed from טִנֵּף (= he soiled, made dirty). Properly a diminutive form. cp. פְּסֹלֶת, נֽעֹרֶת, נְסֹרֶת.]

טַנְק f.n. FW tank (armored car). [Eng. tank (= 1 reservoir; 2 armored car), from Hindustani tānkh (= cistern, tank), which prob. derives from Old Indian taḍāgam (= pond, tank). The Hindustani word was brought to Europe by the Portuguese in whose tongue it coincided in form with tanque, an aphetic var. of estanque (= pond), a word derived from L. stāgnum (= pool, pond), with which it has nothing in common. When the first armored cars of the British army were made in 1915, the workers were made to believe that they were fabricating ingredients for benzene tanks. Thus tank obtained a new meaning, that of an armored car.]

טִנָּר m.n. PBH (pl. טִנָּרִין) flint. [From Aram. טִנָּרָא (= flint, hard stone, rock), which is related to Syr. טַרָנָא (of s.m.), Arab. ẓirr (= sharp-edged hard stone), Akka. ṣurru (= flint), ṣurtu (= flint knife), Heb. צֹר (= rock, flint).]

טִנְרָה f.n. NH corn (on an animal’s foot). [From Aram. טִנָּרֵי. Related to טִנָּר.]

טַס m.n. PBH 1 metal plate. NH 2 plate, tray. [Together with Aram.–Syr. טַסָּא (= metal plate), of uncertain origin. Perhaps borrowed from Pers. ṭās (= dish bowl), which prob. meant orig. ‘plate’.] Derivative: טַסִּית.

טְסֶה-טְסֶה m.n. FW tsetse, tsetse fly. [South African Dutch, from a Bantu word of imitative origin.]

טֶסְט m.n. FW test. [Eng. test, from Middle Eng., from Old Fren., from L. testū, testum (= vessel, earthen vessel, pot), which is related to testa (= piece of burnt clay, potsherd, shell, scale), and prob. cogn. with Avestic tashta (= cup), and with L. texere (= to weave). See טֶקֽסְט.]

טַסִּית f.n. NH a small tray. [Formed from טַס with dimin. suff. ◌ִית.]

טעה to wander, go astray; to err, be mistaken.
    — Qal - טָעָה he wandered, strayed; he erred, was mistaken.
    — Hiph. - הִטְעָה he led astray, misled, deceived.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְעָה was led astray, was deceived. [See תעה, which is a secondary form of טעה. cp. Aram. טְעֵי, Syr. טְעָא (= he wandered, went astray; he erred, was mistaken.] Derivatives: טוֹעֶה, טָעוּת, טְעִיָּה, הַטְעָאָה, הַטְעָיָה, מֻטֽעֶה.

טָעוּן adj. PBH 1 laden. 2 requiring, needing. [Pass. part. of טָעַן. See טען ᴵ.]

טִעוּן m.n. MH argumentation. [From טען ᴵᴵ.]

טְעוֹן m.n. MH 1 burden. NH 2 load, shipment, cargo. [From טען ᴵ.]

טָעוּת f.n. PBH 1 error, mistake. 2 idol. [Formed from טעה with suff. ◌וּת. cp. תָּעוּת.]

טְעִיָּה f.n. MH erring, making a mistake. [Verbal n. of טָעָה. See טעה and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טָעִים adj. NH tasty. [From טעם.] Derivative: טְעִימוּת.

טְעִימָה f.n. PBH tasting, testing. [Verbal n. of טָעַם. See טעם and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְעִימוּת f.n. PBH tastiness. [Formed from טָעִים with suff. ◌וּת.]

טְעִינָה f.n. PBH loading, charging. [Verbal n. of טָעַן. See טען ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טעם to taste; to perceive.
    — Qal - טָעַם 1 he tasted. 2 he perceived.
    — Niph. - נִטְעַם was tasted.
    — Pi. - טִעֵם he tasted.
    — Hiph. - הִטְעִים PBH 1 he gave somebody to taste; MH 2 he made tasty; NH 3 he stressed, accentuated.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְעַם MH 1 he was given to taste. MH 2 it was made tasty; NH 3 it was stressed, was accentuated. [Aram.–Syr. טְעֵם (= he tasted), Arab. ṭaima, Ethiop. te‘ema (= he ate, tasted, examined by tasting), Akka. tēmu (= sense, understanding).] Derivatives: טוֹעֵם, טָעִים, טְעִימָה, טַעַם, הַטְעָמָה, מִטְעָם, מֻטְעָם, מַטְעָם, מַטְעֶמֶת.

טַֽעַם m.n. 1 taste, flavor. 2 judgment, discretion, discernment. 3 decree, command (after Akka. ṭēmu, ‘royal decree’). PBH 4 reason, cause. PBH 5 accent. [From טעם. cp. BAram. טְעֵם and טַעַם (= taste, judgment, command), Aram. טַעְמָא (= taste, reason, cause, argument; sense), Syr. טְעֵם, טַעְמָא (= taste; perception, discernment, discretion). cp. טַעְמָא.] Derivative: טַעֲמָן.

טַעְמָא m.n. PBH taste (used esp. in the phrase מַאי טַעְמָא, ‘what is the reason?’ [Aram. See טַעַם.]

טַעֲמָן m.n. NH taster. [Formed from טַעַם with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

טען to load.
    — Qal - טָעַן 1 he loaded (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 45:17 in the form טַעֲנוּ); PBH 2 he carried.
    — Niph. - נִטְעַן 1 was laden; 2 was carried.
    — Hiph. - הִטְעִין PBH 1 he loaded; MH 2 he imposed upon.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְעַן 1 was loaded; 2 was imposed upon.
    — Shiph. (see . - שׁטען ).] [Aram.–Syr. טְעֵן (= he bore, carried, he loaded). Related to צען.] Derivatives: טָעוּן, טְעוֹן, טֽעִינָה, טַעַן ᴵ, טֹעַן, הַטֽעָנָה, מַטְעֵן, מִטֽעָן, מֻטְעָן, מִטָּעֵן, נִטְעָן ᴵ.

טען ᴵᴵ to claim, sue, plead.
    — Qal - טָעַן PBH 1 he claimed, sued, pleaded; MH 2 he argued.
    — Niph. - נִטֽעַן he was sued, was the defendant. [Prob. sense enlargement from טען ᴵ.] Derivatives: טוֹעֵן, טַעֲנָה, נִטְעָן ᴵᴵ.

טען ᴵᴵᴵ to pierce.
    — Pu. - טֹעַן was pierced (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 14:19 in the phrase מְטֹעֲנֵי חֶרֶב (= pierced with the sword). [Aram. טָעַן (= he pierced), Arab. ṭaana (= he pierced, wounded).]

טַֽעַן m.n. NH load, cargo. [From טען ᴵ.]

טֹֽעַן m.n. PBH load, cargo. [From טען ᴵ.]

