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Tue, 15 Oct 2024 17:30:58 -0500 Yom Shlishi, Chodesh Shmin'i 11, 6024 — יום שלישי חדש שמניני יא ו׳כד

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The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 In The Leningrad Codex

Why I Display The Following Three Books

Directly below, I display my three selfpublished books with summaries, the latest appearing first.

I have included these summaries in an effort to present many of the ideas expressed on this website, in a nutshell, so to speak.

Essentially, this book is a commentary on the man responsible for being THE ARCHITECT OF THE MAIN DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY, SAUL OF TARSUS, who is more commonly known as The Apostle Paul.

On this website (The-Iconoclast.org), I present information under the title "Paul The False Apostle" which is found on the "Breaking Idols"` (topmost item on that page).

However, in the book, I address Paul's antinomian theology in a more systematic way with corroborating references; testing quotes in the Christian Scripture (New Testament, NT) against their references in the Jewish Scriptures, rather than interpreting the Jewish Scriptures by their NT quotes as so many Christian apologists do!

Has it ever occurred to you that it might be important to verify supposed quotes in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) which make references to the Jewish Scriptures (what Christians call The Old Testament)? If you were to do so, would you be able to say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Christian Scriptures are absolutely flawless in their references to the Jewish Scriptures, that they are 100% reliable?

In this book, the abject antiTorah ethos of Saul of Tarsus (the Apostle Paul) and his antinomiam views are directly exposed!

By examining his own writings as well as comparing his references to the Jewish Scriptures by actually looking at the Jewish Scriptures, Saul of Tarsus (Paul) is found not to be quite so genuine, authentic and reliable as his disciples have been led to believe!

This is not an accident! He consistently misquoted, and took out-of-context, the writings of the Holy Prophets of Yehovah.

By examining the true references which can easily be found in the Hebrew-Language based Jewish Scriptures sourced from the ancient Leningrad Codex, "The Apostle Paul" displayed an extremely cavalier attitude in his penchant for misleading his own disciples while promoting himself above Jesus!

"Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,"
[Colossians 1:24 ESV]

From his own writings and those of his biographer friend, Luke, Paul and Luke were consistent in their antiTorah theology and obfuscation of the plain–meaning and context of passages found in the Jewish Scriptures!

A Cogent Example Of Why NT Quotes Must Be Verified By The Authoritative Hebrew–Language Based Jewish Scriptures!

I mentioned, above, that in this book, my intent is to measure (test) quotes in the Christian New Testament against their references in the Jewish Scriptures (what Christians call "The Old Testament").

For just one example, I will quote verses from Luke's book of Acts against the backdrop of quotes from the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel.

YOU can be the judge as to which version of "the Holy Scriptures" you recognize as authoritative!

Christian New Testament Quotes
From the King James Version, aka KJV

Acts 13:14–16 — The Audience And The Speaker

14 But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down.

15 And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.

16 Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience.

Referencing The Jewish Scriptures

Acts 13:20-22
20 And after that he gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet.

21 And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years.

22 And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.

Please note that Paul states that King Saul ruled for forty years!

Now, what do the ancient Jewish Scriptures say?

1 Samuel 13:1
בֶּן־שָׁנָ֖ה שָׁא֣וּל בְּמָלְכ֑וֹ וּשְׁתֵּ֣י שָׁנִ֔ים מָלַ֖ךְ עַל־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
Saul was ---- years old when he began to reign; and two years he reigned over Israel.

2 Samuel 5:4
בֶּן־שְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים שָׁנָ֛ה דָּוִ֖ד בְּמָלְכ֑וֹ אַרְבָּעִ֥ים שָׁנָ֖ה מָלָֽךְ׃
David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.

Paul states that King Saul ruled for forty years, yet the plain text and context of the ancient Hebrew–Language in 1 Samuel 13:1 plainly declares that Saul reigned for only two years.

Thus, according to the "history" written by Luke as found in Acts 13 — David could not have been born when Saul began his reign as King of Israel! 2 Samuel 5:4 says that King David began his reign when he was at age thirty!

The question I ask you, do you trust Luke and Paul — and the Christian New Testament — for your knowledge of the history of ancient Israel — or do you consider the ancient Hebrew–Language Jewish Scriptures sourced in the Masoretic Text, the Leningrad Codex, to be the greater authority?

For my part, I absolutely trust that the ancient Hebrew–Language of the Masoretic Text – The Leningrad Codex – is the greater authority!

Of course, everyone is entitled to interpret what they consider to be the authoritative Scripture themselves! However, I do not believe that both versions of ancient Jewish history can be true at the same time!

This book uncovers the great deception of The Self–Appointed–Apostle–Paul and even refers to it as part of the END–TIME–DECEPTION!

