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Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:14:48 -0600 Yom Shishi, Chodesh Aser'i 24, 6024 — יום ששי חדש עשרי כד ו׳כד

Ernest Klein
A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary
Of The Hebrew Language For Readers Of English


Carta Jerusalem; 1st edition, 1987

כ י ט ח ז ו ה ד ג ב א
ת ש ר ק צ פ ע ס נ מ ל

ע Ayin

ע ‘Ayin’ — the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Lit. meaning ’eye‘, and so called in allusion to the ancient form of this letter. In PBH it has the numerical value seventy. ע alternates with א (see introductory entry to letter א), with ח (see introductory entry to letter ח) and with ק. cp. BAram. אַרְקָא and Aram. אַרֽעָא (= earth; see אֶרֶץ); Heb. קִטֵּר (= he caused to smoke), and Aram. עֲטַר (= it smoked); cp. also Arab. qaṭrān (= tar), borrowed from Aram. עִטֽרָנָא (of s.m.); עַטְלִיז, from אִטֽלִיז (= butcher shop), from Gk. katalysis. In some rare cases the ע disappeared: cp. private name רוּת, prob. contracted from רֽעוּת, and בִּי (= please), which was possibly contracted from בּֽעִי (see בִּי ᴵᴵ).

עָב m.n. (pl. עָבִים, also עָבוֹת) cloud. [From עוב.] Derivations: עבב, עָבִיב.

עָב ᴵᴵ adj. thick. [From עבה. cp. עָבֶה.]

עָב ᴵᴵᴵ m.n. thicket (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 4:29). [From עבה.]

עָב ᴵⱽ, עֹב m.n. (pl. עֻבִּים) beam, rafter (occurring in the Bible only Kin. I 7:6, Ezek. 41:25). [Of uncertain origin and meaning.]

עבב to cover with clouds.
    — Pi. - עִבֵּב he covered with clouds.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱבִיב (of s.m.). [Incorrectly formed from עָב ᴵ.]

עבד to work; to serve.
    — Qal. - עָבַד v. 1 he worked, labored, tilled, cultivated (the soil); 2 he served. 3 he worshiped.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱבַד . 1 was tilled, was cultivated; PBH 2 was worshiped; PBH 3 was dressed, was tanned (said of hides).
    — Pi. - עִבֵּד 1 he cultivated; 2 he dressed, tanned (said of hides); he elaborated, adapted.
    — Pu. - עֻבַּד 1 was worked; PBH 2 was dressed, was tanned (said of hides); NH 3 was elaborated, adapted.
    — Nith. - הִתְעַבְּד, נִתְעַבֵּד 1 was worked; 2 was dressed, was tanned (said of hides); NH 3 was adapted.
    — Shiph. (see . - שִׁעְבֵּד ).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱבִיד 1 he caused to work, made to serve; 2 he enslaved.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳבַד was made to serve. [Aram. (also BAram.) and Syr. עֲבַד (= he worked, did, performed, made), whence BAram. עֲבֵד, Aram. and Syr. עַבֽדָּא (= slave, servant), Ugar. bd (= to work, serve, worship), Arab. ‘abada (= he served, worshiped, obeyed), whence ‘abd (= slave, worshiper), OSArab. עבד (= servant), Ethiop. ‘abbaṭa (= he imposed forced labor), Akka. abdu (= slave). Derivatives: עֶבֶד, עֲבָד, עֲבֻדָּה, עַבְּדָן, עַבְדוּת, עָבוּד, עִבּוּד, עֲבוֹדָה, עוֹבֵד, הַעֲבָדָה, מֽעֻבָּד, מַעְבָּדָה, מַעֲבִיד, תַּעְבּוּד. cp. עֲבַד, עַבְדָּא, עֻבְדָּא.

עֶֽבֶד m.n. 1 servant; 2 slave, bondman; 3 worshipper. [From בעד.]

עֲבָד m.n. deed, work, action (a hapax legomenon occurring Eccles. 9:1 in the form עֲבָדֵיהֶם). [According to some scholars, an aramaism. cp. Syr. עֲבָד, עֲבָדָא (= deed, work, action), from עֲבַד (= he did), and see עבד.]

עֲבַד tr. v. PBH he made, he did. [BAram. and Aram., corresponding to Heb. עָבַד. See עבד and cp. עַבְדָּא, עֻבֽדָּא. cp. also בְּדִיעֲבַד.]

עַבְדָּא m.n. PBH servant; slave. [Aram. and Syr., denominated from עֲבַד (q.v.). cp. עֶבֶד.]

עֻבְדָּא PBH, עֻבְדָּה NH 1 deed, act. 2 occurrence. 3 fact. [From Aram. עוֹבָדָא, Syr. עֲבָדָא (= work, fact, deed), from עֲבַד (= he did).] Derivative: עֻבֽדָּתִי.

עֲבֻדָּה f.n. household servants (occurring in the Bible only Gen. 26:14 and Job 1:3). [From עבד.]

עַבְדוּת f.n. slavery, servitude, bondage (in the Bible occurring only Ez. 9:8 following and Neh. 9:17). [Formed from עבד with suff. ◌וּת. cp. Syr. עַבְדוּתָא (of s.m.).] Derivative: עַבְדוּתִי.

עַבְדוּתִי adj. NH slavish, servile. [Formed from עַבְדוּת with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַבְּדָן m.n. PBH 1 tanner. NH 2 manufacturer. [Formed from עִבֵּד, Pi. of עבד, with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: עַבְּדָנוּת.

עַבְּדָנוּת f.n. PBH 1 tanning. NH 2 manufacture. [Formed from עַבְּדָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַבְדְּקָן adj. PBH thick-bearded. [Aram., compounded of עַב (= Heb. עָב, עָבֶה, ‘thick’), and דּֽקַן (= Heb. זָקָן, ‘beard’). cp. זַלֽדְּקָן.]

עֻבְדָּתִי adj. NH factual, objective. [Formed from עֻבְדָּה with suff. ◌ִי.]

עבה to be thick.
    — Qal. - עָבָה was thick.
    — Niph. - נַעֲבָה became thick.
    — Pi. - עִבָּה PBH 1 he made thick; MH 2 he condensed.
    — Pu. - עֻבָּה PBH 1 was made thick; NH 2 was condensed.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַבָּה NH 1 was made thick; NH 2 was condensed. [Syr. עֲבִי (= was thick), Egypt.-Aram. עביא (= thickness), Arab. ghabiya (= was stupid, was ignorant), Ethiop. ‘abya (= was large), Akka. ebu (= thick), mūbu (= thickness). cp. עוב.] Derivatives: עָה (adj.), עָבֶה, עִבּוּי, עֲבִי, עֹבִי, הִתְעַבּוּת, מַעֲבֶה, מְעֻבֶּה, מַעֲבִית and the first element in עַבֽדּֽקָן.

עָבֶה adj. PBH thick. [From עבה. cp. עָב, adj.] Derivative: עָבוּת.

עָבוּד adj. PBH cultivated, prepared. [Pass. part. of עָבַד. See עבד and cp. עוֹבֵד.]

עִבּוּד m.n. PBH 1 cultivation; PBH 2 dressing (of hides). NH 3 elaboration, adaptation [Verbal n. of עִבֵּד, Pi. of עבד.]

עֲבוֹדָה f.n. 1 work, labor. 2 deed, action. 3 service. 4 divine service, worship. PBH 5 ‘abodah’, the first of the last three benedictions of the ‘Amidah’. MH 6 liturgy for the ‘Musaph’ service on the Day of Atonement. [From עבד.]

עֲבוֹט m.n. (pl. עֲבוֹטִים, also עֲבוֹטוֹת) pledge, pawn (in the Bible occurring only Deut. 24:10–13). [From עבט ᴵ.]

עָבוּט adj. NH pledged. [Pass. part. of עָבַט. See עבט ᴵ.]

עִבּוּי m.n. MH thickening. [Verbal n. of עִבָּה, Pi. of עבה.]

עֲבוּר m.n. produce, yield (in the Bible occurring only Josh. 5:11). [Related to Aram.–Syr. עֲבוּרָא, Akka. ebūru (= yield). cp. next word. and שׁבר ᴵᴵ.]

עֲבוּר ᴵᴵ prep. (in the Bible mostly used with the pref. בּֽ◌, i.e. בַּעֲבוּר) on account of, because of, for the sake off. [Of uncertain origin; perhaps derived from עֲבוּר ᴵ and orig. meaning ‘for the produce of’.]

עִבּוּר m.n. 1 pregnancy, conception. 2 growth. 3 intercalation. 4 suburbs. [Verbal n. of עִבֵּר, Pi. of עבר ᴵᴵ.]

עִבּוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH transgression, trespass (used only in the phrases עִבּוּר־דִּין, ‘transgression of the law’, עִבּוּר־צוּרָה, ‘disfigurement’). [Verbal n. of עִבֵּר, Pi. of עבר ᴵ.]

עִבּוּר ᴵᴵᴵ m.n. NH hebraization. [From עִבֽרִית (= the Hebrew language). cp. עִבֽרוּר.]

עִבּוּשׁ m.n. NH mold, mildew. [From עבשׁ.]

עָבוֹת m.n. pl. of עָב (= cloud).

עָבוֹת ᴵᴵ adj. see עָבֹת.

עֲבוֹת m. & f.n. (pl. עֲבוֹתִים, also עֲבוֹתוֹת) 1 rope, cord. 2 interwoven foliage. [From עבת.]

עָבוּת f.n. MH thickness. [Formed from עָבֶה with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִבּוּת m.n. NH rope-making. [Verbal n. of עִבֵּת, Pi. of עבת.]

עבט to take a pledge, to pawn.
    — Qal - עָבַט he gave or took a pledge.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱבַט was taken in pledge.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱבִיט he lent on pledge.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳבַט was taken in pledge. [Aram. עבט (= was taken in pledge), Akka. ubbuṭu (= to be pledged).] Derivatives: עֲבוֹט, עָבוּט, הַעֲבָטָה מַעֲבָטָה, prob. also עַבֽטִיט.

עבט ᴵᴵ to entangle, confuse.
    — Pi. - עִבֵּט he entangled, confused (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Joel 2:7 in the form יֽעַבּֽטוּן).
    — Pu. - עֻבַּט was entangled, was confused. [Syr. עֲבַט (= was dense). cp. Arab. ‘ abaṭa (= he rent a garment, dug up). Prob. related to עבת, עות.]

עֲבָט m.n. PBH vessel, pot. [A secondary form of עֲבִיט.]

עַבְטִיט m.n. pledge (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hab. 2:6 and prob. meaning ‘pledged’). [Prob. related to עֲבוֹט.]

עֲבִי m.n. thickness (in the Bible occurring Job 15:26 and Chron. II 4:17). [From. עבה. cp. עֹבִי.]

עֹֽבִי m.n. thickness. [From עבה. cp. עֲבִי.]

עָבִיב m.n. NH little cloud, cloudlet. [Dimin. of עָב ᴵ.]

עָבִיד adj. NH workable. [Coined from עבד (= to work), according to the pattern פָּעִיל which is used in NH to form adjectives denoting capability or fitness.] Derivative: עֲבִידוּת.

עֲבִידוּת f.n. NH workability. [Formed from עָבִיד with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַבָּיָה f.n. NH ‘abbayah’ (Arab cloak). [From Arab. ‘ abbayah (of s.m.).]

עָבִיט m.n. PBH 1 chamber pot. 2 vessel. [Of uncertain origin. Some scholars connect this word with אַמֽבָּט (q.v.). According to them אַמֽבָּט (= bathtub) is not a Greek loan word, but was enlarged from Aram. אַבֽטָא (= bathtub), which is related to Arab. ’ibṭ, ’ibiṭ (= deepening, hollowing, cavity, pit; the deepest or inmost part of something).]

עָבִיט ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH camel saddle. [Related to Aram. עֲבִיטָא, Arab. ghabīṭ (of s.m.).]

עָבִיר adj. NH passable, crossable, navigable. [Formed from עבר (= to pass), according to the pattern פָּעִיל, which is used in NH to form adjectives denoting capability or fitness.] Derivative: עֲבִירוּת.

עֲבִירָה f.n. PBH passing, crossing. [Verbal n. of עָבַר (= he passed). See עבר and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲבִירוּת f.n. NH passability, crossability, navigability. [Formed from עָבִיר (= passable, crossable, navigable), with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַבָּ״ם m.n. NH ‘UFO’ (unidentified flying object). [Formed from the initials of the words עֶצֶם בִּלְתִּי מְזֹהֶה (= lit.: ‘unidentified object’).]

עבר to pass, pass over, cross over.
    — Qal. - עָבַר 1 he passed, passed over, crossed over, traversed; 2 he passed beyond, passed by; 3 he proceeded, traveled; 4 he emigrated.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱבַר was transgressed, was trespassed.
    — Pi. - עִבֵּר 1 he made to pass across (occurring only Kin. I 6:21); PBH 2 he passed over; PBH 3 he transgressed, trespassed.
    — Pu. - עֻבַּר (occurring in the phrase עֻבְּרָה צוּרָתוֹ, ‘was disfigured’).
    — Hiph. - הָעֱבִיר 1 he caused to pass over, caused to pass through, transferred; 2 he caused to pass away, took away; 3 he removed; PBH 4 he overlooked, pardoned.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳבַר 1 was taken across, was transferred; 2 was removed.
    — Nith. - הִתֽעַבֵּר, נִתְעַבֵּר was caused to pass over, was transferred. Derivatives. עוֹבֵר, עָבָר, עֵבֶר, עֲבָרָה, עֲבֵרָה, עִבּוּר ᴵ, עָבִיר, עֲבִירָה, עֲבַרֽיָן, הַעֲבָרָה, הִתֽעַבּֽרוּת, מַעֲבָר, מָעֳבָר, מַעֽבָּרָה, מַעֲבִיר, מַעֽבֹּרֶת ᴵ, מַעֽבֹּרֶת ᴵᴵ, תַּעֲבוּרָה, תַּעֲבִירִית, prob. also עבר ᴵᴵ. cp. also עבר ᴵᴵᴵ. [Aram.–Syr. עֲבַר, Arab. ‘abara (= he passed over, crossed over), Akka. ebēru (= to pass over, cross over).]

עבר ᴵᴵ to cause to be pregnant.
    — Pi. - עִבֵּר 1 he caused to be pregnant, impregnated. PBH 2 he intercalated (a month or year).
    — Pu. - עֻבְּרָה was made pregnant.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַבְּרָה was made pregnant; נִתֽעֵבֵּר (the month) was intercalated, (the year) became leap. [Aram. עַבֵּר (= he caused to be pregnant). Prob. special sense development of עבר ᴵ. For sense development cp. עִדּוּי.] Derivatives: עֻבָּר, עֻבָּרָה, עִבּוּר ᴵ, הִתְעַבּֽרוּת, מְעֻבָּר, מֽעֻבֶּרֶת.

עבר ᴵᴵᴵ to become angry, to be wrothful.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַבֵּר he was arrogant, became furious. [Base of עֶבֽרָה (= anger, fury), and of Aram. תֵּעֲבוּרָא (of s.m.). Usually derived from עבר ᴵ and lit. meaning ‘to be carried away (by anger)’. Some scholars connect it with Arab. gharb (= passion, violence). Others compare Arab. ghabira (= he bore ill-will).] Derivative: עֶבֽרָה.

עבר ᴵⱽ to hebraize.
    — Pi. - עִבֵּר hebraized.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַבֵּר was hebraized. (cp. עברר, עברת.) [Denominated from עִבֽרִי (= Hebrew).]

עָבָר m.n. MH past, past tense. [From עָבַר (= passed). See עבר ᴵ.]

עֵֽבֶר m.n. region beyond, side. [From עבר ᴵ. cp. BAram. עֲבַר נַהֲרָא, Akka. Ebir nāri (= the opposite bank of the River Euphrates).]

עֻבָּר m.n. PBH embryo. [From עבר ᴵᴵ.]

עֻבָּרָה f.n. PBH a pregnant woman. [Shortened from מֽעֻבָּרָה, part. of עֻבּֽרָה, Pu. of עבר ᴵᴵ. cp. מוּעָט (= small, scanty), contraction of מְמֻעָט (see מוּעָט).]

עֲבָרָה f.n. 1 ford, passage. 2 transition, passing. [From עבר ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲבֵרָה f.n. PBH transgression, trespass, sin. [Properly verbal n. of עָבַר. See עבר ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֶבְרָה f.n. (pl. עֲבָרוֹת) anger, wrath, fury. [From עבר ᴵᴵᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עִבְרוּר m.n. NH hebraization. [Verbal n. of עִבֽרֵר. See עברר and cp. עִבּוּר ᴵⱽ.]

עִבְרוּת f.n. NH hebraization. [Verbal n. of עִבְרֵת. See עברת.]

עִבְרִי m.n. & adj. 1 Hebrew. NH 2 Jew. [Nomen gentilicium, of uncertain origin. According to some scholars formed from proper name עֵבֶר (= Eber), grandson of Arpachshad, with gentilic suff. ◌ִי. According to others formed from עֲבֶר (= side), with suff. ◌ִי, and lit. meaning ‘one from beyond the Euphrates’). It is possible that the Akka. name Ḫabiru, used to denote various groups of invaders of Palestine, mentioned in the TA letters from the 19th and 18th centuries BCE, is connected with the word עִבֽרִי. The name Ḫabiru is prob. a blend of the pl. part. of base ḫ-b-r (= to pass, wander), corresponding to Heb. עבר ᴵ (q.v.), and of Heb. עִבְרִי, which itself derives from the stem of עבר ᴵ (vide supra). Since there is no ‘ayin in the Akkadian, this letter is usually rendered in Akka. nouns of Heb. origin by . cp. Akka. Ḫumri (= Heb. עָמְרִי), Akka. ḫaparu (= Heb. עָפָר, ‘dust’), Akka. ḫullu (= עֹל, ‘yoke’), Akka. zuruḫ (= Heb. זֽרוֹעַ, ‘arm’). See ‘Habiru’ in my CEDEL.] Derivatives: עִבְרוּת, עִבְרִיּוּת, עִבְרִית, עבר ᴵⱽ, עברר, עברת. cp. שׁעבר.

עִבְרִיּוּת f.n. NH Hebrew character. [Coined by Ithamar Ben-Avi (1882–1943) from עִבְרִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲבַרְיָן m.n. PBH transgressor, sinner. [From עבר ᴵ. cp. Aram. עֲבַרְיָנָא (of s.m.). For sense development cp. עֲבֵרָה.] Derivative: עֲבַרְיָנוּת.

עֲבַרְיָנוּת f.n. MH transgression. [Formed from עֲבַרֽיָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִבְרִית f.n. PBH 1 the Aramaic language spoken by the Jews in the time of the Tannaim and Amoraim. NH 2 the Hebrew language. [f. of עִבְרִי.] Derivatives: עִבְרִיתָן, עברת.

עִבְרִיתָן m.n. NH Hebraist. — [Formed from עִבְרִית with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

עברר to hebraize.
    — Pil. - עִבְדֵר he hebraized.
    — Hithpalp. - הִתְעַבְרֵר was hebraized. [Coined by Ithamar Ben-Avi (1882–1943) from עִבְרִי through the reduplication of the third radical of the stem of this word.]

עברת to hebraize.
    — Pi. - עִבְרֵת he hebraized.
    — Pu. - עֻבְרַת was hebraized.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַבְרֵת (of s.m.). [Denominated from עִבְרִית.] Derivative: עִבְרוּת.

עבשׁ to shrivel, to grow moldy.
    — Qal - עָבַשׁ it shriveled, it grew moldy (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Joel 1:17 in the form עָבְשׁוּ).
    — Pi. - עִבֵּשׁ it made moldy.
    — Pu. - עֻבַּשׁ was made moldy.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַבֵּשׁ (of s.m.).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱבִישׁ 1 made moldy; 2 became moldy. [Arab. ‘abisa (= it shriveled); prob. related to עפשׁ.] Derivatives: עָבֵשׁ, עֹבֶשׁ, עָבוּשׁ, עִבּוּשׁ, עַבְשׁוּת.

עָבֵשׁ adj. MH moldy, mildewed. [From עבשׁ.]

עֹֽבֶשׁ m.n. NH mold, moldiness. [From עבשׁ.]

עַבְשׁוּת f.n. MH moldiness. [Formed from עבשׁ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עבת to pervert, to wind.
    — Pi. - עִבֵּת 1 he perverted (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Micah 7:3 in the form זַיְעַבְּתזּהָ); MH 2 he wound, entangled; NH 3 he bound, tied.
    — Pu. - עֻבַּת was wound, was entangled.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַבֵּת was wound, was entangled. [Related to עות, prob. also to עבט ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֲבוֹת, עָבֹת, עִבּוּת.

עָבֹת, עָבוֹת adj. thick, bushy, dense, interwoven, entangled. [From עבת.]

עגב to love, desire.
    — Qal. - עָגַב he loved, desired, made love.
    — Pi. - עִגֵּב (of s.m.). [Arab. ‘ajiba (= he wondered, marveled, was astonished), ’a‘jaba (= he pleased, delighted somebody).] Derivatives: עֶגֶב, עָגָב, עֲגָבָה, עַגְבוּת, עַגְבָן, עַגְבָנִיָּה, עַגֶּבֶת, עוֹגֵב prob. also עוּגָב.

עֶֽגֶב, עָגָב m.n. sensual love (in the Bible occurring only in the pl. עֲגָבִים, Ezek. 33:31–32). [From עגב.]

עֲגָבָה f.n. lustfulness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 23:11 in the form עַגֽבָתָהּ). [Formed from עגב with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַגְבוּת f.n. MH sexual desire. [Formed from עגב with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַגְבָן m.n. NH lover, philanderer. [Formed from עגב with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: עַגְבָנוּת, עַגֽבָנִי.

עַגְבָנוּת f.n. NH sensual love, lust. [Formed from עַגְבָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַגְבָנִי adj. NH sensual, lusty, sexual. [Formed from עַגְבָן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַגְבָנִיָּה f.n. NH tomato. [Formed from עגב (= to love), on the analogy of Fren. pomme d’amour, Eng. love apple, etc., popular names of the tomato.]

עַגֶּֽבֶת f.n. NH syphilis. [Coined from עגב (= to love), according to the pattern פַּעֶלֶת serving to form names of diseases. See אַדֶּמֶת and cp. words there referred to.] Derivative: עֲגַבְתִּי.

עֲגַבְתִּי adj. NH syphilitic. [Formed from עַגֶּבֶת with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָגָה f.n. PBH vulgar dialect, slang. [Of uncertain origin.]

עֻגָּה see עוּגָה.

עִגּוּל m.n. PBH 1 something round; cake (of figs). MH 2 circle. [Properly verbal n. of עִגֵּל, Pi. of עגל.] Derivative: עִגּוּלִי.

עִגּוּלִי adj. MH round, circular. [Formed from עִגּוּל with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָגוּם adj. PBH sad, sorrowful, gloomy, depressed. [Properly pass. part. of עָגַם. See עגם.]

עָגוּן adj. MH deserted (orig. used only in the f. עֲגוּנָה, in the sense of a deserted wife, i.e. a wife whose husband has disappeared). [Lit.: ‘bound’, ‘cast into prison’, from Aram. עֲגַן. See עגן ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲגִינוּת.

עִגּוּן m.n. MH desertion (of a wife); condition of being deserted. [Properly verbal n. of עִגֵּן, Pi. of עגן ᴵ. cp. Aram. עִגּוּנָא (= desertion of a wife).]

עִגּוּן ᴵᴵ m.n. MH anchoring, anchorage, [Verbal n. of עִגֵּן, Pi. of עגן ᴵᴵ.]

עֲגוּנָה f.n. PBH see עָגוּן.

עָגוּר m.n. crane (the bird); (in the Bible occurring only Is. 38:14 and Jer. 8:7). [Prob. related to Akka. igiru (a kind of bird; possibly the swan).] Derivative: עֲגוּרָן.

עֲגוּרָן m.n. NH crane (for lifting). [Formed from עָגוּר with suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: עֲגוּרָנַאי.

עֲגוּרָנַאי m.n. NH crane operator. [Formed from עֲגוּרָן with suff. ◌ַאי.]

עָגִיל m.n. 1 earring (Num. 31:50, Ezek. 16:12). NH 2 circle. NH 3 catkin (botany). [From עגל.]

עֲגִילוּת f.n. MH roundness. [From עָגֹל. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲגִינָה f.n. NH anchoring, anchorage. [Verbal n. of עָגַן. See עגן ᴵᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲגִינוּת f.n. MH condition of being deserted, desertion. [Formed from עָגוּן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עגל to circle, be round.
    — Qal - עָגַל he made round, made a circle.
    — Niph. - נֶעְגַּל was rounded.
    — Pi. - עִגֵּל PBH 1 he drew a circle; NH 2 he rounded off; PBH 3 he rolled (tr. v.).
    — Pu. - עֻגַּל was rounded.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַגֵּל 1 was made round; 2 he rolled (intr. v.).
    — Pil. - עִרְגֵּל (see ערגל). [Aram. עֲגַל (= was round), Syr. עַגֵּל (= he rolled), Aram.–Syr. עַרְגֵּל (= he rolled), Arab. ‘ajala (= he rolled).] Derivatives: עָגֹל, עֹגֶל, עִגּוּל, עָגִיל, הַעֲגָלָה, הִתְעַגּֽלוּת, מַעְגִּיל, מַעֽגִּילָה, מַעְגָּל, מְעַגֵּל prob. also עֵגֶל and עֲגָלָה. cp. ערגל.

עֵֽגֶל m.n. calf. Prob. from עגל. cp. Pun. עגל, Aram.–Syr. עֶגְלָא, Arab. ‘ijl, Ethiop. ‘egel (= calf). Derivative: עֶגְלָה.

עֹֽגֶל m.n. MH roundness. [From עגל.]

עָגֹל adj. round, rounded. [From עגל.] Derivatives: עֲגִילוּת, עֲגַלֽגַּל.

עֲגָלָא m.n. PBH speed. [See נָלָא[[illegible]].]

עֲגַלְגַּל adj. PBH round, ova[[illegible]] [Formed from עגל through reduplication of the second and third radical. For the form cp. סֽגַלֽגַּל.] Derivative: עֲגַלְגַּלּוּת.

עֲגַלְגַּלּוּת f.n. NH roundness, rotundity. [Formed from עֲגַלֽגַּל with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֶגְלָה f.n. young cow, heifer. [f. of עֵגֶל. cp. Aram. עֶגְלֽתָא or עֲגַלְתָּא, Ugar. ‘glt (= young cow, heifer).]

עֲגָלָה f.n. chariot, cart, carriage. [Prob. derived from עגל (= to be round), and so called from the roundness of the wheels. cp. Phoen. עגלת, Aram. עֲגֵלֽתָּא, Syr. עָגַלְתָּא (= chariot, cart, carriage). Egypt. ‘agarata is a Semitic loan word. Derivatives: עֶגְלוֹן, עַגֽלָן.

עֶגְלוֹן m.n. MH 1 coachman, driver. NH 2 the Charioteer (astronomy). [Formed from עֲגָלָה with agential suff. ◌וֹן. (In the Bible עֶגְלוֹן is the PN of 1 a King of Moab; 2 of a town in the territory of the tribe of Judah).] Derivatives: עֶגְלוֹנוּת, עֶגְלוֹנִי.

עֶגְלוֹנוּת f.n. NH coachmanship. [Formed from עֶגְלוֹן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֶגְלוֹנִי adj. NH coachmanlike. [Formed from עֶגְלוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַגְלָן m.n. MH 1 coachman. NH 2 coachmaker, cartwright. [Formed from עֲגָלָה with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

עגם to be grieved.
    — Qal - עָגַם was grieved, was sad, was gloomy, was depressed (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring in the form עָגְמָה, Job 30:25).
    — Niph. - נֶעֱגַם was grieved, was sad, was sorry.
    — Pi. - עִגֵּם he saddened, caused sorrow, distressed.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַגֵּם became sad, became distressed.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱגִים he caused sorrow, distressed. [Aram.–Syr. עֲגַם (= was grieved), Akka. agāmu (= to be grieved, be vexed). cp. אָגֵם.] Derivatives: עָגוּם, עֶגֶם, עֹגֶם, עַגְמָה, עַגְמוּמִי, עַגְמִימוּת, הִתְעַגּֽמוּת, מְעֻגָּם.

עֶֽגֶם, עֹֽגֶם m.n. MH resp. NH grief, sadness, sorrow. [From עגם.]

עָגֽמָה f.n. PBH grief, sadness, sorrow. [Orig. occurring in the phrase עָגְמַת נֶפֶשׁ (of s.m.). Formed from עגם, with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַגְמוּמִי adj. NH sorrowful, distressful. [Formed from עגם through reduplication of the third radical. For the ending see suff. ◌ִי.]

עַגְמִימוּת f.n. NH sadness, sorrow, grief, distress. [Formed from עגם with reduplication of the third radical. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת.]

עגן MH shut oneself in; to be shut in; to be deserted.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱגַן he was deserted (by his wife); נָעֶגֽנָה 1 she shut herself in (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ruth 1:13 in the form תֵּעָגֵנָה); 2 she was deserted (by her husband).
    — Pi. - עִגֵּן he deserted (his wife).
    — Pu. - עֻגַּן he was deserted (by his wife); עֻגְּנָה NH she was deserted (by her husband).
    — Nith. - נִתֽעַגֵּן he was deserted (by his wife); נִתֽעַגְּנָה she was deserted (by her husband). [Aram. עֲגַן (= he shut up, cast into prison), Arab. ’a‘jama (= he shut up).] Derivatives: עָגוּן, עִגּוּן ᴵ, עֲגִינָה, עֲגִינוּת, הַעֲגָנָה ᴵ, הֵעָגְנוּת ᴵ, מֽעֻגָּן.

עגן ᴵᴵ to anchor.
    — Qal - עָגַן he anchored.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱגַן was anchored.
    — Pi. - עִגֵּן he anchored.
    — Pu. - עֻגַּן was anchored.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱגִין he anchored, cast anchor. [Denominated from עֹגֶן.] Derivatives: הַעֲגָנָה ᴵᴵ, הֵעָגְנוּת ᴵᴵ, מַעֲגָן, מְעֻגָּן.

עְֹגֶן m.n. NH anchor. [From Talmudic הוֹגִין, עוֹגִין, which is prob. borrowed from Gk. onkinos (= hook), from onkos (of s.m.), which stands in gradational relationship to Gk. ankos (= a bend, hollow), ankon (= bend of the arm, elbow), ankulos (= crooked, curved), ankula (= anchor). See אוּנְקָל. Derivative: עגן ᴵᴵ.

עגעג to peck, pick holes. [Of uncertain origin.] Pilp. עִגְעֵג PBH it pecked, picked holes.

עַד prep. & conj. 1 to, unto, up to, even to. 2 until, while. [Older form עֲדֵי (which is preserved in poetry). From עדה ᴵᴵ. Related to BAram. and Aram.–Syr. עַד, Ugar. ‘d, OSArab. עד, עדו, עדי, Akka. ad, adi (= until). cp. the second element in בִּלְעֲדֵי and the first element in עַבֽשָׁו.]

עַד ᴵᴵ m.n. eternity, perpetuity. [Prob., like עַד ᴵ, derived from עדה ᴵᴵ and lit. meaning ‘progress in time’. According to some scholars, however, עַד ᴵᴵ is related to Arab. ghad (= morning), taken in the sense ‘late future’.] Derivative: עַדְעָד.

עַד ᴵᴵᴵ m.n. booty. [Prob. derived from עדה ᴵᴵ in the transitive sense ‘to take away, tear away, remove’. cp. Aram. עֲדָאָה, עֲדִיתָא (= booty).]

עֵד m.n. 1 witness. 2 testimony. [From עוד.] Derivative: עֵדָה ᴵᴵ.

עֵד ᴵᴵ m.n. (pl. עִדִּים) . 1 menstruation (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 64:5 in the pl.). 2 piece of cloth used by menstruants to ascertain their condition of cleanness. [Prob. derived from base עדד (q.v.). Occurring also in Arab. ‘adda (= he counted, reckoned), ‘idda (= number, period). cp. עִדָּן. cp. also עתד.]

עדד to count, reckon. Base of עֵד ᴵᴵ. [This base appears also in Arab‘ adda (= he counted, reckoned), i‘tadda (= he regarded, considered, reckoned; he prepared himself), ‘adad, ‘idād, ‘idda (= number). cp. עתד, a secondary formation from עדד.]

עדה to ornament.
    — Qal - עָדָה he adorned, decked himself with ornaments.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱדָה he adorned, bedecked, bejeweled.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַדָּה he bedecked himself, bejeweled himself. [Base of עֲדִי, Aram. עֲדִיתָא (= ornament, jewel).] Derivatives: עָדוּי, possibly also עִדִּית. cp. עִדּוּי.

עדה ᴵᴵ to pass by.
    — Qal - עָדָה passed over (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 28:8).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱדָה he removed (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 25:20).
    — Hoph. - הֻעֲדָה was removed. [BAram. עֲדָה (= he went, went away; was removed), Aram. עֲדָא (= went through, departed), Syr. עֲדָא (= he touched, passed near, came suddenly upon, seized), Arab. ‘adā, Ethiop. ‘adawa (= he passed over, crossed).] Derivatives: עַד ᴵ, prob. also עַד ᴵᴵ and עַד ᴵᴵᴵ.

עֵדָה f.n. assembly, congregation. [Lit. ‘a group assembled together by appointment’, and derived from יעד (= to appoint). Aram. עַדְתָּא is a Heb. loan word. עֵדָה stands to יָעַד as דֵּעָה (= knowledge), stands to יָדַע (= he knew).] Derivative: עֲדָתִי.

עֵדָה ᴵᴵ f.n. witness (f. of עֵד ᴵ).

עֵדָה ᴵᴵᴵ f.n. testimony. [From עוד.]

עִדּוּד m.n. NH encouragement. [From עוד.]

עָדוּי adj. MH adorned, bedecked, bejeweled. [Pass. part. of עָדָה. See עדה ᴵ.]

עִדּוּי m.n. PBH conception, pregnancy. [From Aram., verbal n. of עַדִּי (= he removed; (f.) she conceived, became pregnant). See עדה ᴵ. For sense development cp. עבר ᴵᴵ (= to cause to be pregnant), which prob. developed from צבר ᴵ (q.v.).]

עִדּוּן m.n. PBH 1 refinement, luxuriousness. NH 2 sublimation. [Verbal n. of עִדֵּן, Pi. of עדן.]

עָדוּף adj. MH 1 more. 2 greater, better, preferable. [Pass. part. of עָדַף. See עדף.]

עִדּוּר m.n. PBH hoeing, digging. [Verbal n. of עִדֵּר, Pi. of עדר ᴵ.]

עִדּוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. MH dying. [From עדר ᴵᴵ.]

עֵדוּת f.n. PBH 1 testimony. 2 the testimony of the Decalogue, the Decalogue. PBH 3 evidence. [Prob. from עוד and lit. meaning ‘exhorting sign’, ‘reminder’. Several other scholars derive עֵדוּת from יעד (= to appoint, to fix), and compare Akka. adē (= statements, commandments). cp. late L. testimōnium (= testimony of the Decalogue, the Decalogue), from L. testimōnium (= evidence, attestation, testimony), which is a loan translation of Heb. עֵדוּת. See ‘testimony’ in my CEDEL.]

עֲדִי m.n. ornament, jewel. [From עדה ᴵ. cp. Aram. עִידִיתָא (= ornament), and see עִדִּית.]

עֲדֵי prep. poetic form of עַד ᴵ. [cpthe second element in בִּלְעֲדֵי.]

עִדִּי adj. NH choice (adj.), best. [Back formation from עִדִּית.]

עָדִין adj. 1 voluptuous, luxurious (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 47:8 in the f.). NH 2 delicate, dainty. [From עדן.] Derivative: עֲדִינוּת.

עֲדַֽיִן adv. PBH still, yet. [Prob. enlarged from עֲדֶן.]

עֲדִינוּת f.n. delicacy, daintiness. [Formed from עָדִין with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָדִיף adj. PBH 1 better, preferable. NH 2 more. [From עדף. cp. Aram. עֲדִיפָא (= better, preferable).] Derivative: עֲדִיפוּת.

