Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:17:40 -0600 Yom Shishi, Chodesh Aser'i 24, 6024 — יום ששי חדש עשרי כד ו׳כד |
Ernest Klein
A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary Of The Hebrew Language For Readers Of English ( Carta Jerusalem; 1st edition, 1987 |
ו The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The name of this letter ‘Waw’, means ‘hook’, ‘peg’ (see וָו ᴵ); so called in allusion to the ancient Heb. form of this letter. In PBH it has the numerical value six. At the beginning of West Sem. words (i.e. Heb., Aram., Ugar.), ו almost always becomes י. cp. e.g. Arab. walada, Heb. יָלַד, Aram. יְלֵד (= he begot), or Ethiop. warḥ, Heb. יֶרַח, Aram. יַרְחָא (= month). cp. also the introductory entries to letters י and ה.
וְ◌ ᴵ conj. ( waw copulative) and, but, therefore. 2 as, since, seeing, while, whereas, although; usually in circumstantial clauses as in וְהוּא יוֹשֵׁב (= as he sat … Gen. 18:1) and in וֽהוּא הַצָּעִיר (= although he was the younger … Gen. 48:14). Before a labial (i.e. any of the sounds ב, ו, מ, פ) and before a sound with a shwa, it becomes וּ◌, e.g. וּמִי (= and who), וּדְבַר (= and the word of). With following יֽ it coalesces into וִי◌, e.g. וִיהִי (= and let him be). Before an accented syllable it often becomes וָ◌, e.g. וָחֹרֶף (= and winter). Before a letter with ḥataph it takes the vowel of the ḥataph, e.g. וַאֲנָשִׁים (= and men), וֶאֱמֶת (= and truth), וָאֳנְיָּה (= and a ship). Before אֱלֹהִים it becomes וֵ. [Related to Aram., Syr. and Phoen, Arab. wa, Ethiop. w–, Akka. u–.]
ו◌ ᴵᴵ conj. ( waw consecutive, also waw conversive) 1 turns the future tense into past tense. With verbs in the second person and third person sing., and in all the three persons plu., it always has the form וַ◌, as in וַתֹּאמַר (= and you said). With a verb standing in the first person sing. it has the form וָ־◌, as in וָאֹמַר (= and I said). 2 turns the past tense into future tense. It may have the form וְ◌, וּ◌, וִ◌, וַ◌, e.g. וְאָמַרְתִּי (= and I will say), וּבֵרַכְתָּ (= and you will bless), וִהְיִיתֶם (= and you will be), וַאֲכַלְתֶּם (= and you will eat).
וָאדִי m.n. FW (pl. וָאדִיּוֹת) wadi — valley, bed of a river, water course. [From Arab. wādī (= valley), properly part. of wǎdā(y) (= it flowed).]
וָאו f.n. PBH (pl. וָאוִין) the letter waw. [See וָו ᴵᴵ.]
וָאט m.n. FW watt (a unit of electrical power). [Named after the inventor, J. Watt, 1736–1819.]
וְאִלּוּ conj. PBH while, whereas, on the other hand. [Formed from אִלּוּ (= if, but), with pref. וְ◌.]
וּבְכֵן conj. MH and so, if so, thus, therefore, well. [Formed from כֵּן ᴵ (= so, thus), with pref. בְּ◌ and pref. וְ◌ ᴵ.]
וּבִלְבַד adv. PBH on condition, only if, provided that. [Formed from לְבַד (= only, apart, separately), pref. בִּ◌ and pref. וּ◌ ᴵ.]
וֶגָה f.n. FW Vega (the brightest star in the constellation Syra). [From Med. L. Vega, from Arab. ( an-nasr) al-wāqi (= the falling vulture), compounded of al (= the) and p. part. of wa-qa‘a (= he fell), which is related to BH יָקַע (= was dislocated). See יקע ᴵ.]
ודא to ascertain. — Pi. - וִדֵּא (= certified). — Pu. - וֻדָּא (= was certified). — Nith. - נִתְוַדֵּא (= was proved true, was ascertained). [Back formation from וַדַּאי (= was certified).] Derivative: וִדּוּא.
וַדָּאָה see וַדַּאי.
וַדָּאוּת f.n. MH certainty. [Formed from וַדַּאי with suff. ◌וּת.]