טַעֲנָה f.n. PBH 1 claim, plea, suit. NH 2 assertion. [Formed from טען ᴵᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַף m. coll. n. children. [Ethiop. ṭaf (= children). Of uncertain etymology. cp. טפף. cp. also טֶפֶל ᴵᴵ.]

טִפָּה f.n. PBH drop. [Of uncertain, perhaps imitative, origin. Possibly related to נטף (= to drop). cp. טִיף.] Derivatives: טִפִּי, טִפֹּנֵת, מַטְפֶה.

טִפּֽוּחַ m.n. nursing, dandling (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lam. 2:20 in the phrase עֹלֲלֵי טְפוּחִים, ‘children dandled in the hands’). [Verbal n. of טִפַּח, Pi. of טפח ᴵ.]

טִפּֽוּחַ ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH clapping (of hands). [Verbal n. of טִפַּח, Pi. of טפח ᴵᴵ.]

טִפּֽוּחַ ᴵᴵᴵ adj. NH damp, moist. [Pass. part. of טפח ᴵᴵᴵ.]

טָפוּל adj. PBH joined, connected. [Pass. part. of טָפַל. See טפל.]

טִפּוּל m.n. PBH 1 nursing, attendance, care. 2 accessory. [Verbal n. of טִפֵּל, Pi. of טפל.]

טְפוּלָה f.n. NH affix (grammar). [Subst. use of the f. pass. part. of טָפַל. See טפל.]

טִפּוּס m.n. NH climbing. [Verbal n. of טִפֵּס. See טפס ᴵ.]

טִפּוּס ᴵᴵ see טִיפּוּס.

טָפוּף adj. PBH exact (in measure). [Related to Arab. ataffa (= he made the measure full, filled to the brim).]

טָפוּשׁ adj. NH silly, foolish. [From טפשׁ; formally pass. part. of טָפַשׁ.]

טַפּוּת f.n. MH childhood. [Formed from טַף with suff. ◌וּת.]

טפח to nurse tenderly, dandle.
    — Pi. - טִפַּח he nursed tenderly, dandled (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lam. 2:22 in the form טִפַּחֽתִּי).
    — Pu. - טֻפַּח was nursed tenderly, was dandled. [Prob. meaning lit. ‘to carry on the hands’, and denominated from טֶפַח.] Derivatives: טִפּוּחַ, מְטֻפָּח, prob. also מִטֽפַּחַת.

טפח ᴵᴵ to spread out, extend; to strike, knock, clap.
    — Qal - טָפַח he struck, knocked, clapped.
    — Pi. - טִפַּח 1 he spread out, extended; PBH 2 he struck, knocked, clapped. [Prob. related to base קפח.] Derivatives: טִפּוּחַ ᴵᴵ, טְפִיחָה.

טפח ᴵᴵᴵ to be damp, be moist.
    — Qal - טָפַח 1 was damp, was moist; 2 became puffed up.
    — Niph. - נִטְפַח was dampened, was moistened.
    — Pi. - טִפַּח he dampened, moistened.
    — Pu. - טֻפַּח was dampened, was moistened.
    — Hiph. - הִטֽפִּיחַ he moistened. [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps related to תפח.] Derivative: טַָפוּחַ.

טֶֽפַח, טֹֽפַח m.n. ‘tephah’ span, hand breadth. [From טפח ᴵᴵ (to spread out, extend). cp. טִפְחָה.]

טֹֽפַח ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH Lathyrus (a genus of plants). [Of uncertain etymology.] Derivative: טפח

טִפְחָא, טִפְּחָה f.n. MH ‘Tip’ha’ — name of a disjunctive accent placed under the word; its form is ◌֖. Called also טַרְחָא. [Of uncertain origin.]

טִפְחָה f.n. coping (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Kin. I 7:9 in the architectural phrase וּמִמַּסַּד עַד־הַטּֽפָחוֹת, which is usually rendered ‘even from the foundation unto the coping’). [Of uncertain origin and meaning. According to some scholars it is the pl. of טֶפַח.]

טִפְטוּף m.n. MH dripping, dropping. [Verbal n. of טפטף.]

טפטף to drip, to drop.
    — Pilp. - טִפְטֵף 1 it dripped, dropped; 2 it caused to drop. [Pilpel of נטף.] Derivatives: טַפְטוּף, טַפְטָפַה, טַפְטֶפֶת, מְטֵפְטֵף.

טַפְטָפָה f.n. NH 1 drip-cooler. 2 perforated pipe for drip-irrigation. [Formed from טפטף with first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַפְטֶֽפֶת f.n. NH dropper, pipette. (Formed from טפטף with suff. ◌ֶת. cp. טוֹטֶפֶת.]

טְפִי m.n. PBH dropper, pipette. (Prob. related to נטף.]

טִפִּי adj. NH drip-shaped, like a drop. [Formed from טִפָּה with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טְפֵי adj. PBH more (occurring in phrases quoted from the Talmud). [Aram., from the base of טְפָא, טְפֵי (= he joined, added).]

טָפִֽיחַ m.n. PBH pitcher. [Prob. related to צַפַּחַת (= flat jug). cp. טַרְפַּחַת.]

טָפִֽיחַ ᴵᴵ adj. PBH very black. [Of unknown etymology.]

טְפִיחָה f.n. PBH striking, knocking, clapping. [Verbal n. of טפח ᴵᴵ. and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַפִּיט, טַפֵּיטָן m.n. PBH rug, carpet. [From tapes (= hanging, carpet), gen. tapetos, a word of Iranian origin. See ‘tapestry’ and ‘temple’ (place of worship) in my CEDEL and cp. words there referred to. cp. also תַּפִּית and טֶמְפּוֹ.]

טַפִּיל m.n. NH parasite. [From טפל. cp. Arab. tufayliyy (= parasite).] Derivatives: טַפִּילוּת, טַפִּילִי, טֹפֶל.

טְפִילָה f.n. PBH care. [Verbal n. of טָפַל. See טפל and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַפִּילוּת f.n. NH parasitism. [Formed from טַפִּיל with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַפִּילִי adj. NH parasitical. [Formed from טַפִּיל with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טְפִיפָה f.n. NH mincing walk. [Verbal n. of טָפַף. See טפף and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַפִּיר m.n. FW tapir. [Sp., from Tupi tapiira.]

טפל 1 to smear, paste, plaster. PBH 2 to add, join, attach.
    — Qal - טָפֵל 1 he smeared, pasted, plastered; PBH 2 he added, joined, attached.
    — Niph. - נִטְפַּל 1 he was joined, was attached; PBH 2 he attached himself, joined.
    — Pi. - טִפֵּל 1 he plastered; 2 he cared for, attended to.
    — Pu. - טֻפַּל 1 he joined; 2 he cared for.
    — Hiph. - הִטְפִּיל he added, attached.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְפַּל was added, was attached. [Aram. טְפַל (= he smeared, pasted, plastered). Akka. tapālu (= to besmear, whence ‘to maltreat’), Arab. tufl (= fuller’s earth), tufāl (= potter’s clay). Related to תפל ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: הִטַּפְּלוּת, הִטָּפְלוּת, טָפוּל, טִפּוּל, טְפוּלָה, טַפִּיל, טְפִילָה, טַפֵל ᴵ, טַפָּל, טֶפֶל ᴵ, טְפֵלָה.