עֲדִיפוּת f.n. MH preference, priority. [Formed from עָדִיף with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָדִיר m.n. NH hoeing season. [Formed from עדר on the analogy of חָרִישׁ (= plowing time), קָצִיר (= harvest season).]

עֲדִירָה f.n. PBH hoeing. [Verbal n. of עָדַר. See עדר.]

עִדִּית f.n. PBH choicest soil. [Prob. related to עֲדִי, Aram. עִידִיתָא (= ornament, jewel). cp. Aram. עִידִיתָא (= ornament), and see עֲדִי.] Derivative: עִדִּי.

עִדְכּוּן m.n. PBH bringing up-to-date. [Verbal n. of עִדֽכֵּן. See עדכן.]

עַדְכָּן adv. NH up-to-date. [Contraction of עַד כָּאן (= so far). See עַד ᴵ and כָּאן.] Derivatives: עדכן, עַדְכָּנִי.

עדכן to bring up-to-date.
    — Pi. - עִדְכֵּן he brought up-to-date.
    — Pu. - עֻדְכַּן was brought up-to-date. [Formed from עַדְכָּן.] Derivatives: עִדְכּוּן, מְעֻדְכָּן.

עַדְכָּנִי adj. NH up-to-date. [Formed from עַדְכָּן with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

עַדְלָיָדַע m.n. NH Purim carnival. [Contraction of Aram. עַד דּֽלָא יֽדָע (= until he could not discern; namely: between the sentences ‘Cursed be Haman’, and ‘Blessed be Mordecai’). See עַד ᴵ, לֹא and ידע.]

עֲדֻלָּמִי adj. MH ‘Adullamite’ — pimp, pander, ponce. [Originally formed from עֲדֻלָּם, name of a place, with adj. suff. ◌ִי. See Gen. 38:20.]

עדן to refine, to make tender.
    — Qal - עָדַן 1 was pleasant; 2 enjoyed himself.
    — Pi. - עִדֵּן PBH 1 he delighted; NH 2 he made delicate, refined.
    — Pu. - עֻדַּן was made delicate.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַדֵּן he luxuriated (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Neh. 9:25 in the form וַיִּתְעַדְּנוּ).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱדִין 1 he refined, made delicate; 2 was refined, was made delicate. [Base of עֵדֶן ᴵ. Related to Arab. ghadan (= luxury, languor).] Derivatives: עֵדֶן ᴵ, עֶדְנָה, עִרּוּן, עָדִין, הַעֲדָנָה, הִתְעַדְּנוּת, מֽעֻדָּן, מַעֲדָן ᴵ.

עדן ᴵᴵ to do unwillingly. [Prob. base of מַעֲדַנֹּת (Sam. I 15:32). See מַעֲדַנּוֹת.]

עֵֽדֶן m.n. pleasure, delight, luxury. [From עדן ᴵ cp. עֵדֶן ᴵᴵ.]

עֵֽדֶן ᴵᴵ m.n. Eden (name of the region in which lies the Paradise. [The name is usually explained as ‘the place of delight’, and derived from עֵדֶן ᴵ. M. D. Cassuto explains the name Eden — with reference to the meaning of the base ‘dn in Ugaritic — as a place that is ‘well watered throughout’.]

עִדָּן m.n. time, period. [After Aram. עִדָּן וְעִדָּנַין (= a long time). BAram. and Aram. עִדָּנָא, Syr. עֶדָּנָא, whence Arab. ‘addān (= time), related to, or perhaps borrowed from, Akka. adannu, edānu, prob. derived from עדד (= to count). See עֵד and cp. הָאִדָּנָא.

עֲדֶן adv. hitherto (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 4:3). [Prob. contraction of עַד־הֵן (= hitherto); see עַד ᴵ and הֵן. cp. עֲדֶנָּה.]

עֲדֶנֳּה adv. hitherto (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 4:2). [Prob. contraction of עַד־הֵנָּה (= hitherto); see עַד ᴵ and הֵנָּה.]

עֶדְנָה f.n. 1 delight, pleasure (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 18:12). MH 2 time of youth. [From עדן ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַדְעָד m.n. NH Statice (a genus of plants). [Reduplication of עַד ᴵᴵ.]

עדף to be in excess, remain over.
    — Qal - עָדַף was in excess, remained over (in the Bible occurring only in the part.).
    — Hiph. - הֶעְדִּיף 1 he had a surplus. PBH 2 was preferable, was better, 3 he preferred, gave precedence. [Aram. עַדִיפָא (= better, preferable), Arab. ghadafa (= was profuse).] Derivatives: עֹדֶף, עוֹדֵף, עָדוּף, עָדִיף, עַדְפָנוּת, הַעֽדָּפָה, מָעֳדָף.

עְֹדֶף m.n. NH 1 surplus. 2 small change. [From עדף.]

עַדְפָנוּת f.n. MH preference. [Formed from עדף with suff. ◌ָנוּת.]

עדר to hoe.
    — Qal - עָדַר he hoed, dug.
    — Niph. - נֶעֽדַּר was hoed, was dug.
    — Pi. - עִדֵּר he hoed, dug.
    — Pu. - עֻדַּר was hoed, was dug. [Arab. ‘adara (= he hoed, picked). cp. ערד ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֶדְרִיָּה, עַדְרָן, עִדּוּר ᴵ, עָדִיר, עֲדִירָה, מַעֽדֵּר.

עדר ᴵᴵ to be lacking, fail.
    — Niph. - נֶעֽדַּר 1 was missing, was wanting. NH 2 he died. NH 3 was missing in battle.
    — Pi. - עִדֵּר he left lacking (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Kin. I 5:7).
    — Hiph. - הֶעְדִּיר he lessened, removed, denied.
    — Hoph. - הֻעֽדַּר was lessened, was removed, was denied. [Arab. ghadira (= he remained or lagged behind), ghadīra (= an animal remaining or left behind).] Derivatives: עִדּוּר ᴵᴵ, הֶעְדֵּר, הֵעָדְרוּת, נֶעֽדָּר. cp. עֵדֶר.

עדר ᴵᴵᴵ a base of uncertain origin and meaning (occurring in the Bible Chron. I 12:34 and 39). It is usually translated: ‘to set in order, arrange’. It possibly derives from עֵדֶר (= herd, flock), and lit. means ‘to arrange in groups’. Some scholars see in עדר ᴵᴵᴵ a loan word from Aram.-Syr. עֲדַר (= Heb. עָדַר) and accordingly render it ‘to help’.]

עֵֽדֶר m.n. herd, flock. [Related to Phoen. עדר, Aram. עֶדְרָא (of s.m.). Of uncertain origin. Some scholars derive these words from עדר ᴵᴵ in reference to Arab. ghadīra. Accordingly עֵדֶר, etc., would have originally denoted ‘the animals remaining behind’. cp. עדר ᴵᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֶדְרוֹן, עֶדְרִי.

עֶדְרוֹן m.n. NH a small herd, a small flock. [Formed from עֵדֶר with dimin. suff. ◌וֹן.]

עֶדְרִי adj. NH pertaining to a herd or flock; gregarious. [Formed from עֵדֶר with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עֶדְרִיּוּת.

עֶדְרִיָּה f.n. PBH hoed line. [Formed from עדר ᴵ with suff. ◌ִיָּה.]

עֶדְרִיּוּת f.n. NH gregariousness. [Formed from עֶדְרִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַדְרָן m.n. NH hoe-laborer. [Formed from עדר ᴵ with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

עֲדָשָׁה f.n. (pl. עֲדָשִׁים for sense 1, עֲדָשׁוֹת in the other senses) . 1 lentil. 2 lens. 3 eyeball. 4 hot water bottle. 5 freckle. [Related to Arab. ‘adasa, pl. ‘ adas (= lentils). Derivatives: עֲדָשִׁי, עַדֽשָׁן.

עֲדָשִׁי adj. MH lenticular. [Formed from עֲדָשָׁה with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַדְשָׁן m.n. MH freckled person. [Formed from עֲדָשָׁה with suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: עַדֽשָׁנִי.

עַדְשָׁנִי adj. NH freckled. [Formed from עַדְשָׁן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲדָתִי adj. NH communal. [Formed from עֵדָה ᴵ with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עֲדָתִיּוּת.

עֲדָתִיּוּת f.n. NH communal segregation. [Formed from עֲדָתִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עוב to be dark, be dense.
    — Hiph. - הֵעִיב he darkened, beclouded (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lam. 2:1 in the form יָעִיב).
    — Hoph. - הוּעַב was darkened. [Base of עב ᴵ. Syr. עָבָא (= wood). Aram. עֵיבָא (= clouds), Arab. ghāba (= thicket). Akka. ababa (= wood) is prob. a Sem. loan word.] Derivative: הֶעָבָה.

עוֹבֵד m.n. worker, workman, laborer. [Subst. use of עוֹבֵד, act. part. of עָבַד. See עבד and cp. עָבוּד.]

עוּבְדָּא, עוּבְדָה f.n. PBH plene spelling of עֻבֽדָּא, עֻבֽדָּה. See עֻבְדָּא.

עוּבְדָּתִי adj. plene spelling of עֻבֽדָּתִי. See עֻבֽדָּתִי.

עוֹבֵר adj. passing, transient. [Act. part. of עָבַר. See עבר ᴵ.]

עוג to bake a cake.
    — Qal - עָג he baked a cake (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 4:12 in the form תּֽעֻגָּנָּה). [Denominated from עוּגָה. cp. עוג ᴵᴵ.]

עוג ᴵᴵ to draw a circle.
    — Qal - עָג he made a circle.
    — Hoph. - הוּעַג a circle was drawn. [Arab. ‘awija (= was crooked, was curved, was bent), ‘āj (= elephant’s tusk, tortoise shell). Base of עוּגָה ᴵ, עוּגָה ᴵᴵ, and of מָעוֹג ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: מָעוֹג ᴵᴵ, תּֽעוּגָה.

עוֹג m.n. NH very tall person. [From PN עוֹג מֶלֶךְ הַבָּשָׁן (= Og, king of Bashan), as told in the Bible (Deut. 3:11).]

עוּגָב m.n. 1 flute, pipe. NH 2 organ. [Prob. derived from base עגב, hence lit. meaning ‘instrument of love’, and so called in allusion to its insinuating tunes.] Derivatives: עוּגָבַאי, עוּגָבָר.

עוֹגֵב m.n. lustful lover (in the Bible occurring Jer. 4:30 in the pl.). [Subst. use of the act. part. of עָגַב. See עגב.] Derivatives: עוֹגְבָנוּת, עוֹגְבָנִי.

עוּגָבַאי m.n. NH organist. [Formed from עוּגָב with suff. ◌ַאי. cp. עוּגָבָר.]

עוֹגְבָנוּת f.n. NH coquetry. [Formed from עוֹגֵב with suff. ◌ָנוּת.]

עוֹגְבָנִי adj. NH coquettish. [Formed from עוֹגֵב with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

עוּגָבָר m.n. NH organist. [A collateral form of עוּגָבַאי. Formed from עוּגָב with suff. ◌ָר. cp. עוּגָבַאי.]

עוּגָה f.n. cake. Lit.: ‘that which is round’. [Formed from עוג ᴵᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עוּגָה ᴵᴵ. cp. also מָעוֹג.] Derivative: עוּגיָּה ᴵ.

עוּגָה ᴵᴵ f.n. PBH circle, cavity. [Formed from עוג ᴵᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה, hence derivatively identical with עוּגָה ᴵ. cp. עוּקָה.] Derivative: עוּגִיָּה ᴵᴵ.

עוּגִיָּה f.n. NH a small cake, cookie. [Formed from עוּגָה ᴵ with dimin. suff. ◌ִיָּה.]

עוּגִיָּה ᴵᴵ f.n. PBH cavity. [Formed from עוּגָה ᴵᴵ with dimin. suff. ◌ִיָּה.]

עוד to return, repeat, do again.
    — Hiph. - הֵעִיד 1 he affirmed solemnly (lit. prob. meaning ‘he repeated’; 2 he warned (with the same sense development); 3 he bore witness, attested, testified. [Here also, the orig. meaning prob. was ‘he said repeatedly and forcefully’; however, in this latter sense הֵעִיד (with its derivatives) is related to Arab. ‘ahida (= he knew as an eyewitness), and to Syr. עְהֵד (= he remembered).]
    — Pi. - עִוֵּד he surrounded, encompassed (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 119:61 in the suffixed form עִוְּדוּנִי (= have surrounded me).
    — Hoph. - הוּעַד he was warned.
    — Pol. - עוֹדֵד 1 he strengthened, restored, relieved, encouraged; NH 2 he helped, supported.
    — Po. - עוֹדַד he was strengthened, was restored, was relieved, was encouraged.
    — Hithpol. - הִתְעוֹדֵד was strengthened, was restored, was relieved, was encouraged. [cp. Arab. ‘āda (= he returned, did again), ‘āda (= custom, habit), OSArab. עוד (= to return), Syr. עְיָדָא (usage, ceremony), Aram. עִידָא (= festival), whence Arab. ‘id (of s.m.).] Derivatives: עוֹד, עִדּוּד, עוֹדְדוּת, הִתְעוֹדְדוּת, עֵיד, עֵד, עֵדָה ᴵᴵ, עֵדָה ᴵᴵᴵ, עֵדוּת, הַעֲדָאָה, הֶעָדָה, מוּעָד, מְעוֹדָד, תְּעוּדָה.

עוֹד n. & adv. 1 duration, continuance; continually. 2 still, yet; NH 3 already. [From עוד.]

עוּד m.n. NH lute. [From Arab. al-‘ūd, from al- (= the), and ‘ūd (= wood).]

עוֹדְדוּת f.n. PBH encouragement. [Formed from עוֹדֵד (= he encouraged), Pol. of עוד, with suff. ◌וּת.]

עוֹדֵף n. & adj. left over; surplus [Act. part. of עָדַף. See עדף.]

עוה to bend, twist.
    — Qal - עָוָה he committed iniquity, sinned.
    — Niph. - נַעֲוָה 1 was bent, was twisted; 2 was perverse.
    — Pi. - עִוָּה he bent, twisted.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱוָה 1 he perverted; 2 he acted perversely. [Aram. עֲוָא, עֲוִי (= turned away, deviated, Arab. ‘awā(y) (= he bent, twisted). Related to עות ᴵᴵ, עבת.] Derivatives: עַוָּה, עִוּוּי, עָווֹן, עֲוָיָת, עֲוִית, הַעֲוָיָה, מַעֲוֶה, מַעֲוָה, prob. also עִי. cp. עִוְעִים.

עַוָּה f.n. distortion, ruin (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 21:32). [Formed from עִוָּה, Pi. of עוה.]

עִוּוּי m.n. MH 1 sin. NH 2 perversion. [Verbal n. of עִוָּה, Pi. of עוה.]

עָווֹן, עָוֹן m.n. (pl. עֲווֹנוֹת, also עֲווֹנִים) 1 iniquity, guilt. 2 punishment. [From עוה.]

עִוּוּת m.n. PBH 1 distortion, perversion. MH 2 convulsion. [Verbal n. of עִוֵּת, Pi. of עות ᴵᴵ.]

עוז to take or seek refuge.
    — Qal - עָז he took or sought refuge (in the Bible occurring only Is. 30:2).
    — Hiph. - הֵעִיז he brought into safety. Possible derivative: מָעוֹז. [Arab. ‘-w-dh, ‘ādha (= he took refuge, sought protection), maādh (= refuge).]

עוֹזֵר m.n. 1 helper. NH 2 assistant, aide. [Subst. use of the act. part of עזר.]

עוּזְרָד, עוּזְרָר see עֻזְרָר.

עוט see עיט.

עוֹטֶה adj. 1 mournful, sad. 2 clad. [Act. part. of עָטָה. See עטה.]

עוֹטֵף m.n. NH wrapper (esp. of oranges). [Subst. use of the act. part. of עָטַף. See עטף ᴵ.]

עוֹטְפָן m.n. NH folder (file). [Formed from עוֹטֵף, act. part. of עָטַף (see עטף ᴵ), with suff. ◌ָן. cp. עוֹטֵף.]

עֲוָיָה f.n. NH grimace. [From עוה. cp. BAram. עֲוָיָה.]

עֲוִיל m.n. youngster, boy (in the Bible occurring only Job 19:18; 21:11). [A secondary form of עוּל.]

עֲוִיל ᴵᴵ m.n. wicked person (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 16:11). [From עול.]

עוֹיֵן adj. hostile, inimical. Lit.: ‘looking askance at’. [Act. part. of עָיַן. See עין ᴵ.] Derivative: עוֹיְנוּת.

עוֹיְנוּת f.n. NH hostility, animosity. [Formed from עוֹיֵן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲוִית f.n. PBH convulsion, spasm. [Formed from עוה with suff. ◌ִית.] Derivative: עֲוִיתִי.

עֲוִיתִי adj. NH convulsive. [Formed from עֲוִית with suff. ◌ִי.]

עוּכְלָא m.n. PBH (pl. עוּכֽלִין) ‘ukhla’ — a small measure. [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps a derivative of עכל (= to devour).]

עוֹכֵר m.n. troubler, disturber. [Subst. use of the act. part. of עָכַר. See עכר and cp. עַכְרָן.]

עול to act wrongfully.
    — Pi. - עִוֵּל he acted wrongfully.
    — Pu. - עֻוַּל was done injustice.
    — Nith. - נִתֽעַוֵּל (of s.m.). [Related to Arab. ‘-w-l, ‘āla (= he deviated from the right course), Syr. אַעְוַל (= he acted unjustly).] Derivatives: עָוֶל, עַוָּל, עַוְלָה ᴵ. עַלְוָה ᴵᴵ.

עול ᴵᴵ to give suck.
    — Qal - עָלָה (see עלה). [Related to Arab. ghālat (= she gave suck).] Derivatives: עוּל, עֲוִיל ᴵᴵ. cp. עוֹלֵל, עוֹלָל, תַּעֲלִיל ᴵᴵ.

עוּל m.n. sucking child, suckling, baby. [From עול ᴵᴵ. cp. Syr. עוּלָא (= foetus, sucking child), עִילָא (= foal).] Derivative: עוּלָה.

עָֽוֶל m.n. injustice, unrighteousness. [From עול ᴵ. cp. Aram.–Syr. עַוֽלָא (= wickedness). For the form see אָוֶן. cp. עֲוִיל ᴵᴵ.]

עַוָּל m.n. wrong-doer. [From עול.]

עוֹלֵב adj. PBH insulting. [Act. part. of עָלַב. See עלב.]

עוֹלֶה m.n. 1 ‘oleh’ — immigrant (after Ez. 2:1). NH 2 trochee (prosody). [Subst. use of the act. part. of עלה.]

עוֹלָה f.n. burnt offering. [Subst. use of the f. act. part. of עלה, whence lit. meaning ‘that which goes up’. cp. BAram. עלוה, Aram. עֲלָתָא (= burnt offering), Syr. עֽלָתָא (= burnt offering, altar).]

עַוְלָה f.n. (pl. עוֹלוֹת, also עַוֽלוֹת) injustice, unrighteousness. [From עול ᴵ. cp. עַלְוָה ᴵᴵ.]

עוּלָה f.n. PBH young girl. [f. of עוּל.]

עוֹלֵל, עוֹלָל m.n. child, infant. [Related to עוּל. cp. תַּעֲלוּל ᴵᴵ.]

עוֹלֵלָה f.n. 1 gleaning (of grapes or olives). PBH 2 gleanings reserved for the poor. [Prob. derived from עלל ᴵ]. Derivative: עלל ᴵⱽ.

עוֹלָם m.n. (pl. עוֹלָמוֹת, also עוֹלָמִים) 1 long duration, antiquity. 2 continuous existence, eternity, uninterrupted future. 3 world (in the Bible, with the possible exception of one case, Eccles. 3:11, עוֹלָם never has the meaning ‘world’). PBH 4 mankind, humanity. PBH 5 pleasures of life. MH 6 community. [Related to BAram. and Aram. עָלַם, עָלְמָא, Syr. עָלְמָא (= eternity; world; whence prob. Ethiop. ‘ālam, ‘eternity; world’), Ugar. ‘lm (= continuity, eternity), Arab. ‘ālam (= world). According to some scholars these words lit. mean ‘the hidden, unknown time’, and derive from base עלם (= to hide). According to several other scholars the above words are related to Akka. ullu, ullānu (= remote time), so that – ām in עוֹלָם, etc., would be a suff. cp. לְעוֹלָם, מֵעוֹלָם. cp. also עָלַם, עָלְמָא.] Derivatives: עוֹלָמִי, עוֹלָמִית.

עוֹלָמִי adj. MH 1 eternal. NH 2 worldwide. NH 3 worldly, universal. [Formed from עוֹלָם with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עוֹלָמִיּוּת.

עוֹלָמִיּוּת f.n. NH worldliness. [Formed from עוֹלָמִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עוֹלָמִית adv. PBH forever, eternally. [Formed from עוֹלָם (= eternity), with adv. suff. ◌ִית.]

עַוְלָֽתָה, עוֹלָֽתָה f.n. injustice, unrighteousness. [Poetic forms of עַוְלָה. For other nouns ending in ◌ָֽתָה see אֵימָתָה.]

עוֹמֵד adj. standing. [Part. of עָמַד. See עמד.]

עוֹמֵם adj. PBH growing dim, going out. [Part. of עָמַם. See עמם.]

עָוֹן see עָווֹן.

עוֹנָה f.n. 1 marital duty, cohabitation (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ex. 21:10). PBH 2 time, period. PBH 3 season. [Related to Aram. עוֹנֽתָא (= appointed time, time of cohabitation). The primitive meaning may have been ‘seasonable occupation’, so that עוֹנָה and עוֹנֽתָא would derive from ענה ᴵᴵ. According to most scholars these words are related to עֵת (= time). According to some of them they lit. mean ‘specific time’, and are related to Arab. ’anā(y) (= it came; esp. said of time).] Derivative: עוֹנָתִי.

עוֹנָה ᴵᴵ f.n. PBH trouble, suffering. [Prob. derived from ענה ᴵⱽ.]

עוֹנֵן m.n. soothsayer. [Subst. use of the part. of עָנַן. See ענן ᴵᴵ and cp. מְעוֹנֵן.]

עוֹנָתִי adj. NH seasonal, periodic. [Formed from עוֹנָה ᴵ with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עוֹנָתִיּוּת.

עוֹנָתִיּוּת f.n. NH periodicity. [Formed from עוֹנָתִי with suff. ◌ִי.]

עוֹסֵק m.n. NH self-employed. [Subst. use of the act. part. of עָסַק; see עסק.]

עִוְעִים m.n. perverseness, confusion (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 19:14). [Prob. contraction of עִוֽעֲוִים, a derivative of עִוְעֵו, Pilp. of עוה.]

עוף to fly.
    — Qal - עָף it flew, flew away.
    — Pol. - עוֹפֵף 1 it flew; 2 he brandished, waved.
    — Hithpol. - הִתְעוֹפֵף flew about, flew away.
    — Hiph. - הֵעִיף he caused to fly. [Aram. עוּף, Ugar. ‘ap (= to fly), Arab. ‘āfa (= it hovered).] Derivatives: עוֹף, עוֹפְפוּת, עִיפָה, עֲפִיפָה, עֲפִיפוֹן, הֶעָפָה, הִתְעוֹפֽפוּת, מוּעָף, מָעוֹף, מָעוּף ᴵ, מְעוּפָה, מֽעוֹפֵף, תּֽעוּפָה. cp. עַפֽעַף.

עוף ᴵᴵ to be dark. [Base of מָעוּף ᴵᴵ. cp. עיף ᴵᴵ.]

עוֹף m.n. (pl. עוֹפוֹת) fowl, bird. [From עוף ᴵ. cp. BAram. עוֹף. Aram. עוֹף, עוֹפָא (= bird), Syr. עוֹפָא, Ethiop. ‘ōf (= fowl, winged creatures), Arab. ‘auf (= augury), ‘ā’if (= augur).] Derivative: עַיָּף.

עוֹפְפוּת f.n. MH flying. [Formed from עוֹפֵף, Pol. of עוף ᴵ (= to fly), with suff. ◌וּת.]

עוֹפֶֽרֶת, עֹפֶרֶת f.n. lead. [Related to Akka. abāru (name of a metal, possibly lead or magnesium). See אֲבָר.] Derivatives: עוֹפַרֽתִּי, עָפֽרִית.

עוֹפַרְתִּי adj. NH leaden. [Formed from עוֹפֶרֶת with suff. ◌ִי.]

עוץ to advise.
    — Qal - עָץ he advised. [Secondary form of יעץ. cp. Aram. עוּץ, perfect עָץ (= he advised), which is a secondary form of יְעַץ.]

עוֹצֵר m.n. PBH ruler, sovereign. [Prob. subst. use of the part. of עָצַר. See עצר ᴵ.] Derivative: עוֹצְרוּת.

עוֹצְרוּת f.n. NH regency. [Formed from עוֹצֵר (= regent) with suff. ◌וּת.]

עוק to press, oppress.
    — Hiph. - הֵעִיק he pressed, oppressed (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Amos 2:13).
    — Hoph. - הוּעַק will be pressed, will be oppressed. [Prob. related to Arab. ‘āqa (= he hindered, prevented, impeded), ‘auq (= bending of a valley), and to base עקה.] Derivatives: עָקָה, הֶעָקָה, תְּעוּקָה, possibly also עָוָק. cp. מַעֲקֶה.

עָוָק m.n. PBH rung (of a ladder). [A secondary form of חָוָק, possibly a derivative of עוק and lit. meaning ‘that which is trodden upon’.]

עוֹקֵב adj. NH following, tracing. [Act. part of עקב ᴵ.]

עוֹקְדָן m.n. NH classeur (file). [Formed from עוֹקֵד, act. part. of עָקַד (see עקד), with suff. ◌ָן.]

עוּקָה f.n. PBH cavity, pit. [A secondary form of עוּגָה ᴵᴵ.]

עוֹקֵף adj. NH bypass. [Part. of עָקַף; see עקף.]

עוֹקְמָן m.n. PBH a collateral form of עַקֽמָן.

עוֹקְצָנוּת f.n. NH 1 stinging. 2 sarcasm. [Formed from עוֹקֵץ, act. part. of עָקַץ (see עקץ ᴵ), with suff. ◌ָנוּת.]

עוֹקְצָנִי adj. NH 1 stinging. 2 sarcastic. [Formed from עוֹקֵץ, act. part of עָקַץ (see עקץ ᴵ), with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

עור ‘to rouse oneself, awake’.
    — Qal - עָר 1 was awake; 2 he aroused himself.
    — Niph. - נֵעוֹר 1 was awakened, was aroused; 2 he was incited to activity.
    — Pol. - עוֹרֵר 1 he awakened, roused; 2 he incited to activity.
    — Hithpol. - הִתְעוֹרֵר 1 he awoke; 2 he was incited to activity; PBH 3 was lively.
    — Hiph. - הֵעִיר 1 he woke up, raised, aroused; PBH 2 he instigated; NH 3 he made a remark, observed.
    — Hoph. - הוּעַר MH 1 was stirred up, was aroused; MH 2 was awakened.
    — Pilp. - עִרְעֵר (see ערער ᴵᴵ).] [Aram. עוּר (= to awake), Aram.–Syr. עור (= to awake), Ugar. ‘r (= cause to arouse), Arab. ghāra (= was jealous).] Derivatives: עֵר, הֶעָרָה, הִתְעוֹרְרוּת, נֵעוֹר, עִיר ᴵᴵ, תְּעוּרָה. cp. also עֵרוּר and אִתְעֲרוּתָא.

עור ᴵᴵ to be bared, be exposed. [Related to ערה ᴵ. cp. Arab. ‘arwa (= pudenda).]—Niph. נֵעוֹר was laid bare (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hab. 3:9 in the form תֵּעוֹר). Derivatives: מָעוֹר, prob. also עֵירֹם. cp. עוֹר.

עור ᴵᴵᴵ to make blind, to blind.
    — Pi. - עִוֵּר he blinded.
    — Pu. - עֻוֵּר was blinded.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַוֵּר was blinded, became blind. [Aram. עֲוִיר, Syr. עְוִיר (= blind), עַוֵּר (= he blinded), Arab. ‘awira (= was one-eyed), Ethiop. ‘ōra (= was blind), ‘ewūr (= blind), Akka. tūrtu (= blindness).] Derivatives: עִוֵּר (adj.), עִוָּרוֹן, עַוֶּרֶת, עִוּוּר, הִתֽעַוְּרוּת.

עוֹר m.n. (pl. עוֹרוֹת) , 1 skin. 2 hide. 3 leather. [Related to Phoen. ערת. Of uncertain origin; perhaps derived from עור ᴵᴵ and properly meaning ‘naked skin’.] Derivatives: עוֹרָה, עוֹרִי, עוֹרִית.

עִוֵּר adj. blind. [From עור ᴵᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עִוְרוּת.

עוֹרֵב, עֹרֵב m.n. raven. [cp. Aram. עוֹרְבָא, Syr. עוּרֽבָא, Arab. ghurāb, Akka. āribu (= raven, crow). All these words are of imitative origin. cp. עוֹרֽבָא.] Derivatives: עוֹרְבָנִי, עָרֽבִית.

עוֹרֵג adj. NH yearning, eager. [Part. of עָרַג (= he longed for, yearned for); see ערג ᴵ.]

עוֹרְבָא m.n. PBH raven, crow. [Aram. See עוֹרֵב.]

עוֹרְבָנִי m.n. NH Garrulus glandarius (ornithology). [Formed from עוֹרֵב with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

עוֹרָה f.n. MH hide (of an animal). [Formed from עור.]

עִוָּרוֹן m.n. blindness. [Formed from עור ᴵᴵᴵ with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עִוְרוּת f.n. PBH blindness. [Formed from עִוֵּר with suff. ◌וּת.]

עוֹרִי adj. MH leathern, leathery. [Formed from עוֹר with suff. ◌ִי.]

עוֹרִית f.n. NH leatherette. [Formed from עוֹר with dimin. suff. ◌וּת.]

עוֹרֵךְ m.n. NH editor. [Subst. use of the act. part of עָרַךְ. See ערך.] Derivative: עוֹרֽכוּת.

עוֹרֵךְ־דִּין m.n. MH advocate, lawyer, attorney. [Borrowed from עוֹרֽכֵי הַדַּיָּנִים, which is usually rendered by ‘those who influence the judges’. See ערך and cp. עוֹרֵךְ.]

עוֹרֽכוּת f.n. NH editorship. [Formed from עוֹרֵךְ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עוֹרֵק m.n. 1 vein, sinew (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 30:17 in the form עֹרֽקַי, prob. meaning ‘my sinews’). NH 2 vein (botany). [Related to Arab. ‘irq (= vein).] Derivative: עוֹרֽקִי.

עוֹרְקִי adj. NH arterial. Derivative: עוֹרְקִיּוּת.

עוֹרְקִיּוּת f.n. NH arteriosity. [From עוֹרְקִי with suff. ◌יוּת.]

עוֹרֵר m.n. PBH appellant, claimant. [Subst. use of the act. part. of עָרַר. See ערר ᴵ.]

עַוֶּרֶת f.n. blindness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lev. 22:22). [Formed from עור ᴵᴵᴵ. For the form cp. אַרֶּמֶת.]

עושׁ a base prob. meaning ‘to make haste, hurry’, and related to base חושׁ ᴵ.
    — Qal - עָשׁ he made haste, hurried, or ‘he came to help’ (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Joel 4:11 in the form עוּשׁוּ). [According to some scholars, who compare Arab ghātha (= he came to help), the meaning of base עושׁ is ‘to come to help’. cp. עות.]

עות to be crooked, be bent.
    — Pi. - עִוֵּת he made crooked, bent.
    — Pu. - עֻוַּת was made crooked, was bent (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 1:15 in the part.).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַוֲּת 1 he bent himself (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 12:3); PBH 2 was perverted, became depraved. [Aram. עַוֵּת (= he made crooked, bent), Syr. עַת, עְתָא (= he deceived). Related to עוה, עבת, עבט ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עַוָּתָה, עַוּֽתָן, עִוּוּת, הִתֽעַוְּתוּת, מֽעֻוָּת.

עות ᴵᴵ a base of uncertain origin and meaning; perhaps an aramaism meaning ‘to come to help’. [From לָעוּת (a hapax legomenon in the Bible occurring Is. 50:4).]

עַוָּתָה f.n. subversion, oppression, injustice (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lam. 3:59). [From עות ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עוֹתוֹמָנִי, עוֹתְמָנִי adj. FW Ottoman. [Formed with suff. ◌ִי from Fren. ottoman, from It. Ottomano, from Med. L. Ottomānus, from Arab. ‘Uthmānī (= pertaining to ‘Uthmān), from ‘Uthmān (= ‘Osman’, name of the founder of the Ottoman empire; he reigned 1259–1326).]

עוֹתֵר m.n. NH petitioner. [Subst. use of עוֹתֵר, part. of עָתַר; see עתר ᴵ.]

עַוְּתָן m.n. MH distorter, perverter. [Formed from עִוֵּת, Pi. of עות ᴵ, with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

עַז adj. 1 strong, firm, mighty. 2 fierce. PBH 3 strong, bright (said of color). PBH 4 acrid, sharp (of taste). NH 5 hard, grave. [From עזז. cp. the first element in עֲזָאזֵל.] Derivative: עַזּוּת.

עֹז m.n. 1 strength, might. 2 fortress, refuge. 3 splendor, glory. [From עזז. cp. עַז.]

עֵז f.n. (pl. עִזִּים) goat. [Related to Pun. and Palm. עז, Aram. עִזָּא, Syr. עָזָּא, Ugar. ‘z, Arab. ‘anz, Akka. enzu (= goat). According to some scholars these words derive from base עזו in the sense ‘to be daring’; according to others they derive from the base עוז, appearing in Arab. ‘anaza (= he turned aside), in allusion to the movements of the animal.]

עֲזָאזֵל m.n. ‘Azozel’ — the rock from which the scapegoat was hurled on the Day of Atonement. [In the Talmud explained as a compound of עַז (= firm, rough), and אֵל (= strong). According to some scholars עֲזָאזֵל would be a compound of עֵז and אָזַל (i.e. ‘the goat went away’); according to others it would stand for עֲזַלְזֵל, which would be related to Arab. ‘azzala (= he removed), and would lit. mean ‘complete removal’.] See לַעֲזָאזֵל

עזב to leave, forsake.
    — Qal - עָזַב 1 he left, left behind; 2 he forsook, abandoned.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱזַב 1 was left; 2 was forsaken, was abandoned.
    — Pu. - עֻזַּב was forsaken, was abandoned.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַזֵּב (of s.m.)
    — Hiph. - הֶעֲזִיב he caused to be forsaken, caused to be abandoned. [Aram. עֲזַב (= he left, forsook), Akka. ezēbu (= to leave, leave behind, forsake), Arab. ‘azaba (= he was absent, departed), Akka. shūzubu, ushēzib (= he saved), Shaph‘el of ezēbu, whence uzubbu (= parting gift), BAram. שֵׁיזִב, Aram. שֵׁיזֵב (= he rescued). cp. עזב ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עָזוּב, עִזּוּב, עֲזוּבָה, עֲזִיבָה, הֵעָזְבוּת, prob. also עִזָּבוֹן.

עזב ᴵᴵ to help, assist; to prepare, fortify.
    — Qal - עָזַב 1 he helped, assisted. 2 he repaired, fortified.
    — Pu. - עֻזַּב was fortified. [Ugar. ‘db (= to prepare), OSArab. שׁעדֿב (= to restore). Perhaps related to עזב ᴵ.] Derivative: מַעֲזִיבָה.

עִזָּבוֹן m.n. (pl. עִזְבוֹנִים, also עִזְבוֹנוֹת) 1 merchandise (in the Bible occurring only in the pl., Ezek. 27). MH 2 legacy. [Prob. derived from עזב ᴵ and lit. meaning ‘that which is left behind by the caravans’. For the ending see suff. ◌וֹן.]

עִזָּה f.n. PBH she-goat. [f. of עֵז.]

עָזוּב adj. forsaken, deserted. [Pass. part of עָזַב. See עזב ᴵ.] Derivatives: עֲזוּבָה, עֲזוּבִי, עֲזִיבוּת.

עִזּוּב m.n. MH desertion, negligence. [Verbal n. of עִזֵּב, Pi. of עזב ᴵ.]

עֲזוּבָה 1 desertion, desolation (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 10:12). 2 , forsaken, deserted. [Subst. use of the f. of עָזוּב in sense 2.]