Jesus Cannot Be The Jewish Messiah*

* I actually address this subject directly later on in this book with a chapter starting with that same statement (including the asterisk). My intention is that, at that point in the book, I will have led up to it after giving it a sufficient introduction!

I have included commentaries about Jesus of Nazareth, and the resurrection, near the end of the book, as a way to express that Jesus CANNOT be a legitimate candidate to being the Jewish Messiah if he actually misquoted the Holy Prophets of יְהֹוָה  [Yehovah]!.

I realize that the cover of this book is provocative! Being provocative ensures that many people will be too offended even to bother considering this book, let alone even reading this summary! However, that is not my intent as I think many of those folks would benefit by giving it a consideration. Nevertheless, I am also aware that many people are unable to question their own beliefs or challenge their world views, their paradigms.

As an FYI, the photograph was taken by David H. Rossman and was used by his permission (we met on an Israel trip together in 2018 — I think he is a great photographer!).

The Talmudic Deception!

Moreover, I have a chapter called 'The Talmudic Deception.' It is a brief commentary on Talmudism, the Jewish religion whose doctrine revolves around the rabbinic, oral tradition. When Talmudists mention the 'Torah,' in a euphemistic way, they really mean 'The Oral Torah,' also known as 'The Oral Law' — which is actually their own oral tradition, their own writings!

When I speak about 'The Torah,' I mean the WRITTEN TORAH, also known as the five books of Moses!

Have YOU been deceived by this rabbinic subterfuge?

Hardcover ISBN: 979-8-9882917-0-1
Softcover ISBN: 979-8-9882917-1-8
eBook EPUB ISBN: 979-8-9882917-2-5

NOTE: Microsoft Word to EPUB conversion programs (that I have found) do not carry forth the original fonts but rather substitute a plain serif font for English and an italicized plain font for the Hebrew. That conversion also breaks pages up differently: 162 pages are in the printed version, while 303 in the eBook format EPUB, including cover). The content is preserved, but it is just not as had been written for print. As an FYI, I do not think it is aesthetically pleasing as the printed versions. Yet, for those who prefer a digitized format, if you can get past the aesthetics, again, the content is preserved.
Available at over 39,000 Online stores, including Amazon, Barnes And Noble, Books A Million, and Walmart

Why another edition of the Hebrew–English Jewish Scriptures?

Just one important example of why there is need for a new Hebrew–English Jewish Scriptures: I changed all '1,110 rabbinic Qere/Ketiv instances' to make what the Masoretic Scribes wrote to be the preferred rendering, relegating 'rabbinic Qere additions' to unobtrusive, small footnotes notations!

The Pill Tanakh preserves the Hebrew text just as the Masoretic Scribes intended in the first place!

You may wonder why I place such importance of minimizing the "rabbinic additions," which are found written in the margin on a line in the Masoretic Text. You may ask, "just what am I talking about?" You may also express, "I've never heard of the Qere/Ketiv, so, what's the BIG DEAL?"

The Masoretic Text

The Leningrad Codex is the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Language Based Jewish Scriptures. Most people know of it as The Masoretic Text!

Modern Bibles claim that their source for the Jewish Scriptures is the Masoretic Text (again, which is actually The Leningrad Codex). The Leningrad Codex was completed around the year 1009 of the Common Era. It is hand–written on parchment and each sheet typically has three columns (with certain exceptions; for example, Psalms has two columns primarily).

Qere / Ketiv?

On the actual parchment of the Leningrad Codex, on the margin of a line is a word written in consonants only. It is an unvowelled, unaccented "addition" (actually written at a much later time than the original!). This Qere is a word in which rabbis claim was intended to replace the vowelled and accented word in the midst of that same line, typically having the same consonantal base.

The word in the margin is known as Qere, meaning, "What is read." – it is what rabbis insist MUST ALWAYS BE READ!.

The word intended to be replaced is within the same original Hand–Written, Masoretic line and is known as Ketiv, meaning, "What is written" — and which the rabbis command MUST NEVER BE UTTERED.

The Qere additions are written on the parchment itself! I refer to them as "rabbinic additions" because I believe they were added at a much later time than the original text was written — and, not written by the Masoretic scribes, themselves, but more likely by Talumudic rabbis; otherwise, why do the rabbis insist that these "additions" MUST ALWAYS BE READ, but that which was originally written by the Masoretic scribes, the Ketiv, NEVER?

An example can be found by seeing how prominent Jewish Bibles FORCE a reading of the "rabbinic Qere additions."

The Stone Edition Tanach places the Qere ("what is read") additions in the place of the Hebrew text where the original Ketiv (what the Masoretes originally wrote), which are placed within brackets following the Qere additions in the same line of the text. In The Koren Tanakh, on the line that the Qere replaces the original Ketiv, the fully voweled and accented Ketiv is placed in the outside margin and the unvowelled, unaccented Qere is placed naturally in what was previously the position of the Ketiv. In both cases, the original writing of the Masoretes is obfuscated and relegated to an unnatural rendering and the rabbinic Qere additions are within the natural flow of the Hebrew text, forcing the reader to disregard the original Ketiv, and honor the later rabbinic Qere additions instead!