טָפֵל adj. PBH additional, subsidiary, of secondary importance. [From טפל.] Derivatives: טְפֵלָה, טִפְלוּת.

טָפֵל ᴵᴵ adj. PBH tasteless, unseasoned. [A secondary form of תָּפֵל ᴵᴵ.]

טַפָּל m.n. MH liar, slanderer. [From טִפֵּל (= he plastered), Pi. of טפל.]

טֶֽפֶל m.n. NH putty. [From טפל.]

טֶֽפֶל ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH child (occurring esp. in the pl. טַפְלַיָא ‘children’). [Aram., related to Arab. ṭifl (= child). These words are perhaps diminutives related to Heb. טַף, Ethiop. ṭaf (= children). Derivative: מְטֻפָּל (in sense 1).

טֹֽפֶל m.n. NH Cynomorium (botany). [Derived from טַפִּיל and lit. meaning ‘a parasitic plant’.]

טְפֵלָה f.n. PBH 1 paste, plaster. 2 dependence, subsidiary. [Subst. use of the f. of the adj. טָפֵל ᴵ.]

טִפְלוּת f.n. MH imputation. [Formed from טָפֵל ᴵ with suff. ◌ות.]

טְפֹֽלֶת f.n. NH putty. [Formed from טפל with suff. ◌ֶת.]

טִפֹּֽנֶת f.n. NH droplet. [Dimin. formed from טִפָּה.]

טֹֽפֶס m.n. PBH 1 blank of a document. PBH 2 form, mold, model. NH 3 copy (of a book). [Gk. typos (= blow, make of a blow, pattern, model). See טִיפּוס.] Derivatives: טפס ᴵᴵ, טַפְסָן.

טפס to climb.
    — Pi. - טִפֵּס he climbed. [A secondary form of תפשׂ.] Derivatives: טִפּוּס ᴵ, טַפְּסָן, מְטַפֵּס, מִטְפָּסַיִם.

טפס ᴵᴵ to copy, stereotype.
    — Hiph. - הִטְפִּיס he copied, stereotyped.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְפַּס was copied, was stereotyped. [Denominated from טֹפֶס.] Derivatives: מֻטְפָּס, מַטְפָּסָה, מַטְפֵּסָן, תַּטְפִּיס.

טַפְּסָן m.n. NH climber. [Formed from טִפֵּס (= he climbed), Pi. of טפס ᴵ, with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

טַפְסָן m.n. NH molder (in concrete). [Formed from טֹפֶס with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: טַפְסָנוּת.

טַפְסָנוּת f.n. molding (in concrete). [Formed from טַפֽסָן with suff. ◌ות.]

טַפְסָר, טִפְסָר m.n. 1 scribe. PBH 2 marshal, commander. MH 3 angel. [A loan word from Akka. dupsharru, from Sumerian dub-sar, lit. meaning ‘tablet writer’, from dub (= table, tablet), and sar (= to write).] Derivative: טַפְסָרוּת.

טַפְסָרוּת f.n. NH leadership, domination. [Formed from טַפְסָר (= marshal, commander) with suff. ◌ות.]

טפף to trip, walk mincingly.
    — Qal - טָפַף he tripped. walked mincingly (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 3:16 in the form טָפֹף). [Perhaps denominated from טַף and lit. meaning ‘to walk like children’. cp. שׁטף.] Derivatives: טוֹפְפָנִי, טְפִיפָה, טֶפֶף.

טֶֽפֶף m.n. NH mincing gait. [From טפף.]

טֹֽפֶר m.n. NH claw. [From Aram. טְפַר, טֻפְרָא (= nail). See צִפֹּרֶן.]

טפשׁ to be gross, be fat, be dull, be stupid.
    — Qal - טָפַשׁ was gross, was dull, was stupid (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 119:70).
    — Pi. - טִפֵּשׁ he made stupid.
    — Pu. - טֻפַּשׁ was made stupid.
    — Nith. - נִטַּפֵּשׁ became stupid. [Aram. טְפֵשׁ (= was gross, was dull, was stupid), Akka. tapāsha (= to be abundant). For sense development cp. the base כסל (= to be sluggish, be stupid), whose orig. meaning prob. was ‘to be thick, be plump, be fat’).] Derivatives: טָפוּשׁ, טִפֵּשׁ, טֶפֶשׁ, מְטֻפָּשׁ. cp. טַרְפֵּשׁ.

טִפֵּשׁ adj. PBH dull, stupid. [From טפשׁ.] Derivatives: טִפְּשׁוֹן, טִפְּשׁוּת, טִפְּשִׁי.

טֶֽפֶשׁ m.n. MH stupidity. [From טפשׁ.]

טִפְּשׁוֹן adj. little fool. [Dimin. formed from טִפֵּשׁ.]

טִפְּשׁוּת f.n. PBH stupidity, foolishness. [Formed from טִפֵּשׁ with suff. ◌וּת.]

טִפְּשִׁי adj. MH stupid, foolish. [Formed from טִפֵּשׁ with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טַצְדְּקָה f.n. PBH 1 wile. 2 pretext. 3 justification. [According to some scholars טַצְדְּקָה is misspelled for טְצָדְקָא for Pers. čārak, older form of čarah (= remedy, artifice, wile); the consonant טצ serving to render the sound č.]

טַקְט m.n. FW tact. [Fren. tact, from L. tāctus (= a touch, effect), from tāctus, p. part. of tangere (= to touch). See טַנְגֶּנְס. [ Derivative: טַקְטִי.

טֶקְטוֹנִיקָה f.n. FW tectonics. [Gk. tektonike (= carpentry), f. of tektonikos (= of a carpenter), from tekton (= carpenter), which is related to techne (= art, skill). See טֶכְנַאי.]

טִקְטוּק m.n. NH 1 ticking. 2 typing. [Verbal n. of טִקְטֵק; see טקטק.]

טַקְסִי adj. FW tactful. [Formed from טַקְט with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טַקְטִי ᴵᴵ adj. FW tactical. [Back formation from טַקְטִיקָה. For the ending see adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טַקְטִיקָה f.n. FW tactics. [Gk. taktika (= tactics). neuter pl. of taktikos (= fit for ordering or ordering, pertaining to tactics), used as a noun, from taktos (= ordered). verbal adj. of tassein (= to put in order, arrange). See טֶכֶס.] Derivative: טַקְטִי ᴵᴵ.

טקטק to tick; to type.
    — Pi. - טִקְטִק 1 he or it ticked. 2 (colloq.) he typed.

טֶֽקְס m.n. PBH 1 arrangement, adornment. NH 2 ceremony. [Gk. taxis (= arrangement, order, position; a body of soldiers). See טֶכֶס.] Derivatives: טקס, טִקְסִי, טַקְסָן.