עֲזוּבִי adj. MH an abandoned child. [Formed from עָזוּב with suff. ◌ִי.]

עִזּוּז adj. & m.n. strong, mighty. [From עזז.]

עֱזוּז m.n. strength, might, force. [From עזז.] Derivative: עֱזוּזִי.

עֱזוּזִי adj. NH strong, mighty. [Formed from עֱזוּז with suff. ◌ִי.]

עִזּוּק m.n. MH digging, breaking the ground. [Verbal n. of עִזֵּק, Pi. of עזק ᴵ.]

עָזוּר adj. helped, assisted. [Pass. part. of עזר.]

עַזּוּת f.n. PBH 1 insolence, impudence. MH 2 sharpness. [Formed from עַז with suff. ◌וּת.]

עזז to be strong.
    — Qal - עָזַז was strong, was firm.
    — Hiph. - הֵעֵז he makes firm, makes bold.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַזֵּז he became strong. [Phoen. עז (= strength), Ugar. ‘z (= to be strong), Aram. עַזִּיז, עַזִּיזָא, Syr. עַז (= strong), Arab. ‘azza (= was strong), Ethiop. ‘azzaza (= became strong), Akka. ezēzu (= to be furious), ezzu (= fierce).] Derivatives: עַז, עֹז, עִזּוּז, עֱזוּז, עַזִּיז, הֶעָזָה, הַעַזָּה, מָעֹז, תָּעוֹז. cp. the first element in עֲזָאזֵל, עַזְפָּן. cp. also יעז.

עֻזִּי m.n. NH ‘uzzi’ — a machine-gun. [Named after its inventor, the Israeli Uzzi Gal.]

עֲזִיבָה f.n. PBH leaving, abandoning. [Verbal n. of עָזַב. See עזב ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲזִיבוּת f.n. NH abandonment, desertion. [Formed from עָזוּב with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַזִּיז adj. MH strong, mighty. [From Aram. עַזִּיז, עַזִּיזָא. See עזז.] Derivative: עַזִּיזוּת.

עַזִּיזוּת f.n. PBH strength, might. [From עַזִּיז and suff. ◌וּת.]

עָזְמָה f.n. NH strength, courage. [Borrowed from Arab. ‘aẓm, ‘aẓīma (= firm will, determination).]

עָזְנִיָּה f.n. name of a bird, perhaps ‘Aegypius monachus’ (= Black Vulture). [Of uncertain origin.]

עַזְפָּן m.n. MH an insolent, or impudent person. [Contraction of עַז־פָּנִים (= insolent, impudent).] Derivative: עַזְפָּנוּת.

עַזְפָּנוּת f.n. MH insolence, impudence. [Formed from עַזְפָּן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עזק to dig round, break the ground.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱזַק was dug round.
    — Pi. - עִזֵּק he dug carefully about (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 5:2 in the form וַיְעַזְּקֵהוּ).
    — Pu. - עֻזַּק was dug about carefully. [Arab. ‘azaqa (= he dug up, hoed, broke up). The original meaning of this base prob. was ‘to surround’, which appears also in BAram. עִזְקָה, Aram. עִזְקְתָא, Syr. עֶזְקְתָא, עְזַקְתָא (= ring). According to some scholars עִזְקָה etc. are perhaps loan words from Akka. izqatu (= fetter). But see חזק. cp. עֶזֶק, עָזֵק, עִזְקָה.] — Qal עָזַק tr. v. he dug round, broke the ground. Derivatives: עֲזֵקָה, עִזּוּק, מְעֻזָּק.

עזק ᴵᴵ to hold fast
    — Qal - עָזַק he held fast. [Related to חזק.]

עֶֽזֶק m.n. PBH bandage. [Related to BAram. עִזְקָה, Aram. עִזְקֽתָא (= ring). See עזק ᴵ and cp. עָזֵק.]

עָזֵק m.n. NH cringle. [From BAram. עִזֽקָה (= ring). cp. עֶֽזֶק.]

עִזְקָה f.n. ring. [From BAram. עִזְקָה (= ring). See עזק ᴵ.]

עֲזָקָה f.n. NH digging round. [Formed from עזק ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עזר to help, assist, aid.
    — Qal - עָזַר he helped, assisted, aided.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱזַר was helped.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱזִיר he helped. [Phoen. עזר (= to help), OAram. עדר, עזר (= to help), Aram.–Syr. עֲדַר (= he helped), Arab. ‘adhara (= he excused, exculpated; he helped), OSArab. עדֿר (= to help). cp. עדר ᴵᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֵזֶר, עֶזְרָה, עֶזְרָת, עֶזְרָתָה, עוֹזֵר, עָזוּר, הֵעָזְרוּת.

עֵֽזֶר m.n. 1 help, assistance. 2 helpmate. MH 3 wife. NH 4 aid. [From עזר.]

עֻזְרָד PBH see עֻזְרָר.

עֶזְרָה f.n. help, assistance. [Formed from עזר with first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֶזְרָת, עֶזְרָתָה.]

עֲזָרָה f.n. 1 barrier, enclosure. PBH 2 the Temple Court. [Related to Aram. עֲזַרְתָּא (= Temple Court), and possibly to OSArab. מעדֿר (= protecting wall), and Arab. a‘dira (= open place before the house).

עֻזְרָר m.n. PBH medlar, Crataegus azaruds (botany). [Related to Syr. עֻזְרָרָא, Arab. za‘rūr (= medlar).]

עֶזְרָת, עֶזְרָֽתָה f.n. help, assistance. [Poetic forms of עֶזְרָה. For other nouns ending in ◌ָֽתָה see אֵימָתָה.]

עֵט m.n. 1 stylus. 2 reed pen. [Related to Aram. עֵיטָא (= stylus). Of uncertain origin.]

עטה to wrap, envelop, cover.
    — Qal - עָטָה 1 he wrapped, enveloped, covered over; 2 he wrapped himself, enveloped himself.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱטָה he wrapped, enveloped, covered.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַטָּה he wrapped himself, enveloped himself, covered himself. [Aram. עֲטִי, עֲטָא (= he covered himself), Syr. עֲטָא (= he extinguished), Arab. ghaṭā (= he covered), Akka. eṭū (= was dark), eṭūtu (= darkness).] Derivatives: עוֹטֶה, עָטוּי, עֲטִי ᴵᴵ, עֲטִיָּה, מַעֲטֶה.

עָטוּי adj. MH wrapped, enveloped, covered. [Pass. part. of עָטָה. See עטה.]

עָטוּף adj. PBH wrapped, enveloped, covered. [Pass. part. of עָטַף. See עטף ᴵ.]

עָטוּף ᴵᴵ adj. 1 feeble. 2 faint. [Pass. part. of עָטַף. See עטף ᴵᴵ.]

עִטּוּף m.n. PBH wrapping, enveloping, covering. [Verbal n. of עִטֵּף, Pi. of עטף ᴵ.]

עָטוּר adj. PBH adorned, ornamented, crowned. [Pass. part. of עָטַר. See עטר.]

עִטּוּר m.n. PBH crowning, wreathing. [Verbal n. of עִטֵּר, Pi. of עטר ᴵ.] Derivative: עִטּוּרִי.

עִטּוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. removal, omission. [From Aram. עֲטַר, עִטְרָא (= removal, abolition), from the stem of עֲטַר (= it ceased), עַטַּר (= he removed entirely).]

עִטּוּרִי adj. NH ornamental. [Formed from עִטּוּר ᴵᴵ with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עִטּוּרִיּוּת.

עִטּוּרִיּוּת f.n. NH ornamentation. [Formed from עִטּוּרִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִטּוּשׁ m.n. PBH sneeze, sternutation. [Verbal n. of עִטֵּשׁ, Pi. of עטשׁ.]

עֲטִּי m.n. PBH advice (used only in the phrase בְּעֶטְיוֹ שֶׁל־, ‘through the advice of’, ‘because of’). [From Aram. עֵטַא (= advice), corresponding to Heb. עֵצָה (q.v.).]

עֲטִי ᴵᴵ m.n. NH aril (botany). [From עטה (= to cover); so called because it covers the seed.]

עֲטִיָּה f.n. MH wrapping, covering. [Verbal n. of עָטָה. See עטה and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָטִין m.n. a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 21:24 and prob. meaning ‘pail’, ‘bucket’. According to some scholars עָטִין means ‘udder’, ‘teat’.

עָטִין ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH packed olives. [From עטן.]

עָטִיף m.n. PBH 1 wrap, cloak. NH 2 perianth (botany). [From עטף ᴵ.]

עֲטִיפָה m.n. PBH PBH 1 wrapping, covering. NH 2 cover of a book. [Verbal n. of עָטַף. See עטף ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲטִיפָה ᴵᴵ f.n. MH feebleness (used only in the phrase עֲטִיפַת־נֶפֶשׁ, ‘fainting, swooning’). [Verbal n. of עָטַף. See עטף ᴵᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲטִישָׁה f.n. sneezing (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 41:10 in the form עֲטִישֹׁתָיו). [Verbal n. of עָטַשׁ. See עטשׁ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲטַלֵּף m.n. bat (in the Bible occurring only Lev. 11:19, Deut. 14:18, Is. 2:20, in the pl.). [Together with Aram. עֲטַלֵּיפָא prob. derived from עטף ᴵ and lit. meaning ‘the cloaked animal’.]

עטן to pack olives in a vat.
    — Qal - עָטַן he packed olives in a vat.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱטַן was packed. [Arab. ‘aṭana (= he put skin into tan).] Derivatives: עָטִין ᴵᴵ, מַעֲטָן.

עטף to envelop oneself, cover.
    — Qal - עָטַף 1 he enveloped himself, covered himself; 2 he enveloped, wrapped, covered; PBH 3 he put on a cloak.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱטַף was enveloped, was wrapped, was covered.
    — Pi. - עִטֵּף PBH 1 he enveloped, wrapped, covered; NH 2 he covered (a book).
    — Pu. - עֻטַּף PBH 1 was enveloped, was wrapped, was covered; NH 2 was covered (said of a book).
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַטֵּף he enveloped himself, wrapped himself, covered himself.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱטִיף he enveloped, wrapped, covered. [Aram. עֲטַף (= he covered), Syr. עֲטַף (= he turned, returned), Arab. ‘aṭafa (= he inclined, bent), ‘iṭāf (= fold, cloak). cp. עטף ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עָטוּף ᴵ, עִטּוּף, עָטִיף, עֲטִיפָה ᴵ, עוֹטֵף, הִתְעַטּֽפוּת, מַעֲטָף, מֽעֻטָּף, מַעֲטָפָה, מַעֲטֶפֶת, prob. also עֲטַלֵּף.

עטף ᴵᴵ to be feeble, faint, languish.
    — Qal - עָטַף he became feeble, fainted, languished.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱטַף became feeble.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַטֵּף he fainted, fainted away.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱטִיף 1 became feeble; MH 2 tr. v. he enfeebled. [According to most scholars derived from עטף ᴵ. For sense development cp. עלף ᴵ and עלף ᴵᴵ, Arab. ghashiya (= he covered), whence ghushiya, ‘alayhi (= he fainted, swooned). Some scholars compare עטף ᴵᴵ with Arab. ‘aṭaba (= he perished, flagged).] Derivatives: עָטוּף ᴵᴵ, עֲטִיפָה ᴵᴵ, הִתְעַטְּפוּת ᴵᴵ.

עטר to surround, encircle; to crown.
    — Qal - עָטַר 1 he surrounded, encircled; PBH 2 he crowned.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱטַר 1 was adorned; 2 was crowned.
    — Pi. - עִטֵּר 1 he crowned; 2 he made a wreath; PBH 3 he adorned, decorated.
    — Pu. - עֻטַּר was adorned, was decorated.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַטֵּר (of s.m.).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱטִיר he crowned (in the Bible occurring only in the part. in the phrase צֹר הַמַּעֲטִירָה, ‘Tyre, the crowning city’, Is. 23:8).
    — Hoph. - הָעֳטַר was crowned. [Phoen. עטרת (= wreath), עטר (= to crown), Aram. עֲטַר (= he surrounded). cp. Akka. eṭēru (= to spare, rescue).] Derivatives: עֲטָרָה, עָטוּר, עִטּוּר ᴵ, עִטֹּרֶת, עֲטֶרֶת, הַעֲטָרָה, הִתֽעַטְּרוּת, מַעֲטִיר, מֽעֻטָּר.

עֲטָרָה f.n. 1 crown, wreath. MH 2 ornament on the collar of the ‘tallith’. PBH 3 corona of the membrum. PBH 4 the ring around the teat of a woman. [Formed from עטר with first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֲטֶרֶת.]

עִטְרָן m.n. PBH tar. [From Aram. עִתְרָן, עִטְרָנָא (= pitch). Arab. qā́ṭiran, qiṭrā́n (= tar) is an Aram. loan word. For the change of ע to ק see the introductory entry to letter ע.]

עִטֹּֽרֶת f.n. NH vignette. [Formed from עטר with suff. ◌ֶת.]

עֲטֶֽרֶת f.n. crown, wreath. [Properly c. st. of עֲטָרָה.]

עטשׁ to sneeze.
    — Qal - עָטַשׁ he sneezed.
    — Pi. - עִטֵּשׁ (of s.m.).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַטֵּשׁ (of s.m.).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱטִישׁ he made sneeze. [Aram. עֲטַשׁ, Arab. ‘aṭasa, Ethiop. ‘aṭasa (= he sneezed); Syr. עֲטָשָׁא, Arab. ‘uṭās, Ethiop. ‘eṭās (= sneezing). Prob. of imitative origin. In the Bible this base occurs only in the verbal n. עֲטִישָׁה (q.v.).] Derivatives: עִטּוּשׁ, עֲטִישָׁה, עַטֶּשֶׁת, מַעֲטִישׁ.

עַטֶּֽשֶׁת f.n. NH sneezing. [Coined from עטשׁ (= to sneeze), according to the pattern פַּעֶלֶת serving to form names of diseases. See אַדֶּמֶת and cp. words there referred to.]

עִי m.n. ruin, heap of ruins. [Prob. contraction of עֲוִי, a derivative of עוה (= to bend, twist). cp. מְעִי ᴵᴵ.]

עֵיד m.n. PBH idolatrous festival. [Related to Syr. עְיָדָא (= usage, ceremony), Aram. עִידָא, Syr. עֵידָא (= festival), whence Arab. ‘īd (of s.m.). These words derive from base עוד, and lit. mean ‘that which returns’ (every year). cp. אֵיד ᴵᴵ.]

עִיּוּל m.n. NH threading (a needle), insertion. [Verbal n. of עִיֵּל, Pi. of עול.]

עִיּוּן m.n. PBH consideration, meditation, deliberation. [Verbal n. of עִיֵּן, Pi. of עין.] Derivative: עִיּוּנִי.

עִיּוּנִי adj. MH theoretical, speculative. [Formed from עִיּוּן with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עִיּוּנִיּוּת.

עִיּוּנִיּוּת f.n. NH deep study, speculation. [Formed from עִיּוּנִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִיּוּף m.n. MH causing fatigue. [From עיף ᴵ.]

עִיּוּר m.n. NH urbanization. [Verbal n. of עִיֵּר, Pi. of עיר.]

עיט to rush upon.
    — Qal - עָט he rushed upon, swooped upon. [A base prob. orig. meaning ‘to scream, shriek’. cp. Arab. ‘ayyaṭa ‘alā (= he screamed, scolded), whence ‘to rush upon with screams’.] Derivatives: עַיִט ᴵ, עִיטָה.

עַֽיִט m.n. (pl. עֵיטִים) bird of prey. [Derived from עיט and lit. meaning ‘the screaming bird’.]

עַֽיִט ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH (pl. עֵיטִים) fringe, tuft. [Of uncertain origin.]

עִיטָה f.n. NH rush, swoop. [Verbal n. of עָט. See עיט and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֵיל m.n. PBH height (used only with the pref. ל as the adv. לֽעֵיל, ‘above’). [See לֽעֵיל and דּלְעֵיל.]

עיל to thread (a needle), to insert.
    — Pi. - עִיֵּל he threaded, inserted. [From Aram. עַיֵּל (= he threaded, inserted).] Derivative: עִיּוּל.

עֲיָם m.n. strength(?); glow. [A hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring in the phrase בַּעֽיָם רוּחוֹ, which is of uncertain meaning. It is usually translated ‘with his strong wind’ or ‘with his glowing wind’. Most scholars compare it with Arab. ghāma (= it glowed), others read בְּעֹצֶם (= with strength). However, we do not find in the Bible עֹצֶם used to denote the strength of the wind. The punctuation (with ‘shwa’ and ‘qamatz’) also shows the incorrectness of this ‘emendation’.]

עַֽיִן f.n. (dual עֵינַיִם) 1 eye. 2 visible surface. 3 appearance. 4 gleam, sparkle. 5 hole, aperture. [Related to Phoen. ען, BAram. עַיִן, Aram. עַיִן, עַיְנָא, עֵינָא, Syr. עֵין, Ugar. ‘n, Arab. ‘ayn, Ethiop. ‘ayn, Akka. ēnu (= eye), TA ḫinaya (= my eyes). For the meaning ‘visible surface’, cp. Arab. ‘ayn (= that which is visible, the thing itself, substance).] Derivatives: עַיִן ᴵᴵ, עַיִן ᴵᴵᴵ, עין ᴵ, עין ᴵᴵ, עֵינִית, עֵינָן. cp. עֵינָא.

עַֽיִן ᴵᴵ f.n. (pl. עֲיָנוֹת) spring, fountain. [Elliptic for עֵין הַמַּיִם (= lit.: eye of the water). cp. Aram.–Syr. עַיְנָא (= spring, fountain), which was also shortened from עַיֽנָא דֽמַיָּא (= lit.: the eye of the water). See עַיִן ᴵ and cp. מַעֽיָן ᴵᴵ, מָעוֹן.]

עַֽיִן ᴵᴵᴵ f.n. PBH (pl. עַיֽנִין) ‘Ayin’ — name of the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. [Lit. ‘eye’ (see עַיִן ᴵ); so called in allusion to the ancient form of this letter.]

עין to look askance at.
    — Qal - עָיַן he looked askance at (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Sam. I 18:9 as the part. עֹיֵן). [Denominated from עַיִן ᴵ.] Derivative: עוֹיֵן.

עין ᴵᴵ to look carefully at, consider.
    — Pi. - עִיֵּן PBH 1 he looked carefully at, considered; PBH 2 he thought over, meditated, deliberated; PBH 3 he balanced exactly, weighed carefully; PBH 4 he read; MH 5 he looked up (a quotation, etc.).
    — Pu. - עֻיַּן 1 was considered; 2 was balanced exactly, was weighed carefully.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַיֵּן MH 1 was considered; NH 2 was balanced exactly, was weighed carefully. [Denominated from עַיִן ᴵ. cp. Ugar. ‘n (= to see, consider), Aram.–Syr. עַיֵּן (= he looked at, perceived, considered, meditated, deliberated.] Derivatives: עִיּוּן, מְעַיֵּן, מְעֻיָּן (adj.).

עֵינָא f.n. PBH eye (used esp. in the phrase עֵינָא בִּישָׁא, ‘evil eye’). [Aram. emphatic state of עַיִן (= eye). See עַיִן ᴵ.]

עֵינִית f.n. NH eyepiece. [Formed from עַיִן (= eye), with suff. ◌ִית.]

עֵינָן m.n. PBH 1 a person having large eyes; NH 2 peeper, prying person, nosy-parker. [Formed from עַיִן ᴵ with suff. ◌ָן. cp. Aram. עַיְנָן, Syr. עַיְנָנָא (= having large eyes), from עַיִן, עַיְנָא (= eye).]

עיף to be weary, be tired, be faint.
    — Qal - עָיֵף was weary, was tired, was faint.
    — Pi. - עִיֵּף he made tired.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַיֵּף he became tired, became weary. [Metathesized form of יעף. cp. Syr. עָף (= was weary, was faint).] Derivatives: עָיֵף (adj.), עֲיֵפָה, עִיּוּף, הִתְעַיְּפוּת. cp. עִפּוּי.

עיף ᴵᴵ to be dark. [Base of עֵיפָה; a collateral form of עוף ᴵᴵ.]

עָיֵף adj. tired, weary, faint. [From עיף ᴵ. cp. יָעֵף.] Derivatives: עֲיֵפוּת, עֲיַפְיָפוּת.

עַיָּף m.n. NH fowl breeder, poultry farmer. [Derived from עוֹף, according to the pattern פַּעָל.]

עֲיֵפָה f.n. tiredness, weariness. [From עיף ᴵ.]

עֵיפָה f.n. darkness, gloom, (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Amos 4:13, and prob. meaning ‘darkness, gloom’).

עִיפָה f.n. MH flight. [Verbal n. of עָף. See עוף ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲיֵפוּת f.n. MH weariness, fatigue, faintness. [Formed from עָיֵף with suff. ◌וּת. cp. עֲיַפְיָפוּת.]

עֲיַפְיָפוּת f.n. NH slight fatigue. [Formed from עָיֵף through reduplication of the second and third radicals. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת. cp. עֲיֵפוּת.]

עֵיפָֽתָה f.n. darkness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 10:22). [Poetic form of עֵיפָה. For other nouns ending in ◌ָתָה see אֵימָתָה.]

עִיר f.n. (pl. עָרִים, also עֲיָרוֹת) city, town. [Related to Phoen. ער, Ugar. ‘r, pl. ‘rm (= city, town), OSArab. ער (= hill, castle), possibly connected with Sumerian uru, eri (= city, town).] Derivatives: עיר, עֲיָרָה, עִירוֹנִי, עִירִיָּה.

עִיר ᴵᴵ m.n. (pl. עִירִין) angel. [From BAram. עִיר. Related to Syr. עִירָא (= angel; lit.: ‘watcher’). cp. Aram. עִיר, Syr. עֵיר (= awake, wakeful). See עור ᴵ and cp. צִיר ᴵ.]

עיר to urbanize.
    — Pi. - עִיֵּר he urbanized.
    — Pu. - עֻיַּר was urbanized.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַיֵּר was urbanized. [Denominated from עִיר ᴵ.] Derivatives: עִיּוּר, מְעֻיָּר.

עְַיִר m.n. a young ass. [Related to Aram. עֵירָא (= ass, colt), Ugar. ‘r, Arab. ‘ayr (= ass; esp. ‘wild ass’), Akka. urū (= steed), urītu (= mare).]

עֲיָרָה f.n. PBH small town. [Back formation from עֲיָרוֹת, Talmudic pl. of עִיר ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲיָרָתִי.

עִירָה f.n. PBH bobbin, thread (on the shuttle used for the woof). [Prob. related to BAram. עוּר, Syr. עוּרָא (= chaff), and to Arab. ‘ā’ir (= mote in the eye).]

עִירוֹנִי adj. & n. NH 1 pertaining to the town. 2 town dweller. PBH 3 provincial. [Formed from עִיר ᴵ with suff. ◌וֹנִי.]

עִירִיָּה f.n. NH township, municipality. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from עִיר (= town, city), and suff. ◌ִיָּה.]

עִירִית f.n. PBH asphodel (plant). [Related to Syr. עִירוֹנָא (= asphodel), and to Arab. gharan (= glue). The plant is so called from the glue which is prepared from the powder of its dried bulbs.]

עֵירֹם 1 nakedness. 2 naked. [Prob. derived from ערה (= to lay bare), to which it prob. stands as שָׁלוֹם (= peace) stands to שׁלה ᴵ (= to be quiet, be at ease). Prob. derived from עור ᴵᴵ (= to be naked). Accordingly עָרֹם (= naked), would be a secondary form of עֵירֹם. Some scholars see in עֵירֹם a ‘qittul’ form from base ערם ᴵᴵᴵ. cp. מַעֲרֹם.]

עֲיָרָתִי adj. NH of a small town. [Formed from עֲיָרָה with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַֽיִשׁ m.n. name of a constellation, prob. The Great Bear (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 38:32). [Related to Syr. עִיּוּתָא or עְיוּתָא, Aram. יוּתָא (= a name of a star, prob. the Aldebaran). cp. עָשׁ ᴵᴵ.]

עכב to hinder, prevent.
    — Pi. - עִכֵּב 1 he hindered, prevented; 2 he detained, delayed; 3 he tarried.
    — Pu. - עֻכַּב he was detained, was delayed.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַכֵּב was detained, was delayed, tarried. [Related to עקב ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עַכָּבָה, עִכָּבוֹן, עִכּוּב, הִתְעַכְּבוּת, מְעֻכָּב.

עַכָּבָה f.n. PBH 1 hindrance, prevention, delay. NH 2 inhibition. [Formed from עִכֵּב, Pi. of עכב, first suff. ◌ָה.]

עִכָּבוֹן m.n. NH 1 hindrance, prevention. 2 lien. [Formed from עִכֵּב, Pi. of עכב, with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עַכָּבִישׁ m.n. spider (in the Bible occurring only Is. 59:5, in the phrase קוּרֵי־עַכָּבִישׁ, ‘spider’s web’, and Job 8:14). [Related to Aram. עַכּוּבִיתָא, עַכָּבִיתָא, Arab. ‘ankabūt (= spider). cp. Arab. ‘ukkash (= spider). cp. also עַכְשׁוּב and עַקְרַבּוּת.] Derivative: עַכְבִישִׁי.

עַכְבִישִׁי adj. MH spiderlike. [Formed from עַכָּבִישׁ with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַכָּבִית f.n. PBH (also עַכּוּבית NH) thistle, cardoon. [Related to Arab. ‘akkub (= a thistle-like plant).]

עַכְבָּר m.n. mouse. [Related to Aram. עַכְבְּרָא, Syr. עוּקְבְּרָא, also אַגֽבְּרָא, Arab. ‘akābir (pl.), SArab. ‘ikbār (= mouse). cp. עַכְבְּרָא. cp. also the first element in עַכְבְּרוֹשׁ.] Derivatives: עַכְבָּרוֹן, עַכֽבָּרִי.

עַכְבְּרָא m.n. PBH mouse (used in quotations). [Aram.; see עַכְבָּר.]

עַכְבָּרוֹן m.n. NH a small mouse. [Formed from עַכֽבָּר with dimin. suff. ◌וֹן.]

עַכְבְּרוֹשׁ m.n. NH rat. [A compound word whose first element is עַכֽבָּר. The second element is of uncertain origin.]

עַכְבָּרִי adj. NH mouselike. [Formed from עַכְבָּר with suff. ◌ִי.]

עִכּוּב m.n. PBH hindrance, prevention. [Verbal n. of עִכֵּב, Pi. of עכב.]

עִכּוּבִית see עַכָּבִית.

עַכּוּז m.n. PBH buttocks, posterior. [Of uncertain origin.] Derivative: עַכּוּזִית.

עַכּוּזִית f.n. NH breeching. [Formed from עַכּוּז with suff. ◌ִית.]

עִכּוּל m.n. PBH digestion. [Verbal n. of עִכֵּל, Pi. of עכל.] Derivative: עִכּוּלִי.

עִכּוּלִי adj. NH digestive. [Formed from עִכּוּל with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַכּוּ״ם m.n. PBH idolater. [Formed from the initials of the words עוֹבֵד כּוֹכָבִים וּמַזָּלוֹת (‘a worshipper of stars and planets’). Used by Christian censors of the Talmud about the end of the 16th century to replace the word גּוֹי (gentile, non-Jew) originally standing in the text.] Derivative: עַכּוּמִי.

עַכּוּמִי adj. NH idolatrous, pagan (adj.). [Formed from עַכּוּ״ם with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

עָכוּר adj. PBH 1 muddy, troubled, turbid. NH 2 gloomy, dejected. [Pass. part. of עָכַר. See עכר.] Derivatives: עֲכִירוּת, עַכֽרוּרִי.

עִכּוּר m.n. MH making turbid, fouling. [Verbal n. of עִכֵּר, Pi. of עכר.]

עָכִיר m.n. PBH a word prob. meaning pressing board of the winepress. [Of unknown origin.]

עֲכִירָה f.n. MH making turbid, fouling. [Verbal n. of עָכַר. See עכר and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲכִירוּת f.n. MH muddiness, turbidity. [Formed from עָכוּר with suff. ◌וּת.]

עכל to consume; to digest.
    — Qal - עָכַל he consumed.
    — Niph. - נֶעֽכַּל was consumed.
    — Pi. - עִכֵּל MH 1 he digested; NH 2 he comprehended.
    — Pu. - עֻכַּל PBH 1 was consumed; MH 2 was digested; NH 3 was comprehended.
    — Niph. - נִתְעַכֵּל PBH 1 was digested; MH 2 was consumed. [A secondary form of אכל.] Derivatives: עִכּוּל, הִתְעַכְּלוּת, מְעֻכָּל, perhaps also עוּכְלָא.

עֻכְלָא see עוּכְלָא.

עכן to roll up, twist.
    — Pi. - עִכֵּן he rolled up, twisted.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַכֵּן was rolled up, was twisted. [Arab. ‘akana (= was rolled up, was twisted). According to some scholars עכן was denominated from עַכֽנָא, עֶכֶן (= snake), so that עכן would lit. mean ‘to wind or twist like a snake’.]

עֶֽכֶן m.n. NH see עַכְנָא.

עַכְנָא m. & f.n. PBH (also עַכְנַאי ᴵ m.n. PBH, עֶכֶן m.n. NH) ringed snake. [Prob. borrowed from Gk. echis, echidna (= viper), possibly through the medium of Syr. אָכֶדְנָא. See ‘anguine’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘echidna’ ibid. According to some scholars עַכֽנָא and עַכְנַאי derive from עכן. cp. עֶכֶס ᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עַכֽנַאי ᴵᴵ.

עַכְנַאי see עַכֽנָא.

עַכְנַאי ᴵᴵ m.n. NH Echium (a genus of plants). [From עַכְנַאי ᴵ; properly a loan translation of the scientific name Echium, which derives from Gk. echis (= viper).]

עֶֽכֶס m.n. anklet, bangle (in the Bible occurring only Pr. 7:22 and Is. 3:18 in the pl.) [Related to Arab. ‘akasa (= he tied backward), ‘ikās (= hopple of a camel).] Derivative: עכס.

עֶֽכֶס ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH viper. [From Gk. echis. See עַכְנָא.]

עכס to shake bangles, rattle, tinkle.
    — Pi. - עִכֵּס he shook bangles, rattled, tinkled (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 3:16 in the form תְּעַכַּסֽנָה). [Denominated from עֶכֶס ᴵ.]

עכר to stir up, disturb, trouble.
    — Qal - עָכַר 1 he stirred up, disturbed, troubled; PBH 2 he made turbid.
    — Niph. - נֶעְכַּר 1 was stirred up, was troubled; PBH 2 became turbid, became muddy.
    — Pi. - עִכֵּר PBH 1 he troubled, disturbed; MH 2 he made turbid, confused.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַכֵּר became turbid.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱכִיר he stirred up, troubled, disturbed. [Aram. עֲכַר (= he stirred up, disturbed, troubled), Syr. עֲכַר (= he hindered, prevented), Arab. ‘akira (= was turbid).] Derivatives: עָכוּר, עִכּוּר, עֲכִירָה, עֲכִירוּת, עִכָּרוֹן, עַכֽרָן, הַעֲכָרָה, הֵעָכֽרוּת, מְעֻכָּר, מַעֲכֹרֶת, נֶעְכָּר.

עִכָּרוֹן m.n. NH 1 being troubled, being disturbed. PBH 2 punishment. [Formed from עכר with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עַכְרוּרִי adj. NH slightly turbid. [Formed from עָכוּר through reduplication of the third radical.] Derivatives: עַכֽרוּרִית, עַכֽרִירוּת.

עַכְרוּרִית f.n. MH turbidity. [From עַכְרוּרִי. Properly subst. use of the f. of עַכְרוּרִי.]

עַכְרִירוּת f.n. MH turbidity. [Formed from עַכְרוּרִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַכְשָׁו, עַכְשָׁיו adv. PBH now, at present. [Prob. contraction of עַד כּֽשֶׁהוּא.] Derivatives: עכשׁו, עַכְשָׁוִי.

עכשו to actualize.
    — Pi. - עִכְשֵׁו he actualized. [Formed from עַכְשָׁו.]

עַכְשׁוּב m.n. asp, viper (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 140:4). [Of uncertain origin. According to some scholars עַכְשׁוּב is a metathesized form of עַכָּבִישׁ and has the same meaning (spider).]

עִכְשׁוּו m.n. NH actualization. [Verbal n. of עִכְשֵׁו. See עכשׁו.]

עַכְשָׁוִי adj. NH present, actual. [Coined by Ithamar Ben-Avi (1882–1943) from עַכְשָׁו (= at present), and suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עַכֽשָׁוִיּוּת.

עַכְשָׁוִיּוּת f.n. NH presentness, actuality. [Coined by Ithamar Ben-Avi from עַכְשָׁוִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַכְשָׁיו see עַכְשָׁו.

עַל 1 height, upper part. 2 , above. [From עלה. See עַל ᴵᴵ.]

עַל ᴵᴵ prep. 1 on, upon, above. 2 at, beside. 3 toward(s). 4 against. 5 concerning, about. 6 because of, on account of. 7 together with. [Shortened from עֲלֵי, which is preserved in poetry (see אֱלֵי and עֲדֵי), from עלה. Related to Phoen. and Moabite על, עלת, Aram., BAram.) and Syr. עַל, Ugar. ‘l, Arab. ‘alā, OSArab. עלי, Ethiop. lā‘la, Akka. eli (= on, upon). cp. עַל ᴵ. cp. also עֲלִיָּה ᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עַל◌.

עַל NH combining form meaning ‘super–’, as in עַל־טִבְעִי (= supernatural), ‘per–’ (in chemistry) as in עַל־חֻמֽצָה (= peracid). [From the prep. עַל.]

עֹל m.n. (pl. עֻלִּים) yoke. [From base עלל ᴵᴵ (= to insert, thrust in). Related to Akka. allu, ullu (= yoke, chain).]

עֵלָּא m.n. PBH height. [See לְעֵלָא.]

עִלָּאוּת f.n. NH superiority, supremacy. [Formed from עִלָּאִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִלָּאִי adj. PBH superior, supreme. [Aram. Related to BAram. עִלָּאָה, עִלָּיָה (= higher, superior). Derived from עלה.] Derivative: עִלָּאוּת.

עלב to put to shame, insult, humiliate.
    — Qal - עָלַב he put to shame, insulted, humiliated.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱלַב was put to shame, was insulted, was humiliated.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱלִיב he put to shame, insulted, humiliated.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳלַב was put to shame, was insulted, was humiliated. [Aram. עֲלַב (= he had the upper hand, took advantage), Arab. ghalaba (= he subdued, conquered, defeated, overcame).] Derivatives: עֹלֶב, עֶלֽבּוֹן, עָלוּב, עִלּוּב, עֲלִיבָה, הַעֲלָבָה, הֵעָלְבוּת, מַעֲלִיב, נֶעֱלָב.

עֹֽלֶב m.n. MH putting to shame, insult, humiliation. [From עלב.]

עֶלְבּוֹן m.n. PBH (pl. עֶלְבּוֹנוֹת, also עֶלְבּוֹנִים) putting to shame, insult, humiliation. [Formed from עלב with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עִלֵּג adj. stammering, stuttering (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 32:4 in the pl.). [From base עלג, methathesis of לעג.] Derivatives: עִלְּגוּת, עִלּוּג.

עִלְּגוּת f.n. MH stammering, stuttering. [Formed from עִלֵּג with suff. ◌וּת.]