וַדַּאי, וַדָּאָה m.n. resp. f.n. PBH (pl. וַדָּאִים, resp. וַדָּאוֹת) certainty. [Prob. derived from ודה and means lit. confessedly.] Derivatives: ודא, וַדָּאָה, וַדָּאוּת, וַדָּאִי.
וַדָּאִי adj. NH certain, sure. [Formed from וַדַּאי with suff. ◌ִי.]
ודה to confess. — Pi. - וִדָּה (= he caused someone to confess). [Back formation from הִתְוַדָּה (= he confessed). See ידה ᴵ and cp. וַדַּאי.]
וֵדָה f.n. FW Veda. [From Old I. vḗdaḥ (= knowledge, sacred book), related to vḗda (= I know), vidyā́ (= knowledge), Avestic vaēda (= I know), from IE base weid–, woid–, wid– (= to see, to know). Whence L. vidēre (= to see).]
וִדּוּא m.n. NH ascertaining. [Verbal n. of וִדֵּא. See ודא.]
וִדּוּי m.n. PBH confession, confession of sins. [Verbal n. of וִדָּה, Pi. of ודה.]
וִדּוּעַ m.n. NH presentation, introduction. [Verbal n. of וִדַּע. See ודע.]
וַדַּי m.n. See וַדַּאי.
ודע MH to introduce, to present. — Pi. - וִדַּע (= he presented, he introduced). — Pu. - וֻדַּע (= was presented, was introduced). [Back formation of הִתֽוַדַּע, Hith. of ידע ᴵ.]
וָהּ interj. PBH oh! ah! [Of imitative origin.]
וָו ᴵ m.n. hook, peg. [Related to Aram. וָוָא, Syr. וַו, וַאו.] Derivative: וָוִית.
וָו ᴵᴵ (also spelled וָאו, וָיו. pl. וָוִין) ‘Waw’ — name of the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. [Lit.: hook; so called in allusion of the ancient Heb. form of this letter (see וָו ᴵ).]
ווֹדֶבִיל m.n. FW vaudeville. [Fren. vaudeville (= a lively satirical song, a country ballad or song), alteration of vaudevire, from Vau de Vire (= Valley of the Vire in Normandy). The songs of this district were highly praised in the 15th century.]
ווֹדְקָה f.n. FW vodka. [Russ. vodka, dimin. of voda (= water), which is cogn. with Gk. hydor, Goth. wato, Old Eng. waeter. See הִדְרוֹ.]
וָוִית f.n. NH a small hook. [Formed from וָו ᴵ with dimin. suff. ◌ִית.]
ווּלְגָטָה f.n. FW the Vulgate — translation of the Bible, prepared by the church father Jerome (about 340–420). [L. vulgāta (editio), lit.: ‘the popular, current edition’, from L. volgāre, vulgāre (= to make general, make common), from volgos, vulgos (= the great mass, the multitude, the people). cp. ווּלְגָרִי.]
ווּלְגָרִי adj. FW vulgar. [L. volgāris, vulgāris (= pertaining to the multitude, common, vulgar). Formed from volgus, vulgus (see ווּלְגָטָה) and suff. ◌ִי.]
ווֹלוּנְטָרִי adj. FW voluntary. [From L. voluntārius (= of one’s free will, voluntary), from voluntās (= will), from the stem of volō, velle (= to will, wish), from IE base * wel– (= to will, wish, hope, choose). See ווֹלוּנְטָרִיזְם.]
ווֹלוּנְטָרִיזְם m.n. FW voluntarism. [Ger. Voluntarismus, irregularly formed by the German economist and sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies (1855–1936) from L. voluntarius (= of one’s free will) and suff. – ismus (= ism). See ווֹלוּנְטָרִי.]
ווֹלְט m.n. FW volt (the unit of electromotive force). [Named after the Italian physicist Count Alesandro Volta (1745–1827).]
ווֹלְטְמֶטֶר m.n. FW voltmeter (electricity). [Compounded of volt and Gk. metron (= measure). See ווֹלְט and מֶטֶר.]
ווֹלְפְרָם m.n. FW wolfram. [Ger. Wolfram (= lit.: wolf’s soot), from Ger. wolf (= wolf) and rām (= dirt, soot) — so called in sign of contempt because it was regarded of lesser value than tin and caused a considerable loss of tin during the melting process in the furnace.]