טקס to arrange.
    — Pi. - טִקֵּס he arranged a ceremony, celebrated.
    — Pu. - טֻקַּס was arranged, was celebrated.] [Denominated from טֶקֶס. cp. טכס.] Derivative: מְטֻקָּס.

טַקְסָה f.n. FW tax. [Fren. taxe, back formation from taxer, from L. taxāre, (= to touch sharply, handle, to appraise, estimate, compute, to censure), in Med. L. also ‘to impose a tax’, frequentative of tangere (= to touch). See טַנְגֶּנְס.]

טֶקְסְט m.n. FW text. [Fren. texte, from L. textus (= texture, structure, context), from textus, p. part of texere (= to weave, plait, fit together), which is cogn. with Old Indian takṣati (= fashions, constructs), ta’kṣan (= carpenter), Avestic tash- (= to cut, carve), tasha (= ax, hatchet), Gk. tekton (= carpenter), techne (= art). All these words derive from IE base * tekht-, *tekh- (= to build of wood, carpenter; to weave). See ‘text’ in my CEDEL and cp. טֶכְנַאי, טֶסִט. cp. also טֶקְסְטִיל, קוֹנְטֶקְסְט.]

טֶקְסְטִיל m.n. FW textile. [L. textīlis (= woven), from textus, p. part. of texere. See טֶקְסְט.]

טִקְסִי adj. NH ceremonial, ritual. [Formed from טֶקֶס (= ceremony) with adj. suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: טִקְסִיּוּת.

טַקְסִי m.n. FW taxi. [Abbreviation of טַקְסִימֶטֶר.]

טִקְסִיּוּת f.n. NH ceremonialism, formalism, ritualism. [Formed from טִקְסִי (q.v.) with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַקְסִימֶטֶר m.n. FW taximeter. [Fren. taximètre. from taxe (= rate, charge, tax, duty) and - mètre (= meter). See טַקְסָה and מֶטֶר.]

טַקְסָן m.n. NH master of ceremonies. [Formed from טֶקֶס with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

טֻרְבָּל m.n. PBH threshing machine. [Gk. tribolos (= threshing machine), from the adj. tribolos (= three–pointed), which is compounded of tri (= three), and bolos, from the stem of ballein (= to throw). See טְרִיּוֹ and בַּלִּיסְטִיקָה.]

טְרָגֶדְיָה f.n. FW tragedy. [L. tragoedia, from Gk. tragoidia, from tragoidos (= tragic poet or singer), properly ‘a singer competing for a he-goat as a prize’, from tragos (= he-goat), and ode (= a song). Gk. tragos lit. means ‘a gnawer’; it is related to trogein (= to gnaw, nibble). See תַּרְגִימָא and cp. טְרוּטָה. See also אוֹדָה.]

טְרָגִי adj. FW tragical. [Back formation from L. tragicus, from Gk. tragicos (= of a goat; pertaining to tragedy). See טְרָגֶדְיָה and adj. suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: טְרָגִיּוּת.

טְרָגִיּוּת f.n. FW tragedy. [Formed from טְרָגִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

טְרָגִיקוֹמֶדְיָה f.n. FW tragicomedy. [Contraction of טְרָגֶדְיָה and קוֹמֶדְיָה.]

טרד to drive, pursue, chase, be continuous.
    — Qal - טָרַד 1 it dripped continually; PBH 2 he drove, drove away.
    — Niph. - נִטְרַד 1 was driven away, was expelled. 2 was troubled, was bothered.
    — Pi. - טֵרֵד 1 he drove out; 2 he troubled, bothered.
    — Pu. - טֹרַד was troubled, was bothered.
    — Hiph. - הִטְרִיד 1 he drove out; 2 he troubled, bothered.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְרַד was troubled, was bothered.] [Aram.–Syr. טְרַד (= he drove, drove away, pursued), Ugar. ṭrd (= to drive away), Arab. ṭarada (of s.m.), Akka. ṭarādu (= he drove away).] Derivatives: טוֹרְדָן, טֶרֶד ᴵ, טָרוּד, טֵרוּד, טְרִידָה, טַרְדָן, הַטְרָדָה, מִטְרָד, מֻטְרָד.

טֶֽרֶד m.n. MH trouble. [From טרד.]

טֶרֶד ᴵᴵ m.n. NH thrush. [L. turdus (= thrush), prob. standing for turzdos and cogn. with Old Norse thröstr, Old Eng. thrysce (= thrush). See ‘thrush’ (the bird) in my CEDEL.]

טִרְדָּה f.n. MH bother. [From טרד; prob. a loan word from Aram. טִרְדָּא.]

טַרְדָן adj. NH troublesome, bothersome. [Formed from טרד (= to trouble), with agential suff. ◌ָן. cp. טוֹרְדָן.] Derivatives: טַרְדָנוּת, טַרְדָנִי.

טַרְדָנוּת adj. NH trouble, bother. [Formed from טַרְדָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַרְדָנִי adj. NH troubling, bothering. [Formed from טַרְדָן with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טרה to be fresh, be new. [Base of טָרִי and טֶרֶם.]

טרה ᴵᴵ MH to take (used only in the phrase שָׁקַל וְטָרָה, ‘he took and gave, negotiated’, Hebraization of Aram. שְׁקַל וּטְרִי). [Aram. טְרָא, טְרִי (= he threw, hurled; he gave), related to Syr. טְרָא (= he struck upon, beat back, settled), prob. also to Arab. ṭara’a (= descended, broke in, occurred). cp. טַרְיָא.]

טָרָה f.n. FW tare (allowance in weight). [Italian tara, from Arab. ṭarḥa (= that which is thrown away), from ṭaraha (= he threw, threw away).]

טְרוּבָּדוֹר m.n. FW troubadour. [Fren. troubadour, from trobador, from trobar (= to compose poetry, to invent, to find), from VL tropāre (= to make tropes, sing), whence also Fren. trouver (= to find). cp. Catalan trobador, Sp. trovador, Italian trovatore and see ‘troubadour’ in my CEDEL.]

טָרוּד adj. PBH 1 busy, occupied. 2 troubled, anxious. [Pass. part. of טָרַד. See טרד.]

טֵרוּד m.n. PBH 1 bothering. 2 banishment. [From טֵרֵד (= he troubled, bothered; he banished), Pi. of טרד.]

טָרוּז adj. NH wedged, wedge-shaped. [Pass. part. of טרז.]

טֵרוּז m.n. NH wedging, formed into a wedge. [Verbal n. of טֵרֵז. See טרז.]

טָרוּט adj. PBH bleary-eyed. [Related to Arab. ṭariṭa (= he had thin eyebrows).] cp. תָּרוּט ᴵ. Derivative: טְרִיטוּת.

טָרוּט ᴵᴵ adj. PBH oval. [Of uncertain origin.] cp. תָּרוּט ᴵᴵ

טְרוּטָה f.n. FW trout. [Med. L. tructa, trutta (= trout), from Gk. troktes (= a gnawer, nibbler, a fish with sharp teeth). See ‘trout’ in my CEDEL and cp. the first element in טְרָגֶדְיָה.]