עלה to go up, ascend.
    — Qal - עָלָה 1 he went up, ascended; 2 it sprang up, grew, shot forth; 3 he rose, surpassed, excelled; PBH 4 was reckoned, was counted in, was considered. PBH 5 he succeeded, was successful. NH 6 he immigrated to Israel (after Ez. 2:1 and 7:6).
    — Niph. - נַעֲלָה 1 was brought up, was taken up, rose; 2 was taken away.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱלָה 1 he brought up; 2 he caused to rise; 3 he caused to go up (on the altar; said of sacrifices); PBH 4 he promoted to a higher dignity; PBH 5 he put on, laid on.
    — Hoph. - הֹעֲלָה 1 was brought up, was raised; 2 was taken up into, was inserted; 3 was offered (said of a sacrifice).
    — Pi. - עִלָּה 1 he elevated, praised; 2 he prized.
    — Pu. - עֻלָּה (occurring only in the part. מֽעֻלֶּה (q.v.).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַלָּה 1 he lifted himself up (in the Bible occurring only Jer. 51:3 in the form יִתֽעַל); PBH 2 was raised, was exalted; PBH 3 was raised in price. [Phoen. עלה, Ugar. ‘ly (= to go up, ascend), Aram. and BAram. עלה (= to go up, ascend), Syr. עַלִּי (= he raised, made higher), Arab. ‘alā (= was high, was elevated, rose, ascended), Akka. elū (= to go up, ascend), perhaps also Ethiop. ‘alawa (= he crossed). Base of עַל ᴵ and עַל ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עוֹלָה, עָלֶה, עִלּוּי ᴵ, עִלּוּי ᴵᴵ, עָלוּת, עֱלִי, עֲלֵי, עֲלִיָה ᴵ, עֲלִיָּה ᴵᴵ, עֶלְיוֹן, עִלִּי, עִלָּאִי, עִלִּית, הַעֲלָאָה, הַעֲלָיָה, הֵעָלוּת, הִתֽעַלּוּת, מַעַל, מֹעַל, מַעֲלָה, מַעֲלִית, לְעֵיל, לֽעֵלָא, תּֽעָלָה ᴵᴵ. cp. the second element in בְּלִיַּעַל.

עָלֶה m.n. 1 leaf. NH 2 leaf in a book, folio. [Derived from עלה in the sense ‘to spring up, grow, shoot forth’. cp. Akka. alū, elū (= shoot).] Derivatives: עַלְוָה ᴵ, עָלוֹן, עַלְעוֹל ᴵᴵ, עַלְעָל, עלעל ᴵ.

עִלָּה f.n. PBH cause, pretext, occasion. [Related to BAram. עִלָּה, עִלָּא, Syr. עֶלָּא, עֶלְתָא, Syr. ‘iltā (= cause, pretext). These words prob. derive from עלל ᴵ. cp. עֲלִילָה ᴵᴵ.]

עָלָה adj. lactating animal. [Qal part. f. of עול ᴵᴵ.]

עלו to cover with leaves.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַלֵּו was covered with leaves. [Denominated from עַלְוָה ᴵ.] Derivative: הִתְעַלְּווּת.

עָלוּב adj. PBH 1 put to shame, insulted. PBH 2 humble. NH 3 miserable. [Pass. part. of עָלַב. See עלב.] Derivative: עֲלִיבוּת.

עִלּוּג m.n. MH 1 stammering language. NH 2 slang. [From עלג. See עִלֵּג.]

עַלְוָה m.n. NH foliage. [From עָלֶה. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.] Derivative: עַלְוָנִי.

עַלְוָה ᴵᴵ f.n. injustice, unrighteousness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hos. 10:9). [Metathesized form of עַוְלָה.]

עִלּוּי m.n. NH genius. [Orig. verbal n. of עִלָּה, Pi. of עלה, hence derivatively identical with עִלּוּי ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עִלּוּיוּת, עִלּוּיִי.

עִלּוּי ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH 1 elevation, exaltation. PBH 2 addition in price; valuation. MH 3 superiority. [Verbal n. of עִלָּה, Pi. of עלה. cp. עִלּוּי ᴵ.]

עִלּוּיוּת f.n. brilliancy. [Formed from עִלּוּי ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִלּוּיִי adj. NH highly gifted, brilliant. [Formed from עִלּוּי ᴵ with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָלוּל adj. PBH liable, capable, susceptible. [Pass. part. of עָלַל. See עלל ᴵ.] Derivatives: עֲלִילוּת ᴵᴵ.

עָלוּל ᴵᴵ adj. MH weak. [Borrowed from Arab. ‘alla (= was weak, was defective).]

עָלוּם adj. PBH hidden, secret. [Pass. part. Qal of עלם ᴵ.]

עִלּוּם m.n. MH hiding, concealment. [Verbal n. of עִלֵּם, Pi. of עלם ᴵ.]

עֲלוּמִים m.n. pl. youth. [From עלם ᴵᴵ.]

עָלוֹן m.n. NH 1 leaflet. 2 bulletin. [Formed from עָלֶה with dimin. suff. ◌וֹן.]

עַלְוָנִי adj. NH leafy, foliated. [Formed from עַלְוָה ᴵ with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

עִלּוּס m.n. MH 1 delight, pleasure. NH 2 love-play, flirting. [From עלס.]

עִלּֽוּעַ m.n. NH swallowing. [Verbal n. of עִלַּע, Pi. of עלע.]

עָלוּף adj. MH faint, swooning. [From עלף ᴵ.]

עִלּוּף m.n. MH fainting, swooning. [From עלף ᴵ.]

עֲלוּקָה f.n. 1 leech (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 30:15). PBH 2 hell. [Related to Aram. עֲלוּקֽתָא, עֲלָקְתָא, Syr. עַלְקְתָא, עֲלוּקָא, Arab. ‘alaq (= leech), possibly also to Akka. ilqitu, name of an insect. These words prob. derive from base עלק, Arab. ‘aliqa (= to stick, cling, cleave, adhere), and lit. mean ‘the clinging’ worm).] Derivatives: עֶלֶק, עלק, עַלֶּקֶת.

עֲלוּת f.n. NH cost. [Formed from עלה with suff. ◌וּת.]

עלז to rejoice, exult.
    — Qal - עָלַז he rejoiced, exulted. [A secondary form of עלץ, עלס. For the interchangeability of ז, ס and צ see the introductory article to letter ז.] Derivatives: עָלֵז, עֶלֶז, עֶלְזָה, עֶלְזוֹן, עַלִּיז.

עָלֵז adj. rejoicing, exulting (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 5:14). [From עלו. cp. עַלִּיז.]

עֶֽלֶז m.n. MH joy, exultation. [From עלז.]

עֶלְזָה f.n. PBH joy, exultation. [Formed from עלז with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֶלְזוֹן m.n. MH joy, exultation. [Formed from עלז with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עֶֽלֶט m.n. MH darkness, gloom. [A secondary form of עֲלָטָה.]

עלט to darken.
    — Qal - עָלַט he darkened.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱלִיט he darkened.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳלַט was darkened. [Denominated from עֲלָטָה.]

עֲלָטָה f.n. darkness, gloom (in the Bible occurring only Gen. 15:17; Ezek. 12:6, 7 and 12). [Related to Arab. ghaṭala (= was covered with clouds). For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.] Derivative: עלט. cp. עֶלֶט.

עֱלִי m.n. 1 pestle (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 27:22). NH 2 pistil (botany). [From עלה. cp. Akka. elīt (urṣi) (= pestle of mortar).] Derivative: עֶלֽיָנִי.

עֲלֵי prep. poetic form of עַל ᴵᴵ (q.v.).

עִלִּי adj. upper, higher (in the Bible occurring only Josh. 15:19 and Jud. 1:15). [From עלה.]

עֲלִיבָה f.n. MH insult. [Verbal n. of עָלַב. See עלב and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲלִיבוּת f.n. NH being put to shame, being insulted. [Formed from עָלוּב with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲלִיָּה f.n. PBH 1 going up, ascent. PBH 2 elevation, promotion. NH 3 advancement, progress. NH 4 pilgrimage (esp. to Jerusalem), immigration (to Israel). PBH 5 the best part. MH 6 being called up to the reading of the Torah. [Verbal n. of עלה. See עלה and first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֲלִיָּה ᴵᴵ.]

עֲלִיָּה ᴵᴵ f.n. upper chamber, upper story. [Related to BAram. עִלִּית, Aram. עֲלִיתָא, Syr. עֶלִּיתָא (= upper chamber). Arab. ’ulliyya (= upper room) is an Aram. loan word derived from עלה.]

עֶלְיוֹן adj. 1 high, most high, superior. 2 the Most High. PBH 3 pl. עֶלְיוֹנִים (= heavenly beings, angels). [Also BAram. Derived from עלה.] Derivatives: עֶלְיוֹנוּת, עֶלְיוֹנִי.

עֶלְיוֹנוּת f.n. MH superiority, supremacy. [Formed from עֶלְיוֹן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֶלְיוֹנִי adj. high, supreme. [Formed from עֶלְיוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַלִּיז adj. rejoicing, exulting. [From עלז. cp. עָלֵז.] Derivative: עַלִּיזוּת.

עַלִּיזוּת f.n. MH rejoicing, exulting. [Formed from עַלִּיז with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲלִיל m.n. (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 12:7 in the form בַּעֲלִיל, which is of uncertain origin and meaning.) In MH, whence also in NH, it means ‘really, openly, clearly’. Derivative: עֲלִילוּת ᴵ.

עֲלִילָה 1 deed, act. NH 2 scene (in play), plot (in a novel). [Prob. derived from עלל ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֲלִילִיָּה.] Derivative: עֲלִילָתִי.

עֲלִילָה ᴵᴵ f.n. pretext, wanton charge, false accusation. [From עלל ᴵ. cp. BAram. עִלָּה, עִלָּא (= cause, pretext), and see עִלָּה.] Derivative: עלל ᴵᴵᴵ.

עֲלִילוּת f.n. PBH action (occurring in the phrase בַּעֲלִילוּת, ‘in reality’). [Formed from עֲלִיל with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲלִילוּת ᴵᴵ f.n. MH predisposition. [Formed from עָלוּל ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲלִילִיָּה f.n. deed, action (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 32:19). [A secondary form of עֲלִילָה ᴵ.]

עֲלִילָתִי adj. NH pertaining to the plot. [Formed from עֲלִילָה ᴵ with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲלִימוּת f.n. PBH youthfulness. [Formed from עלם ᴵᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֶלְיָנִי adj. NH pistillary (botany). [Formed from עֱלִי with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

עֲלִיסָה f.n. PBH rejoicing, joy. [Verbal n. of עָלַס. See עלס and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲלִיצָה f.n. MH rejoicing, joy. [Verbal n. of עָלַץ. See עלץ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲלִיצוּת f.n. rejoicing, joy, exultation (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hab. 3:14 in the form עֲלִיצֻתָם). [Formed from עלץ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִלִּית f.n. NH elite. [A blend of Biblical Heb. עִלִּית, f. of עִלִּי (= upper), and Fren. élite (= elite).]

עלל to act, do, work.
    — Qal - עָלַל he acted, did, worked.
    — Po‘ēl . - עוֹלֵל he acted severely.
    — Po‘al . - עוֹלַל was dealt out severely.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַלֵּל 1 he busied himself with; 2 he dealt wantonly.
    — Hithpo‘ēl. - הִתְעוֹלֵל he dealt wantonly. [Arab. ‘alla (= he did something a second time).] Derivatives: עָלוּל ᴵ, עֲלִילָה ᴵ, עֲלִילָה ᴵᴵ, עִלָּה, עָלוּל ᴵ, הִתְעַלְּלוּת, מַעֲלָל, תַּעֲלוּל ᴵ, prob. also עוֹלֵלָה.

עלל ᴵᴵ to insert, thrust in. [Aram. עֲלַל, Syr. עַל (= he entered, he brought in), whence Aram.–Syr. עֲלַלְתָּא (= that which is brought in, produce, harvest); Arab. ghalla (= he put in, thrust it in), whence ghull (= iron ring round a prisoner’s neck at which his hands are tied). Base of עֹל. cp. אֱלוּל, אלל.]

עלל ᴵᴵᴵ to accuse falsely.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱלִיל he accused falsely.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳלַל was accused falsely. [Denominated from עֲלִילָה ᴵᴵ.]

עלל ᴵⱽ to glean (grapes or olives).
    — Po‘ēl . - עוֹלֵל 1 he gleaned; 2 fig. used in the sense ‘he smote the fugitives’ (Jud. 20:45). [Denominated from עוֹלֵלָה.]

עלם to hide, conceal
    — Qal - עָלַם was hidden (in the Bible occurring only in the form עֲלֻמֵנוּ, suffixed form of the part. עָלוּם).
    — Niph. - נֶעְלַם was hidden, was concealed.
    — Pi. - עִלֵּם he hid, concealed.
    — Pu. - עֻלַּם was hidden, was concealed.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַלֵּם he hid himself, disappeared.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱלִים he hid, concealed.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳלַם was hidden, was concealed. [a base with no equivalents in the other Sem. languages]. Derivatives: עֶלֶם ᴵᴵ, עָלוּם, עִלּוּם, הֶעְלֵם, הַעֲלָמָה, הֵעָלְמוּת, הִתְעַלּֽמוּת, מַעֲלָמַיִם, נֶעְלָם, תַּעֲלוּמָה. cp. עוֹלָם, עלם ᴵᴵ.

עלם ᴵᴵ to be strong (specifically ‘to be mature sexually’). [Base of עֶלֶם ᴵ, עַלְמָה, עֲלִימוּת.]

עֶֽלֶם m.n. young man, youth, lad (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Sam. I 17:56). [From עלם ᴵᴵ. cp. Aram. עֻלֵּימָא, Syr. עְלַיְמָא, Ugar. glm, Arab. ghulām, ghulaym (= young man, youth, slave), Phoen. עלמת (= virgins), Nab. עלים, Palm. עלם (= slave), OSArab. עֿלם (= young man).] Derivative: עַלְמוּת.

עֶֽלֶם ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH forgetfulness. [From עלם ᴵ.]

עָלַם, עָלְמָא m.n. PBH 1 eternity. PBH 2 world. [BAram. and Aram. equivalent to Heb. עוֹלָם (q.v.). cp. בּֽעָלֽמָא.]

עַלְמָה f.n. 1 marriageable girl, maiden, young woman. NH 2 miss. [f. of עֶלֶם ᴵ. cp. Syr. עְלַיְמֽתָא, Nab. עלימת, Ugar. glmt (= maiden).]

עֲלָמוֹת f.n. pl. a musical term of uncertain origin and meaning, occurring Ps. 46:1 and Chron. I 15:20. cp. עַל־מוּת.]

עַלְמוּת f.n. MH 1 youth, youthfulness. PBH 2 strength, vigor. [Formed from עֶלֶם ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַל־מוּת a musical term of uncertain origin and meaning occurring Ps. 9:1 and 48:15. cp. עֲלָמוֹת.

עלס to rejoice, exult.
    — Qal - עָלַס he rejoiced, exulted (in the Bible occurring only Job 20:18 in the form יַעֲלֹס).
    — Niph. - נֶעֱלַס it flipped joyously (in the Bible occurring only Job 39:13).
    — Pi. - עִלֵּס he gladdened, rejoiced.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַלֵּס he delighted himself, rejoiced (in the Bible occurring Pr. 7:18 in the form נִתְעַלְּסָה). [A collateral form of עלז, עלץ (q.v.).] Derivatives: עֶלֶס, עֶלֽסוֹן, עִלּוּס, עֲלִיסָה, הִתְעַלְּסוּת, נֶעֱלָס.

עֶֽלֶס m.n. MH rejoicing, delight. [From עלס.]

עֶלְסוֹן m.n. MH rejoicing, delight. [Formed from עלס with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עלע to swallow, suck up, lick.
    — Pi. - עִלַּע he swallowed, licked, sucked up (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 39:30 in the form יְעַלּֽעוּ). [Of uncertain origin. cp. Arab. walagha (= he lapped).] Derivatives: עִלּוּעַ, הִתְעַלֽעוּת.

עִלְעוּל m.n. NH turning over pages, leafing. [Verbal n. of עִלְעֵל. See עלעל ᴵ.]

עַלְעוֹל m.n. PBH tempest, whirlwind. [From Aram. עַלְעוֹלָא, Syr. עוּלֽעָלָא, which is of uncertain origin.] Derivative: עלעל ᴵᴵ.

עַלְעוֹל ᴵᴵ m.n. NH a small leaf, leaflet. [Dimin. formed from עָלֶה. cp. עַלֽעָל.] Derivative: עַלְעֹלֶת.

עַלְעָל m.n. NH a small leaf, leaflet. [Dimin. formed from עָלֶה. cp. עלעל ᴵ.] Derivative: עַלְעֶלֶת.

עלעל to turn over the pages.
    — Pilp. - עִלְעֵל he turned over the pages. [Formed from עָלֶה (= leaf), through reduplication of the first two radicals. cp. עַלְעוֹל ᴵᴵ and עַלְעָל.] Derivative: עִלְעוּל.

עלעל ᴵᴵ to drive about, hurl, cast.
    — Pilp. - עִלְעֵל he drove about, hurled, cast.
    — Pulp. - עֻלְעַל was driven about, was hurled, was cast. [Denominated from עַלְעוֹל ᴵ.]

עַלְעֶֽלֶת f.n. NH blight (plant disease). [Formed from עַלֽעָל. For the form see אַדֶּמֶת.]

עַלְעֹֽלֶת f.n. MH whirlwind. [Formed from עַלְעוֹל ᴵ with suff. ◌ֶת.]

עלף to cover, wrap.
    — Pi. - עִלֵּף he covered, wrapped.
    — Pu. - עֻלַּף was covered (in the Bible occurring only Cant. 5:14 in the f. part. מְעֻלֶּפֶת).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַלֵּף he covered himself, wrapped himself (in the Bible occurring only Gen. 38:14 in the form וַתִּתְעַלָּף). [Aram. עֲלַף (= was covered), Arab. ghallafa (= he covered), ghilāf (= sheath). cp. עלף ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֶלֶף ᴵ, מְעֻלָּף.

עלף ᴵᴵ to faint, swoon.
    — Pi. - עִלֵּף he caused to faint, frightened.
    — Pu. - עֻלַּף he fainted, swooned (in the Bible occurring only Is. 51:20).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַלֵּף he fainted, swooned (in the Bible occurring only Amos 8:13 and Jon. 4:8). [Aram. עָלֵף (= was overcome with weakness, fainted), Akka. elpitu (= pining, exhaustion). According to most scholars עלף ᴵᴵ derives from עלף ᴵ; for sense development cp. עטף ᴵ, עטף ᴵᴵ, and Arab. ghashiya (= he covered), whence ghushiya ‘alayhi (= he fainted, swooned). Other scholars separate עלף ᴵᴵ from עלף ᴵ and compare the former with Arab. laghaba (= was exhausted, was weary).] Derivatives: עֶלֶף ᴵᴵ, עֻלְפֶּה, עִלָּפוֹן, עָלוּף, עִלּוּף, הִתְעַלְּפוּת.

עֶֽלֶף m.n. MH cover. [From עלף ᴵ.]

עֻלְפֶּה adj. fainting, swooning (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 31:15). [From עלף ᴵᴵ.]

עִלָּפוֹן m.n. MH fainting, swoon. [Formed from עלף ᴵᴵ with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עלץ to rejoice, exult.
    — Qal - עָלַץ he rejoiced, exulted.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱלִיץ he caused to be glad, made merry. [Akka. elēṣu (= to exult), OSArab. עלץ (= to rejoice, exult), מעלץ (= joy). cp. the secondary forms עלז, עלס.] Derivatives: עֶלֶץ, עָלֵץ, עֶלְצָה, עֶלֽצוֹן, עֲלִיצָה, עֲלִיצוּת.

עֶֽלֶץ m.n. MH joy, exultation. [From עלץ.]

עֶלְצָה f.n. PBH joy, exultation. [Formed from עלץ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֶלְצוֹן m.n. MH rejoicing, joy, exultation. [Formed from עלץ with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עלק to suck.
    — Qal - עָלַק he sucked. [Back formation from עֲלוּקָה.]

עַלֶּֽקֶת f.n. NH orobanche, broom rape (botany). [From עֲלוּקָה (= leech). Lit.: ‘the clinging worm’. So called because these plants suck the food of their host. For the ending see suff. ◌ֶת.]

עֹֽלֶשׁ m.n. PBH endive, chicory. [Related to Aram. עוֹלְתִין, Arab. ‘alath (= endive).]

עֹלָֽתָה see עוֹלָתָה.

עַם m.n. (pl. עַמִּים, also עֲמָמִים) people. [Related to Moab. and Phoen. עם, BAram. עַם, עַמָּא, Aram.–Syr. עַמָּא, Ugar. ‘m (= clan), OSArab. עם (= people), Arab. ‘amm (= company), ‘āmma (= mob), and prob. to עַם ᴵᴵ. All these words prob. meant orig. ‘those united’ or ‘those related’, and derive from base עמם ᴵᴵ. cp. עֲמָּא.] Derivative: עֲמָמִי.

עַם ᴵᴵ m.n. kinsman, relative. [Related to Arab. ‘amm (= father’s brother, paternal uncle), ‘amma, Syr. עֵמְתָא (= father’s sister, paternal aunt), Nab. עם (= ancestor), OSArab. עם (= father’s brother). All these words lit. mean ‘related’, and derive from base עמם ᴵᴵ, hence are of the same origin as עַם ᴵ.]

עִם prep. 1 together with, with. 2 close to, beside. 3 as long as, while. [From עמם ᴵᴵ (= to join, connect). Related to Aram., also BAram. עִם, Syr. עַם, Ugar. ‘m, Arab. ma‘a, OSArab. עם, בעם (= with). cp. עִמָּדִי.]

עַמָּא m.n. PBH people. [Aram. See עַם ᴵ.]

עמד to stand.
    — Qal - עָמַד 1 he stood; 2 he stood up; 3 he stood still, stopped; 4 he continued, persisted, stayed, remained; PBH 5 was about to, was ready.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱמַד he stopped, stood still.
    — Pi. - עִמֵּד 1 he arranged in columns, he paged, paginated (denominated from עַמּוּד).
    — Pu. - עֻמַּד was arranged in columns; was paged, was paginated (denominated from עַמּוּד).
    — Nith. - נִתְעַמֵּד 1 he stood up; 2 he stopped.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱמִיד 1 he caused to stand, placed; 2 he appointed; 3 he set up, established.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳמַד 1 was made to stand, was presented; NH 2 was nominated as a candidate. [Akka. emēdu (= to stand, lean against; to place, lean something upon or against something, load, impose (taxes or fines), Arab. ‘amada (= he strove after). cp. עִמָּדִי. cp. also אמד ᴵ, תָּמִיד.] Derivatives: עֹמֶד ᴵ, עֶמְדָה, עֲמָדָה, עַמּוּד, עִמּוּד, עָמִיד, עֲמִידָה, prob. הַעֲמָדָה, הֵעָמְדוּת, מַעֲמָד, מַעֲמִיד.

עמד ᴵᴵ to estimate, value.
    — Qal - עָמַד he estimated, valued. [A secondary form of אמד ᴵ.] Derivatives: עֹמֶד ᴵᴵ, עֲמִידָה ᴵᴵ.

עֹֽמֶד m.n. standing place, position. [From עמד ᴵ; properly inf. construction of עָמַד.]

עֹֽמֶד ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH estimation, valuation. [From עמד ᴵᴵ. cp. אֹמֶד.]

עָמָד m.n. PBH chamber pot. [Of uncertain origin, possibly derived from עמד ᴵ.]

עֶמְדָּה f.n. (pl. עֲמָדוֹת) 1 standing, ground, position (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Micah 1:11). NH 2 situation. NH 3 standpoint. NH 4 posture (gymnastics). [Formed from עמד ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲמָדָה f.n. PBH 1 standing; 2 placing, putting. [From עמד ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עִמָּדִי prep. with me. Synonymous with עִמִּי (see עִם). [Formed with pron. suff. ◌ִי from עִמָּד (= stand, position), from עמד (= to stand). cp. Arab. ‘inda (= at, near, by), which is formed from ‘imda (lit. ‘on the stand of’, ‘in the position of’), from the stem of ‘amada (= he supported), ‘amūd (= post, prop), hence is related to Heb. עִמָּד and also means lit. ‘on the stand of’.]

עמה to be dark, to be dim, to be weak.
    — Qal - עָמָה 1 was dark, was dim, was weak.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱמָה 1 he darkened, dimmed; 2 he weakened. [Of uncertain origin. Related to Aram. עֲמָא, עֲמִי (= was dark), and to עמם ᴵ.] Derivative: עָמֶה.

עמה ᴵᴵ prob. base of עָמִית. [Related to עמם ᴵᴵ.]

עֻמָּה f.n. prob. derived from עמם ᴵᴵ and accordingly meaning ‘joining, connection’. [Whence c. st. עֻמַּת (= opposite, against), whence לְעֻמַּת (q.v.). However, some scholars connect עֻמָּה with Arab. ’amam (= near).]

עָמֶה adj. PBH 1 dark, dim. 2 weak, unclear. [From עמה ᴵ.]

עַמּוּד m.n. 1 pillar, column. 2 stand, platform. MH 3 column (in the scroll of Law, etc.). PBH 4 cylinder around which a scroll is rolled. MH 5 reader’s stand in the synagogue. MH 6 page (in a book). PBH 7 jet of wine. [Derived from עמד ᴵ and lit. meaning ‘something standing’. Related to Phoen. עמד, Aram.–Syr. עַמּוּדָה, Arab. ‘amūd, OSArab. עמד, Ethiop. ‘amd (= pillar, column).] Derivatives: עַמּוּדָה, עַמּוּדִית.

עִמּוּד m.n. NH 1 arranging in columns. 2 paging, pagination. [Verbal n. of עִמֵּד. See עמד ᴵ.]

עַמּוּדָה f.n. NH column (in a book, etc.), rubric. [Formed from עַמּוּד with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַמּוּדִית f.n. NH columella. [Formed from עַמּוּד with dimin. suff. ◌ִית.]

עֲמוֹדָם m.n. NH hemostasis (medicine). [Compounded of עֲמוֹד־דָּם, from עמד ᴵ (= to stand, to stop), and דָּם (= blood).]

עִמּוּל m.n. MH exercising, drilling. [Verbal n. of עִמֵּל, Pi. of עמל.]

עָמוּם adj. PBH 1 covered with ashes. NH 2 quenched, dim. NH 3 opaque. 4 dull, obtuse. [Pass. part. of עָמַם. See עמם ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲמִימוּת.

עִמּוּם m.n. 1 dimming, darkening, obscuring. PBH 2 disregarding. NH 3 blurring, making unclear. [Verbal n. of עִמֵּם, Pi. of עמם ᴵ.]

עַמּוֹנִי adj. Ammonite. [Formed from the PN עַמּוֹן (= Ammon), with gentilic suff. ◌ִי.]

עָמוּס adj. 1 carried. 2 loaded, laden. [Pass. part. of עָמַס. See עמס.]

עִמּוּץ m.n. NH closing (of the eyes). [Verbal n. of עִמֵּץ, Pi. of עמץ.]

עִמּוּר m.n. PBH binding into sheaves, sheaving. [Verbal n. of עִמֵּר, Pi. of עמר ᴵ.]

עִמּוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH dealing with somebody as a slave, treating cruelly, maltreatment, exploitation. [From עמר ᴵᴵ.]

עָמוּת adj. PBH attached. [From עָמִית.]

עִמּוּת m.n. NH comparison, confrontation. [Verbal n. of עִמֵּת, Pi. of עמת ᴵᴵ.]

עָמִיד adj. NH withstanding, resisting, –proof (in compound words). [From עמד ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲמִידוּת.

עֲמִידָה f.n. PBH 1 standing. 2 stability. 3 position, situation. 4 the ‘Amidah’ — the Eighteen Benedictions; so called because they are recited standing. [Verbal n. of עָמַד. See עמד and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲמִידָה ᴵᴵ f.n. PBH estimation, valuation. [Verbal n. of עָמַד. See עמד ᴵᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲמִידוּת f.n. NH resistance, durability. [Formed from עָמִיד with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָמִיל m.n. MH agent, commissioner, broker. [From Arab. ‘amīl, from ‘amala (= he did, acted), which is related to Heb. עָמַל. See עמל and cp. עֲמָלָה.] Derivative: עֲמִילוּת.

עָמִיל ᴵᴵ adj. PBH well-worked (said of dough). [From עמל.]

עֲמִילָה f.n. MH labor, toil, weariness. [Verbal n. of עָמַל. See עמל and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲמִילוּת f.n. NH agency, commission, brokerage. [Formed from עָמִיל ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲמִילָן m.n. PBH starch. [From Gk. amylon (= fine meal, starch), properly neuter of the adjective amylos (= not ground at the mill), from privative pref. a– and myle (= mill). See privative pref. ‘a-’ and ‘mill’ in my CEDEL.] Derivatives: עמלן, עֲמִילָנִי.

עֲמִילָנִי adj. NH starchy. [Formed from עֲמִילָן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲמִימוּת f.n. MH dullness, obtuseness. [Formed from עָמוּם with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲמִיסָה f.n. PBH loading. [Verbal n. of עָמַס. See עמס and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָמִיר m.n. a small sheaf. [From עמר ᴵ. cp. Aram. עָמִירָא (= green pasture), Syr. עְמִירָא (= grass).]

עָמִית m.n. 1 friend, fellowman. NH 2 colleague. [Related to Aram. עֲמִיתָא (= friend), and to Akka. emūtu (= family, company). These words prob. derive from עמה ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עמת ᴵ, עָמוּם.

עמל to labor, toil.
    — Qal - עָמַל 1 he labored, toiled; 2 he took pains.
    — Pi. - עִמֵּל PBH 1 he worked through, kneaded; MH 2 he exercised, drilled.
    — Pu. - עֻמַּל was worked through.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַמֵּל 1 he labored, toiled; 2 he exercised, did physical exercises. [Aram. עֲמַל, Syr. עְמַל (= he labored, toiled), Arab. ‘amila (= he labored, did, acted, worked, made), Ethiop. mā‘bal (= tool), Akka. nīmelu (= gain).] Derivatives: עָמָל, עָמֵל, עַמְלָן, עִמּוּל, עָמִיל ᴵᴵ, עֲמִילָה, תַּעֲמוּלָה, הִתְעַמְּלוּת, מְעַמֵּל, מִתְעַמֵּל. cp. עָמִיל ᴵ.

עָמָל m.n. 1 labor, toil, hard work. 2 trouble, mischief. [From עמל.]

עָמֵל adj. & m.n. 1 laboring, toiling. 2 laborer, worker. [From עמל.]

עֲמָלָה f.n. NH commission, fee. [From Arab. ‘amāla (= wages, commission, brokerage), from, ‘amala. See עָמִיל ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עמלן to starch.
    — Pi. - עִמְלֵן he starched.
    — Pu. - עֻמְלַן was starched.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַמְלֵן became starched. [Denominated from עֲמִילָן.]

עַמְלָן m.n. MH MH 1 laborer, worker. NH 2 drillmaster. [Formed from עמל with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: עַמְלָנוּת, עַמְלָנִי.

עַמְלָנוּת f.n. NH 1 toiling, hard work. 2 education through practical work. [Formed from עַמְלָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַמְלָנִי NH 1 toiling, working hard. 2 based on practical work. [Formed from עַמֽלָן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲמָלֵק m.n. 1 ‘Amalek’ (name of an ancient people). NH 2 a wicked person, an anti-Semite. Derivative: עֲמָלֵקִי.

עֲמָלֵקִי adj. NH very wicked, cruel. [Formed from עֲמָלֵק with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

עמם to darken, to dim.
    — Qal - עָמַם 1 he darkened, dimmed (in the Bible occurring only Ezek. 28:3 and 31:8). PBH 2 became dark, became dim.
    — Pi. - עִמֵּם he darkened, dimmed.
    — Pu. - עֻמַּם was darkened, was dimmed.
    — Nith. - נִתֽעַמֵּם became dark, became dim.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱמִים he darkened, dimmed.
    — Hoph. - הוּעַם became dark, became dimmed (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lam. 4:1).
    — Shaph. (see . - שׁעמם ). [Aram. עֲמָם (= it grew dark), Arab. ghamma (= he covered, veiled, concealed). Related to עמה ᴵ. cp. עמעם.] Derivatives: עַמָּם, עָמוּם, עִמּוּם, הֶעָמָה, מוּעָם.

עמם ᴵᴵ to join, connect. [Arab. ‘amma (= he joined, connected, included); base of עַם ᴵ and עַם ᴵᴵ and of עִם, prob. also of עֻמָּה. Related to base עמה ᴵᴵ.]

עַמָּם m.n. PBH 1 dimmer, 2 muffler. [From עמם ᴵ. cp. the first element in עַמָּמוֹר.]

עַמָּמוֹר m.n. NH headlight dimmer. [Compounded of עַמָּם (see עַמָּם) and אוֹר (= light).]

עֲמָמִי adj. & m.n. NH 1 national. NH 2 popular. PBH 3 non-Jew, Gentile. [Formed from עַם ᴵ(pl. עֲמָמִים), with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עֲמָמִיּוּת.

עֲמָמִיּוּת f.n. NH popularity. [Formed from עֲמָמִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עמס to load; to carry a load.
    — Qal - עָמַס v. 1 he loaded; 2 he carried.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱמַס was loaded.
    — Pi. - עִמֵּס he loaded.
    — Pu. - עֻמַּס was loaded.
    — Nith. - נִתֽעַמֵּס became loaded. Hiph. הֶעֱמִיס 1 he loaded, laid a heavy yoke upon (in the Bible occurring only
    Kin. I 12:11, Chron. II 10:11); 2 . - עֹמֶס, עָמוּס, , עֲמִיסָה, הַעֲמָסָה, מַעֲמָס, מֽעֻמָּס, מַעֲמָסָה. [Phoen. עמס (= to carry), Aram. עֲמַס, Syr. עְמַס (= he pressed together, compressed), Ugar. ‘ms (= to carry), Arab. ‘amisa (= was molesting). cp. עמשׂ.]

עֹֽמֶס m.n. PBH load, burden. [From עמס.]

עִמְעוּם m.n. PBH dimming, darkening, obscuring. [Verbal n. of עִמֽעֵם. See עמעם.]

עמעם to dim, darken, obscure.
    — Pilp. - עִמֽעֵם NH 1 he dimmed, darkened, obscured; PBH 2 he hesitated; PBH 3 he overlooked, disregarded.
    — Pulp. - עֻמֽעַם was dimmed, was darkened, was obscured.
    — Nithpalpel . - נִתֽעַמֽעֵם became dim, became darkened, became obscured. [Enlarged from עמם ᴵ.] Derivatives: עַמֽעָם, עַמְעֶמֶת, עִמְעוּם, מֽעֻמְעָם.

עַמְעָם m.n. NH silencer, muffler. [From עמעם.]

עַמְעֶֽמֶת f.n. NH sordino (music). [From עמעם. For the ending see suff. ◌ֶת.]

עמץ to close (the eyes).
    — Qal - עָמַץ he closed (the eyes, esp. of a dead person).
    — Pi. - עִמֵּץ (of s.m.).
    — Pu. - עֻמַּץ was closed (said of the eyes, esp. of a dead person).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַמֵּץ (of s.m.). [Metathesized from עצם ᴵᴵ. cp. אמץ ᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עִמּוּץ.

עמק to be deep.
    — Qal - עָמַק was deep (in the Bible occurring only Ps. 92:6).
    — Pi. - עִמֵּק he made deep, deepened.
    — Pu. - עֻמַּק was made deep, was deepened.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַמֵּק PBH 1 he studied deeply, delved deeply into; NH 2 was made deeper.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱמִיק he made deep, deepened.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳמַק was made deep, was deepened. [Aram.–Syr. אַעֽמֵק (= he deepened), Arab. ‘amuqa, Ethiop. ‘ amaqa (= was deep), Akka. emīqu (= to implore deeply), emīqu (= might), nīmequ (= wisdom).] Derivatives: עֵמָק, עֹמֶק, עָמֹק, עִמְקָה, עַמְקוּת, עַמֽקָן, הַעֲמָקָה, הִתְעַמְּקוּת, מַעֲמָק. cp. עֻמְקָא.

עֵֽמֶק m.n. 1 vale, valley. 2 level, plain country. 3 depth. [Derived from עמק and lit. meaning ‘deepening, depth’. cp. Aram. עַמֽקָא, עֻמְקָא (= valley), Syr. עוּמֽקָא (= deep, depth, deepness), Ugar. ‘ mq (= valley, lowland), Arab. ‘amq (= depth).]

עֹֽמֶק m.n. depth, profundity (in the Bible occurring only Pr. 9:18 and 25:3). [From עמק. cp. עֻמְקָא.]

עָמֹק adj. 1 deep, profound. 2 dark, dim. NH 3 pofound, fundamental. [From עמק.]

עֻמְקָא m.n. PBH depth. [Aram. (= Heb. עֹמֶק). Formed from עמק with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַמְקוּת f.n. NH depth, profundity. [Formed from עמק with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַמְקָן adj. & m.n. NH profound thinker. [Formed from עמק with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: עַמְקָנוּת, עַמֽקָנִי.