ווּלְקָן m.n. FW volcano. [It. vulcano, volcano, from L. Vulcānus, Volcānus — name of the god of fire, a name of Etruscan origin.] Derivatives: ווּלֽקָנִי, ווּלְקָנִיזְם.
ווּלְקָנִי adj. FW volcanic. [Formed from ווּלְקָן and suff. ◌ִי.]
ווּלְקָנִיזְם m.n. FW volcanism. [Formed from ווּלְקָן and sufif. ◌ִיזֽם.]
ווּלְקָנִיזַצְיָה f.n. FW vulcanization. [From Eng. vulcanize — a hybrid coined by W. Brockdon (1789–1854), from vulcan (see ווּלְקָן).]
וָזִיר m.n. FW vizier, vizir. [Arab. wazīr (= counsellor), from Avestic viçira (= arbitrator, judge). In Arab. wazīr superseded kātib (lit.: writer; meaning: secretary of state). The Arab. word was re-borrowed by the Persians under the Omayyads.]
וָזֶלִין m.n. FW vaseline. [Coined by R.A. Chesebrough in 1877 from vas–, short for Ger. Wasser (= water), – el, from Gk. el-aion (= oil), from Gk. elaia (= olive tree), and suff. -ine.]
וָזָר m.n. crooked, guilty (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 21:8). [Prob. related to Arab. wazara (= he bore a burden) or to wazira (= was guilty).]
וָט See וָאט.
וֶטוֹ m.n. FW veto. [L. vetō (= I forbid), from vetāre (= to forbid).]
וֶטֶרָן m.n. FW veteran. [From L. veterānus (= old, veteran), from vetus (= old), which is traceable to the noun ivetos (= year), and orig. meant ‘of (many) years’, from IE base wet (= year). cp. ‘weather’ in my CEDEL.]
וֶטֶרִינָר m.n. FW veterinarian. [L. veterīnārius (= pertaining to beasts of burden or draft), from veterīnus (= pertaining to carrying burdens), esp. veterīna, scil. bestia (= a draft animal), from vetus (= old, orig. one year old). cp. וֶטֶרָן.]
וַי interj. PBH woe! alas! [Of imitative origin.]
וִיאָה f.n. & adv. FW 1 way, road, path. 2 by way of.
וִיאָדוּקְט m.n. FW viaduct. [Formed from via (= way) and ductus (= a leading) from ducere (= to lead).]
וִיאוֹלָה see וְיוֹלָה.
וִיאוֹלוֹנְצֶ׳לּוֹ see וְיוֹלוֹנְצֶ׳לּוֹ.
וִיבְּרָטוֹ adv. FW vibrato. [It. vibrato, p. part. of vibrare (= to vibrate, shake, brandish), from L. vibrāre, from IE base * weib (= to move to and fro, to swing). See ‘vibrate’ in my CEDEL.]
וִיגְוָם m.n. FW wigwam. [Of Algonquian origin.] Lit.: their house.
וִיגִים m.n. pl. FW Whigs. [From Eng. shortened from Whiggamore which is of uncertain origin.]
וִידֵיאוֹ m.n. FW video. [L. video (= I see), from videre (= to see).]
וָיו see וָו.
וִיוִיסֶקְצְיָה f.n. FW vivisection. [Compounded of L. vīvus (= living, alive), which is related to vīvere (= to live), and sectiō (= a cutting), from sectus, p. part. of secāre (= to cut). See וִיטָלי and סֶקַנְס.]
וְיוֹלָה f.n. FW viola. [It. viola, prob. borrowed from Med. L. vitula (= name of a stringed instrument). See ‘fiddle’ in my CEDEL.]
וְיוֹלוֹנְצֶ׳לּוֹ m.n. FW violoncello. [From It., dimin. violone, from viola.]
וִיזָה f.n. FW visa. [L. vīsa, from videre (= to see). See second element in רֶבִיזֽיָה, סֶלֶוִיזְיָה.]
וִיזוּאָלִי adj. FW visual. [From Late L. vīsuālis, from L. vīsus (= sight), from vīsus, p. part. of videre (= to see).]