Christian Bibles May Fall Under This "Rabbinic" Spell!

Unfortunately, this forced obfuscation of the written text may have influenced CHRISTIAN BIBLES as well!

"In a number of the texts containing K לא and Q לוֹ (Ex 21:8; 1 Sam 2:3; 2 Kings 8:10; Is 63:9; Ps 100:3), the Ketiv is as acceptable as is the Qere, yet nearly all of the English Bibles surveyed opt for the Qere. This might indicate that the translators are predisposed to give priority to the Qere unless some other factor makes it clearly unusable."

(Tim Hegg, "To Read or Not to Read?: Translating the Qere/Kativ," TorahResource Institute, accessed 25 May 2022, https://tr-pdf.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/articles/to-read-or-not-to-read-qere-ketiv.pdf;
Note that in the above quote, Hegg has the Hebrew for the Ketiv and the Qere reversed. I have not corrected it herein, but as in Exodus 21, it is quite clear that the Ketiv is accented and vowelled.
Moreover, it should be known that the Ketiv (what is written) is always from the original, hand–written, vowelled and accented Hebrew of the Masoretic Text; while the Qere (what is read) is always unvowelled and unaccented, containing consonants only! — Robert Pill).

Thus, in The Pill Tanakh, the rendering of what the Masoretes originally wrote is preserved! The unnatural rabbinic additions (Qere) are minimized, placed within a small footnote notation!

Again, you may find it of interest that the rabbis demand that their Qere additions are always read, but they insist that the Masoretic original, Ketiv, should NEVER BE UTTERED!

"The rabbis" have intentionally obfuscated the original Hebrew Text in Jewish Bibles!

Another Reason To Consider The Pill Tanakh!

I refer you to the section called "A Cogent Example Of Why NT Quotes Must Be Verified By The Authoritative Hebrew–Language Based Jewish Scriptures!" under the book "Jesus Cannot Be The Jewish Messiah*."

If you want to have a resource which you can safely know is the ancient authority for the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament), since "The Pill Tanakh" is based upon the Masoretic Text, The Leningrad Codex, you can verify referenced quotes against interpretations represented elsewhere, as in the Christian Scriptures!

If you click on the images, above, of the "The Pill Tanakh" it will display a pdf file of the 22 page introduction. I talk about some of the reasons I self–published this three volume book, the foundational Hebrew based upon the ancient Leningrad Codex (Masoretic Text), some of the difficulties in converting the UTF–16 unicode multiwide–encoded source from the digitized Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC), as well as some of the changes I made to the English text of the Jewish Publication Society version of 1917 (JPS 1917) which I feel are more representative of the Hebrew text.

First published in September, 2022, The Pill Tanakh, Hebrew-English Jewish Scriptures (in three volumes): Volume 1 - The Torah (520 pages, soft-cover retail $28.99; hard-cover $36.00 [a double Chai!]), Volume 2 - The Prophets (970 pages, soft-cover retail $41.99, hard-cover $49.00) and Volume 3 - The Writings (688 pages, soft-cover retail $32.99, hard-cover $40.00). (Be aware that some stores may not honor pricing models, including Walmart!).
Available at over 39,000 Online stores, including Amazon, Barnes And Noble, Books A Million, and Walmart
This Book Gives The Definition Of Each Hebrew Word In Exodus 20:1-12 as defined in Ernest Klein's "A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary Of The Hebrew Language For Readers of English!"


The Leningrad Codex is the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Language Based Jewish Scriptures. It was written in Cairo, Egypt on parchment and completed around the year 1009 C.E. The actual manuscript is currently located in the great library in Leningrad, Russia, now known as St. Petersburg Imperial Library. The Leningrad Codex manuscript is otherwise better–known as The Masoretic Text!

Are you aware that most modern Bibles, whether Christian or Jewish, claim to base their Jewish Scriptures (what Christians call the 'Old Testament') on the ancient Leningrad Codex, also known as The Masoretic Text (circa ~1008-1009 C.E.)?

However, not one of them exactly adheres to the actual rendering as found in Exodus 20:1-12 of the Leningrad Codex!

The Ten Commandments In Exodus 20:1–12

In the original Leningrad Codex, the Masoretes marked the end of most verses with a Sof Pasuq, a cantillation mark which looks like a colon (:).

Another cantillation mark, called Silluq, a small vertical line to the left of the vowel with the word's main accent, is found in the last word of every verse in the Hebrew Scriptures!