עַמְקָנוּת f.n. NH profound thinking. [Formed from עַמֽקָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַמְקָנִי adj. NH thinking profoundly. [Formed from עַמְקָן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עמר to heap up, pile up.
    — Pi. - עִמֵּר he bound sheaves (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 129:7 in the part. מְעַמֵּר). [Base of עֹמֶר ᴵ and of עָמִיר. A metathesized form of ערם ᴵ.] Derivative: עִמּוּר ᴵ.

עמר ᴵᴵ to deal with somebody as a slave, treat cruelly.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַמֵּר he dealt (with somebody) as a slave, treated cruelly (in the Bible occurring only Deut. 21:14 and 24:7). [cp. Arab. ghamira (= he cherished enmity), ghimr (= rancor, malice).] Derivatives: עִמּוּר ᴵᴵ, הִתֽעַמְּרוּת.

עֹֽמֶר m.n. sheaf. [From עמר ᴵ. cp. Aram. עֻמְרָא (= sheaf). cp. also עֹמֶר ᴵᴵ.]

עֹֽמֶר ᴵᴵ m.n. ‘Omer’ — a dry measure, the tenth part of an ‘ephah’. [From עמר ᴵ. cp. Aram. עֻמְרָא (= Omer), Arab. ghumr (= a small bowl). cp. עֹמֶר ᴵ.]

עמשׂ to load; to carry a load.
    — Qal - עָמַשׂ v. 1 he loaded; 2 he carried (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Neh. 4:11 in the form עֹמְשִׂים). [A secondary form of עמס.]

עמת to join.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱמַת was joined.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱמִית he joined. [Back formation from עָמִית (= friend, fellowman).] Derivative: עֲמְתָּה.

עמת ᴵᴵ to compare, confront.
    — Pi. - עִמֵּת he compared, confronted.
    — Pu. - עֻמּת was compared, was confronted.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱמִית he compared, confronted. [Back formation from עֻמַּת (q.v.).] Derivatives: עִמּוּת, הַעֲמָתָה.

עֻמַּת adj. against, opposite. [c. st. of עֻמָּה (q.v.).]

עֲמֻתָּה f.n. NH non-profit association. [From עמת ᴵ.]

ענב to make a loop, tie.
    — Qal - עָנַב he made a loop, tied.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱנַב was made into a loop, was tied.
    — Pi. - עִנֵּב he made a loop, tied.
    — Hith. - נִתֽעַנֵּב was made into a loop, was tied. [Aram. עֲנַב (= he made a loop, tied). Of uncertain etymology.] Derivatives: עָנוּב, עִנּוּב, עֲנִיבָה, מְעֻנָּב.

עֵנָב m.n. 1 grape. PBH 2 berry. NH 3 staphyloma (medicine). [Related to Aram. עִנְבָּא, Syr. עֶנְבְּתָא, Ugar. ġnb, Arab. ‘inab (= grape), OSArab. אענב (= vineyard), prob. also to Akka. inbu (= fruit).] Derivative: עֲנָבָה.

עֲנָבָה f.n. PBH fruit on a tree, berry. [Formed from עֵנָב with second suff. ◌ָה. For another reading see עֲנָוָה ᴵᴵ.]

עִנְבָּל m.n. PBH clapper of a bell. [From Gk. embolon (= lit.: ‘something thrown in’), from emballein (= to throw in), from en (= in) and ballein (= to throw). See second ‘–en’ in my CEDEL and cp. בַּלִיסְטִיקַה.]

עִנְבָּר m.n. NH amber. [From Arab. ‘anbar (= amber).]

ענג to be soft, be tender; to please.
    — Pi. - עִנֵּג 1 he caused joy; 2 he made soft, made tender, made dainty; 3 he made pleasant; 4 he made delicate.
    — Pu. - עֻנַּג was made tender, was made dainty (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 6:2 in the f. part.).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַנֵּג 1 was tender, was dainty, was delicate; 2 he took exquisite delight; 3 he made sport, made merry.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱנִיג 1 he caused joy; 4 he made pleasant. [Aram. עַנֵּג (= he took delight, amused himself), Arab. ‘anija (= he was coquettish, was amorous).] Derivatives: עֹנֶג, עָנֹג, עִנּוּג, עָנִיג, הִתְעַנְּגוּת, תַּעֲנוּג.

עֹֽנֶנ m.n. exquisite delight, pleasure (in the Bible occurring only Is. 13:22 and 58:13). [From ענג.]

עָנֹג adj. tender, delicate (in the Bible occurring only Deut. 28:54 and 56, and Is. 47:1). [From ענג.]

ענד to bind around.
    — Qal - עָנַד v. he bound around (in the Bible occurring only Pr. 6:21 in the form עָנְדֵם, and Job 31:36 in the form אֶעֶנֽדֶנוּ).
    — Niph. - נֶעֱנַד was bound around.
    — Pi. - עִנֵּד he bound around, decorated. [Arab. ‘anada (= he turned aside), Syr. עֽנַד (= he departed).] Derivatives: עָנוּד, עִנּוּד, עֲנִידָה.

ענה to answer, reply, respond.
    — Qal - עָנָה v. 1 he answered, replied, responded; 2 he responded as a witness, testified.
    — Niph. - נַעֲנָה 1 was answered, received an answer; 2 he made answer, replied. [BAram. עֲנָה, Aram. עֲנָא, Syr. עְנָא (= he answered; he heard), Ugar. ‘ ny (= to answer).] Derivatives: עֲנִיָּה ᴵᴵ, הֵעָנוּת, יַעַן ᴵ, יַעַן ᴵᴵ, מַעֲנֶה, prob. also עֵת.

ענה ᴵᴵ to be occupied, busy oneself.
    — Qal - עָנָה was occupied with, busied. [Syr. עִנָּא (= was occupied with), Arab. ‘anā, ‘aniya (= was concerned), OSArab. עני (= to be concerned).] Derivatives: עִנְיָן, לְמַעַן.

ענה ᴵᴵᴵ to sing.
    — Qal - עָנָה he sang.
    — Pi. - עִנָּה he sang. [Syr. עַנִּי (= he sang responsively), עוּנִיתָא (= hymn, refrain), Aram. עִנּוּיָא (= dirge), Arab. ghannā(y) (= he sang). cp. Egypt. anni (= to sing), which is a Sem. loan word. cp. also ענן ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עִנּוּי ᴵᴵ, עַנּוֹת.

ענה ᴵⱽ to be bowed down, be afflicted.
    — Qal - עָנָה was low, was humbled, was afflicted.
    — Niph. - נַעֲנָה 1 he humbled himself; 2 was afflicted.
    — Pi. - עִנָּה 1 he humbled, oppressed, afflicted; 2 he violated (a woman).
    — Pu. - עֻנָּה he was humbled, was afflicted.
    — Hiph. - הִתֽעַנָּה 1 he humbled himself, was afflicted; 2 he fasted. [BAram. עֲנֵא (= poor), Aram. עַנִּי (= he tormented, oppressed, Syr. אֶתְעַנִּי (= he humbled himself), Arab. ‘anā (= was low, was submissive), Akka. enū (= to thwart, frustrate), Egypt. Aram. ענוה (= poverty).] Derivatives: עָנָו, עֲנָוָה ᴵ, עִנּוּי ᴵ, עֱנוּת, עָנִי, עֳנִי, עֹנִי, הִתְעַנּוּת, מְעֻנֶּה, נַעֲנֶה, תַּעֲנִית, prob. also עוֹנָה ᴵ. cp. עִנְיָן.

עָנָו, עָנָיו adj. 1 humble, afflicted, meek, modest. 2 poor. [From ענה ᴵⱽ.] Derivatives: ענו, עַנְוָן, עֲנִיווּת.

ענו to be modest, behave modestly.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַנֵּו MH 1 he was modest, behaved modestly; NH 2 he affected modesty. [Denominated from עָנָו.] Derivative: הִתְעַנְּווּת.

עָנוּב adj. PBH looped, tied. [Pass. part. of עָנַב. See ענב.]

עִנּוּב m.n. NH making a loop, tying. [Verbal n. of עִנֵּב, Pi. of ענב.]

עִנּוּג m.n. PBH 1 pleasure, delight. NH 2 making pleasant, making delicate. [Verbal n. of עִנֵּג, Pi. of ענג.]

עִנּוּד m.n. MH binding, decorating. [Verbal n. of עִנֵּד, Pi. of ענד.]

עָנוּד adj. MH binding around. [Verbal n. of עִנֵּד, Pi. of ענד.]

עֲנָוָה f.n. PBH humility, meekness, modesty. [Formed from ענה ᴵⱽ with first suff. ◌ָה.] Derivative: עַנְוֽתָן.

עֲנָוָה ᴵᴵ f.n. PBH fruit of a tree, berry. [A secondary form of עֲנָבָה.]

עִנּוּי m.n. PBH 1 humiliation, oppression, affliction. 2 fasting. [From ענה ᴵⱽ.]

עִנּוּי ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH response in choir, esp. singing of a dirge. [From ענה ᴵᴵᴵ. cp. Aram. עִנּוּיָא (= dirge).]

עַנְוָן adj. PBH humble, modest. [Formed from עָנָו with suff. ◌ָן. See also עַנְוְתָן.]

עִנּוּן m.n. PBH sorcery, conjuring. [From ענן. cp. עוֹנֵן.]

עֲנוֹק m.n. giant (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Josh. 21:11). [A secondary form of עֲנָק.]

עָנוּק adj. MH decorated. [Pass. part. of עָנַק. See ענק.]

עָנוּשׁ adj. punishable, fined (in the Bible occurring only in the pl., Amos 2:8, in the phrase יֵין עֲנוּשִׁים, ‘the wine of them that have been fined’). [Pass. part. of עָנַשׁ. See ענשׁ.]

עֱנוּת f.n. affliction, suffering (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 22:25). [From ענה ᴵⱽ.]

עַנּוֹת m.n. singing (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ex. 32:18). [Properly subst. use of the inf. construction of the Pi. of ענה ᴵᴵᴵ.]

עַנְוְתָן, עִנְוְתָן adj. PBH humble, meek, modest. [From עָנָו. cp. Aram. עָנֽוָן, עָנְוָנָא (= humble, meek), Syr. עַנֽוָיָא (= poor, afflicted, self-contained).] Derivative: עַנְוְתָנוּת.

עַנְוְתָנוּת, עִנְוְתָנוּת f.n. PBH humility, meekness, modesty. [Formed from עַנְוְתָן or עִנְוָתָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָנִי adj. (pl. עֲנִיִּים) 1 poor, needy. 2 humble, afflicted. [From ענה ᴵⱽ. cp. עַנְיָא.] Derivatives: עני, עֲניּוּת.

עני to be poor, to impoverish.
    — Hiph. intr. & tr. v. - הֶעֱנִי 1 he became poor; NH 2 he made poor, impoverished. [Denominated from עָנִי.]

עֳנִי, עֹֽנִי m.n. 1 affliction. 2 oppression. 3 poverty. [From ענה ᴵⱽ.]

עַנְיָא adj. PBH poor. [Aram. (= Heb. עָנִי).]

עֲנִיבָה f.n. PBH 1 making a loop, tying. NH 2 loop. NH 3 necktie. NH 4 circuit (electricity). [Verbal n. of עָנַב. See ענב and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָנִיג adj. NH pleasing, tender, delicate. [From ענג.] Derivative: עֲנִיגוּת.

עֲנִיגוּת f.n. NH tenderness, delicacy. [Formed from עָנִיג with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲנִידָה f.n. MH binding around. [Verbal n. of עָנַד. See ענד and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲנִיָּה f.n. poor woman. [f. of עָנִי.]

עֲנִיָּה ᴵᴵ f.n. PBH answering, reply. [Verbal n. of עָנָה. See ענה ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲנִיווּת f.n. MH meekness, modesty. [From עָנָו. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲנִיּוּת f.n. PBH poverty. [Formed from עָנִי with suff. ◌וּת. cp. Aram. עַנְיוּתָא (of s.m.).]

עַנְיוּתָא f.n. poverty. [Aram. (= Heb. עֲנִיּוּת).]

עִנְיָן m.n. (pl. עִנְיָנִים, also עִנְיָנוֹת) 1 occupation, task (in the Bible occurring only in Eccles.). 2 affair, business. PBH 3 matter, subject. MH 4 meaning. NH 5 case, cause. NH 6 interest. [Formed from ענה ᴵᴵ with suff. ◌ָן. cp. Aram. עִנְיָנָא, Syr. עֶנְיָנָא (= occupation, business, affair). According to some scholars עִנְיָן lit. means ‘toilsome occupation’, and derives from ענה ᴵⱽ.] Derivatives: ענין, עִנְיָנוּת, עִנְיָנִי.

ענין to interest.
    — Pi. - עִנְיֵן he aroused interest, interested.
    — Pu. - עֻנְיַן was interested, was concerned.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַנְיֵן was interested, took interest. [Denominated from עִנְיָן.] Derivatives: הִתְעַנְיְנוּת, מְעַנֽיֵן, מְעֻנְיָן.

עִנְיָנוּת f.n. NH 1 actuality. 2 relevance. [Formed from עִנְיָן with suff. ◌וּת. cp. עִנְיָנִיּוּת.]

עִנְיָנִי adj. actual, relevant. [Formed from עִנְיָן with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עִנְיָנִיּוּת.

עִנְיָנִיּוּת f.n. NH 1 actuality. 2 relevance. [Formed from עִנְיָנִי with suff. ◌וּת. cp. עִנְיָנוּת.]

עָנִיץ m.n. PBH bundle. [A secondary form of אָנִיץ.]

עָנִישׁ adj. NH punishable. [Coined from ענשׁ (= to punish), according to the pattern פָּעִיל, which is used to form adjectives denoting capability or fitness.]

עֲנִישָׁה f.n. MH punishing, punishment. [Verbal n. of עָנַשׁ. See ענשׁ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

ענן base of עָנָן.
    — Pi. - עִנֵּן v. he brought clouds, covered with clouds (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 9:14 in the suffixed inf. בּֽעַנְנִי).
    — Pu. - עֻנַּן was covered with clouds, was clouded.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַנֵּן became cloudy.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱנִין he covered with clouds, clouded. [BAram. עֲנָן, Aram. עֲנָנָא, Syr. עְנָנָא (= cloud), Arab. ‘ anān (= clouds).] Derivative: מֽעֻנָּן.

ענן ᴵᴵ to practice soothsaying.
    — Pol. - עוֹנֵן he practiced soothsaying. [A base of uncertain origin. The connection with עָנָן (= cloud), as if ענן would lit. mean ‘to divine from the form of the clouds’, has been given up by most scholars. Some connect ענן ᴵᴵ with Arab. ‘anna (= it appeared, presented itself). Others compare it with Gk. ghanna (= he spoke through the nose), ghunna (= nasal twang). According to them ענן ᴵᴵ would lit. mean ‘to hum or croon after the manner of diviners’. See ענה ᴵᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: מְעוֹנֵן, עוֹנֵן.

עָנָן m.n. cloud. [From ענן ᴵ.] Derivatives: עֲנָנָה, עַנְנוּת, עֲנָנִי ᴵ.

עֲנָנָה f.n. cloud (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 3:5). [Nomen unitatis formed from עָנָן. For the ending see second suff. ◌ָה.] Derivative: עֲנֶנֶת.

עַנְנוּת f.n. NH cloudiness. [Formed from עָנָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲנָנִי adj. NH pertaining to a cloud, cloudy. [Formed from עָנָן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲנָנִי ᴵᴵ m.n. MH ‘Ananite’, Karaite. [Formed from the name of עָנָן בֶּן דָּוִד, the founder of the sect of the Karaites, with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲנֶֽנֶת f.n. NH cloud. [A collateral form of עֲנָנָה.]

עָנָף m.n. branch, bough. [From ענף. cp. BAram. עֲנַף, Aram. עַנֽפָא, Syr. עְנָפָא (= branch, bough).] Derivatives: ענף, עֶנֶף.

ענף to branch off.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱנִיף it branched off.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַנֵּף (of s.m.). [Base of עָנָף (= branch, bough), עָנֵף (= full of branches).] Derivative: הִתְעַנּֽפוּת.

עֶֽנֶף m.n. branches (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 36:8 in the suffixed form עַנֽפְּכֶם). [From עָנָף.]

עָנֵף adj. full of branches (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 19:10). [From ענף.]

עֲנָק m.n. 1 ‘Anak’ — name of an ancient people of giants who dwelled near Hebron and in Philistia before the Israelites conquered Canaan (this is the only meaning of the word in the Bible). PBH 2 giant. [Of uncertain origin. Some scholars connect it with עֲנָק ᴵᴵ and render it by ‘long-necked’ (i.e. tall) man.] Derivative: עֲנָקִי. cp. עֲנַקְמוֹן.

ענק to put round the neck.
    — Qal - עָנַק v. it served as a necklace (in the Bible occurring Ps. 73:6 in the suffixed form עֲנָקַתְמוֹ).
    — Hiph. - הָעֳנִיק he put something on one’s neck — he loaded with gifts, presented (in the Bible occurring only Deut. 15:14). [Denominated from עֲנָק ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֶנָק, עָנוּק, הַעֲנָקָה.

עָֽנֶק m.n. PBH gift given to a slave at the time of his emancipation. [From ענק.]

עַנְקוֹקָלוֹת f.n. pl. PBH defective grapes. [Of uncertain origin.]

עֲנָקִי adj. NH gigantic, huge, enormous. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from) עֲנָק ᴵ and suff. ◌ִי.] Derivatives: עֲנָקִיּוּת, עֲנַקֽמוֹן.

עֲנָקִיּוּת f.n. NH hugeness, enormousness. [Formed from עֲנָקִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲנַקְמוֹן m.n. PBH a troop of tall men. [of uncertain origin. It is perhaps traceable to L. incomma or encomma (= the standard height of soldiers), which is borrowed from Gk. enkomma (= an incision, mark), from the stem of enkoptein (= to knock in). Some scholars see in עֲנַקֽמוֹן an enlargement of עֲנָק ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲנַקֽמוֹנִי.

עֲנַקְמוֹנִי adj. NH gigantic, huge, enormous. [Formed from עֲנַקֽמוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.]

ענשׁ to punish, fine.
    — Qal - עָנַשׁ he punished, fined.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱנַשׁ was punished, was fined.
    — Nith. - נִתֽעַנֵּשׁ was punished, was fined.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱנִישׁ he punished, fined.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳנָשׁ was punished, was fined. [Aram. עֲנַשׁ, BAram. עֲנָשׁ (= fine), Phoen. נענשׁ (= was fined).] Derivatives: עֹנֶשׁ, עָנוּשׁ, עָנִישׁ, עֲנִישָׁה, הֵעֲנָשָׁה, הֵעָנְשׁוּת.

עֹֽנֶשׁ m.n. punishment, fine, penalty (in the Bible occurring only Kin. II 23:33 and Pr. 19:19). [From ענשׁ.]

עַסַּאי m.n. NH masseur. [Formed from עִסָּה, Pi. of עסה.]

עסה to press, squeeze.
    — Pi. - עִסָּה 1 he pressed; MH 2 he squeezed. NH 3 he kneaded. NH 4 he massaged.
    — Pu. - עֻסָּה 1 was pressed; 2 was squeezed; NH 3 was massaged. [Aram. עַסִּי (= he pressed, crushed), a collateral form of עשׂה. Related to עסס ᴵ.] Derivatives: עִסּוּי, עַסּֽיָן.

עִסָּה f.n. PBH 1 dough. 2 family of doubtful purity. [From עסס. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.] Derivatives: עִסָּנִי. cp. מֽעִסָּה.

עִסּוּי m.n. MH 1 pressing, squeezing. NH 2 massage. [Verbal n. of עִסָּה, Pi. of עסה.]

עָסוּס adj. NH juicy. [From עָסִיס.]

עָסוּק adj. PBH occupied, engaged, busy. [Pass. part. of עָסַק. See עסק.]

עִסּוּק m.n. PBH 1 behavior, conduct. NH 2 occupation, business. [From עסק.]

עַסְּיָן m.n. NH masseur. [Formed from עִסָּה, Pi. of עסה, with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: עַסּֽיָנוּת.

עַסּֽיָנוּת f.n. NH massaging, massage. [Formed from עַסּֽיָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָסִיס m.n. 1 juice, sweet wine. NH 2 essence. [From עסס ᴵ.] Derivatives: עסס ᴵᴵ, עָסוּס, עֲסִיסִי.

עֲסִיסִי adj. NH 1 juicy. 2 vivacious. Derivative: עֲסִיסִיּוּת.

עֲסִיסִיּוּת f.n. NH 1 juiciness. 2 vivacity. [Formed from עֲסִיסִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָסִיק m.n. PBH dispute, quarrel. [From עסק.]

עֲסִיקָה f.n. PBH occupation. [Verbal n. of עָסַק. See עסק and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עִסָּנִי adj. NH doughy. [Formed from עִסָּה with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

עסס to press, crush, tread.
    — Qal - עָסַס v. he pressed, crushed (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Mal. 3:21 in the form עַסּוֹתֶם). [Aram. עַסִּי (= he pressed, crushed), Arab. ‘assa (= he tramped).] Derivatives: עִסָּה, עָסִיס, עֲסָסִית.

עסס ᴵᴵ to fill with juice, make juicy.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱסִיס he filled with juice, made juicy.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַסֵּס became juicy. [Denominated from עָסִיס.]

עֲסָסִית f.n. PBH pounded wheat. [Formed from עסס ᴵ with suff. ◌ִית.]

עסק to busy oneself, be engaged.
    — Qal - עָסַק he busied himself, was engaged (in); 2 NH he did business, traded.
    — Pi. - עִסֵּק he engaged, kept busy.
    — Pu. - עֻסַּק was engaged, was kept busy.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַסֵּק 1 he occupied himself (with); 2 he argued, disputed, quarreled.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱסִיק 1 he engaged, kept busy; NH 2 he employed.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳסַק was employed. [A secondary form of עשׂק (q.v.).] Derivatives: עֵסֶק, עַסְקָן, עוֹסֵק, עָסוּק, עִסּוּק, עָסִיק, עֲסִיקָה, הַעֲסָקָה, מַעֲסִיק, הֵעָסֽקוּת, הִתְעַסּֽקוּת, תַּעֲסוּקָה. cp. עִסְקָא, עִסֽקָה.

עֵֽסֶק m.n. PBH 1 occupation, business. 2 affair, matter. 3 connection, relation. [From עסק; corresponding to Biblical Heb. עֵשֶׂק. cp. עִסְקָא and עִסֽקָה.] Derivative: עִסֽקִי.

עִסְקָא m.n. (pl. עִסְקָאוֹת) PBH 1 occupation, business. PBH 2 affair, matter. MH 3 partnership. [Aram., corresponding to Heb. עֵסֶק (q.v.).]

עִסְקָה f.n. NH (pl. עִסֽקָאוֹת) transaction, deal. [From Aram. עִסֽקָא.]

עַסְקוּנָה f.n. NH (disdainfully) dealers in public affairs, ‘wheeler dealers’. [From עַסְקָן (= public worker, communal worker).]

עִסְקִי adj. NH businesslike, practical. [Formed from עֵסֶק with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַסְקָן m.n. PBH public worker. [Formed from עסק with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: עַסְקָנוּת, עַסְקוּנָה, עַסֽקָנִי.

עַסְקָנוּת f.n. NH public business, communal work. [Formed from עַסֽקָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַסְקָנִי adj. PBH busy. [Formed from עַסֽקָן with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

עָף see עוף ᴵ.

עִפּוּי m.n. PBH a word prob. meaning ‘weariness, fatigue’. [Prob. from Aram. עֲפִי (= he wearied himself), which is related to base עיף ᴵ.]

עֲפוֹלִים see עֲפֹלִים.

עָפוּץ adj. MH tanned (said of leather). [From עפץ.]

עִפּוּץ m.n. MH tanning (of leather). [Verbal n. of עִפֵּץ, Pi. of עפץ.]

עִפּוּר m.n. MH throwing dust, dusting. [Verbal n. of עִפֵּר, Pi. of עפר.]

עִפּוּשׁ m.n. MH 1 moldering. NH 2 bad odor. [Verbal n. of עִפֵּשׁ, Pi. of עפשׁ.]

עֳפִי m.n. (pl. עֳפָאִים) foliage (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 104:12 in the pl.). [According to some scholars an aramaism. cp. BAram. עָפְיֵהּ (= its foliage), Aram. עָפְיָא (= foliage). These words are prob. related to Arab. ‘ifā (= long, thick hair), ‘afā (= was bushy — said of hair and of grass).]

עַפְיָן m.n. PBH name of a fish (usually identified with the anchovy). [From Gk. aphye (= small fry of various fishes), which is of unknown etymology.]

עֲפִיפָה f.n. MH flying. [From עוף (= to fly).]

עֲפִיפוֹן m.n. NH kite. [Coined by H.N. Bialik (1873–1934) from עוף (= to fly) and suff. ◌וֹן.]

עָפִיץ adj. PBH 1 tanned. MH 2 bitter like gallnut. [From עפץ.] Derivative: עֲפִיצוּת.

עֲפִיצוּת f.n. MH taste of gallnut. [Formed from עָפִיץ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָפִיר m.n. NH early sowing (before the rains). [From Arabic.]

עפל a base prob. meaning ‘to swell’.
    — Pi. - עִפֵּל he strengthened.
    — Pu. - עֻפַּל was lifted up, was exalted (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hab. 2:4). [cp. Arab. ‘afal (= tumor in the vulva or anus).] Derivatives: עֹפֶל, עֲפֹלִים.

עפל ᴵᴵ a base prob. meaning ‘to be heedless’, ‘be reckless’.
    — Hiph. - הֶעְפִּיל 1 he was heedless, was reckless, dared (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Num. 14:44); NH 2 he entered Palestine illegally. [cp. Arab. ghafala (= was heedless, was neglectful).] Derivatives: הַעְפָּלָה, מַעְפִּיל, מַעֽפָּל.

עֹֽפֶל m.n. 1 mound, hill; 2 a fortified hill in ancient Jerusalem above the spring of Shiloah. [From עפל ᴵ.]

עֲפֹלִים m.n. pl. (more correctly עֳפָלים) hemorrhoids. [Lit.: ‘swellings’, from עפל ᴵ.]

עִפְעוּף m.n. MH winking, flickering. [Verbal n. of עִפְעֵף, Pi. of עפעף.]

עפעף to flutter, fly about.
    — Pi. - עִפְעֵף he moved the eyelids, winked. [Pilp. of עוף ᴵ Prob. base of עַפֽעַף.] Derivative: עִפְעוּף.

עַפְעַף m.n. (dual עַפְעַפַּיִם) 1 eyelid (in the Bible occurring only in the dual). 2 eye (fig.) [Related to Ugar. ‘p‘p (= eyelid). Prob. derived from עפעף and lit. meaning ‘that which flutters’.]

עָפָץ m.n. PBH gallnut. [A var. of אָפָץ.] Derivative: עפץ.

עפץ to tan (with gallnut resin).
    — Pi. - עִפֵּץ he tanned (with gallnut resin).
    — Pu. - עֻפַּץ was tanned. [Denominated from עָפָץ.] Derivatives: עִפּוּץ, עָפִיץ, מְעֻפָּץ.

עָפָר m.n. (pl. עֲפָרִים, also עֲפַרוֹת) 1 dust, earth, soil. 2 debris. 3 ashes. [Related to Aram.–Syr. עַפְרָא, Ugar. ‘ pr (= dust), Akka. epiru, epru, TA aparu, ḫaparu (= earth, dust). cp. עַפְרָא.] Derivatives: עִפֵּר, עָפֹר, עַפְרָה, עֲפָרִי, עֶפְרוֹנִי, עַפְרוּרִי, עַפֽרוּרִית.

עפר to cover with dust.
    — Pi. - עִפֵּר he threw dust at, covered with dust (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Sam. II 16:13).
    — Pu. - עֻפַּר was covered with dust.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַפֵּר he soiled himself with dust, became dusty. [Denominated from עפר.] Derivatives: עִפּוּר, הִתֽעַפּֽרוּת, מְעֻפָּר.

עפר ᴵᴵ to cover. [Base of פַעֲפֹרֶת (= overall; barber’s towel).]

עפר ᴵᴵᴵ [Base of עֹפֶר (= young hart, roe).]

עָפֹר adj. NH dust-colored, gray. [Formed from עָפָר (= ashes), on the analogy of words like אָדֹם (= red). cp. אָפֹר.]

עֹֽפֶר m.n. young hart, roe. [From עפר ᴵᴵᴵ. cp. Arab. qufr (= young of mountain goat).] Derivative: עָפְרָה.

עַפְרָא m.n. PBH dust. [Aram. See עָפָר.]

עַפְרָהּ f.n. 1 dust (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 28:6 in the pl.). NH 2 ore. [Formed from עָפָר with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָפְרָה f.n. NH 1 a young deer. MH 2 a lovely maid. [f. of עֹפֶר. In the Bible עָפְרָה is also the name of two towns and of a man.]

עִפָּרוֹן m.n. NH (pl. עֶפֽרוֹנוֹת) pencil. [Coined by Prof. Joseph Klausner (1874–1958) as back formation from עֹפֶרֶת (= lead). For the ending see suff. ◌וֹן.]

עֶפְרוֹנִי m.n. NH lark (lit.: ‘the dust-colored bird’). [Coined by Mendele Mocher Sepharim (c. 1836–1917) from עָפָר (= dust), and suff. ◌וֹנִי.]

עַפְרוּרִי adj. NH earthy, dusty, dustlike. [Formed from עָפָר (= dust), through reduplication of the third radical. For the ending see suff. ◌ִי. cp. עַפְרוּרִית.]

עַפְרוּרִית f.n. PBH sandy matter. [Dimin. formed from עָפָר (= dust), through reduplication of the third radical. For the ending see suff. ◌ִית. cp. עַפְרוּרִי.]

עֲפָרִי adj. MH dustlike, earthy. [Formed from עָפָר with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָפְרִית f.n. NH Plumbago (a genus of plants). [Formed from עוֹפֶרֶת (= lead) as loan translation of the scientific name Plumbago which is a derivative of L. plumbum (= lead).]

עֹפֶֽרֶת see עוֹפֶרֶת.

עפשׁ to become moldy, to decay.
    — Pi. - עִפֵּשׁ it became moldy, decayed.
    — Pu. - עֻפַּשׁ (of s.m.).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַפֵּשׁ (of s.m.). [Aram. עֲפַשׁ (= it became moldy, decayed). Prob. related to עבשׁ.] Derivatives: עִפּוּשׁ, הִתְעַפּֽשׁוּת, מֽעֻפָּשׁ.

עֵפָתָה see עֵיפָתָה.

עֵץ m.n. 1 tree. 2 timber, wood. 3 handle. [Related to Phoen. עץ (= wood), Aram. אָץ (dissimilated from עָץ), Egypt.–Aram. עק, Ugar. ‘ , Arab. ‘iḍa, Ethiop. ‘eḍ, Akka. iṣu (= tree, wood). Derivatives: עצה ᴵᴵ, עֵצָה ᴵᴵ, עֵצִי, עֵצָן.

עצב to grieve, pain.
    — Qal - עָצַב he grieved, pained, vexed.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱצַב 1 was grieved, was pained, was vexed; 2 he hurt himself.
    — Pi. - עִצֵּב he pained, grieved, vexed.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַצֵּב he was grieved, was pained, was vexed.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱצִיב he pained, grieved, vexed (in the Bible occurring only Ps. 78:40 in the suffixed form יַעֲצִיבוּהוּ). [Aram. עֲצַב (= was in pain), BAram. and Aram. עֲצִיב (= pained, sad), Arab. ghaḍiba (= was angry, was vexed, was irritated), ghaḍab (= wrath, rage, anger).] Derivatives: עָצֵב, עֶצֶב ᴵ, עֹצֶב ᴵ, עִצָּבוֹן, עַצֶּבֶת, עַצְּבוּת, עָצוּב, עֲצִיבָה, הַעֲצָבָה, הִתְעַצּֽבוּת ᴵ, מַעֲצָב, מַעֲצֵבָה, מַעֲצִיב.

עצב ᴵᴵ to form, shape, fashion.
    — Pi. - עִצֵּב he formed, shaped, fashioned (in the Bible occurring only Job 10:8 in the suffixed form עִצְּבוּנִי).
    — Pu. - עֻצַּב was formed, was shaped, was fashioned. [Prob. related to Arab. ghaḍaba (= he cut, cut off).] Derivatives: עָצָב ᴵᴵ, עֶצֶב ᴵᴵ, עֹצֶב ᴵᴵ, עֻצֽבָּה, עִצּוּב, הִתֽעַצּֽבוּת ᴵᴵ, מְעֻצָּב.

עֶֽצֶב m.n. grief, pain, sorrow, sadness. [From עצב ᴵ.]

עֶֽצֶב ᴵᴵ m.n. form, image (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 22:28). [From עצב ᴵᴵ.]

עֶֽצֶב ᴵᴵᴵ m.n. NH see עָצָב ᴵ.

עָצָב m.n. MH (pl. עֲצַבִּים) nerve. [From Arab. ‘aṣab (= nerve). Derivatives: עֲצָבִי, עַצֽבָּנוּת, עַצֽבָּנִי.

עָצָב ᴵᴵ m.n. (pl. עֲצַבִּים) idol, image. [From עצב ᴵᴵ.]

עֹֽצֶב m.n. grief, pain, sorrow. [From עצב ᴵ.]

עֹֽצֶב ᴵᴵ m.n. idol, image (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 48:5). [From עצב ᴵᴵ.]

עָצֵב adj. PBH grieved, sad. [From עצב ᴵ.]

עֻצְבָּה f.n. PBH cover made of leather for saddle. [Of uncertain origin.]

עֻצְבָּה ᴵᴵ f.n. NH formation (military). [Formed from עצב ᴵᴵ with suff. ◌ָה.]

עִצָּבוֹן m.n. (pl. עִצְּבוֹנוֹת, also עִצְּבוֹנִים) grief, pain, toil. [From עצב ᴵ.]

עֶצְבּוֹנִית f.n. PBH a plant of uncertain origin and meaning; usually identified with the wild rosebush.

עַצְבוּת f.n. PBH grief, sorrow, sadness. [Formed from עצב ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַצַבִּי adj. NH of the nerves, nervous. [Formed from עָצָב ᴵ with suff. ◌ִי.]

עצבן to make nervous.
    — Pi. - עִצְבֵּן he made nervous.
    — Pu. - עֻצְבַּן was made nervous.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַצֽבֵּן became nervous. [Back formation from עַצְבָּנִי.] Derivatives: הִתֽעַצֽבּֽנוּת, מֽעַצֽבֵּן, מֽעֻצְבָּן.

עַצְבָּנוּת f.n. NH nervousness, nervosity. [Formed from עָצָב ᴵ with suff. ◌ָנוּת.]

עַצְבָּנִי adj. NH nervous. [Formed from עָצָב ᴵ with suff. ◌ָנִי.] Derivative: עצבן.

עַצֶּֽבֶת f.n. pain, hurt. [From עצב ᴵ. For the ending see suff. ◌ֶת.]

עצד to cut, to fell. [Stem of מַעֲצָד (= axe).]

עצה to close the eyes.
    — Qal - עָצָה v. he closed the eyes (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 16:30 in the part.). [Arab. ’aghḍa (= he closed the eyes), Ethiop. ’aṣawa (= he shut the door).]

עצה ᴵᴵ to convert into wood, lignify.
    — Pi. - עִצָּה he converted into wood, lignified.
    — Pu. - עֻצָּה was converted into wood, was lignified.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַצָּה (of s.m.). [Denominated from עֵץ (= wood).] Derivatives: עִצּוּי, הִתְעַצּוּת, מְעֻצֶּה.

עֵצָה f.n. 1 counsel, advice. 2 plan. [Properly inf. of יָעַץ, to which it stands as דֵּעָה (= knowledge) stands to יָדַע (= he knew). See יעץ and cp. Aram. עֵיטָא (= advice, counsel). cp. also עֲטִי.]

עֵצָה ᴵᴵ f.n. 1 wood (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 6:6). PBH 2 pea stalks. NH 3 timber, wood. [Formed from עֵץ (= wood), with third suff. ◌ָה.] Derivative: מַעֲצָה.