טְרוֹכֵיאוּס m.n. FW trochee (prosody). [L. trochaeus, from Gk. trochios (= tripping, running afoot), which is related to trochos (= a running, course). See ‘troche’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘trochee’ ibid.]

טְרוֹם adj. before, pre– (pref.). [From בִּטְרוֹם, Ruth 3:14. See טֶרֶם.] Derivative: טְרוֹמִי.

טְרוֹמְבּוֹן m.n. FW trombone. [Italian trombone, formed from tromba (= trumpet), with the auxiliary suff. – one. Italian tromba is a loan word from Old Ger. trumpa, trumba (= trumpet), which is of imitative origin. See ‘trump’ (n.) in my CEDEL.]

טְרוֹמִי adj. NH prefabricated. [From טְרוֹם.]

טְרוּנְיָה f.n. PBH tyranny, attack. [Aram. טִירוּנְיָא, טְרוּנְיא, from Gk. tyrannia (tyranny), from tyrannos (= tyrant). See טִירָן.]

טָרוּף adj. PBH 1 torn to pieces. NH 2 ritually unfit for food. [Pass. part. of טָרַף ᴵ. See טרף ᴵ.]

טָרוּף ᴵᴵ adj. beaten up, mixed up. [Pass. part. of טָרַף ᴵᴵ. See טרף ᴵᴵ.]

טֵרוּף m.n. PBH madness, insanity, confusion. [Verbal n. of טֵרֵף (= he mixed, shook; he confused), Pi. of טרף ᴵᴵ.]

טְרוֹפּוֹסְפֵירָה f.n. FW troposphere. [Fren. troposphere (= lit. ‘sphere of change’) coined by the French meteorologist Léon-Philippe Teisserenc de Bort, 1855–1913, from Gk. tropos (= a turning) and sphaira (= ball, globe, sphere). See סְפֵירָה.]

טְרוֹפִּי adj. FW tropical. [Gk. trophikos (= pertaining to a turn), from trope (= turn, turning), which is related to trepein (= to turn), from IE base trep (= turn). See אֶפִּיטְרוֹפוֹס and cp. טְרוֹפִּיזְם, טְרוֹפִּיק.]

טְרוֹפִּיזְם m.n. FW tropism. [Eng. tropism, formed with suff. - ism from Gk. trope (= a turning). Tropism is properly a back formation from words like ‘heliotropism’, ‘geotropism’, the second element of these words having been taken in an absolute sense.]

טְרוֹפִּיק m.n. FW tropic. [Gk. tropikos (= pertaining to a turn), scil. of the ‘sun at the solstice’). See טֽרוֹפִּי.]

טֶרוֹר m.n. FW terror. [L. terror (= great fear, alarm), from terreō, terrēre (= to frighten), which stands for terseyō, from IE base teres-, tres- (= to tremble), whence also Old Indian trasā́ti (= trembles), Avestic tarshta (= feared, revered), Gk. treein (= to tremble, to flee). cp. טֶרוֹרִיזְם, טֶרוֹרִיסְט. cp. also תִּרֽשָׁתָא.]

טֶרוֹרִיזְם m.n. FW terrorism. [Fren. terrorisme, formed with suff. - isme (see ◌ִיזְם) from L. terror. See טֶרוֹר.]

טֶרוֹרִיסְט m.n. FW terrorist. [Fren. terroriste, formed with suff. - iste (see ◌ִיסְט) from L. terror. See טֶרוֹר.]

טָרוּשׁ adj. NH rocky, rugged, rough. [From טֶרֶשׁ.]

טרז to wedge, form into a wedge.
    — Pi. - טֵרֵז he wedged, formed into a wedge.
    — Pu. - טֹרַז was wedged, was formed into a wedge. [Denominated from טֽרִיז.]

טַרְזָן adj. NH foppish, fop, dandy. [Arab. ṭarrazza (= he embroidered, he embellished), derived from Pers. tārāz (= thread, esp. thread of silk). cp. Aram. טַרֽזָא, טוּרְזָא (= robe of state), which is prob. also a Pers. loan word. For the ending of טַרְזָן see agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: טַרְזָנוּת, טַרְזָנִי, מְטֹרָז.

טַרְזָנוּת f.n. NH foppery, dandyism. [Formed from טַרְזָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַרְזָנִי adj. foppish, dandyish. [Formed from טַרְזָן with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טרח to take pains, take trouble.
    — Qal - טָרַח he took pains, took trouble.
    — Niph. - נִטֽרַח was troubled.
    — Hiph. - הִטְרִיחַ 1 he burdened (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 37:11); PBH 2 he wearied; PBH 3 he troubled, bothered.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְרַח he was troubled, was bothered. [Aram. טְרַח (= he took pains, took trouble), ṭaraḥa (= he threw, put). cp. טָרָה.] Derivatives: טֹרַח, טִרֽחָה, טַרֽחוּת, טַרֽחָן, טָרִיחַ, טֽרִיחָה, הֶטְרֵחַ, הַטְרָחָה, טָרִיחַ, מֻטְרָח.

טֹֽרַח m.n. burden, labor, trouble, bother. [From טרח.]

טַרְחָא m.n. MH ‘Tarha’ — another name for the accent טִפְחָא. [Of uncertain origin.]

טִרְחָה f.n. PBH trouble, bother. [Formed from טרח with first suff. ◌ָה.]

טַרְחוּת f.n. PBH trouble, bother. [Formed from טרח with suff. ◌וּת.]

טַרְחָן adj. PBH troublesome, bothersome. [Formed from טָרַח (see טרח) with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: טַרְחָנוּת.

טַרְחָנוּת f.n. NH troubling, bothering. [Formed from טַרְחָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

טִרְטוּר m.n. NH rattle. [Verbal n. of טִרֽטֵר, Pi. of טרטר.]

טַרְטֵימָר m.n. PBH tritermorion (an old Greek coin). [Gk. tritemorion, neut. of tritemorios (= equal to a third part, forming a third part), from tritos (= third), and moros (= appointed lot, fate, destiny), which is related to moira (= part, portion, division). See ‘third’ and ‘Moira’ in my CEDEL. cp. the less correct spelling תַּרְטֵימָר.]

טרטר to rattle, make a loud noise; to mess somebody around.
    — Pi. - טִרְטֵר PBH 1 he made a loud noise, rattled. NH 2 (slang) he messed somebody around.
    — Pu. - טֻרֽטַר was messed around. [Of imitative origin.] Derivatives: טִרֽטוּר, טַרְטֵרָה, טַרֽטְרָן.

טַרְטֶרָה f.n. NH loud noise, rattle. [Formed from טרטר.]

טַרְטְרָן m.n. NH rattlebrain, rattlepate. [Formed from טרטר with suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: טַרְטְרָנִי.

טַרְטְרָנִי adj. NH rattlebrained, rattlepated. [Formed from טַרֽטְרָן with suff. ◌ִי.]