וִיטָלִי adj. FW vital. [L. vītālis (= pertaining to life), from vīta (= life). cp. first element in וִיטָמִין, וִיוִיסֶקְצְיָה.] Derivatives: וִיטָלִיּוּת, וִיטָלִיזֽם.
וִיטָלִיּוּת f.n. FW vitality. [Formed from וִיטָלִי with suff. ◌וּת.]
וִיטָלִיזְם m.n. vitalism. [Formed from וִיטָלִי with suff. ◌ִיזְם.]
וִיטָמִין m.n. FW vitamin (biochemistry). [Coined by the Polish biochemist C. Funk, the discoverer of vitamins, from vīta (= life) and Ger. amin, which was formed from the first syllable of ammonia and chemical suff. - in.]
וִיטְרָז׳ m.n. FW vitrage. [Fren. vitrage (= glazing, glasswork, glass partition), from vitre (= glass), from L. vitrum (= glass), which is identical with vitrum (= woad). The glass was called vitrum because of its bluish woadlike color.]
וִיטְרִינָה f.n. FW shop-window. [Fren. vitrine, from L. vitrum (= glass), which is identical with vitrum (= woad). The glass was so called because of its bluish woadlike color.]
וִילָאוֹת pl. of וִילוֹן.
וִילָה f.n. FW villa. [From It. villa, from L. villa (= country house, villa, farm), which stands for vīc-slā and is related to vīcus (= village, hamlet), whence vīcīnus (= near, neighboring). See ‘vicinage’ and ‘village’ in my CEDEL.]
וִילוֹן m.n. PBH (pl. וִילוֹנוֹת, also וִילָאוֹת) curtain. [From L. vēlum (= sail, piece of cloth, awning, curtain, veil), from IE base * weg (= to weave). See ‘wick’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘veil’ ibid.] Derivatives: וִילוֹנִי, וִילוֹנִית.
וִילוֹנִי adj. NH 1 curtainlike. 2 velar. [Formed from וִילוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.]
וִילוֹנִית f.n. NH a small curtain. [Formed from וִילוֹן with dimin. suff. ◌ִית.]
וִינְיֶטָה f.n. FW vignette. [Fren., dimin. of vigne (= vine), originally an ornament representing a little vine, with leaves, tendrils and grapes.]
וִיסְקִי m.n. FW whisky. [Eng. whiskey, whisky, from Irish and Gaelic uisce (= water), shortened from uiscebeathadh (= lit.: water of life). See ‘usquebaugh’ and ‘whiskey’ in my CEDEL.]
וִיקוֹנְט m.n. FW viscount. [Fren. vicomte, from Med. Fren. viscomte, vicomte, from Old Fren., from Med. L. vicecomes, which is compounded of L. vice (= instead of) and comes (= a companion). See ‘vice’ prep. and ‘count — title of nobility’ in my CEDEL.]
וִיקִינְג m.n. FW viking. [Old N. vikings, from vīk (= bay, lit.: one who frequents bays), so called in allusion to the preference given by pirates to nookshotten coasts. See ‘viking’ in my CEDEL.]
וַיִּקְרָא PBH name of the third Book of the Pentateuch, Leviticus. [So called after the opening word of the Book.]
וִירוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. FW virology. [A hybrid, coined from L. vīrus (see וִירוּס), Gk. logos (= study) and suff. (see ◌לוֹגְיָה).]
וִירוּס m.n. FW virus. [L. vīrus (= poison) from visos, from IE base weis (= to melt away, rot), whence also Old. I. visám (= poison). See ‘virus’ in my CEDEL.]
וִירְטוּאוֹז m.n. FW virtuoso. [It. virtuoso, from L. virtus (= virtue, lit.: manliness, manhood), from vir (= man). See next word.]
וִירִילִיסְט m.n. FW honorary member. [From L. virīlis (= pertaining to a man, masculine, manly, vigorous, spirited), which is related to Umbrian viro, veiro (= the men) and cogn. with Old I. vīráh. See ‘virile’ in my CEDEL.]
וְכוּ׳ see וְכֻלֵּהּ.
וִכּוּחַ m.n. MH discussion, debate, argument. [Verbal n. of וִכַּח, Pi. of וכח.] Derivative: וִכּוּחִי.
וִכּוּחִי adj. MH pertaining to a discussion, argumentative. [Formed from וִכּוּחַ with suff. ◌ֽי.]