עָצֶה m.n. spine, backbone (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lev. 3:9). [cp. Arab. ‘uṣ‘uṣ (= coccyx).]

עָצוּב adj. sad, sorrowful (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 54:6). [Pass. part. of עָצַב. See עצב ᴵ.]

עִצּוּב m.n. NH forming, shaping. [Verbal n. of עִצֵּב, Pi. of עצבּ ᴵᴵ.]

עִצּוּי m.n. NH conversion into wood, lignification. [Verbal n. of עִצָּה, Pi. of עצה ᴵᴵ.]

עָצוּם adj. 1 strong, powerful. 2 numerous. NH 3 wonderful! [Pass. part. of עָצַם. See עצם ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲצוּמָה.

עָצוּם ᴵᴵ adj. MH closed, shut. [Pass. part. of עָצַם. See עצם ᴵᴵ.]

עִצּוּם m.n. PBH 1 essence. NH 2 strengthening. NH 3 hypostasis (philosophy). [From עצם ᴵ.]

עֲצוּמָה f.n. 1 claim, argument (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 41:21 in the form עֲצֻמוֹתֵיכָם). NH 2 petition. [Subst. use of the f. of עָצוּם ᴵ.]

עִצּוּמִים m.n. pl. 1 compensation. 2 sanctions. [pl. of עִצּוּם.]

עָצוּר adj. 1 retained, restrained, shut up. PBH 2 forbidden, prohibited, withheld. NH 3 imprisoned, detained. PBH 4 barren, sterile. MH 5 constipated. [Pass. part. of עָצַר. See עצר ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲצִירוּת.

עִצּוּר m.n. NH consonant. [From עצר ᴵ.]

עִצּוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH 1 barrenness, sterility. MH 2 squeezing, crushing. MH 3 constipation. [Pass. part. of עָצַר. See עצר.] Derivative: עֲצִירוּת.

עֵצִי adj. MH wooden, woody. [Formed from עֵץ with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲצִיבָה f.n. PBH grief, sadness. [From עצב ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַצִּים adj. NH intensive. [From עצם ᴵ.] Derivative: עַצִּימוּת.

עֲצִימָה f.n. MH closing, shutting. [Verbal n. of עָצַם. See עצם ᴵᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַצִּימוּת f.n. NH intensiveness, intensity. [Formed from עַצִּים with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָצִיץ m.n. PBH pot, flowerpot. [Related to Arab. ’aṣīṣ (= flowerpot).]

עָצִיר m.n. NH detainee. [From עצר ᴵ.]

עֲצִירָה f.n. PBH 1 closing up, stopping. NH 2 retention, prevention. [Verbal n. of עָצַר; see עצר ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲצִירָה ᴵᴵ f.n. MH squeezing out, pressing. [Verbal n. of עָצַר. See עצר ᴵᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲצִירוּת f.n. MH constipation. [Formed from עָצוּר with suff. ◌וּת.]

עצל to be sluggish, be lazy.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱצַל was lazy, was sluggish (in the Bible occurring only Jud. 18:9).
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַצֵּל was lazy, was sluggish. [Aram. עַטֽלָא (= lazy), Syr. עטל (= to be slow, be stupid), עַטֽלָא (= slow, hard, difficult). cp. Arab. ‘aẓila (= he stuck fast).] Derivatives: עָצֵל, עַצְלָה, עַצְלוּת, עַצְלָן ᴵ, עַצְלָן ᴵᴵ, הִתְעַצְּלוּת.

עָצֵל adj. lazy, idle, slothful, sluggish. [From עצל.]

עַצְלָה f.n. laziness, idleness, slothfulness, sluggishness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 19:15). [Formed from עצל with first suff. ◌ָה. Prob. Derivative: עֲצַלְתַּיִם.]

עַצְלוּת f.n. laziness, idleness, slothfulness, sluggishness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 31:27). [Formed from עצל with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַצְלָן m.n. PBH a lazy person. [Formed from עצל with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: עַצְלָנוּת.

עַצְלָן ᴵᴵ m.n. NH sloth (animal). [Specific use of עַצְלָן ᴵ. cp. Eng. sloth (= sluggishness), whence sloth, the animal.]

עֲצַלְתַּֽיִם f.n. (dual) laziness, idleness, slothfulness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 10:18). [Prob. formed from עַצֽלָה and lit. meaning ‘double laziness’ (i.e. great laziness).]

עצם to be strong, be mighty, be powerful, to be numerous.
    — Qal - עָצַם 1 was strong, was mighty, was powerful; 2 was numerous.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱצַם became strong, became powerful.
    — Pi. - עִצֵּם he made strong.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱצִים he made strong, made numerous (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 105:24 in the suffixed form וַיַעֲצִימֵהוּ).
    — Hoph. - הָעֳצַם was made strong, was made numerous.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַצֵּם PBH 1 he argued; MH 2 he made efforts, endeavored; NH 3 he became strong. [Phoen. עצמת (= mighty deeds), Ugar. ‘ṣm (= strong), Arab. ‘aẓuma (= was strong). Base of עֶצֶם (= bone).] Derivatives: עֹצֶם, עָצְמָה, עָצוּם ᴵ, עִצּוּם, עַצִּים, הַעֲצָמָה, הִתֽעַצְּמוּת, מַעֲצֵם, מַעֲצָמָה, תַּעֲצוּם, תַּעֲצוּמָה.

עצם ᴵᴵ to close the eyes.
    — Qal - עָצַם v. he closed the eyes (in the Bible occurring only Is. 33:15 in the part. עֹצֵם).
    — Niph. - נֶעֱצַם was closed (said of the eyes).
    — Pi. - עִצֵּם he closed the eyes (in the Bible occurring only Is. 29:10).
    — Pu. - עֻצַּם was closed (said of an eye).
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַצֵּם was closed (said of an eye).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱצִים he closed (the eyes). [Related to עמץ (q.v.). cp. Aram.–Syr. עַמַץ, Arab. ghammaḍa and aghmaḍa (= he closed, esp. the eyes).] Derivatives: עָצוּם ᴵᴵ, עֲצִימָה, הֵעָצְמוּת.

עצם ᴵᴵᴵ to break a bone.
    — Pi. - עִצֵּם 1 he broke, or gnawed, the bones (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 50:17); 2 he made actual, realized.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַצֵּם MH 1 it materialized; MH 2 it became hard as a bone, was ossified. [Denominated from עֶצֶם (= bone).] Derivative: תַּעֲצֹמֶת.

עֶֽצֶם f. & m.n. (pl. עֲצָמוֹת in meaning 1, עֲצָמִים in meanings 2 and 3, in the Bible also in meaning 1) 1 bone. MH 2 body. 3 substance, essence, self. [From עצם ᴵ. cp. Aram.–Syr. עַטְמָא (= thigh), whence טֽמַיָּא (= bones), Akka. eṣemtu (= bone), eṣenṣēru (= spinal column, backbone). cp. אַטְמָא, טְמַיָּא.] Derivatives: עצם ᴵᴵᴵ, עַצְמִי, עַצֽמָאִי, עַצְמָאוּת, עַצְמוּת, עַצְמִין, תַּעֲצֹמֶת ᴵᴵ.

עֹֽצֶם m.n. 1 force, might, power. 2 bones. [From עצם ᴵ.]

עַצְמָאוּת f.n. NH independence. [Coined by Ithamar Ben-Avi (1882–1943) from עֶצֶם. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת. cp. עַצְמִי.]

עַצְמָאִי adj. NH independent. [Coined by Ithamar Ben-Avi. See עַצְמָאוּת and suff. ◌ִי.]

עָצְמָה f.n. force, might, power (in the Bible occurring only Is. 40:29 and 47:9). [Formed from עצם ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַצְמוּת f.n. MH 1 substance; essence. NH 2 quality, characteristics. [Formed from עֶצֶם with suff. ◌וּת.] Derivative: עַצְמוּתִי.

עַצְמוּתִי adj. MH substantial. [Formed from עַצְמוּת with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַצְמִי adj. MH 1 substantial, essential. MH 2 self- (in compound words). [Formed from עֶצֶם with suff. ◌ִי. cp. עַצְמָאִי.] Derivative: עַצְמִיּוּת.

עַצְמִיּוּת f.n. NH character, personality. [Formed from עַצְמִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַצְמִין m.n. NH ossein (biochemistry). [Formed from עֶצֶם (= bone), with suff. ◌ִין (= chemical suff. – in).]

עֵצָן m.n. NH lignin. [Formed from עֵץ (= wood), with suff. ◌ָן.]

עצר to retain, restrain.
    — Qal - עָצַר v. 1 he retained, restrained, kept track, hindered; 2 he shut up, closed up; 3 he (ruled; 4 he arrested.
    — Niph. - נֶעֽצַר 1 was restrained, was stayed; 2 was shut up; NH 3 was arrested.
    — Pi. - עִצֵּר 1 he restrained, kept back; 2 he held a festive gathering.
    — Pu. - עֻצַּר (see מְעֻצָּר).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַצֵּר was restrained, was stayed. [Aram. עֲצַר, Syr. עְצַר (= he retained), TA ḫa-zi-ri (= is withheld), Akka. eṣēru (= to retain, restrain). cp. עצר ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עַצָּר, עֶצֶר ᴵᴵ, עֹצֶר, עֲצָרָה, עֲצֶרֶת, עָצוּר, עִצּוּר עָצִיר, עֲצִירָה ᴵ, עוֹצֵר, מַעְצוֹר, מַעְצָר, מַעֲצֵר, מְעֻצָּר, נֶעְצָר, prob. also עֶצֶר ᴵ.

עצר ᴵᴵ to press, squeeze.
    — Qal - עָצַר he pressed, squeezed.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱצַר was pressed, was squeezed.
    — Pi. - עִצֵּר pressed, squeezed.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַצֵּר was pressed, was squeezed. [Aram. עֲצַר, Syr. עְצַר (= he pressed out, squeezed), Arab. ‘ aṣara, Ethiop. ‘ aṣara (= he pressed). According to several scholars — a special sense development of עצר ᴵ.] Derivatives: עִצּוּר ᴵᴵ, עֲצִירָה ᴵᴵ, מַעֲצֶרֶת.

עֶֽצֶר m.n. rule (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jud. 18:7 in the phrase יוֹרֵשׁ עֶצֶר, which is usually rendered by ‘possessor of restraint’, i.e. ‘ruler’; in MH and NH this phrase is used in the sense ‘heir to the throne’). [Of uncertain origin; possibly derived from עצר ᴵ. Some scholars (on the basis of some manuscripts of the Septuagint and the Vulgate) render עֶצֶר with ‘wealth’, and connect it with Arab. ghadir (= abundant, opulent), ‘ aysh ghadir (= abundant livelihood).]

עֶֽצֶר ᴵᴵ m.n. MH stoppage, stop. [From עצר ᴵ.]

עֹֽצֶר m.n. 1 restraint, coercion. NH 2 curfew. MH 3 poverty, weakness (fig.). [From עצר.]

עַצָּר m.n. NH constipating drug. [From עצר ᴵ.]

עֲצָרָה f.n. festive assembly. [A collateral form of עֲצֶרֶת (q.v.). For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲצֶֽרֶת f.n. 1 festive assembly, solemn assembly (a term denoting specifically the eighth day of ‘Sukkoth’ and the seventh day of ‘Pesach’). 2 assemblage, company. PBH 3 another name of ‘Shavuoth’ in the Talmud. NH 4 general assembly. [A derivative of עצר ᴵ (= to restrain, keep back, stop) and prob. meaning lit. ‘stoppage of work’, in reference to the abstention from hard work prescribed for this day. Aram. עֲצַרֽתָּא is a Heb. loan word. cp. עֲצָרָה. For the ending of עֲצֶרֶת see suff. ◌ֶת.]

עָקָא m.n. distress, trouble, pressure. [Aram. (= Syr. עָקָא, עָקֽתָא), related to Heb. עָקָה. Used in the phrase דָּא עָקָא (= that is the trouble).]

עקב to follow at the heel; to circumvent, overreach.
    — Qal - עָקַב PBH 1 he followed at the heel; 2 he attacked at the heel (prob. ‘he followed at the heel of somebody’), circumvented, overreached; PBH 3 he supplanted, superseded. [Denominated from עָקֵב. For sense development cp. Gk. pterne (= heel), whence pterni (= to supplant).] Derivatives: עָקֹב ᴵ, עָקֽבָה, עַקֻבָּה, עִקּוּב ᴵ, עֲקִיבָה ᴵ, עֲקִיבָה ᴵᴵ, מַעֲקָב, מַעֲקֶבֶת.

עקב ᴵᴵ to hinder, prevent.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּב he hindered, prevented (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 37:4 in the form יְעַקְּבֵם). [A collateral form of עכב.] Derivative: עֻקֽבָּה.

עקב ᴵᴵᴵ to raise to the third power, to cube.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּב he raised to the third power, cubed.
    — Pu. - עֻקַּב was raised to the third power, was cubed. [Coined after Arab. ka‘b (= cube), whence muka‘ab (= cubed).] Derivatives: עִקּוּב ᴵᴵ, מֽעֻקָּב.

עָקֵב m.n. (pl. עֲקֵבוֹת, also עֲקֵבִים) 1 heel. PBH 2 footprint, hinder part. PBH 3 footstep, trace. PBH 4 end. [Related to Aram. עִקְבָא, Syr. עֶקְבָה, Ugar. ‘ qb (= heel), Arab. ‘ aqib (= heel, end of a month), ‘ iqba (= mark, sign, trace), Akka. iqbu (= heel).] Derivatives: עקב ᴵ, עָקֹב ᴵᴵ, עַקָּב, עֵקֶב, עִקְבָה.

עָקֹב adj. 1 steep, crooked. 2 insidious, deceitful. [From עקב ᴵ. cp. Ethiop. ‘ aqab (= hill, elevation), Arab. ‘ aqaba (= steep road, mountain road). cp. עֲקֻבָּה.]

עָקֹב ᴵᴵ adj. covered with footprints. [Denominated from עָקֵב.]

עַקָּב m.n. NH buzzard (a genus of hawks). [From עקב ᴵ, so called because the birds of this genus trace their prey, sitting on a high place.]

עֵֽקֶב 1 consequence, reward. 2 in consequence of, because. [From עָקֵב. עֵקֶב lit. means ‘that which comes at the heel of somebody’.]

עִקְבָה f.n. NH trace, track, wake of a ship. [From עָקֵב. For the ending first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֻקְבָּה f.n. NH cohort (sociology). [Formed from עקב ᴵᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָקְבָה f.n. insidiousness, cunning, deceit (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Kin. II 10:19). NH 2 provocation. [Formed from עקב ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲקֻבָּה f.n. MH 1 crookedness. 2 insidiousness. [From עקב ᴵ; properly subst. use of the f. of עָקֹב ᴵ.]

עִקְבִי adj. NH see עָקִיב. Derivative: עִקְבִיּוּת.

עִקְבִיּוּת f.n. NH see עֲקִיבוּת.

עקד to bind.
    — Qal - עָקַד v. he bound somebody’s hands and feet (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 22:9).
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַד was bound (by hands and feet); was tied for the altar.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱקִיד he tied for the altar. [Aram. עֲקַד (= he bound, tied; he knelt), Syr. עְקַד and עוֹקֵד (= he bent, twisted), Arab. ‘ aqada (= he tied, tied fast), Ethiop. ‘ aqada (of s.m.).] Derivatives: עָקֹד, עֵקֶד ᴵ, עֵקֶד ᴵᴵ, עֲקֵדה[[illegible]], עָקוּד, עוֹקְדָן.

עָקֹד adj. striped, streaked (s[[illegible]] of an animal); lit.: ‘striped on the feet at the place where the animal used to be bound’. [From עקד.]

עֵֽקֶד m.n. gathering, collection (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Kin. II 10:12, in the name בֵּית־עֵקֶד הָרֹעִים), which is usually explained as the place where the shepherds gather together to bind the sheep in order to shear them). [Prob. from עקד. See עֵקֶד ᴵᴵ.]

עֵֽקֶד ᴵᴵ m.n. MH binding. [From עקד; a secondary form for עֲקֵדָה.]

עֲקֵדָה f.n. PBH 1 binding the sacrifice for the altar. 2 the attempted sacrifice of Isaac on Mount Moriah. [Verbal n. of עָקַד. See עקד and first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֲקִידָה. cp. also עֶקֶד ᴵᴵ.]

עקה to press, oppress.
    — Pi. - עִקָּה he pressed, oppressed, troubled. [Prob. related to עוק (q.v.). Stem of מַעֲקֶה (= parapet, railing).]

עָקָה f.n. pressure (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 55:4 in the c. st. [Prob. derived from base עוק (= to press, oppress). Related to Aram. and Syr. עָקְתָא (= pressure, trouble, distress). See עָקָא.]

עִקּוּב m.n. NH following, tracing. [From עקב ᴵ.]

עִקּוּב ᴵᴵ m.n. NH raising to the third power, cubing, [Verbal n. of עִקֵּב, Pi. of עקב ᴵᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עִקּוּבִי.

עִקּוּבִי adj. NH cubic. [Formed from עִקּוּב ᴵᴵ with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָקוּד adj. PBH bound by his hands and feet. [Pass. part. of עָקַד. See עקד.]

עִקּוּל m.n. MH 1 twist, bend. 2 crookedness, perversion. [Verbal n. of עִקֵּל, Pi. of עקל ᴵ.]

עִקּוּל ᴵᴵ m.n. MH seizure, foreclosure. [Verbal n. of עִקֵּל, Pi. of עקל ᴵᴵ.]

עִקּוּם m.n. NH 1 bending, twisting. PBH 2 crookedness, distortion. [Verbal n. of עִקֵּם, Pi. of עקם.]

עִקּוּף m.n. NH going round about, circumvention. [Verbal n. of עִקֵּף, Pi. of עקף.]

עָקוּץ adj. NH stung, bitten. [Pass. part. of עָקַץ. See עקץ.]

עָקוּר adj. PBH 1 torn up, uprooted. NH 2 refugee, displaced (person). [Pass. part. of עָקַר. See עקר ᴵ.]

עָקוּר ᴵᴵ adj. PBH barren, sterile. [Pass. part. of עָקַר. See עקר ᴵᴵ.]

עִקּוּר m.n. PBH tearing up, plucking, up, uprooting. [Verbal n. of עִקֵּר, Pi. of עקר ᴵ.]

עִקּוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. NH 1 sterilization. castration. [Verbal n. of עִקֵּר, Pi. of עקר ᴵᴵ.]

עָקוֹשׁ adj. PBH crooked, bent, distorted. [From עקשׁ.]

עִקּוּשׁ m.n. PBH crookedness, distortion. [Verbal n. of עִקֵּשׁ, Pi. of עקשׁ.]

עָקִיב adj. NH consistent. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from עָקֵב (= heel, footprint, trace), hence lit. denoting somebody who ‘follows his own traces’. cp. עֵקֶב.]

עֲקִיבָה f.n. NH tracing. [Verbal n. of עָקַב. See עקב ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲקִיבוּת f.n. consistency. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from עָקִיב and suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲקִידָה f.n. PBH binding. [A collateral form of עֲקֵדָה.]

עֲקִימָה f.n. PBH bending, making crooked. [Verbal n. of עָקַם. See עקם and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲקִימוּת f.n. MH crookedness. [From עקם. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת.]

עָקִיף adj. PBH indirect (in the Talmud occurring only as a noun in the pl., עֲקִיפִין, ‘twistings, roundabout ways’). [From עקף.]

עֲקִיפָה f.n. NH 1 circumvention. MH 2 deception, deceit. [Verbal n. of עָקַף. See עקף and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲקִיצָה f.n. PBH stinging, sting, biting, bite. [Verbal n. of עָקַץ. See עקץ ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲקִיצָה ᴵᴵ f.n. cutting fruit by the stalks. [Verbal n. of עָקַץ. See עקץ ᴵᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָקִיק m.n. MH a precious stone, prob. the carnelian. [Related to Arab. ‘ aqīq (= carnelian).]

עָקִיר adj. NH eradicable. [Coined from עקר ᴵ (= to uproot, eradicate), according to the pattern פָּעִיל, which is used to form adjectives denoting capability or fitness.]

עֲקִירָה f.n. PBH PBH 1 tearing up, plucking up, uprooting. PBH 2 removal (from a place). MH 3 moving (from one place to another). [Verbal n. of עָקַר. See עקר ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עקל to bend, twist, curve, make crooked.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּל 1 he twisted, curved, made crooked; 2 he perverted, distorted.
    — Pu. - עֻקַּל MH 1 was twisted, was curved; 2 was distorted (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hab. 1:4 in the part. מְעֻקָּל).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַקֵּל was twisted, was curved, was made crooked. [Arab. ‘ aqala (= he bent, curved, made crooked), Syr. עקל (= to distort, pervert).] Derivatives: עִקֵּל, עִקּוּל ᴵ, עֲקַלְקַל, עֲקַלָּתוֹן, הִתְעַקְּלוּת, מֽעֻקָּל ᴵ, prob. also עֵקֶל. cp. ערקל.

עקל ᴵᴵ to attach (property), seize, foreclose, distrain.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּל he attached (property), seized, foreclosed.
    — Pu. - עֻקַּל was attached (said of property), was seized, was foreclosed. [Arab. ‘ aqila (= he paid ransom).] Derivatives: עִקּוּל ᴵᴵ, מְעֻקָּל ᴵᴵ.

עִקֵּל adj. PBH bowlegged. [From עקל ᴵ.]

עֵֽקֶל m.n. PBH 1 ship’s bilge. 2 large wicker basket. [Prob. derived from עקל ᴵ.]

עֲקַלְקַל adj. crooked. [From עקל ᴵ.] Derivatives: עֲקַלְקַלָּה, עֲקַלְקַלּוּת.

עֲקַלְקַלָּה f.n. crooked way (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 125:5 in the suffixed form עֲקַלְקַלּוֹתָם). [f. of עֲקַלֽקַל.]

עֲקַלְקַלּוּת f.n. NH crookedness, perverseness. [Formed from עֲקַלְקַל with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲקַלָּתוֹן adj. & m.n. 1 crooked (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 27:1). NH 2 zigzag. [From עקל ᴵ. cp. Ugar. ‘ qltn (= crooked serpent).]

עקם to bend, curve, wind.
    — Qal - עָקַם he bent, curved, wound.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַם was bent, was curved, was wound.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּם 1 he bent, curved, wound; 2 he distorted, perverted.
    — Pu. - עֻקַּם PBH 1 was bent, was curved, was wound; NH 2 was distorted, was perverted.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַקֵּם NH 1 was bent, was curved, was wound; PBH 2 became distorted, became perverted.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱקִים 1 he bent, curved, wound; 2 he distorted, perverted.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳקַם 1 was bent, was curved, was wound; 2 was distorted, was perverted. [Aram. עֲקַם (= was curved), Syr. עַקֵּם (= he turned aside, perverted), עְקִימָא (= perverted). cp. Arab. ‘ aqima (= was sterile). Related to עקף.] Derivatives: עָקֹם, עֹקֶם, עַקְמוּמִי, עַקְמָן, עַקְמָנִי, עִקּוּם, הַעֲקָמָה, הֵעָקְמוּת, הִתְעַקְּמוּת, מְעֻקָּם.

עָקֹם PBH 1 bent, curved, crooked. NH 2 curve. [From עקם.] Derivatives: עֲקֻמָּה, עַקְמָנִי.

עֹֽקֶם m.n. NH crookedness. [From עקם.]

עֲקֻמָּה f.n. NH curve (in a graph). [Subst. use of the f. of עָקֹם.]

עַקְמוּמִי adj. PBH 1 slightly curved, slightly crooked. NH 2 twisted, perverted. Derivatives: עַקְמוּמִיּוּת, עַקֽמוּמִית, עַקְמֶמֶת.

עַקְמוּמִיּוּת f.n. NH curvedness, crookedness. [Formed from עַקְמוּמִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַקְמוּמִית f.n. PBH curvedness, crookedness. [Subst. use of the f. of עַקְמוּמִי. cp. עַקְמִימוּת.]

עַקְמִימוּת f.n. PBH curvedness, crookedness. [A secondary form of עַקְמוּמִית.]

עַקְמֶֽמֶת f.n. NH scoliosis (medicine). [Formed from עַקְמוּמִי.]

עַקְמָן m.n. PBH trickster. [Formed from עקם with agential suff. ◌ָן. cp. עוֹקְמָן.] Derivative: עַקְמָנוּת.

עַקְמָנוּת f.n. PBH trickiness. [Formed from עַקֽמָן with suff. ◌וּת. cp. Aram. עַקְמָנוּתָא, עוּקְמָנוּתָא (= perversity, guile).]

עַקְמָנִי adj. crooked, insincere. [Formed from עָקֹם with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

עַקְעָק m.n. NH magpie. [From Arab. ‘ aq‘aq, a word imitative of the bird’s cry.]

עקף to encircle, surround.
    — Qal - עָקַף 1 he encircled, surrounded; 2 he went round; 3 he circumvented; 4 he distorted, perverted.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַף 1 he was encircled, was surrounded; 2 was circumvented.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱקִיף NH 1 he encircled, surrounded; PBH 2 he circumvented. [Aram. עֲקַף (= he went around, encircled, surrounded), Arab. ‘ aqafa (= he crooked, hooked). Related to the bases עקב ᴵ, עקם.] Derivatives: עוֹקֵף, עָקִיף, עֲקִיפָה, מַעֲקוֹף, מְעֻקָּף, מַעְקָף.

עקץ to sting, prick.
    — Qal - עָקַץ 1 it stung, pricked; 2 (fig.) he made a stinging or sarcastic remark.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַץ MH 1 was stung, was pricked; PBH 2 was hurt through a stinging or sarcastic remark.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּץ it stung, pricked.
    — Pil. - עִקְצֵץ (see עקצץ). [Aram. עֲקַץ (= it stung, pricked), Syr. עַקֵּס (= it stung; said of a scorpion, serpent, etc.), Ethp‘ēl אֶתְעְקֵס (= he was stung, was pricked), Mand. אכצא (= it causes pain, hurts).] Derivatives: עֹקֶץ, עַקְצָנוּת, עָקוּץ, עֲקִיצָה, עוֹקְצָנוּת, עוֹקְצָנִי, מְעֻקָּץ.

עקץ ᴵᴵ to cut fruit by the stalks.
    — Qal - עָקַץ he cut fruit by the stalks.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַץ it (the fruit) was cut by the stalks. [Denominated from עֹקֶץ.]

עֹֽקֶץ m.n. PBH 1 thorn, point. 2 sting, prick, prickle. 3 stalk. 4 rump. [From עקץ ᴵ. cp. עֻקְצָה.]

עֻקְצָה f.n. NH sting. [Formed from עֹקֶץ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֹקֶץ־הָעַקְרָב m.n. PBH heliotrope (name of a plant; so called because its flowers resemble the sting of a scorpion).

עִקְצוּץ m.n. NH itching, itch. [Verbal n. of עִקְצֵץ. See עקצץ.]

עַקְצָנוּת f.n. NH stinging, sarcasm. [Formed from עקץ ᴵ with suff. ◌ָנוּת.]

עקצץ to itch.
    — Pil. - עִקְצֵץ it itched. [Pi‘lel of עקץ ᴵ. For other Pi‘lel verbs see אִמְלֵל and words there referred to.]

עקר to pluck, root up.
    — Qal - עָקַר v. 1 he plucked, rooted up (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Eccles. 3:2); 2 he moved, removed; 3 he moved (his residence); 4 he abolished (lit. ‘eradicated’).
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַר 1 was uprooted (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Zeph. 2:4); PBH 2 was removed, was destroyed.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּר 1 he hamstrung (horses); PBH 2 he uprooted, cut off.
    — Pu. - עֻקַּר was uprooted, was destroyed.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַקֵּר was plucked, was uprooted. [Aram. (also BAram.) עֲקַר, Syr. עְקַר (= plucked, rooted up), BAram. עִקַּר, Aram. עִקָּרָא, Syr. עֶקָּרָא (= root). Arab. ‘ aqara (= he extirpated), ‘ aqār (= landed property), Ethiop. ‘ aqār (= medicine). cp. עקר ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֵקֶר, עִקָּר, עָקוּר ᴵ, עִקּוּר, עָקִיר, עֲקִירָה, הֵעָקֽרוּת ᴵ.

עקר ᴵᴵ to sterilize.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַר was sterilized, was castrated, was made barren.
    — Pi. - עִקֵּר he sterilized, castrated, made barren.
    — Pu. - עֻקַּר was sterilized, was castrated, was made barren.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַקֵּר was sterilized, was castrated, became barren.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱקִיר he sterilized, made barren.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳקַר was sterilized, was made barren. [Aram. עֲקַר, עַקֽרָא, Syr. עְקַר, עַקְרָא (= barren, sterile), Arab. ‘ uqra (= barrenness). Prob. a special sense development of עקר ᴵ.] Derivatives: עָקָר, עָקוּר ᴵᴵ, עִקּוּר ᴵᴵ, הֵעָקְרוּת ᴵᴵ, מַעֲקֵר, מְעַקֵּר, מְעֻקָּר, מַעֲקָרָה.

עָקָר adj. & m.n. barren, sterile, unfruitful. [From עקר ᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עֲקָרוּת.

עֵֽקֶר m.n. 1 offshoot, member (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lev. 25:47). MH 2 foreigner. [From עקר ᴵ.]

עִקָּר m.n. PBH 1 root. PBH 2 stem. PBH 3 basis, foundation. MH 4 principle, fundamental law. [From עקר ᴵ.] Derivatives: עִקָּרוֹן, עִקָּרִי. cp. עִקָּרָא.

עִקָּרָא m.n. PBH 1 root. 2 stem. 3 basis, foundation. [See עִקָּר.]

עַקְרָב m.n. 1 scorpion. PBH 2 the constellation Scorpio. 3 scourge with stings. PBH 4 bit of a bridle. [Related to Aram. עַקְרַבָּא, Syr. עֶקַּרְבָּא, Mand. ארקבא, Arab. ‘ aqrab, Ethiop. ‘ aqrāb, ‘arqab, Akka. aqrabu (= scorpion).] Derivatives: עַקְרַבּוֹן ᴵ, עַקְרַבּוֹן ᴵᴵ, עַקְרַבִּי, עַקְרַבָּן. cp. עַקְרַבּוּת.

עַקְרַבּוֹן m.n. NH a small scorpion. [Formed from עַקֽרָב with dimin. suff. ◌וֹן. cp. עַקֽרַבּוֹן ᴵᴵ.]

עַקְרַבּוֹן ᴵᴵ m.n. NH scorpion-shaped hook. [From עַקְרָב.]

עַקְרַבּוּת f.n. NH Solpugida (an order of arachnids). [A blend of עַקֽרָב and Arab. ‘ anqabūth (= spider). See עַכָּבִישׁ.]

עַקְרַבִּי adj. MH scorpion-like. [Formed from עַקְרָב with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַקְרַבָּן m.n. PBH spleenwort. [Formed from עַקְרָב with suff. ◌ָן. cp. Arab. ‘ aqrabān.]

עֲקָרָה f.n. barren woman. [See עָקָר.]

עִקָּרוֹן m.n. NH (pl. עֶקְרוֹנוֹת) principle. [Formed from עִקָּר with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.] Derivative: עֶקְרוֹנִי.

עֶקְרוֹנִי adj. NH of principle, relating to matters of principle, principal, fundamental. [Formed from עִקָּרוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivatives: עֶקְרוֹנִית, עֶקְרוֹנִיּוּת.

עֶקְרוֹנִיּוּת f.n. NH behavior according to principles. [Formed from עֶקֽרוֹנִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֶקְרוֹנִית adv. NH (based) on principle. [Formed from עֶקְרוֹנִי, with adv. suff. ◌ִית.]

עֲקָרוּת f.n. MH barrenness, sterility. [Formed from עָקָר, עֲקָרָה, with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִקָּרִי adj. NH principal, fundamental. [Formed from עִקָּר with suff. ◌ִי.]

עֲקֶרֶת, הַבַּיִת, עֲקֶרֶת f.n. housewife, mistress of the house. [Borrowed from Ps. 113:9, but there עֲקֶרֶת הַבַּיִת lit. means ‘the barren woman of the house’. From עקר ᴵᴵ.]

עקשׁ to twist, make crooked, pervert.
    — Qal - עָקַשׁ v. he perverted, distorted.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱקַשׁ was crooked, was perverted (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 28:18).
    — Pi. - עִקֵּשׁ he twisted, made crooked.
    — Nith. - נִתֽעַקֵּשׁ was stubborn, was obstinate.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱקִישׁ he made crooked (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 9:20). [Aram. עקס (= to be twisted, be bent, be tricky, be insidious), Syr. עְקִיס, עְקִיסָא (= twisted, bent, crooked), ‘ aqaṣa (= he braided, plaited the hair).] Derivatives: עִקֵּשׁ (adj.), עָקוּשׁ, עַקְשָׁן, הִתְעַקּֽשׁוּת, מַעֲקָשׁ, מְעֻקָּשׁ.

עִקֵּשׁ adj. 1 twisted, crooked, perverted. MH 2 obstinate. [From עקשׁ.] Derivative: עִקְּשׁוּת.

עִקְּשׁוּת f.n. crookedness, perverseness (in the Bible occurring only Pr. 4:24 and 6:12 in the phrase עִקְּשׁוּת־פֶּה (= crookedness of mouth). 1 stubbornness, obstinacy. [Formed from עִקֵּשׁ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַקְשָׁן adj. NH stubborn, obstinate. [Formed from עקשׁ with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: עַקֽשָׁנוּת, עַקְשָׁנִי.

עַקְשָׁנוּת f.n. NH stubbornness, obstinacy. [Formed from עַקֽשָׁן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַקְשָׁנִי adj. NH stubborn, obstinate. [Formed from עַקְשָׁן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָר intr. v. see עור.

עָר ᴵᴵ m.n. enemy, foe (in the Bible occurring Sam. I 28:16 and Ps. 139:20). [Prob. aramaism for צָר (q.v.). cp. BAram. עָר, Aram. עָר, עָרָא (= enemy, foe).]

עָר ᴵᴵᴵ m.n. PBH laurel. [From Aram.–Syr. עָרָא.]

עֵר adj. awake, wakeful. [Part. of עָר, Qal of עור ᴵ. For the form cp. מֵת (= dead).] Derivatives: עֵרוּת, עֵרָנוּת, עֵרָנִי.

עֲרַאי PBH 1 chance, temporariness. 2 by chance, temporary. [Dissimilated from עַרְעַי, from ערע (= to happen). See ארע and cp. אַרֽעַי.] Derivative: עֲרָאִי.

עֲרָאִי adj. NH temporary, accidental. [From עֲרַאי. cp. אֲרָעִי. Derivative: עֲרָאִיּוּת.

עֲרָאִיּוּת f.n. NH temporariness, chance. [Formed from עֲרָאִי with suff. ◌וּת. cp. אֲרָעִיּוּת.]

ערב to set (said esp. of the sun).
    — Qal - עָרַב 1 it became evening; 2 (fig.) it grew dark.
    — Pu. - עֹרַב (see מְעֹרָב).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיב 1 he did something in the evening (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Sam. I 17:16); MH 2 he caused the evening to come. [Akka. erēbu (= to enter, go in; to go down, set), erēb shamshi (= sunset), Aram. עֲרַב, עְרֵב (= the sun went down), Arab. gharb (= place of sunset, west), ghariba, Ethiop. ‘ areba (= it went down, set), Egypt.-Aram. מערב שמשא (= sunset). The original meaning of this base was ‘to enter’. For Gk. Europe (= Europe), which is borrowed from a derivative of this base, see אֵירוֹפָּה. cp. ערב ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עֶרֶב, עֲרִיבָה ᴵ, הַעֲרֵב, הַעֲרָבָה, מַעֲרָב ᴵ, מַעֲרִיב.