טָרִי adj. fresh, new. [From base טרה ᴵ. cp. Arab. ṭariya (= was fresh), jurja ṭariyya (= a fresh wound). cp. טֶרֶם.] Derivative: טֽרִיּוּת.

טַרְיָא f.n. PBH throwing, giving. [Aram., verbal n. of טֽרִי, טְרָא (= he threw, hurled, he gave). See טָרָה.]

טְרִיאוֹ see טְרִיּוֹ.

טְרִיאוּמְוִירָט m.n. FW triumvirate. [L. triumvirātus, from triumvir (= one of three men in the same office), from pl. gen. trium virorum, triumvirûm (= one of the three men). See טְרִיּוֹ and וירִילִיסְט.]

טְרִיבּוּן m.n. FW tribune. [L. tribunus (= tribune, orig. ‘chief of a tribe’, formed from tribus (= tribe), with nū-s (a suff. denoting ownership or relation). L. tribus prob. meant orig. the third part of the Roman people. See ‘tribe’ in my CEDEL.]

טְרִיגוֹן m.n. PBH triangle. [Gk. trignonon (= triangle), properly neuter of trigonos (= three-cornered, triangular), which is compounded of tri (= three) and gonia (= corner, angle). See ‘-gon’ in my CEDEL and cp. the first element in טְרִיגוֹנוֹמֶטְרְיָה. cp. also the second element in פֶּנְטָגוֹן.]

טְרִיגוֹנוֹמֶטְרְיָה f.n. FW [ModernL. trigōnometria (lit.: ‘measurement of triangles’). (Compounded of trigonon (= triangle) and metria (= a measuring of), from metres (= measurer of), from metron (= measure). See מֶטֶר.]

טְרִיּוֹ m.n. FW trio. [Italian trio, formed from L. trēs, neuter tria (= three), on analogy of Italian duo, archaic form of due (= two). cp. ‘three’ in my CEDEL and words there referred to. cp. also טֶרְצָה.]

טֶרִיּוּת f.n. MH freshness, newness. [Formed from טָרִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

טְרִיז m.n. PBH wedge. [Aram., of unknown origin.] Derivative: טֽרִיזִי.

טְרִיזִי adj. NH wedge–shaped. [Formed from טְרִיז with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

טָרִֽיחַ adj. PBH troublesome, bothersome. [From טרח.]

טְרִיחָה f.n. PBH trouble. [Verbal n. of טָרַח. See טרח and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְרִיטוֹן m.n. FW Triton (a genus of snails). [From triton (= a minor sea-god in Greek mythology), which is cogn. with Old Irish triath, gen. trethan, for Celtic triaton (= sea). cp. טָרִית.]

טֶרִיטוֹרְיָאלִי adj. FW territorial. [L. territōriālis, from territōrium. See טֶרִיטוֹרְיָה. For the ending - ālis see first suff. ‘-al’ in my CEDEL.]

טֶרִיטוֹרְיָאלִיזְם m.n. FW territorialism. [See טֶרִיטוֹרְיָאלִי and ◌ִיזְם.]

טֶרִיטוֹרְיָאלִיסְט m.n. FW territorialist. [See טֶרִיטוֹרְיָאלִי and ◌ִיסְט.]

טֶרִיטוֹרְיָה f.n. FW territory. [L. territōrium (= domain, district, territory), formed from terra (= earth), with - ōrium, a suff. denoting place. See ‘terra’ and subst. suff. ‘-ory’ in my CEDEL and cp. טֶרַסָּה, טֶרַרְיוֹן.]

טְרִיטוּת f.n. NH dimness of sight. [Formed from טָרוּט (= bleary-eyed) with suff. ◌וּת.]

טְרִילוֹגְיָה f.n. FW trilogy. Gk. trilogia, from tri (= three) and logia, from logos (= word, speech, discourse, account). See לוֹגוֹס.

טְרִילְיוֹן m.n. FW trillion. [Fren. trillion, formed from tri- (= three) on analogy of million. See מִילְיוֹן and cp. בִּילְיוֹן.]

טִרְיָן m.n. PBH tray. [Aram., from Pers. tyrian.]

טְרִיפָה f.n. PBH tearing, rending (by a wild beast or a bird of prey). [Verbal n. of טָרַף. See טרף ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְרִיפָה ᴵᴵ m.n. MH mixing, beating (of eggs), shuffling (of cards). [Verbal n. of טָרַף ᴵᴵ. See טרף and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְרִיקָה m.n. NH slamming, banging. [Verbal n. of טָרַק. See טרק and first suff. ◌ָה.]

טְרִיקוֹ m.n. FW tricot. [Fren. tricot (= knitting, knitted jersey). [Back formation from tricoter (= to knit), which is of uncertain origin.]

טָרִית f.n. PBH sardine. [Prob. from L. tritōn (= a sea fish), from Tritōn (= a minor sea god), from Gk. triton. See טְרִיטוֹן.]

טְרָכוֹמָה f.n. FW trachoma (medicine). [Gk. trachoma (= roughness), from trachys (= rough). The disease is so called because it is characterized by the roughness of the inner surface of the eyelids. See ‘trachea’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘trachoma’ ibid.]

טִרְלוּל m.n. NH 1 trill (music). 2 acting crazy (slang). [Verbal n. of טרְלֵל, Pi. of טרלל.]

טרלל to trill (music); to act crazy (slang).
    — Pi. - טרְלֵל he trilled. [From It. trilare, whence also Eng. trill and Fren. triller. Of imit. origin and meaning lit. ‘to say trill’.] Derivatives: טרְלוּל, מְטֻרְלָל.

טֶ, רֶם adv. not yet, before, ere. [Orig. a noun formed from טרה ᴵ and lit. meaning ‘newness, beginning’. cp. טְרוֹם.] Derivatives: טרם, הֶטְרֵם, הֵטְרָמָה.

טרם to do before.
    — Hiph. - הִטְרִים he did before, anticipated, preceded.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְרַם was done before, was anticipated, was preceded. [Derived from טֶרֶם.] Derivative: מֻטְרָם.

טְרֶמוֹלוֹ m.n. FW tremolo (music). [Italian tremolo, from L. tremulus (= shaking, quivering), from tremere (= to shiver, quiver, tremble), from IE base terem-, tren- (= to tremble), whence also Gk. tromos (= a trembling). See ‘tremble’ in my CEDEL.]

טֶרְמִיט m.n. FW termite. [Modern L. Termes, gen. Termitis (= the genus of termites), from L. termes, gen. termitis (= a worm that eats wood, woodworm), lit. ‘the boring worm’, from IE base ter- (= to rub, bore). See ‘throw’ in my CEDEL.]

טֶרְמִינוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. FW terminology. [Ger. Terminologie, a hybrid coined by C.G. Schutz of Jena in 1786 from Med. L. terminus (= expression, term), from L. terminus (= boundary, limit) and Gk. logia, from logos (one who speaks in a certain manner, one who deals with a certain topic). See ‘terminus’ in my CEDEL; see also ◌לוֹגְיָה.]