וכח to discuss, to argue, to debate. — Pi. - וִכַּח he discussed, debated, argued. — Hith. - הִתְוַכַּח (= he argued). [Back formation from הִתְוַכַּח; see יכח.] Derivatives: וִכּוּחַ, וֶכַח, וַכְּחָן.
וֶֽכַח m.n. MH debate, argument. [From וכח.]
וַכְּחָן m.n. NH debater, arguer, polemist. [Formed from וִכַּח, Pi. of וכח, with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: וַכְּחָנוּת, וַכּֽחָנִי.
וַכְּחָנוּת f.n. NH disputatiousness. [Formed from וַכְּחָן with suff. ◌וּת.]
וַכְּחָנִי adj. NH disputatious. [Formed from וַכְּחָן with suff. ◌ִי.]
וְכֻלֵהּ PBH and so on, and so forth (lit.: and all of it). [Aram., formed from וְ◌ (= and), and כֹּל (= all), with third person m. pron. suff. Usually shortened into וְכוּ׳. cp. כֻּלֵּה.]
וָלֹא adv. and if not, or else. [Formed from וָ (= and; see וְ◌ ᴵ), and לֹא (= not).]
וָלָד m.n. (pl. וְלָדוֹת) 1 child. PBH 2 young of an animal. [From ילד (with orig. ו). cp. Aram. וְלַד, וַלְדָּא, Ugar. wld, Arab. walad, Ethiop. wal(a)d (= child).] Derivative: וַלְדָּנִית.
וַלְדָנִית f.n. PBH prolific mother, multipara. [Formed from וָלָד with suff. ◌ָנִית.]
וָלוּטָה f.n. FW valuta. [It. valuta (= market, value, price); properly subst. use of the f. p. part. of valēre (= to be strong, be well, be worth), from L. valēre, from IE base wal (= to be strong). See ‘valiant’ in my CEDEL.]
וִלּוּן m.n. NH curtaining. [Verbal n. of וִלֵּן, Pi. of ולן.]
ולן to curtain. — Pi. - וִלֵּן (= curtained, curtained off). — Pu. - וֻלַּן (= was curtained). [Back formation from וִילוֹן (= curtain).] Derivative: וִלּוּן.
וָלֶנְסְיָה f.n. FW valensia (a kind of a late orange). [Named after Valencia, a town in Spain.]
וַלְס m.n. FW waltz. [Ger. walzer, from walzen (= to roll, revolve, turn one’s feet in dancing), from IE base wel (= to turn, bend, twist, roll). See ‘volute’ in my CEDEL.]
וָלֶרְיָנָה f.n. FW Valeriana — a genus of plants (botany). [From L. Valeria, name of Roman province in Pannonia, place of origin of this plant.]
וַמְפִּיר m.n. FW 1 vampire. 2 vampire bat. [Ger. Vampir, of Slavic origin. cp. Serbian vampir, Bulgarian vapir, vepir, Ukrainian uper, upyr. The slavic words are prob. borrowed from Turkish uber (= witch).]
◌וֹן ᴵ suffix forming abstract nouns (as in שָׂשׂוֹן, זִכָּרוֹן). [From origin ◌ָן ᴵ (q.v.), whence also Arab. ān, Aram.–Syr. ◌ָן.]
◌וֹן ᴵᴵ suffix forming adjectives, as in קַדְמוֹן (= eastern), רִאשׁוֹן (= the first). [From orig. ◌ָן; see suff. ◌ָן ᴵ, ◌ָן ᴵᴵ, and cp. ◌וֹן ᴵ. Almost all adjectives formed with this suff. are denominated. The change of ō (e.g. in רֹאשׁ) to ī (in רִאשׁוֹן) is due to dissimilation.] Derivatives: ◌וֹנוּת, ◌וֹנִי.
◌וֹן ᴵᴵᴵ dimin. suff. as in אִישׁוֹן (= pupil of the eye; lit.: ‘little man in the eye’), which is a dimin. of אִישׁ (= man). See אִישׁוֹן ᴵ, אִישׁוֹן ᴵᴵ. [The same dimin. suff. appears in Aramaic, e.g. Syr. (= little son), כְּתָבוֹנָא (= little book), and is prob. borrowed from Heb.]