ערב ᴵᴵ to change, barter, take on pledge.
    — Qal - עָרַב v. 1 he bartered, exchanged; 2 he took in pledge, went surety for; 3 he gave in pledge.
    — Hith. - הִתְעָרֵב he bet, he exchanged pledges, made a wager. [Phoen. ערב (= guarantor, surety), OAram. ערבא (= pledge, security), Aram. עֲרַב, Syr. עְרַב (= vouched for, was surety for), whence Arab. ‘ arraba (= he gave earnest money), Coptic arēb (= pledge, security). Some scholars identify this base with ערב ᴵ (= to enter), whence ‘to enter under one’s authority’. According to other scholars ערב ᴵᴵ is related to Arab. gharima (= he took over a debt or an obligation.] Derivatives: עָרֵב ᴵ, עֲרֻבָּה, עֵרָבוֹן, עַרְבָן, הִתְעָרֽבוּת, מַעֲרָב ᴵᴵ, תַּעֲרוּבָה.

ערב ᴵᴵᴵ to mix.
    — Pi. - עֵרַב 1 he mixed, mingled; 2 he made an ‘erub’, included within the ‘erub’ (see עֵרוּב).
    — Pu. - עֹרַב 1 was mixed, was mingled; 2 was included within the ‘erub’.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעָרֵב 1 he mingled (with), intermingled; 2 he had fellowship (with); 3 he intermeddled (with).
    — Pil. - עִרְבֵּב (see עִרְבֵּב). [Arab. (also BAram.) עָרַב (= he mixed), Syr. עְרַב (= he mixed), עְרוּבְיָא (= mixing). cp. ערב ᴵⱽ.] Derivatives: עֵרֶב ᴵ, עֵרוּב, הִתֽעָרְבוּת ᴵ, תַּעֲרֹבֶת. Prob. also עֵרֶב ᴵᴵ, עָרֹב and עֲרֵבָה.

ערב ᴵⱽ to be pleasant, be sweet.
    — Qal - עָרַב was pleasant, was sweet.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַב it became pleasant.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיב he made pleasant. [Aram. מְעָרַב (= pleasing). Of uncertain etymology; perhaps orig. meaning ‘to be well mixed, be duly arranged’, hence a special sense development of ערב ᴵᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עָרֵב ᴵᴵ.

ערב to Arabicize.
    — Hith. - הִסְתַּעֲרֵב he assimilated himself to the Arabs (after Arab. ista‘raba of s.m.). [See עֲרַב, עֲרָבִי.] Derivative: מִסְתַּעֲרֵב.

עָרֵב m.n. & adj. PBH 1 surety, guarantor. 2 responsible, liable. [From ערב ᴵᴵ. cp. Aram. עַרֽבָא (see עַרְבָא). Derivative: עַרֽבוּת.

עָרֵב ᴵᴵ adj. pleasant, sweet (in the Bible occurring only Pr. 20:17 and Cant. 2:14). [From ערב ᴵⱽ]. Derivative: עֲרֵבוּת.

עֶֽרֶב m.n. (dual עַרֽבַּיִם) 1 sunset, evening. 2 eve. 3 soirée. [From ערב ᴵ. Accordingly עֶרֶב lit. means ‘the entering’ (of the sun); cp. Akka. erēb shamshi (= sunset), lit. ‘the entering of the sun’. cp. also Syr. עְרוּבְתָא, Aram. עֲרוּבְתָא (= the eve, day of preparation).] Derivative: עַרְבִית ᴵ.

עֵֽרֶב m.n. mixture, mixed company. [From ערב ᴵᴵᴵ.]

עֵרֶב ᴵᴵ m.n. weft, woof. [Prob. derived from ערב ᴵᴵᴵ.]

עֲרָב m.n. the Arabs. [Prob. orig. meaning ‘steppe dwellers (of Arabia)’, and related to עֲרָבָה ᴵ (q.v.). cp. Arab. al-‘Arab (= the Arabs), OSArab. ערב, Akka. Aribu, Arubu, Arabi (= Arabs).] Derivatives: עֲרָבִי, עַרְבִי. cp. עֲרַבֶּסְקָה.

עֹרֵב see עוֹרֵב.

עָרֹב m.n. swarm of wild beasts or flies — the fourth plague of Egypt. [Prob. derived from ערב ᴵᴵᴵ and lit. meaning ‘mixture’. cp. Akka. urbatu, urubatu (= harmful animals). Syr. עְרוּבָא (= a swarm of vermin and insects) is prob. a Heb. loan word.]

עַרְבָא m.n. PBH surety, guarantor. [Aram. (= Heb. עָרֵב). See עָרֵב ᴵ.]

ערבב to mix, to confuse.
    — Pi. - עִרְבֵּב he mixed up, confused.
    — Pu. - עֻרְבַּב was mixed up, was confused.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַרְבֵּב (of s.m.). [Pil. of ערב ᴵᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עִרֽבּוּב.

עֲרָבָה f.n. desert plain, desert, wilderness, steppe. [According to some scholars derived from a base ערב (= Ethiop. ‘ abara, ‘was arid, was sterile’). According to others it is related to OSArab. ערב, Arab. gharaba (= he departed), and lit. means ‘the remote region’.]

עֲרָבָה ᴵᴵ f.n. (pl. עֲרָבִים, also עֲרָבוֹת) 1 willow. PBH 2 willow brand, twigs of the willow used at Sukkoth (see חִבּוּט). [Related to Aram. עֲרַבְתָּא, Syr. עְרַבְתָּא, Arab. gharab (= willow), and prob. also to Akka. urbatu (= sedge), whence prob. also Aram. אוּרְבָּנָא, Syr. אַרֽבָּנָא (= the papyrus reed).]

עֲרָבָה ᴵᴵᴵ f.n. (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 68:5 in the pl. עֲרָבוֹת, and prob. meaning ‘clouds’). [Prob. related to עָרִיף (= cloud) and עֲרָפֶל, (= cloud, thick cloud).]

עֲרֻבָּה f.n. 1 pledge. 2 token. [From ערב ᴵᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֲרַבְרַבָּה.]

עֲרֵבָה f.n. PBH 1 trough, tub. 2 a small boat. [Of uncertain origin. cp. אַרֽבָּה.]

עִרְבּוּב m.n. NH 1 mixture. PBH 2 confusion. [Verbal n. of עִרְבֵּב. cp. Aram. עִרְבּוּבָא.] Derivative: עִרְבּוּבֽיָה.

עִרְבּוּבְיָה f.n. PBH mixture, confusion. [From ערבב. cp. Aram. עִרֽבּוּבְיָא.]

עִרְבּוּל m.n. NH 1 mixing. 2 whirl. [From ערבל.]

עֵרָבוֹן m.n. 1 pledge (in the Bible occurring only Gen. 38:17, 18, 20). PBH 2 earnest money. [From ערב ᴵᴵ. cp. Egypt.-Aram. ערב, Aram. עַרֽבּוֹנָא whence Arab. ‘ arabūn, Gk. arrabon, whence L. arrhabō, arrha, arra (= earnest money).]

עַרְבוּת f.n. PBH security, bail. [Formed from עָרֵב ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲרֵבוּת f.n. MH pleasantness, sweetness. [Formed from עָרֵב ᴵᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲרָבִי m.n. Arab. [Formed from עֲרָב with gentilic suff. ◌ִי. cp. עַרְבִי. cp. also Arab. ‘ arabiyy (= Arab, Arabic, Arabian), Aram. עֲרָבַי, עַרְבָּאָה (of s.m.), Syr. עַרְבָיָא (= Arabs).] Derivative: עֲרָבִית.

עַרְבִי (pl. עַרְבִיאִים, also עַרבִיִּים) 1 Arab. 2 Arabian. [Of the same origin of עֲרָבִי.] Derivative: עַרֽבִית ᴵᴵ.

עַרְבַּֽיִם m.n. in בֵּין הָעַרְבַּים (= twilight). [Dual of עֶרֶב.]

עַרְבִית f.n. PBH 1 evening time. 2 evening prayer. [Formed from עֶרֶב with suff. ◌ִית.]

עַרְבִית ᴵᴵ MH, עֲרָבִית NH f.n. the Arabic language. [From עַרְבִי, resp. עֲרָבִי.]

עָרְבִית adv. PBH ravenlike. [Formed from עוֹרֵב with adv. suff. ◌ִית.]

ערבל to mix; to cause to whirl; to confuse.
    — Pi. - עִרְבֵּל 1 he mixed; 2 he caused a whirl; 3 he confused.
    — Pu. - עֻרֽבַּל 1 was mixed; 2 a whirl was caused; 3 was confused.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַרֽבֵּל 1 was mixed; 2 a whirl was caused; PBH 3 was confused. [Enlarged from ערב (= to sift). cp. Aram.-Syr. עַרֽבֵּל (= he sifted), which in an enlargement of עֲרֵב or עְרֵב, and Arab. gharbala (of s.m.), which is an enlargement of gharaba.] Derivatives: עַרְבָּל ᴵ, עַרְבָּל ᴵᴵ, עַרֽבְּלָן, עַרֽבֹּלֶת, מְעַרֽבֵּל, מֽעֻרְבָּל, מְעַרְבֹּלֶת.

עַרְבָּל m.n. NH mixing machine. [From Aram.-Syr. עַרֽבָּלָא (= sieve), which is denominated from עַרְבֵּל. See ערבל and cp. עַרֽבָּל ᴵᴵ.]

עַרְבָּל ᴵᴵ m.n. NH whirlpool, vortex, eddy. [Of the same origin as עַרֽבָּל ᴵ. cp. עַרֽבֹּלֶת.]

עַרְבְּלָן m.n. NH mixer (of concrete). [Formed from ערבל with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

עַרְבְֹּלֶת f.n. NH whirlpool, eddy, vortex. [Formed from ערבל with suff. ◌ֶת. cp. מְעַרְבֹּלֶת.]

עַרְבָן m.n. MH surety, guarantor. [Formed from ערב ᴵᴵ with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: עַרְבָנוּת.

עַרְבָנוּת f.n. MH guaranty. [Formed from עַרְבָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲרַבֶּסְקָה f.n. FW arabesque. [Fren. arabesque, from It. arabesco, from Arabo (= Arab), from L. Arabem, accusative of Arabs, from Gk. Arabos (= Arab), from Arab. ‘ Arab (= the Arabs). See עֲרָב.]

עֵרֶבְרַב m.n. NH confusion; medley. [Biblical Heb. עֵרֶב רַב written in one word; see עֵרֶב ᴵ and רַב (adj.). cp. Aram. עֵירַבְרְבִין (Targum of אֲסַפְסוּף, Num. 11:4).] Derivative: עֵרֶבְרָבִי.

עֲרַבְרַבָּה f.n. NH the Epilobium (a genus of plants). [Formed from עֲרָבָה ᴵᴵ through reduplication of the second and third radical.]

עֵרֶבְרָבִי adj. confused. [Formed from עֵרֶבְרַב with suff. ◌ִי.]

ערג to long for, yearn for.
    — Qal - עָרַג he longed for, yearned for. [Perhaps related to Arab. ‘ araja (= he ascended), ‘ arraja (= he bent or inclined toward); ‘ arīj (= high, elevated), Ethiop. ‘ arega (= he ascended).] Derivatives: עֶרֽגָּה, עֵרָגוֹן, עֲרִיגָה.

ערג ᴵᴵ to make (garden or flower) beds.
    — Qal - עָרַג v. he made (garden or flower) beds.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַג was divided into beds. [Denominated from עֲרוּגָה.] Derivatives: עוֹרֵג, עָרוּג, עֵרוּג.

עֶרְגָּה f.n. MH longing, yearning. [Formed from ערג ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.] Derivative: עֶרְגָּנִי.

עִרְגּוּל m.n. NH rolling (iron). [Verbal n. of עִרְגֵּל. See ערגל.]

עֵרָגוֹן m.n. NH (pl. עֶרְגוֹנוֹת) , longing, yearning. [Formed from ערג ᴵ with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.)

ערגל to roll (iron or steel).
    — Pi. - עִרֽגֵּל he rolled (esp. iron or steel).
    — Pu. - עֻרְגַּל was rolled.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַרְגֵּל (of s.m.). [Borrowed from Aram.–Syr. עַרְגֵּל (= he rolled), formed from base עגל (= to be round). For the form of the base ערגל cp. כרסם and words there referred to.] Derivatives: עִרְגּוּל, מְעֻרְגָּל, מְעַרְגֹּלֶת.

עֶרְגָּנִי adj. NH longing, yearning. [Formed from עֶרֽגָּה with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

ערד to drive out, expel.
    — Qal - עָרַד he drove out, expelled. [Related to Arab. ‘ arida (= he fled).]

ערד ᴵᴵ to break the soil (without turning it over).
    — Pi. - עֵרַד he broke the soil. [Metathesized form of עדר ᴵ.]

עַרְדָּל m.n. (dual עַרְדָּלַיִם) 1 (in the pl.) felt soles with heels. 2 rubber shoe, overshoe.

ערדע to croak; lit.: ‘to make the sound of the frog’. [From Aram. עֻרֽדּֽעָא (= frog), which is related to Heb. צְפַרְדֵּע.]

ערה to lay bare, uncover.
    — Pi. - עֵרָה PBH 1 he laid bare, uncovered; 2 he poured out.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרָה was poured out.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרָה 1 he laid bare, uncovered; PBH 2 he had sexual contact.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳרָה was laid bare, was uncovered.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעָרָה he made himself naked, uncovered himself. [Phoen. ערי (= to lay bare), Egypt.–Aram. עריה (= naked), BAram. עַרְוָה (= nakedness, shame), Aram. עֶרְיָתָא (= shame), Syr. (adv.) עַרְיַת (= nakedly), Arab. ‘ ariya (= was naked), ‘ urya (= nakedness), Akka. ūru (= nakedness), mērānu (= nakedness). cp. ערר ᴵ.] Derivatives: עֶרְוָה, עֶרֽיָה, עֵרוּי, עֲרִיָּה, עֵרָיוֹן, הַעֲרָאָה, הַעֲרָיָה, מָעוֹר, מַעֲרֶה, prob. also תַּעַר ᴵ, תַּעַר ᴵᴵ, עָרֹם. cp. מוֹרָה.

ערה ᴵᴵ to join, attach.
    — Pi. - עֵרָה he joined, attached.
    — Pu. - עֹרָה 1 was joined, was attached; 2 he was deeply rooted (in).
    — Hith. - הִתֽעָרָה he spread himself, or struck roots (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 37:35). [A base found only in Heb.] Derivatives: הִתְעָרוּת, מְעֹרֶה.

עֵרוּב m.n. PBH 1 mixing, mixture. 2 confusion, disorder. 3 ‘erub’ (a religious act by which community space or time is established concerning the Sabbath or the festivals). [Verbal n. of עֵרַב, Pi. of ערב ᴵᴵᴵ.]

עָרוּג adj. MH set out in flowerbeds. [Pass. part. of עָרַג. See ערג ᴵᴵ.]

עֲרוּגָה f.n. garden bed, flowerbed. [Related to Arab. ‘ arraja (= he bent or inclined forward), and lit. meaning ‘terraced garden bed’. See ערג ᴵᴵ.] Derivative: עֲרוּגִית.

עֲרוּגִית f.n. PBH a small garden bed. [Formed from עֲרוּגָה with dimin. suff. ◌ִית.]

עָרוֹד m.n. wild ass (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 39:5). [Related to BAram. עֲרָד (occurring Dan. 5:21 in the emphatic pl. עֲרָדַיָּא), Aram. עֳרָדָא, Syr. עְרָדָא, Arab. ‘ ard (= wild ass).]

עֶרְוָה f.n. (pl. עֲרָיוֹת) 1 nakedness. 2 genital organs. 3 shame. PBH 4 unchastity, lewdness. PBH 5 illicit sexual intercourse. [From ערה ᴵ. For the ending see first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֶרְיָה.]

עֵרוּי m.n. PBH pouring out, emptying. [Verbal n. of עֵרָה, Pi. of ערה ᴵ.]

עָרוּךְ 1 set in order, arranged, prepared. NH 2 edited. MH 3 lexicon. [Pass. part. of עָרַךְ. See ערך.]

עָרוּם adj. 1 crafty, cunning. 2 shrewd, sensible. 3 prudent. [From ערם ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עַרֽמוּמִי, עַרְמִימוּת ᴵ.

עָרוּם ᴵᴵ adj. MH heaped. [Pass. part. of עָרַם. See ערם ᴵ.]

עֵרוּם m.n. NH heaping. [Verbal n. of עֵרַם, Pi. ערם ᴵ.]

עָרוּף adj. 1 one whose neck is broken. NH 2 beheaded, guillotined. [Pass. part. of עָרַף. See ערף.]

עָרוּץ m.n. slope of a ravine (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 30:6). [Prob. related to Arab. ‘ irḍ (= slope of a ravine). Some scholars see in it the pass. part. of עָרַץ (see ערץ) and render בַּעֲרֻץ נֽחָלִים by ‘in the (most) dreadful of ravines’. cp. עֵרָצוֹן.]

עֵרוּר m.n. PBH arousing (lamentation). [Prob. related to עוֹרֵר (= he awakened, roused), Pol. of עור ᴵ.]

עֵרוּת f.n. MH 1 liveliness, diligence. NH 2 wakefulness. [Formed from עֵר with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִרְטוּל m.n. NH laying bare, uncovering. [Verbal n. of עִרְטֵל, See ערטל.]

עַרְטִילָאוּת f.n. NH 1 nakedness, bareness. 2 abstractness. [Formed from עַרֽטִילַאי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַרְטִילַאי adj. PBH 1 naked, bare, nude, stripped. 2 abstract. [Aram., related to Aram.–Syr. עַרְטֵל (= naked, bare, nude, stripped). See ערטל.] Derivative: עַרְטִילָאוּת.

ערטל to lay bare, uncover, denude.
    — Pi. - עִרֽטֵל he laid bare, uncovered, denuded.
    — Pu. - עֻרֽטַל was laid bare, was uncovered, was denuded.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַרְטֵל he stripped himself, denuded himself. [From Aram.–Syr. עַרְטֵל (= he laid bare, uncovered, denuded), formed from a base עלט, which appears in Arab. ‘ aṭila (= was naked, was destitute), uṭul (= woman denuded of a necklace). Derivatives: עִרֽטוּל, הִתֽעַרְטְלוּת, מֽעֻרֽטָל.

עַרְטָנִית f.n. NH lion’s ear, leontice (plant). [Borrowed from Syr. עַרְטָנִיתָא (of s.m.).]

עֲרִי m.n. PBH (pl. עֲרָיִים) a word occurring only in the pl. עֲרָיִין and prob. meaning ‘plow planks’. [Of unknown etymology.]

עֲרִיבָה f.n. MH sunset. [Verbal n. of עָרַב. See ערב ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲרִיגָה f.n. MH longing, yearning. [Verbal n. of עָרַג. See ערג ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֶרְיָה f.n. 1 nakedness. 2 shame. [cp. Aram. עִירִיתָא, עָרְיְתָא, Syr. עַרְיַת (= naked), Arab. ‘ urya, Akka. ūru (= nakedness). From ערה ᴵ. for the ending see first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲרִיָּה f.n. PBH ejaculation (of the semen). [Verbal n. of עָרָה. See ערה ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֵרָיוֹן m.n. NH nakedness, nudity. [Formed from ערה ᴵ with ◌וֹן, suff. forming abstract nouns.]

עֲרָיוֹת f.n. pl. of עֶרְוָה (q.v.).

עֲרִיכָה f.n. PBH 1 arranging, putting in order. PBH 2 rolling dough. NH 3 editing. [Verbal n. of עָרַךְ. See ערך and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָרִיס m.n. PBH vine trellis, arbor. [Related to Arab. ‘ arish (= vine trellis, arbor).] Derivative: ערס ᴵ.

עָרִיס ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH (another spelling for אָרִיס).

עֲרִיסָה f.n. PBH small cradle. [Dimin. formed from עֶרֶשׂ.] Derivative: עֲרִיסֹנֶת.

עֲרִיסָה ᴵᴵ f.n. 1 dough. MH 2 kneading trough. [Related to Syr. אַרֽסָנָא (= hulled barley), and to עַרְסָן.] Derivative: ערס ᴵᴵ.

עֲרִיסֹֽנֶת f.n. a small cradle. [Dimin. of עֲרִיסָה ᴵ.]

עָרִיף m.n. cloud (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 5:30 in the suffixed form עֲרִיפֶיהָ). [From ערף ᴵᴵ. cp. Akka. ‘ rpt (= cloud), Akka. urpitu (= clouds). cp. also עֲרָפֶל and עֲרָבָה.]

עֲרִיפָה f.n. PBH 1 breaking the neck. NH 2 beheading, guillotining. [Verbal n. of עָרַף. See ערף ᴵ, and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲרִיפָה ᴵᴵ f.n. MH dripping. [Verbal n. of עָרַף. See ערף ᴵᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָרִיץ m.n. & adj. terrible person, ruthless person; terrible. [From ערץ.] Derivative: עָרִיצוּת.

עָרִיצוּת f.n. MH 1 strength, might, power. NH 2 cruelty, tyranny. [Formed from עָרִיץ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָרִיק m.n. NH deserter (esp. from the army). [From ערק. cp. Aram. עֲרִיק (= fugitive).] Derivative: עֲרִיקוּת.

עֲרִיקָה f.n. NH desertion (esp. from the army). [Verbal n. of עָרַק. See ערק and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲרִיקוּת f.n. NH desertion (esp. from the army). [Formed from עָרִיק with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲרִירוּת f.n. MH 1 childlessness. 2 loneliness, solitude. [Formed from עֲרִירִי with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲרִירִי adj. 1 childless. NH 2 lonely. [From ערר ᴵ.] Derivative: עֲרִירוּת.

ערך to set in order, arrange; to assess, to estimate, to value.
    — Qal - עָרַךְ 1 he set in order, arranged, prepared; 2 he compared; PBH 3 he rolled (dough), kneaded; NH 4 he organized; NH 5 he edited.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַךְ PBH 1 was set in order, was arranged, was prepared; PBH 2 was estimated, was valued, was assessed; NH 3 was edited.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיךְ 1 he estimated, valued, assessed; NH 2 he appreciated, esteemed, attached importance to.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳרַךְ MH 1 was arranged, was prepared; NH 2 was estimated, was valued, was assessed.
    — Shiph. see . - שערך . [Syr. עֽרַךְ (= he kneaded, stirred up), Aram. עֲרַך (= he set in order, arranged), Arab. ‘āraka (= he contended in battle), ma‘rak, ma‘raka (= battleground).] Derivatives: עֵרֶךְ, עֲרָכָה, עָרוּךְ, עוֹרֵךְ, הֵעָרֽכוּת, מַעֲרוֹךְ, מָעֳרָךְ, מַעֲרָכָה, מַעַרֽכוֹן, מַעֲרֶכֶת, מַעֲרֹכֶת, תַּעֲרוּכָה.

עֵֽרֶךְ, עֶֽרֶךְ m.n. 1 order, row. 2 estimate, valuation. MH 3 entry (in a dictionary). MH 4 degree (grammar; mathematics). [From ערך.] Derivatives: עֶרְכָּה, עֶרְכִּי, בְּעֶרֶךְ.

עַרְכָּאָה f.n. NH legal instance, lawcourt. [Back formation from עַרֽכָּאוֹת, pl. of עַרְכֵּי (q.v.).]

עֶרְכָּה f.n. NH [Formed from עֵרֶךְ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲרָכָה f.n. PBH estimate, valuation, assessment. [Formed from ערך with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַרְכֵּי f.n. PBH (pl. עַרְכָּאוֹת, also עַרְכָּיוֹת, עַרְכָּאִין, עַרְכָּיִין) recorder’s office, registry, archives. [From Gk. arche (= beginning, origin; magistracy, office). See אַרְכִי and cp. עַרְכָּאָה.]

עֶרְכִּי adj. NH valent (chemistry). [Formed from עֶרֶךְ with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עֶרֽכִּיּוּת.

עֶרְכִּיּוּת f.n. NH valence (chemistry). [Formed from עֶרְכִּי with suff. ◌וּת.]

ערכל to entangle, catch.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַרְכֵּל was entangled, was caught. [Another spelling for ערקל (q.v.).]

ערל to be uncircumcised.
    — Qal - עָרַל v. 1 he left uncircumcised, counted as forbidden (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lev. 19:23); 2 he covered.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַל 1 became dull, became stupid; NH 2 was treated as ‘orlah’, was counted as forbidden.
    — Nith. - נִתְעָרֵל became dull, became stupid. [Arab. gharila (= was uncircumcised), Yemenite raghl (= uncircumcised), Akka. urul(l)āti (= foreskin).]

ערל ᴵᴵ to poison.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַל was poisoned (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Hab. 2:16). [Metathesized from רעל.]

עָרֵל adj. 1 uncircumcised. 2 unpruned. PBH 3 Gentile. [From ערל ᴵ. cp. Aram. עַרֽלָא, Syr. עוּרֽלָא, Arab. ’aghral (= uncircumcised).] Derivatives: עֲרֵלָה, עֲרֵלוּת, עֲרֵלִית.

עָרְלָה f.n. 1 foreskin. 2 ‘orlah’, the fruit of trees of the first three years. PBH 3 ‘Orlah’, name of a Mishnah, Tosephta and Talmud tractate in the order זְרָעִים. [From ערל ᴵ. cp. Aram. עֻרֽלְתָא, Syr. עוּרְלֽתָא, Arab. ghurla (= foreskin).]

עֲרֵלָה f.n. MH a gentile woman. [f. of עָרֵל. cp. עֲרֵלִית.]

עֲרֵלוּת f.n. PBH condition of one uncircumcised. [Formed from עָרֵל with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲרֵלִית f.n. PBH a gentile woman. [Formed from עָרֵל with suff. ◌ִית. cp. עֲרֵלָה.]

ערם to heap up, pile up.
    — Qal - עָרַם v. he heaped up, piled up.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַם was heaped up, was piled up (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ex. 15:8).
    — Pu. - עֹרַם (see מְעֹרָם). [Aram. עֲרֵימְתָא (= heap of corn), Syr. עְרַם (= it stood up in a heap), עְרָמְתָא (= heap), Arab. ‘arama (= heap), OSArab. ערם and Akka. arammu (= siege dike). cp. עמר ᴵ.] Derivatives: עֲרֵמָה, עָרוּם ᴵᴵ, עֵרוּם, הֵעָרְמוּת, מְעֹרָם, מַעֲרֶמֶת.

ערם ᴵᴵ to be shrewd, be crafty.
    — Qal - עָרַם (occurs only in the imper. יַעֲרִים, ‘he will act cunningly’, and in the inf. ערֹם, ‘to be shrewd’).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִים 1 he made crafty; PBH 2 he acted craftily. [Aram.–Syr. אַעֽרֵם (= he was shrewd, was crafty), Aram. עָרִים, Syr. עְרִים (= shrewd, crafty), Arab. ‘aruma (= was ill-natured).] Derivatives: עָרוּם ᴵ, עֹרֶם, עָרְמָה.

ערם ᴵᴵᴵ to lay bare, uncover, denude.
    — Pi. - עֵרַם he laid bare, uncovered.
    — Hith. - הִתְעָרֵם he bared himself, uncovered himself, denuded himself. [Arab. ‘arama (= he stripped). See עֵירֹם and cp. מַעֲרֹם.] Derivative: prob. עַרְמוֹן.

עָרֹם, עָרוֹם adj. naked, bare, stripped, denuded. [Prob. formed from ערה ᴵ with suff. ◌וֹם. According to several scholars עָרֹם is a secondary form of עֵירֹם (q.v.).] Derivative: עַרְמִימוּת ᴵᴵ.

עֹֽרֶם m.n. cunning, craftiness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 5:13 in the form עָרְמָם). [From ערם ᴵᴵ. According to some scholars עָרֽמָם is a contracted form of עָרְמָתָם. See עָרְמָה.]

עָרְמָה f.n. 1 cunning, craftiness. 2 prudence. [Formed from ערם ᴵᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה. cp. עֹרֶם.]

עֲרֵמָה f.n. heap, pile, stack. [Formed from ערם ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עַרְמוּמִי adj. NH cunning, crafty, shrewd. [Formed from ◌עָרוּם.] Derivatives: עַרְמוּמִיּוּת, עַרְמוּמִית.

עַרְמוּמִיּוּת f.n. NH cunning, craftiness, shrewdness. [Formed from עַרְמוּמִי with subst. suff. ◌יוּת.]

עַרְמוֹן m.n. 1 plane tree. MH 2 chestnut tree. [According to most scholars derived from ערם ᴵᴵᴵ and lit. meaning ‘stripped of it’s bark’. cp. Arab. ‘urām (= bark of a tree), Akka. irmeānu (= name of a tree).] Derivatives: עַרְמוֹנִי, עַרְמוֹנִית ᴵ, עַרְמוֹנִית ᴵᴵ.

עַרְמוֹנִי adj. MH chestnut. [Formed from עַרְמוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַרְמוֹנִית f.n. NH prostate. [Formed from עַרֽמוֹן with suff. ◌ִית. cp. עַרְמוֹנִית ᴵᴵ.]

עַרְמוֹנִית ᴵᴵ f.n. NH castanet. [Of the same origin as עַרְמוֹנִית ᴵ.]

עַרְמִימוּת f.n. PBH cunning, craftiness. [From עָרוּם ᴵ. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת.]

עַרְמִימוּת ᴵᴵ f.n. MH nakedness, nudity. [From עָרֹם. For the ending see suff. ◌וּת.]

עֵרָנוּת f.n. NH wakefulness, watchfulness, smartness. [Formed from עֵר (= awake, wakeful), with suff. ◌ָנוּת.]

עֵרָנִי adj. PBH 1 wakeful, watchful, smart. NH 2 lively, brisk. [Formed from עֵר (= awake, wakeful), with suff. ◌ָנִי.]

ערס to form an arbor.
    — Pi. - עֵרַס he formed an arbor, trailed (branches of vine).
    — Pu. - עֹרַס (an arbor) was formed, was trailed. [Denominated from עָרִיס (= vine trellis, arbor).]

ערס ᴵᴵ to mix dough.
    — Pi. - עֵרַס he mixed dough.
    — Pu. - עֹרַס was mixed (said of dough).
    — Hith. - הִתְעָרֵס (of s.m.). [Denominated from עֲרִיסָה ᴵᴵ.]

עֶֽרֶס m.n. PBH (pl. עֲרָסוֹת) bed. [A secondary form of עֶרֶשׂ. cp. עַרְסָל.]

עֶֽרֶס ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH (pl. עֲרָסִים) row of houses. [Aram. עֶרֶס, עַרְסָא (= row of houses). Of unknown origin.]

ערסל to swing (in a hammock).
    — Pi. - עִרְסֵל 1 he swung (in a hammock); 2 he crossed (e.g. his legs).
    — Pu. - עֻרֽסָל was swung.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַרְסֵל he swung himself, rocked himself. [Denominated from עַרְסָל.] Derivative: הִתְעַרְסְלוּת.

עַרְסָל m.n. MH hammock. [Aram. עַרְסְלָא, of uncertain etymology. Perhaps formed from עַרְסָא (= bed) with inserted ל.] Derivative: ערסל.

עַרְסָן m.n. PBH food made of grain. [Related to Syr. אַרְסָנָא (= hulled barley), perhaps also to עֲרִיסָה ᴵᴵ (= dough).]

ערע see ארע.

עִרְעוּר m.n. PBH 1 protest. NH 2 appeal to a higher court. NH 3 shaking, undermining, destruction. [Verbal n. of עִרְעֵר. See ערער ᴵ.]

עִרְעוּר ᴵᴵ m.n. NH gargling. [Verbal n. of עִרְעֵר. See ערער ᴵᴵ.]

ערער to lay bare; to protest.
    — Pi. - עִרְעֵר v. 1 he laid bare, stripped; 2 he objected, contradicted.
    — Pu. - עֻרְעַר MH 1 was laid bare, was stripped, was demolished, was destroyed; NH 2 was objected to, was contradicted, was protested against.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַרְעֵר 1 was laid bare, was stripped, was torn down, was demolished, was destroyed (in the Bible occurring only Jer. 51:58); NH 2 was undermined. [From ערר ᴵ. cp. רערע, cp. also קרקר. For other Pilpel verbs see בזבז and words there referred to.] According to some scholars, עִרֽעֵר in the meaning ‘he objected, contested, protested’, is a word of imitative origin, whose primitive meaning was ‘to shout, cry’, and is related to Arab. ‘arra and ‘ar‘ara, in the sense ‘to shout, howl, roar, low, bellow’. For the sense development of ערער they compare L. reclāmāre (= to cry out against), whence Fren. réclamer, whence Eng. reclaim (= to protest, object).] Derivatives: עִרְעוּר ᴵ, עַרְעָר ᴵᴵ, הִתְעַרְעְרוּת, מְעַרְעֵר, מְעֻרְעָר.

ערער ᴵᴵ to arouse, awaken, incite.
    — Pi. - עִרְעֵר he aroused (lamentation). [Pil. of עור ᴵ (= to rouse oneself). For other Pilpel forms derived from ע״ו verbs cp. עזעז and other words there referred to. cp. עֵרוּר.]

ערער ᴵᴵᴵ to gargle.
    — Pi. - עִרְעֵר he gargled his throat. [Related to גרגר. cp. Arab. ’ar’ara.] Derivative: עִרֽעוּר ᴵᴵ.

עַרְעָר m.n. & adj. 1 name of a tree, prob. the juniper. 2 stripped, destitute, lonely. [Related to Arab. ‘ar‘ar (= juniper). cp. Syr. עַרַא (= tamarisk).] Derivative: עַרְעָרוּת.

עַרְעָר ᴵᴵ m.n. PBH appeal. [From ערער ᴵ.]

עַרְעָרוּת f.n. NH loneliness, [Formed from עַרֽעָר ᴵ with suff. ◌וּת.]

ערף to break the neck; to behead, guillotine.
    — Qal - עָרַף v. 1 he broke (an animal’s neck; 2 he beheaded, guillotined.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַף PBH 1 it (the animal) had the neck broken; NH 2 he was beheaded, was guillotined.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיף he turned his back.
    — Nith. - נִתֽעָרֵף PBH 1 its (the animal’s) neck was broken; NH 2 he was beheaded, was guillotined. [Denominated from עֹרֶף.] Derivatives: עָרוּף, עֲרִיפָה ᴵ, מַעֲרֶפֶת.

ערף ᴵᴵ to drip, drop.
    — Qal - עָרַף it dropped, dripped (in the Bible occurring only Deut. 32:2 and 33:28).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיף he caused to drop, dripped. [Aram.–Syr. מערף (= dripping), Arab. ‘arīf (= the first rain), Akka. erpu, urpu, urpatu (= clouds). cp. עֲרָפֶל. cp. also רעף, a metathesized form of this base.] Derivatives: עָרִיף, עֲרִיפָה ᴵᴵ, מַעֲרָף.

עֹֽרֶף m.n. 1 back of the neck, neck; NH 2 rear, hinterland. [Related to Aram. עָרְפָּא (= neck), Syr. עוֹרֽפָא (= cock’s comb), Arab. ‘urfa (= mane), Akka. arrupu (= mane).] Derivatives: ערף ᴵ, עָרֽפִּי, עָרֽפִּית.

עַרְפָּד m.n. PBH 1 a kind of bat. NH 2 a kind of small bat, Desmodus rufus. NH 3 vampire, bloodsucker. [Together with Aram. עַרְפְּדָא (= a kind of bat) of unknown origin.]

עִרְפּוּל m.n. NH clouding, misting, obscurity. [Verbal n. of עִרְפֵּל. See ערפל.]

עָרְפִּי adj. NH 1 pertaining to the back of the neck, occipital. 2 rear, behind the front line. [Formed from עֹרֶף with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַרְפִּֽיחַ m.n. NH smog. [A contraction of עֲרָפֶל (= fog) and פִּיחַ (= smoke), after Eng. smog (a contraction of smoke and fog).]

עָרְפִּית f.n. NH head strap (of a horse). [Formed from עֹרֶף with suff. ◌ִית.]

עֲרָפֶל m.n. (pl. עַרְפִלִּים) 1 cloud, thick cloud. MH 2 name of the lower sky. NH 3 mist, fog. NH 4 vagueness, unclarity. [cp. Aram. עַרְפִּילָא, Syr. עַרְפֶּלָּא (= a dark fog or mist, thick darkness). Heb. עֲרָפֶל etc. are prob. formed from an enlargement of base ערף ᴵᴵ. However, some scholars connect עֲרָפֶל, etc., with Arab. ghafara (= he covers).] Derivatives: ערפל, עַרְפִלּוּת, עַרְפִלִּי, עַרְפִלִּית.