טֶרָמִיצִין m.n. FW terramycin (an antibiotic). [Coined from L. terra (= earth), Gk. mykes (= fungus), and suff. - in. See ‘terra’, ‘myco-’ and suff. ‘-in’ in my CEDEL.]

טְרֶמְפּ m.n. FW lift (in a car), hitchhike (slang). [From Eng. tramp.] Derivative: טְרֶמְפִּיסְט.

טְרֶמְפִּיסְט m.n. MH hitchhiker (slang). [Formed from טְרֶמֽפּ (= hitchhike) with suff. ◌ִיסֽט.]

טְרַנְז◌ see טְרַנֽס◌.

טְרַנְזִיט m.n. FW transit. [L. trānsitus (= a going across or over), from trānsitus, p. part. of trānsīre (= to go across, pass through), from trāns- (see טְרַנְס◌) and īre (= to go). See ‘itinerate’ in my CEDEL and cp. the second element in קֽנוּנְיָה.]

טְרַנְזִיטְטוֹד m.n. FW transistor. [Eng. transistor, a trade name coined by Bell Laboratories in 1948 from transfer and resistor.]

טָרַנְטֶלָּה f.n. FW tarantella (a lively Italian dance). [Italian tarantella, lit. ‘dane of Taranto’, formed with dimin. suff. - ella, from Taranto (= name of a town in southern Italy), from L. Tarentum, from Gk. Taras, gen. Tarantos.]

טְרַנְס pref. (also טְרַנְז◌) meaning across, over, beyond, through. [L. trāns-, from trāns (= across, over, beyond, through), which is cogn. with Old I. tiraḥ, Avestic tarō (= across, beyond), from IE base ter- (= to go through, cross over), whence also L. terminus (= boundary line). See דֶּטֶרֽמִינִיזֽם and cp. ‘term’ in my CEDEL.]

טְרַנְסְאַקְצְיָה f.n. FW transaction. [L. trānsāctio, from trānsāctus, p. part. of trānsagere (= to carry through, accomplish, settle), from trāns- (see טְרַנְס◌) and agere (= to drive, set in motion, to do, act). See אַקְטוּאָלִי.]

טְרַנְסְפּוֹרְט m.n. FW transport. [Ultimately from L. trānsportāre (= to carry across), from trāns- (see טְרַנְס◌) and portāre (= to carry). See ‘port’ (to carry) in my CEDEL.]

טְרַנְסְפוֹרְמָטוֹר m.n. FW transformer. [From L. trānsformāre (= to change the shape of), from trāns- (see טְרַנְס◌) and formāre (= to shape, form), from forma (= shape, form). See פוֹרְמוּלָה.]

טְרַנְסְפְּלַנְטַצְיָה f.n. FW transplantation. [From Late L. trānsplantāre, from trāns- (see טְרַנְס◌) and plantāre (= to plant), from planta (= plant). See פְּלַנְטַצְיָה.]

טְרַנְסְפֶר m.n. FW transfer. [From L. trānsferre (= to carry over, transport), from trāns- (see טְרַנֽס◌) and ferre (= to bear, carry), from IE base bher.]

טְרַנְסְצֶנְדֶּנְטִי adj. FW transcendent. [L. trānscendēns, gen. - entis, pres. part. of trānscendere (= to climb or step over, surmount, surpass), from trāns- (see טְלַנְס◌) and scandere (= to climb, ascend). See ‘scan’ in my CEDEL. For the ending see suff. ◌ִי.]

טְרַנְסְצֶנְדֶּנְטָלִי adj. FW transcendental. [Med. L. trānscendentālis, from L. trānscendēns. See טֽרַנְסְצֶנְדֶּנְטִי. For the ending - alis see adj. suff. ‘-al’ in my CEDEL. For the ending of טֽרַנְסְצֶנְדֶּנֽטָלִי see suff. ◌ִי.]

טְרַנְסְקְרִיפְּצְיָה f.n. FW transcription. [Fren. transcription, from L. trānscriptus, p. part. of trānscribere, from trāns- (see טְרַנְס◌) and scrībere (= to write). See ‘scribe’ in my CEDEL.]

טרס to weave, to embroider in gold and silver.
    — Qal - טָרַס he wove, embroidered (in gold or silver). [Denominated from טַרֽסִי (= weaver).

טֶרַסָּה f.n. FW terrace. [Fren. terrasse, from VL terrācea, a derivative of L. terra (= earth). See ‘terra’ in my CEDEL and cp. טֶרִיטוֹרֽיָה, טֶרַרְיוֹן.]

טְרַסְט m.n. FW trust. [Eng. trust, from Old Norse traust (= confidence). See ‘true’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘trust’ ibid.]

טַרְסִי m.n. PBH weaver. [Prob. from Pers. tarāz (= embroiderers in gold).] Derivative: טרס.

טְרַסְקָל, טְרִיסְקָל m.n. PBH tripod. [Gk. triskeles (= three–legged), compounded of tri (= three) and skelos (= leg). See ‘scalene’ in my CEDEL.]

טרף to tear to pieces, rend; to pluck.
    — Qal - טָרַף 1 tore to pieces, rent (said esp. of wild beast); PBH 2 he seized; PBH 3 he declared ritually unfit for food.
    — Niph. - נִטְרַף 1 was torn to pieces; PBH 2 was seized; PBH 3 was declared ritually unfit for food;
    — Pi. - טֵרֵף he tore to pieces. — Pu. was torn to pieces.
    — Hiph. - הִטְרִיף 1 he caused to devour, fed; MH 2 he declared ritually unfit for food.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְרַף was declared ritually unfit for food. [Aram. טֽרַף (= he tore, seized), סֽרֵיפָא (= torn animal, torn flesh), Arab. ṭarafa (= it grazed — said of a camel), ṭarufa (= was freshly plucked). cp. טרף ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: טוֹרֵף, טָרוּף ᴵ, טְרִיפָה ᴵᴵ, טֶרֶף, טָרָף, טָרֵף, טִרְפָּא, טְרֵפָה, טַרְפוּת, טַרְפָן, הַטְרָפָה, הִטָּרְפוּת.

טרף ᴵᴵ to cast, knock; to mix, confuse.
    — Qal - טָרַף he beat up (eggs); he mixed, confused.
    — Niph. - נִטְרַף was mixed, was confused.
    — Pi. - טֵרֵף 1 he shook; 2 he confused.
    — Pu. - טֹרַף was shaken.
    — Hiph. - הִטְרִיף he confused.
    — Hoph. - הֻטְרַף was confused. [Aram.–Syr. טֽרַף (= he shook, clapped, smote), Arab. tarafa (= he struck back). Prob. sense enlargement of טרף ᴵ.] Derivatives: טָרוּף ᴵᴵ, טֵרוּף, טֽרִיפָה ᴵᴵ, מַטֽרֵף, מֽטֹרָף.