◌וֹן ⱽᴵ PBH suff. orig. representing Gk. – on (the ending of the nominative and accusative of the neuter nouns of the second declension). Later extended also to Greek loan words ending in – os, –es, –as, –es (cp. e.g. הִמְנוֹן from hymnos, פִּזֽמוֹן from psalmos). The extensive use of this suffix is due to the circumstance that it formally coincided with the Hebrew suff. ◌וֹן.] NH. - מִלּוֹן (= a collection of words, dictionary), from מִלָּה (= word). NH. - פָּעוֹטוֹן (= baby home), from פָּעוֹט (= a young child, baby).
◌וֹן ⱽᴵᴵ NH suff. denoting some general idea or concept with reference to the noun to which it is added, as e.g. עִתּוֹן (= newspaper), which is derived from עֵת (= time), and hence lit. meaning ‘that which deals with time’.
◌וֹנַאי subst. suff. corresponding to Eng. suff. – ist, as in עִתּוֹנַאי (= journalist). [Compounded of the suff. ◌וֹן and ◌ָאי.]
וֶנְדֶטָה f.n. FW blood revenge. [It. vendetta (= revenge), from L. vindicta (= vengeance, revenge), from vindex, gen. vindicis (= vindicator).]
וָנַדְיוּם m.n. FW vanadium (chemistry). [Modern L., coined in 1830 by the chemists B.J.J. Berzelius and N.G. Sefström, from Old Norse Vanadis (one of the names of the Norse goddess Freya) and suff. - ium. See ‘ium’ in my CEDEL.]
וַנְדָּל m.n. FW Vandal. [L. vandalus — a name of Teutonic orig. (cp. Old Eng. Wendil), prob. meaning wanderer and related to Ger. wandeln (= to wander).] Derivative: וַנְדָּלִי.
וַנְדָּלִי adj. FW vandal. [Formed from וַנְדָּל and adj. suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: וַנְדָּלִי.
וַנְדָּלִיּוּת f.n. FW vandalism. [Formed from וַנְדָּלִי with suff. ◌וּת.]
וֶנוּס f.n. FW 1 Venus, the goddess of love in Roman mythology (identified with Aphrodite, the goddess of love in Greek mythology). 2 name of the most brilliant planet in the solar system. [L. Venus, from venus (= love, sexual desire, loveliness, attractiveness, beauty, charm), whence venerāri (= to reverence, worship, venerate), from IE base * wen (= to strive after, wish, desire to be satisfied). See ‘wish’ in my CEDEL and cp. וֶנֶרִי.]
◌וֹנוּת PBH subst. suff., as in צִמְחוֹנוּת. [Compounded of suff◌וֹן and suff. ◌וּת.]
וָנִיל m.n. FW vanilla. [From earlier Sp. vaynilla (now vainilla, dimin. of vayna, now vaina (= sheath, pod), from L. vāgīna (= sheath, scabbard, vagina); so called from the shape of the fruit. cp. ‘vagina’ in my CEDEL.]
וֶנֶרִי adj. FW venereal. [From L. venereus (= pertaining to love or sexual desire), from venus. See וֶנוּס.]
וִסּוּת m.n. NH regulation, adjustment. [Verbal n. of וִסֵּת, Pi. of וסת.]
וָסִית adj. regular. [From וֶסֶת.]
וַסָּל m.n. vassal. [Med. L. vassallus, derived of vassus (= servant), which is of Celtic origin. cp. ‘vassal’ in my CEDEL.]
וֶֽסֶת m. & f.n. PBH 1 regular habit, custom, manner. 2 menstruation. [Aram. וֶסְתָּא. Of uncertain origin.] Derivatives: וָסִית, וַסָּת, וסת.
וסת to regulate. — Pi. - וִסֵּת (= he regulated, controlled, adjusted). — Pu. - וֻסַּת (= was regulated). — Hith. - הִתְוַסֵּת (= was made regular). [Denominated from וֶסֶת.] Derivatives: וִסּוּת, וַסָּת, מֽוֻסָּת.
וַסָּת m.n. NH regulator (mechanism). [Formed from וִסֵּת (= he regulated), Pi. of וסת, according to the pattern פַּעָל.]