ערפל to cover as with a fog, make vague, make indistinct.
    — Pi. - עִרְפֵּל he covered as a cloud, made foggy, made vague, made indistinct.
    — Pu. - עֻרְפַּל MH 1 was covered with cloud, became clouded, became foggy; NH 2 was made vague, was made indistinct.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַרְפֵּל NH 1 was covered with a fog, became foggy; NH 2 was made vague, was made indistinct; PBH 3 became heavy, stumbled. [Denominated from עֲרָפֶל.] Derivatives: עִרְפּוּל, הִתְעַרְפְּלוּת, מְעֻרְפָּל.

עַרְפִלּוּת f.n. NH 1 fogginess, mistiness. 2 vagueness. [Formed from עֲרָפֶל with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַרְפִלִּי adj. MH 1 foggy, misty. NH 2 vague. [Formed from עֲרָפֶל with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivative: עַרֽפִלִּיּוּת

עַרְפִלִּיּוּת f.n. MH 1 fogginess, mistiness. NH 2 vagueness. [Formed from עַרֽפִלִּי with suff. ◌וּת. cp. עַרֽפִלּוּת.]

עַרְפִלִּית f.n. NH nebula. [Formed from עֲרָפֶל with suff. ◌ִית.]

ערץ to cause to tremble, tremble.
    — Qal - עָרַץ 1 he caused to tremble, frightened; 2 he trembled, stood in awe.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱרַץ he was fearful, was revered (in the Bible occurring only Ps. 89:8 in the part.; see נַעֲרָץ).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיץ 1 he inspired with awe; 2 he regarded with awe; NH 3 he admired.
    — Hoph. - הָעֳרַץ MH 1 he was regarded with awe, was adored; NH 2 he was admired, was esteemed. [Arab. ‘ariḍa (= he quivered, flickered). cp. Syr. עֽרַץ (= he came upon unexpectedly, it happened suddenly).] Derivatives: עֶרֶץ, עָרִיץ, הַעֲרָצָה, מַעֲרִיץ, מַעֲרָצָה.

עֶֽרֶץ m.n. MH 1 power, force. 2 sky, heaven. [From ערץ.]

עַרְצָב m.n. NH mole cricket. [From Aram. עַרְצוּבְיָא, a species of locust, which is usually regarded as a loan word of Gk. erysibe, rendering of the Septuagint for חָסִיל (= a kind of locust), and for צְלָצַל (= a kind of locust). This rendering is incorrect because erysibe does not mean ‘locust’ but ‘rust in corn’. It is also obvious that עַרֽצוּבֽיָא (= a kind of locust) cannot be derived from erysibe (= rust).]

עֵרָצוֹן m.n. NH (pl. עֶרֽצוֹנוֹת) , erosion. [Formed from עָרוּץ (= ravine). Influenced in form by Fren. and Eng. erosion.]

ערק to flee.
    — Qal - עָרַק 1 he fled, ran away; NH 2 he deserted (esp. from the army).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיק he caused to flee, put to flight. [Aram. עֲרַק, Syr. עְרַק (= he fled, escaped), Arab. ‘araqa (= he went away).] Derivatives: עָרִיק, עֲרִיקָה, עַרְקָנוּת.

עָרָק m.n. PBH arrack (brandy). [See אָרָק.]

עֲרָק m.n. PBH rush basket. [Related to Arab. ‘araq (= basket).]

עַרְקָה f.n. NH leather thong. [From Aram. עַרֽקָא, עַרְקְתָא (= leather strap). See עַרְקֽתָא.]

עַרְקוּב m.n. PBH knee joint. [Related to BAram. אַרֽכֻּבָּה (= knee joint), and to ‘urqūb (= Achilles tendon, hamstring).]

ערקל to entangle, catch.
    — Nith. - נִתְעַרְקֵל (= was twisted). [From Aram. עַרְקֵל (= he twisted), Par‘el of עֲקַל. See עקל ᴵ and cp. ערכל.]

עַרְקָנוּת f.n. NH escapism. [Formed from ערק with suff. ◌ָנוּת.]

עַרְקְתָא f.n. PBH strap, lace, thong. [Aram.–Syr. עְרַקְתָא. Related to Arab. ‘irāq (= leather). cp. עַרְקָה.]

ערר to strip oneself; to strip; to tear down.
    — Qal - עָרַר 1 he stripped himself (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 32:11); NH 2 he appealed (against).
    — Pil. (see . - ערער ᴵ).
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱרִיר made barren. [A secondary form of ערה ᴵ, base of עֲרִירִי.] Derivative: עֲרָר.

ערר ᴵᴵ prob. base of מֽעָרָה (= cave).

עֲרָר m.n. PBH 1 protest, objection. NH 2 appeal. [From ערר ᴵ.]

עֶֽרֶשׂ m.n. (pl. עֲרָשׂוֹת) 1 couch, bed. NH 2 cradle. [Related to Aram.–Syr. עַרְסָא, Ugar. ‘rsh (= bed), Arab. ‘arsh (= wooden framework, throne), ‘arish (= arbor, bower, booth, shack), Ethiop. ‘arish (= booth, tent), Akka. ershú (= bed). cp. עֲרִיסָה ᴵ.]

עָשׁ m.n. moth. [From עשׁשׁ (= to become weak, waste away), whence also Aram. עָשָׁא (= moth), Syr. עַשָּׁא (= louse), Arab. ‘uththa, Ethiop. ‘eḍē, Akka. ashashu (= moth).]

עָשׁ ᴵᴵ m.n. name of a constellation, prob. the Great Bear (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 9:9). [A collateral form of עַיִשׁ.]

עֵֽשֶׂב m.n. (pl. עֲשָׂבִים, also עֲשָׂבוֹת) herb, herbage, grass. [Related to BAram. עִשְׂבָּא, Aram. עִשֽׂבָּא, עִסֽבָּא, Syr. עֶסְבָּא, Ugar. ‘sbt, Arab. ‘ushb, Akka. ishbabtu (= herb, herbage).] Derivatives: עשׂב, עֶשֽׂבּוֹנַאי, עֶשֽׂבּוֹנִי, עִשֽׂבִּיָּה, מַעֲשֵׂבָה.

עשׂב to cover with grass; to weed out.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱשַׂב was covered with grass.
    — Pi. - עִשֵּׂב he weeded out.
    — Pu. - עֻשַּׂב was weeded out.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱשׂיב MH 1 was covered with grass; NH 2 he covered with grass. [Denominated from עֵשֶׂב.] Derivatives: עִשּׂוּב, מֽעֻשָּׂב.

עֶשְׂבּוֹנַאי m.n. NH herbalist. [Formed from עֵשֶׂב (= herb), with suff. ◌וֹנַאי.]

עֶשְׂבּוֹנִי adj. NH herblike, herbaceous. [Formed from עֵשֶׂב with suff. ◌וֹנִי.]

עִשְׂבִּיָּה f.n. NH herbarium. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from עֵשֶׂב (= herb), and suff. ◌ִיָּה.]

עשׂה to do, make.
    — Qal - עָשָׂה v. 1 he did, made; 2 he worked, labored; 3 he acted, dealt; 4 he produced, yielded, performed, accomplished; 5 he brought about, caused, effected; 6 he appointed; 7 he acquired, gained; 8 he spent (his time).
    — Niph. - נַעֲשָׂה 1 was done, was made; 2 was produced, was performed, was accomplished; 3 was offered (as a sacrifice); 4 was observed; 5 was used.
    — Pi. - עִשָּׂה PBH 1 he caused somebody to do; 2 he pressed, squeezed.
    — Pu. - עֻשָּׂה 1 was made, was formed; PBH 2 was done by force, was forced.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱשֶׂה he caused to be done, forced to do. [Moabite עשתי, ואעש, Ugar. ‘shy (= he made), OSArab. עסו, Arab. sa‘ā(y) (= he did, made, acted).] Derivatives: עֲשֵׂה, עָשׂוּי, עִשּׂוּי, עֲשִׂיָּה, הֵעָשׂוּת, מַעֲשֶׂה, מֽעֻשֶּׂה, תַּעֲשִׂיָּה.

עֲשֵׂה m.n. PBH (pl. עֲשָׂיִין) positive command. [Shortened from מִצְוַת־עֲשֵׂה (see מִצְוָה). Properly imper. of עָשָׂה (see עשׂה), used as a noun.]

עִשּׂוּב m.n. NH weeding out. [Verbal n. of עִשֵּׂב, Pi. of עשׂב.]

עָשׂוּי adj. 1 made, done. PBH 2 accustomed to. PBH 3 fitting, suitable. [Pass. part. of עָשָׂה. See עשׂה.]

עִשּׂוּי m.n. 1 constraint, compulsion. 2 pressure, squeezing. [Verbal n. of עִשָּׂה, Pi. of עשׂה.]

עָשׁוּן adj. PBH rough, stiff, rigid. [Aram.–Syr. עַשִּׁין (= strong), from the stem of עֲשַׁן (= אֲשַׁן), ‘he gained strength, prevailed’. See אָשׁוּן.]

עִשּׁוּן m.n. PBH 1 smoking. PBH 2 burning spices. NH 3 fumigation. [Verbal n. of עִשֵּׁן, Pi. of עשׁן.]

עָשׁוּק adj. oppressed, wronged. [Pass. part. of עָשַׁק, See עשׁק and cp. עֲשׁוּקֽים.]

עָשׁוֹק m.n. oppressor (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 22:3). [From עשׁק. cp. the corresponding Syr. from עָשׁוֹקָא (= oppressor).]

עִשּׁוּק m.n. NH 1 oppression. 2 exploitation. [Verbal n. of עִשֵּׁק, Pi. of עשׁק.]

עָשׂוֹר m.n. ten, group of ten. Specifically: 1 ten months: 2 decade, ten years; 3 the tenth day of a month; 4 a ten-stringed instrument. [From עֶשֶׂר. cp. Gk. dekas (= ten, the tenth day of a month); similarly teiras (= four, the fourth day of a month).] Derivative: עֲשׂוֹרִי.

עִשּׂוּר m.n. PBH 1 tithing. 2 tithe. [Verbal n. of עִשֵּׂר, Pi. of עשׂר.]

עֲשׂוֹרִי adj. NH decimal, decimal system. [Formed from עָשׂוֹר with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָשׁוּשׁ adj. NH carious. [Pass. part. of עָשַׁשׁ. See עשׁשׁ.] Derivative: עֲשִׁישׁוּת.

עָשׁוֹת adj. forged, wrought, (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 27:19). [From עשׁת.]

עֲשִׂיָּה f.n. PBH doing, making, deed. [Verbal n. of עָשָׂה. See עשׂה and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עָשִׁיר adj. 1 rich, wealthy. PBH 2 plentiful, abundant. NH 3 splendid. [From עשׁר. cp. Aram.–Syr. עַתִּיר, עַתִּירָא (= rich, wealthy).] Derivative: עֲשִׁירוּת.

עֲשִׂירוֹן m.n. NH decile (in statistics). [Formed from עֲשָׂרָה with suff. ◌וֹן.]

עֲשִׁירוּת f.n. PBH riches, wealth. [Formed from עָשִׁיר with suff. ◌וּת.]

עֲשִׂירִי adj. tenth. [Formed from עֶשֶׂר, with suff. ◌ִי.] Derivatives: עֲשִׂירִיָּה, עֲשִׂירִית.

עֲשִׂירִיָּה f.n. one tenth, tenth part. [Subst. use of עֲשִׂירִיָּה, the f. or עֲשִׂירִי (= tenth). cp. עֲשִׂירִית.]

עֲשִׂירִית f.n. one tenth, tenth part. [Subst. use of עֲשִׂירִית, f. of עֲשִׂירִי (= tenth). cp. עֲשִׂירִיָּה.]

עֲשִׁישׁוּת f.n. cariousness. [Formed from עָשׁוּשׁ with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָשִׁית adj. NH stable, solid. [From עשׁת ᴵ.]

עָשָׁן m.n. 1 smoke. 2 anger. [Related to Arab. ‘athan (= fume). cp. Aram. תּֽנָנָא, Syr. תֶּנָּנָא (= fume), which prob. derive from stem עתן.] Derivatives: עשׁן, עָשֵׁן, עָשֹׁן, עִשּׁוּן, עֲשָׁנִי, עַשְׁנָן ᴵᴵ.

עשׁן to emit smoke, smoke.
    — Qal - עָשַׁן intr. v. 1 it gave off smoke, smoked; 2 he was angry, was furious.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱשַׁן was covered with smoke.
    — Pi. - עִשֵּׁן PBH 1 he fumigated (plants); PBH 2 he burned incense; NH 3 he smoked (tobacco).
    — Pu. - עֻשַּׁן PBH 1 was smoked; NH 2 was fumigated.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַשֵּׁן 1 was burned by smoke, became smoky; 2 was filled with smoke, was smoked. [Denominated from עָשָׁן. cp. Aram. תְּנַן, Syr. תַּן (= it emitted smoke, smoked), which are denominated from תּֽנָנָא, or תֶּנָּנָא (= smoke), and Arab. ‘athana (= it ascended - said of smoke).] Derivatives: עִשּׁוּן, עשׁנן, עַשְׁנָן ᴵ, הִתְעַשְּׁנוּת, מְעֻשָּׁן, מַעֲשֵׁנָה.

עָשֵׁן adj. smoking (in the Bible occurring only Ex. 20:18, Is. 7:4). [From עשׁן.]

עָשֹׁן adj. NH smoke-colored, smoky-gray, dun. [Coined from עָשָׁן (= smoke), on the analogy of words like אָדֹם (= red).]

עֲשָׁנִי adj. MH of smoke, smoky. [Formed from עָשָׁן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַשְׁנָן m.n. NH smoker. [From עשׁן. For the ending see suff. ◌ָן.]

עַשְׁנָן ᴵᴵ m.n. NH Fumaria (a genus of plants). [From עָשָׁן; properly, loan translation of the scientific name Fumaria, which derives from L. fumus (= smoke). For the ending see suff. ◌ָן.]

עשׁנן to emit smoke.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַשְׁנֵן it emitted smoke. [Pi‘lel of עשׁן.]

עֽשֶׁף m.n. PBH sharp edge of an axe. [From Aram. עוּשֽׁפָא, which is related to Arab. ’ishfā(y) (= awl, punch).]

עשׂק to contend.
    — Qal - עָשַׂק he dealt with (see עסק).
    — Hith. - הִתְעַשֵּׂק he contended, quarreled (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 26:20). [Aram. עֲסַק (= he busied himself), Syr. עְסֵק (= was difficult), אֶתְעַסַּק (= he contended). The orig. meaning of this base prob. was ‘to cling (in strife)’. cp. Arab. ‘ashiqa (= he clung with love). cp. also עסק, a secondary base of עשׂק.] Derivative: עֵשֶׂק.

עֵֽשֶׂק m.n. contention, quarrel (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Gen. 26:20, as the name of a well). [From עשׂק. cp. עֵסֶק.]

עשׁק to oppress, wrong, extort.
    — Qal - עָשַׁק v. 1 he oppressed, wronged, extorted; 2 he exploited, he robbed.
    — Niph. - נֶעֱשַׁק 1 was oppressed, was wronged; 2 was exploited; 3 was robbed.
    — Pi. - עִשֵּׁק 1 he oppressed, wronged, extorted; 2 he exploited; 3 he robbed.
    — Pu. - עֻשַּׁק 1 was oppressed, was wronged; 2 was robbed (in the Bible occurring only Is. 23:12). [Aram. עֲשַׁק (= he oppressed, wronged, extorted), Syr. עְשַׁק (= he wronged, accused, slandered), Arab. ‘asaq (= injustice). cp. Akka. eshqu (= strong).] Derivatives: עשֶׁק, עָשׁוּק, עָשׁוֹק, עִשּׁוּק, עַשְׁקָן, מְעֻשָּׁק, מַעֲשַׁקָּה.

עֹֽשֶק m.n. 1 oppression. 2 extortion, robbery. [From עשׁק.]

עַשְׁקָן m.n. NH exploiter. [Formed from עשׁק with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivatives: עַשְׁקָנוּת, עַשְׁקָנִי.

עַשְׁקָנוּת f.n. NH [Formed from עַשְׁקָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַשְׁקָנִי adj. NH exploiting, exploitative. [Formed from עַשְׁקָן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עשׁר to become or be rich.
    — Qal - עָשַׁר became rich.
    — Niph. - נֶעְשַׁר (of s.m.).
    — Pi. - עִשֵּׁר he made rich, enriched.
    — Pu. - עֻשַּׁר was made rich, was enriched.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַשֵּׁר 1 he pretended to be rich. 2 became rich.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֱשִׁיר 1 he made rich, enriched; 2 became rich. [Aram. עֲתַר, Syr. עְתַר (= he became rich, was rich), Arab. ghathara (= abounded), ghathra (= abundance; esp. in herbage). cp. עתר ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עשֶׁר, עַשְׁרָן, עָשִׁיר, הַעֲשָׁרָה, הִתְעַשְּׁרוּת.

עֹֽשֶר m.n. riches, wealth. [From עשׁר.]

עשׂר base of עֶשֶׂר (= ten). [The orig. meaning of this base prob. was ‘gathering, collection, union.’ cp. Arab. ‘ashara (= he formed a community), ‘ashira (= tribe), ma‘shar (= a group of ten men). Accordingly, Heb. עֶשֶׂר, Arab. ‘ashr, etc., prob. meant orig. ‘a group collection’, whence ‘a group of ten’, and ultimately ‘ten’. See עֶשֶׂר.]

עשׂר ᴵᴵ to take the tenth part.
    — Qal - עָשַׂר he took the tenth part of, tithed.
    — Pi. - עִשֵּׂר he gave the tenth part of, tithed.
    — Pu. - עֻשַּׂר was tithed.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַשֵּׂר was tithed.
    — Hiph. - הֶעְשִׂיר 1 he tithed; 2 he collected tithes. [Denominated from עֶשֶׂר. cp. Arab. ‘ashara (= he collected the tithe), ‘ashshara (= he divided into tenths).] Derivatives: עִשּׂוּר, מְעֻשָּׂר ᴵ, מְעֻשָּׂר ᴵᴵ, מַעֲשֵׂר.

עָשָׂר m. numeral — the second element in the masculine cardinal numbers 11–19, lit. meaning ‘ten’ (e.g. אַחַד־עָשָׂר ‘eleven’, שְׁנֵים־עָשָׂר ‘twelve’). [From עֲשָׂרָה. See עֶשֶׂר.]

עֶֽשֶׂר adj. f. ten (m. עֲשָׂרָה, pl. עֲשָׂרוֹת). [From עשׂר ᴵ. Whence also BAram. עֲשַׂר (f.), עַשְׂרָה (m.), Aram. עֲשַׂר and עֲסַר, עַשְׂרָא and עַסְרָא, Syr. עֽסַר and עֶשְׂרָא, Ugar. ‘shr (f.), ‘shrh (m.), Arab. ‘ashr (f.), ‘ashra (m.), Ethiop. ‘ashrū́ (f.), ‘ashartū́ (m.), Akka. eshru (f.), eshertu, esherit (m.) (= ten).] Derivatives: עשׂר ᴵᴵ, ◌עָשָׂר, ◌עֶשְׂרֵה, עֶשְׂרִים, עָשׂוֹר, עֲשִׂירִי, עִשָּׂרוֹן, מַעֲשֵׂר. cp. the second element in תְּרֵיסָר, תְּלֵיסָר.

עֲשָׂרָה adj. m. ten. [See עֶשֶׂר.]

עֶשְׂרֵה f. numeral — the second element in the feminine cardinal numbers 11–19, lit. meaning ‘ten’ (e.g. אַחַת־עֶשְׂרֵה ‘eleven’, שְׁתֵּים־עֶשְׂרֵה ‘twelve’), etc. [Prob. from orig. עֶשְׂרַי, formed from עֶשֶׂר with the f. suff. ◌ַי, which prob. occurs also in the private name שָׂרַי. cp. ◌עָשָׂר.]

עִשָּׂרוֹן m.n. (pl. עֶשְׂרוֹנִים, also עֶשְׂרוֹנוֹת) NH 1 one tenth, tenth part. 2 the tenth part of an ‘ephah’. Derivative: עֶשֽׂרוֹנִי.

עֶשְׂרוֹנִי adj. NH decimal. [Formed from עִשָּׂרוֹן with adj. suff. ◌ִי.]

עֶשְׂרִים adj. twenty. [Properly pl. of עֶשֶׂר (= ten). cp. BAram. עֶשְׂרִין, JAram. עַסְרִין, עַשְׂרִין, Syr. עֶסְרִין, Ugar. ‘shrm, Arab. ‘ishrūna, Ethiop. ‘eshrā, Akka. eshrā (= twenty).] Derivative: עֶשְׂרִימוֹן.

עֶשְׂרִימוֹן m.n. NH icosahedron (geometry). [Formed from עֶשְׂרִים (= twenty), with suff. ◌וֹן.] Derivative: עֶשְׂרִימוֹנִי.

עֶשְׂרִימוֹנִי adj. NH icosahedral (geometry). [Formed from עֶשְׂרִימוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עַשְׁרָן m.n. NH nouveau riche. [Formed from עשׁר with agential suff. ◌ָן.]

עֲשֶֽׂרֶת f.n. NH group of ten, ten. [Orig. c. st. of עֲשָׂרָה (q.v.).]

עשׁשׁ to waste away, decay.
    — Qal - עָשַׁשׁ wasted away, decayed.
    — Pi. - עִשֵּׁשׁ he weakened, dimmed, darkened.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַשֵּׁשׁ was weakened, was dimmed, was darkened. [Arab. ghaththa (= was thin, was weak), Akka. ushshu (= grief). Base of עָשׁ ᴵ.] Derivatives: עָשׁוּשׁ, עָשֵׁשׁ, עַשֶּׁשֶׁת.

עָשֵׁשׁ adj. MH weak, dim, dark. [From עשׁשׁ.]

עֲשָׁשִׁית f.n. PBH 1 lamp, lantern. NH 2 oil lamp. [Of uncertain origin, perhaps related to אֶשֶׁשׁ (= bottle of glass).]

עֲשָׁשִׁית ᴵᴵ f.n. PBH bar of metal. [Prob. related to עֶשֶׁת.]

עַשֶּֽׁשֶׁת f.n. NH caries (of bones or teeth). [From עשׁשׁ. For the form see אַדֶּמֶת and cp. words there referred to.]

עשׁת to become or be stout.
    — Qal - עָשַׁת became or was stout (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 5:28). [Of unknown origin.] Derivatives: עָשׁוֹת, prob. also עֶשֶׁת.

עשׁת ᴵᴵ to think, consider.
    — Hith. - הִתֽעַשֵּׁת he thought, considered (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jon. 1:6). [BAram. עשׁת (= was thinking), Aram. אִתְעַשֵּׁת (= he thought, considered).] Derivatives: עֶשְׁתּוֹנוֹת, עֶשְׁתּוֹנִים, הִתְעַשְּׁתוּת.

עֶֽשֶׁת m.n. 1 bar of metal (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Cant. 5:14). NH 2 steel. [Prob. derived from עשׁת ᴵ.]

עֶשְׁתּוֹנוֹת, עֶשְׁתּוֹנִים PBH m.n. pl. thoughts, ideas. [The former is a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ps. 146:4 in the suffixed form עֶשְׁתֹּנֹתָיו. The latter appears for the first time in the c. st. עֶשְׁתּוֹנֵי. [From עשת ᴵᴵ.]

עַשְׁתּוּת f.n. thought, idea (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 12:5 and prob. meaning ‘thought, idea’. [Prob. derived from עשׁת ᴵᴵ.]

עַשְׁתֵּי adj. one occurs only in the compounds עַשְׁתֵּי־עָשָׂר (m.), עַשֽׁתֵּי־עֶשְׂרֵה (f.) (= eleven). [Related to Akka. ishtēn (= one), ishtēn-eshrit (= eleven). This is one of the words that occur only in Hebrew and in Akkadian.]

עַשְׁתָּרוֹת f.n. pl. young cattle (in the Bible occurring only in the phrase עַשְׁתְּרוֹת צֹאנֶךּ (Deut. 7:13; 28:4; 18 and 51). [Derived from עַשְׁתֹּרֶת, as goddess of fecundity. For sense development cp. Arab. ‘aththariyy, ‘athariyy (= land fertilized by dew), which is related to עַשְׁתֹּרֶת.]

עַשְׁתֹּרֶת f.n. Astarte — a Phoenician goddess. [Related to Moabite עשתר, Phoen. עשתרת, Aram. עתר, Akka. Ashtarte and Ishtar (= Astarte), Ugar. ‘ṭtrt (= name of a goddess, goddess of love and fecundity).] Derivative: עַשְׁתָּרוֹת.

עֵת f.n. (pl. עִתִּים, also עִתּוֹת) 1 time. 2 season. 3 appointed time. [Together with Phoen. עת contracted from עֵנֶת, from ענה ᴵ. Some scholars compare BAram. and Aram. כּֽעַן and BAram. כְּעֶנֶת (= now). Some scholars connect עֵת with Arab. ‘anna (= he appeared; cp. ענן ᴵᴵ). Others compare it with Akka. enu, ettu (= time), and some see in it a contraction of עִדְתְּ, a derivative of יעד (= to appoint).] Derivatives: עִתּוֹן, עתת. See כָּעֵת. cp. עִתּוּי.

עתד to be ready, prepared.
    — Pi. - עִתֵּד he made ready, prepared (in the Bible occurring only Pr. 24:27 in the suffixed form וְעַתְּדָהּ).
    — Pu. - עֻתַּד was made ready, was prepared.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַתֵּד was made ready, was prepared, was destined (in the Bible occurring only Job 15:28). [BAram. עָתִיד (= ready), Syr. עַתֵּד (= he made ready, prepared), Arab. ‘atuda (= was ready, was prepared). This base is a secondary formation from עדד, whence also Arab. ‘adda (= he counted, reckoned), i‘tadda (= he considered, prepared himself). cp. עֵד ᴵᴵ.] Derivatives: עָתוּד, עִתּוּד, עֲתוּדַאי, עֲתוּדָה, עָתִיד, הִתְעַתּֽדוּת, מֽעֻתָּד.

עַתָּה adv. now, at present. [Properly accusative of עֵת (= time), hence lit. meaning ‘at the time’. For sense development cp. Arab. al’ān, Ger. zur Zeit (= now), lit.: ‘at the time’. cp. עַתָּה ᴵᴵ.]

עַתָּה ᴵᴵ f.n. MH shortest period of time. [Special sense development of עַתָּה ᴵ.]

עַתּוּד m.n. 1 he-goat. 2 leader, chief. [Related to Arab. ‘atūd, Akka. atūdu (= he-goat). These words prob. derive from a base עתד (= to jump), which appears also in Arab. ‘atada (= he jumped), and lit. denote the jumping animal.

עָתוּד adj. PBH ready, prepared. [First occurring in מגילת בני אור 7:5 and 10:5. However, the pl. עֲתוּדִים, עֲתוּדוֹת occur already in the Bible, Esth. 8:13, Is. 10:13. Derived from עתד. cp. עֲתוּדַאי.]

עִתּוּד m.n. MH making ready, preparation. [Verbal n. of עִתֵּד, Pi. of עתד.]

עֲתוּדַאי m.n. NH reservist. [From עתד. For the ending see suff. ◌ַאי. cp. עָתוּד, עֲתוּדָה.]

עֲתוּדָה f.n. NH reserve, reserved unit (military). [Properly subst. use of the f. of עָתוּד. cp. עֲתוּדוֹת.]

עֲתוּדוֹת f.n. pl. prepared stores (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 10:13 in the suffixed form עֲתוּדֹתֵיהֶם). [Properly subst. use of the f. of עָתוּד.]

עִתּוּי m.n. NH timing. [Incorrectly formed from עֵת (= time). The correct form is עִתּוּת (q.v.).]

עִתּוֹן m.n. NH newspaper, journal. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) from עֵת (= time), and suff. ◌ִוֹן. On the analogy of עִתּוֹן were coined the nouns יַרְחוֹן (= monthly), שָׁבוּעוֹן (= weekly), etc.] Derivatives: עִתּוֹנָאוּת, עִתּוֹנַאי, עִתּוֹנָאִי, עִתּוֹנוֹן.

עִתּוֹנָאוּת f.n. NH journalism. [Coined by Ithamar Ben-Avi (1882–1943) from עִתּוֹן and suff. ◌וּת.]

עִתּוֹנַאי m.n. NH journalist. [Coined from עִתּוֹן and suff. ◌ַאי.]

עִתּוֹנָאִי adj. NH journalistic. [Formed from עִתּוֹן with suff. ◌ָאִי.]

עִתּוֹנוֹן m.n. NH a small newspaper; tabloid. [Formed from עִתּוֹן with dimin. suff. ◌וֹן.]

עִתּוֹנוּת f.n. NH press. [Formed from עִתּוֹן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עִתּוֹנִי adj. NH pertaining to the press, press (adj.). [Formed from עִתּוֹן with suff. ◌ִי.]

עִתּוּק m.n. NH 1 removing, shifting, transfer. 2 shunt (of train). [Verbal n. of עִתֵּק, Pi. of עתק ᴵ.]

עִתּוּת m.n. NH timing. [Verbal n. of עִתֵּת, Pi. of עתת. cp. עִתּוּי.]

עִתִּי adj. 1 timely, ready (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Lev. 16:21). NH 2 periodical. [Formed from עֵת with suff. ◌ִי.]

עָתִיד adj. 1 ready, prepared. PBH 2 future. MH 3 future tense (grammar). [From עתד. cp. עֲתִידָה. cp. also עָתוּד.]

עֲתִידָה f.n. future event (in the Bible occurring only Deut. 32:35 in the pl.). [Subst. use of the f. of עָתִיד.]

עֲתִידָן m.n. NH futurologist. [Formed from עָתִיד (= future) with agential suff. ◌ָן.] Derivative: עֲתִידָנוּת.

עֲתִידָנוּת f.n. futurology. [Formed from עֲתִידָן with suff. ◌וּת.]

עָתִיק adj. eminent, surpassing, choice (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 23:18). [From עתק ᴵᴵ.]

עַתִּיק adj. 1 removed. 2 old. [From עתק ᴵ, whence also Aram. עַתִּיק, Arab. ‘atīq (= old, ancient). The stages of the sense development of these words prob. were: removed — removed from our time — old.] Derivatives: עַתִּיקוּת, עַתִּיקוֹת.

עַתִּיקוּת f.n. NH antiquity. [Formed from עַתִּיק with suff. ◌וּת.]

עַתִּיקוֹת f.n. pl. NH antiquities, antiques. [Subst. use of the f. pl. of עַתִּיק.]

עַתִּיר adj. (pl. עַתִּירִין) , rich, wealthy. [Aram. equivalent to Heb. עָשִׂיר (q.v.).]

עֲתִירָה f.n. PBH 1 entreaty, prayer, supplication. NH 2 petition. [Verbal n. of עָתַר. See עתר ᴵ and first suff. ◌ָה.]

עתם to be burned by heat, covered with smoke.
    — Niph. - נֶעֽתַּם prob. meaning ‘was burned by heat, was covered with smoke, was darkened’ (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 9:18).
    — Hiph. - הֶעְתִּים he caused to burn, darkened. [Prob. appearing in Arab. ghatm (= suffocating heat), maghtūm (= burned by heat).]

עתמן to ottomanize.
    — Pi. - עִתְמֵן he ottomanized.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַתְמֵן he became an Ottoman subject. [Denominated from עוֹתֽתָן (= Ottoman, Turk), from Fren. ottoman, from It. Ottomano, from Med. L. Ottomanus, from Arab. ‘Uthmānī (= pertaining to ‘Uthmā́n), from ‘Uthmā́n (= Osman), name of the founder of the Ottoman empire.]

עתק to move, proceed, advance.
    — Qal - עָתַק he moved, proceeded, advanced. — Nip. נֶעְתַּק 1 was removed, was displaced; 2 was translated; 3 was copied.
    — Hiph. - הֶעְתִּיק 1 he moved forward, proceeded; 2 he removed, displaced, transferred; 3 he transcribed, copied (properly: ‘removed from one scroll or book to another’); MH 4 he translated; NH 5 he transliterated.
    — Hoph. - הָעְתַּק PBH 1 was removed, displaced, transferred. MH 2 was translated; NH 3 was copied; NH 4 was transliterated.
    — Pi. - עִתֵּק he shunted (engines or wagons).
    — Pu. - עֻתַּק was shunted.
    — Hith. - הִתְעַתֵּק was removed, was displaced, was transferred.
    — Shiph. (see . - שׁעתק ). [Aram. עֲתַק, Syr. עְתֵק, Arab. ‘atuqa, Ugar. ‘tq (= to go, pass), Akka. etēqu (= to move, proceed), BAram., Aram. and Syr. עַתִּיק, Heb. עַתִּיק (= old). (See עַתִּיק).] Derivatives: עַתָּק, עֹתָק ᴵ, עִתּוּק, הֶעֽתֵּק, הַעֽתָּקָה, הֵעָתֽקוּת, מַעְתִּיק, מַעְתֵּק, מַעֽתָּק, מָעֽתָּק, תַּעְתִּיק.

עתק ᴵᴵ to be strong, be proud, be excellent.
    — Qal - עָתַק was strong, was proud (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 21:7). [Special sense development of עתק ᴵ.] Derivatives: עָתָק, עָתֵק, עֹתֶק ᴵᴵ, עָתִיק.

עֹֽתֶק m.n. NH copy (of a book). [From עתק ᴵ. For sense see הֶעְתִּיק ibid.]

עֹֽתֶק ᴵᴵ m.n. NH strength. [From עתק ᴵᴵ.]

עַתָּק m.n. NH shunter, switchman. [Nomen opificis formed from עִתֵּק (= he shunted (engines or wagons), Pi. of עתק ᴵ.]

עָתָק m.n. haughtiness, pride, arrogance. [From עתק ᴵᴵ.]

עָתֵק adj. durable, valuable, excellent (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 8:18). [From עתק ᴵᴵ. cp. Arab. ‘atīq (= surpassing, choice).]

עתר to pray, supplicate, entreat.
    — Qal - עָתַר 1 he prayed, supplicated, entreated; NH 2 he presented a petition.
    — Niph. - נֶעְתַּר he granted a request.
    — Hiph. - הֶעֽתִּיר he prayed, supplicated, entreated. [Arab. ‘atara (= he slaughtered for sacrifice).] Derivatives: עוֹתֵר, עֶתֶר ᴵᴵ, עֲתָרָה, עֲתִירָה, הַעְתָּרָה ᴵ, הֵעָתְרוּת.

עתר ᴵᴵ to be abundant.
    — Niph. - נֶעֽתַּר was abundant, was excessive (in the Bible occurring only Pr. 27:6).
    — Hiph. - הֶעְתִּיר he made abundant, made plentiful (in the Bible occurring only Ezek. 35:13). [A collateral form for base עשׁר; possibly an aramaism.] Derivatives: עָתָר ᴵᴵ, עֲתֶרֶת, הַעְתָּרָה ᴵᴵ, נַעֽתָּר.

עָתָר m.n. odor (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 8:11). [Related to Aram. עֲטַר (= it smoked), Syr. עְטַר (= he exhaled, steamed, smoked), Arab. ‘aṭira (= it smelled sweet, was fragrant), Ethiop. ‘aṭana (= he perfumed, scented). For the interchangeability of ט and ת see the introductory article to letter ט.]

עָתָר ᴵᴵ m.n. NH abundance. [From עתר ᴵᴵ. cp. עֲתֶרֶת.]

עֶֽתֶר m.n. PBH pitchfork, shovel. [Related to Aram. עַתְרָא (= of s.m.), and to Heb. עֲתִירָה (= opening made by digging), from base עתר, which is prob. a collateral form of חתר (= to dig). For the interchangeability of ח and ע see the introductory article to letter ח.]

עֶֽתֶר ᴵᴵ m.n. MH entreaty, prayer, supplication. [From עתר ᴵ.]

עֲתָרָה f.n. MH entreaty, prayer, supplication. [Formed from עתר ᴵ with first suff. ◌ָה.]

עֲתֶֽרֶת f.n. abundance (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Jer. 33:6). [From עתר ᴵᴵ. For the ending see suff. ◌ֶת.]

עתת to time.
    — Pi. - עִתֵּת he timed.
    — Pu. - עֻתַּת was timed. [Denominated from עֵת (= time).] Derivative: עִתּוּת.


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ת ש ר ק צ פ ע ס נ מ ל

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