טָרָף adj. fresh-plucked. [From טרף ᴵ.] Derivative: טָרָף ᴵᴵ.

טֶרָף ᴵᴵ m.n. 1 fresh leaf (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 17:9 in the form טַרְפֵּי־). NH 2 leaf, blade. [From טָרָף ᴵ. cp. Aram.–Syr. טַרֽפָּא (= fresh leaf).]

טָרֵף adj. NH ritually unfit (food). [Back formation from טֽרֵפָה, which was regarded as a f. adj.]

טֶֽרֶף m.n. 1 prey. 2 food (orig. prob. meaning ‘food carried off’). [From טרף ᴵ.]

טִרְפָּא m.n. PBH foreclosure, seizure, a document entitling the creditor to seize the debtor’s ground. [Aram., from טֽרַף (= he seized). See טרף ᴵ.]

טרפד NH to torpedo.
    — Pi. - טִרֽפֵּד he torpedoed.
    — Pu. - טֻרֽפַּד was torpedoed. [Back formation from טוֹרֽפֶּדוֹ.] Derivatives: טַרֽפֶּדֶת, טִרֽפּוּד, מְטֻרֽפָּד.

טַלְפֶּדֶת f.n. NH torpedo boat. [Formed from טרפד with suff. ◌ֶת.]

טֽרֵפָה f.n. 1 an animal torn by wild beasts. PBH 2 an animal with organic defect. MH 3 ritually forbidden food. [Formed from טרף ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

טִרְפּוּד m.n. NH torpedoing. [Verbal n. of טִרֽפֵּד, Pi. of טרפד.]

טַרְפוּת f.n. MH the condition of being ritually unfit for food. [From טֽרֵפָה. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת.]

טְרַפֶּז m.n. FW trapezium. [Gk. trapezion (= a little table), dimin. of trapeza (= table) which stands for ptrapeza, a compound lit. meaning ‘provided with four feet’. The first element represents IE qetr (= four). See ‘four’ in my CEDEL. The second element is peza (= foot), which is related to podos (= foot). See ‘foot’ in my CEDEL.]

טַרְפַּֽחַת f.n. PBH mouth of the womb. [Prob. formed from טָפִיחַ ᴵ through the insertion of ר.]

טַרְפָן m.n. MH 1 predatory; cruel. NH 2 one who eats ritually unfit food. [Formed from טֽרֵפָה with suff. ◌ָן.]

טֶרְפֶּנְטִין m.n. FW turpentine. [Fren. térébenthine, from Old Fren. turbentine, from Med. L. terebintina resina (= terebinthine resin), from L. terebinthus, from Gk. terebindos (= the turpentine tree).]

טְרַפָּעִיק m.n. PBH an ancient Roman coin. [Gk. tropaikon (= a half-denarius).]

טַרְפֵּשׁ m.n. MH diaphragm, midriff. [From Aram. טַרֽפּֽשָׁא, which was prob. formed from טפשׁ (= to be fat), with inserted ר. cp. Syr. טֶרֽפָּשֽׁתָּא (= thin flesh), Arab. tarpasha (= was convalescent). cp. also רֻטֲפַשׁ.]

טֶרְצָה f.n. FW third (music). [Italian terza, f. of terzo (= third), from L. tertius (= third). Related to L. trēs, tria (= three). See טֽרִיּוֹ and טֶרֽצֶט.]

טֶרְצֶט m.n. FW terzetto. [Italian terzetto. Dimin. of terzo (= third). See טֶרְצָה.]

טרק to slam, to bang.
    — Qal - טָרַק he slammed, banged (the door).
    — Pi. - טֵרֵק he slammed, banged.
    — Niph. - נִטְרַק was slammed, was banged. [From Aram. טֽרַק, which is related to Arab. ṭaraqa (= he knocked, banged).] Derivative: טֽרִיקָה.

טְרַקְטוֹר m.n. FW tractor. [Eng. tractor, from Med. L. tractor, lit. ‘that which draws’, from L. tractus, p. part. of trahere (= to draw). See ‘tract (region)’, and agential suff. ‘-or’ in my CEDEL, and cp. טְרַקֽטָט.]

טְרַקְטָט m.n. FW tractate. [L. tractātus (= a touching, handling; management, treatment, treatise), from tractātus, p. part of tractāre (= to draw violently; to drag, touch, handle, manage). See ‘tract (region)’ in my CEDEL and cp. טֽרַקָטוֹר.]

טַרְקָיָא m.n. PBH a precious stone (rendering of שִׁבוֹ, which is usually identified with the agate). [Of uncertain origin.]

טְרַקְלִין m.n. PBH drawing–room, reception room, salon. [L. triclīnium, formed on the analogy of Latin words like bi-sellium (= a seat for two persons), from Gk. triklinion, dimin. of triklinos (= a dining room with three couches), which is formed from tri, from treis, tria (= three), and kline (= couch, bed). See קֽלִינִיקָה.]

טֶרַרְיוֹן m.n. FW terrarium. [Modern L. terrārium, formed from L. terra (= earth) with suff. ārium on the analogy of aquārium. See ‘terra’ and ‘-arium’ in my CEDEL and cp. טֶרִיטוֹרְיָה, טֶרַסָּה.]

טֶֽרֶשׁ m.n. PBH stone, rock. [Of uncertain origin.] Derivatives: טָרוּשׁ, טַרְשִׁי, טַרֽשָׁנִית, טָרֶשֶׁת.

טַרְשִׁי adj. NH stony, rocky. [Formed from טֶרֶשׁ with suff. ◌ִי.]

טַרְשָׁנִית f.n. Cynocrambe (a genus of plants). [Formed from טֶרֶשׁ with suff. ◌ִנִית.]

טָרֶֽשֶׁר f.n. NH sclerosis (disease). [Formed from טֶרֶשׁ (= stone, rock), according to the pattern פַּעֶלֶת serving to form names of diseases. See e.g. אַרֶּמֶת.]

טִשְׁטוּשׁ m.n. MH 1 erasing, blotting. NH 2 confusion. [Verbal n. of טִשְׁטֵשׁ, Pi. of טשׁטשׁ.]

טשטש to smear over, erase.
    — Pilp. - טִשְׁטֵשׁ PBH 1 he softened; PBH 2 he smeared over, besmeared, soiled; MH 3 he erased, blotted; NH 4 he blurred, made indistinct; NH 5 he confused.
    — Pulp. - טֻשְׁטַשׁ PBH 1 was besmeared, was soiled; PBH 2 was erased, was blotted; MH 3 was blurred, was made indistinct; NH 4 was confused.
    — Nithpalp. - נִטַּשְׁטֵשׁ PBH 1 was erased, was blotted; PBH 2 was besmeared, was soiled; MH 3 became blurred, became indistinct; NH 4 became confused. [Pilp. of טוּשׁ (= to smear over).] Derivatives: טִשְׁטוּשׁ, מְטֻשְׁטָשׁ.


כ י ט ח ז ו ה ד ג ב א
ת ש ר ק צ פ ע ס נ מ ל