ועד PBH to appoint. — Pi. - וִעֵד (= he appointed, designated). — Pu. - וֻעַד (= was appointed). — Hith. - הִתֽוַעֵד (= he met, convened). [From orig. יעד.] Derivatives: וַעַד, וָעוּד, וִעוּד, וְעִידָה, הִתֽוַעֲדוּת.
וַֽעַד m.n. PBH 1 meeting. NH 2 committee. [From ועד. cp. Aram. וַעֲדָא (= meeting). See וַעֲדָה.]
וָעֶד adv. and forever. [Compounded of וָ (see וְ◌ ᴵ) and עַד ᴵᴵᴵ (= perpetuity).]
וַעֲדָה, וְעָדָה f.n. MH 1 meeting. NH 2 commission. [From Aram. וַעֲדָא (= meeting). In sense 2 introduced by Eliezer Ben Yehudah (1858–1922).]
וָעוּד adj. MH appointed. [Formally pass. part. of the not-used Qal וָעַד. cp. וְעִידָה.]
וִעוּד m.n. PBH appointment for meeting, meeting. [Verbal n. of וִעֵד, Pi. of ועד.]
וְעִידָה f.n. MH 1 meeting. NH 2 conference, convention. [Formally verbal n. of the not-used Qal וָעַד (see ועד). For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]
וֶקְטוֹר m.n. FW vector (mathematics). [L. vector (= carrier, bearer, conveyor), from vectus, p. part. of vehere (= to carry, bear, convey), from IE base wegh (= to move, to carry).]
וַקְף m.n. FW ‘wakf’ (= religious endowment). [Arab. waqf, from waqafa (= stopped, stood still).]
וֶֽרֶד m.n. PBH rose. [Aram. וַרְדָּא, borrowed from Iranian * wrda, whence Gk. rodon, whence L. rosa (= rose). cp. ‘rose’ in my CEDEL.] Derivatives: וָרֹד, וֶרֶד, וְרַדְרַד, וַרְדָּה, וַרְדִּי, וַרְדִּינָה, וַרְדִינוֹן, וַרְדָּנִיִּים, וַרֶדֶת. cp. the first element in הַרְדּוּף, הַרְדּוּפְנִין, רוֹדְיוּם.
וָרֹד adj. NH 1 pink. 2 rose–colored. [Coined by Eliezer Ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from וֶרֶד, on the analogy of יָרֹק (= green), אָדֹם (= red). cp. Arab. wardiyy (= rose-colored).] Derivatives: וַרְדִּית, וְרַדְרַד.
ורד NH to make rose-colored. — Pi. - וֵרֵד (= he made rose-colored, painted pink). — Hiph. - הִוְרִיד 1 (= turned rosy or pink); 2 (= he made rose-colored, painted pink). [Denominated from וֶרֶד (= rose).] Derivative: הַוְרָדָה.
וַרְדָּה f.n. NH rose bush. [Formed from וֶרֶד (= rose) with suff. ◌ָה.]
וַרְדִּי adj. NH 1 pertaining to a rose. 2 rose-colored, pink. [Formed from וֶרֶד with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: וַרְדִּיּוּת.
וַרְדִיּוּת f.n. NH rose color. [Formed from וַרְדִּי with suff. ◌וּת.]
וַרְדִּינָה f.n. PBH rose bush. [Formed from וֶרֶד.]
וַרְדִּינוֹן m.n. PBH attar of roses. [Formed from וֶרֶד with suff. ◌וֹן ⱽᴵᴵ.]
וַרְדִּית f.n. NH a kind of a finch (bird). [Formed from וָרֹד (= rosy) with suff. ◌ִית.]
וַרְדָנִיִּים m.n. pl. NH rosaceae. [Formed from וֶרֶד (= rose) with suff. ◌ָנִי, pl. ◌ָנִיִּים.]
וְרַדְרַד adj. NH rosy, pinkish. [Formed from וָרֹד (= rose), through the reduplication of the second and third radical on the analogy of אֲדַמְדַּם (= reddish) from אָדֹם (= red).]
וָרֶֽדֶת f.n. NH erysipelas (disease). [Formed from וֶרֶד (= rose) according to the pattern פַּעֶלֶת, which serves to form names of diseases. cp. אַדֶּמֶת.]
וֶרְטִיגוֹ m.n. FW vertigo. [L. vertīgō, from vertere (= to turn), from IE base * wert– (= to turn, twist).]
וַרְיַאנְט m.n. FW variant. [L. variāns (= changing), from variāre (= to change, vary), from varius (= different, changing, varying, various), which is prob. related to vārus (= bent, knock-kneed) and derives from IE base * wa (= to bend, turn, twist). See ‘vacillate’ and ‘convex’ in my CEDEL.]
וַרְיַאצְיָה f.n. FW variation. [From L. variātiō (= difference, variation). See וַרֽיַאנְט and suff. ◌יָה.]
וָרִיד m.n. PBH large blood vessel, jugular vein. [Related to Syr. וַרִידָא, Arab. warīd, Akka. ur’udu.] Derivative: וְרִידִי.
וְרִידִי adj. NH venous, veiny. [Formed from וָרִיד with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]
וֵֽשֶׁט m.n. PBH gullet, esophagus. [JAram. וֶשְׁטָא, (of s.m.). Of unknown origin.]
◌וּת suff. forming abstract nouns, as in פְּדוּת (= separation, redemption), יֵלְדוּת (= childhood). Usually rendered by one of the suffixes –dom, –ery, –hood, –ness, –ty. Related to Akka. ūtu, e.g. in ridūtu (= dominion), Aram. ◌וּת, Aram.–Syr. ◌וּתָא (as in מַלְכוּתָא). In Aram., in PBH and sometimes also in Biblical Hebrew, this suff. often serves to form verbal nouns of the derived conjugations; cp. e.g. הַשְׁמָעוּת (= causing to hear; Ezek. 24:26), הִתְחַבְּרוּת (= joining; Dan. 11:23). In Arab. suff. – ūt occurs in loan words from the North Semitic languages and in a few words formed through analogy; cp. e.g. malkūt (= kingdom), jabarūt, jubrūt (= omnipotence, power, tyranny). cp. suff. ◌יּוּת and ◌ָנוּת.
וְתוּ conj. PBH and also this, moreover. [Compounded of וְ (= and; see וְ◌ ᴵ) and תּוּ, shortened form of תּוּב (= to return), which is related to Heb. word שוב (of s.m.). See שוב ᴵ.]
וִתּוּר m.n. PBH concession, surrender, relinquishment. [Verbal n. of וִתֵּר, Pi. of ותר. cp. וִתָּרוֹן.]
וָתִּיק adj. PBH 1 straightforward, earnest, reliable. PBH 2 experienced, distinguished. NH 3 senior, veteran. 4 oldtimer. [Related to Arab. wathuqa (= was firm, was solid), wathiqa (= relied, depended), wathiq (= firm, strong).] Derivatives: וָתִיקוּת, וֶתֶק, ותק.
וָתִיקוּת, וְתִיקוּת f.n. MH 1 straightforwardness. MH 2 experience. NH 3 seniority. [Formed from וָתִיק with suff. ◌וּת.]
וֶֽתֶק m.n. MH 1 earnestness. NH 2 seniority, length of service. [From וָתִיק.]
ותק to praise; to become veteran. — Pi. - וִתֵּק (= he praised). — Nith. - נִתְוַתֵּק (= he reached seniority, became a veteran). [Denominated from וָתִיק (q.v.).] Derivative: הִתְוַתְּקוּת.
ותר to give up. — Pi. - וִתֵּר (= 1 he gave up, yielded, conceded; 2 he increased). — Pu. - וֻתַּר (= 1 was increased; 2 was given up, was conceded). — Nith. - נִתְוַתֵּר (= 1 was loosened; 2 was left; 3 was made superfluous). [From יתר, from orig. ותר.] Derivatives: וִתָּרוֹן, וַתְּרָן.
וִתָּרוֹן m.n. PBH concession, surrender, relinquishment. [Formed from וִתֵּר, Pi. of ותר, with suff. ◌וֹן ᴵ. cp. וִתּוּר.]
וַתְּרָן m.n. PBH yielding, indulgent. [Formed from וִתֵּר, Pi. of ותר, with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: וַתְּרָנוּת, וַתְּרָנִי.
וַתְּרָנוּת f.n. MH giving way, leniency, indulgence. [Formed from וַתֽרָן with suff. ◌וּת.]
וַתְּרָנִי adj. NH yielding, indulgent. [Formed from וַתְרָן with suff. ◌ִי.] |
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