Again, two cantillation marks found in the Leningrad Codex mark the end of every verse in the entire Hebrew–Language based Jewish Scriptures (Silluq in the last word of every verse; Sof Pasuq in most verses)!

Thus, we absolutely know where each verse ends and the next verse begins in the entire hand–written Hebrew–Language Jewish Scriptures found in the Leningrad Codex — aka, the Masoretic Text!

Christian Bibles use 17 verses to express The Ten Commandments and Jewish Bibles use 14 verses.

They typically break up the two larger verses, the one regarding idols ("Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.") and the one for the Sabbath ("Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.") into multiple verses; and they combine the three small verses, "Thou Shalt Not Murder," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shalt Not Steal" into one single verse!

I believe that to be significantly important! In what I consider to be a "sublime rendering,"
The Leningrad Codex uses just 12 Hebrew verses for The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20!

You May Ask, "Why Do I Think The Ten Commandments Are So Important?"

Yehovah wrote on both sides of the two tablets of stone with His own "FINGER!" And, then He commanded Moses to place those tablets into the Ark Of The Covenant, also known as the Ark of the Testimony!

The Ark of the Covenant was where Yehovah chose to appear before the children of Israel in the Mishkan (Tabernacle In The Wilderness) and in Solomon's Temple. I believe this is important enough for us to also hold the Ten Commandments in High Esteem and to consider just what the ancient text actually says.

Moreover, I find it of significant importance that both Jewish and Christian Bibles CLAIM to source their Jewish Scriptures in the Leningrad Codex, but absolutely none follows it in its verse separations! They all break their versions up differently than the SOURCE TEXT! Shall We Ask, WHY?

If you are interested in knowing the truth and the sublime rendering of Exodus 20 in the Leningrad Codex for the Ten Commandments, which is what Yehovah wrote on the two tablets of stone and commanded Moses to place into the Ark of the Covenant, then check out this book, The Real God Code: The Ten Commandments In The Leningrad Codex, by Robert M. Pill!
Available at over 39,000 Online stores, including Amazon, Barnes And Noble, Books A Million, and Walmart

The 10 Commandments
(Exodus 20 And Deuteronomy 5)
As Rendered In The Leningrad Codex (circa 1009) !!!

Be it known that the oldest complete manuscript of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Leningrad Codex, has different verse breaks for Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 than essentially all "Bibles" which presume to claim the Leningrad Codex as their source!
Verse Count Differences With JPS 1917, KJV, NIV, CJB
Book | Chapter Leningrad
Exodus 20 21 22 26 24 23
Deuteronomy 5 31 29 33 32 30
Should this matter?

Joshua 1:8
Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Mem-Yud-Shin ToDepart-ToRemove p328 rtColTop
Ernest Klein Sin-Fe-Resh ToCount-ToNumber-ToRecount-Letter-Document-Book p455 midColBot rtColTop rtCol
Ernest Klein Tav-Resh-He Instruction-Teaching-TheBookOfLaws p696 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Zayin-He This-Which p194 midCol
Ernest Klein Mem From-Of p308 leftCol Pe-Alef-He Edge-End-Extremity-Corder-Side p492 leftCol
Ernest Klein He-Gimel-He Hum-Murmur-Ponder p138 leftColBot midColTop
Ernest Klein Bet-Vav InHim-InIt p65 rtCol
Ernest Klein Yud-Mem-MemSofit Daily p256 rtCol
Ernest Klein Lamed-Yud-Lamed Night p300 leftCol
Ernest Klein Lamed-Mem-Ayin-Nun InOrderThat p302 rtCol
Ernest Klein Shin-Mem-Resh ToKeep-ToHeed-ToWatchOver p668 leftCol Shin-Mem-Vav-Resh Watch-Guard p665 left-midCols
Ernest Klein Lamed to-unto-toward_p291 leftColBot midColTop Ayin-Sin-He ToDo-Make p488 midColTop
Ernest Klein Chaf The-Likeness-Of p268 leftCol Chaf-Lamed All-Whole p276 midCol
Ernest Klein Chaf-Tav-Vet ToWrite p289 midCol
Ernest Klein Bet-Vav InHim-InIt p65 rtCol
Ernest Klein Chaf-Yud p275 leftColBottom
Ernest Klein Alef-Zayin Then-AtThatTime p15 rtCol
Ernest Klein Tzade-Lamed-Het ToSucceed-Prosper-ToBeFit p548 leftColBot midColTop midCol
Ernest Klein Alef-Tav p60 ltCol
Ernest Klein Dalet-Resh-ChafSofit Way-Road-Journey p132 midCol
Ernest Klein Vav And-But-Therefore p189 leftCol Alef-Zayin Then-AtThatTime p15 rtCol
Ernest Klein Sin-Chaf-Lamed ToBePrudent-ActWisely-Insight-Understanding-Intelligence p657 midCol
ח 8 This book of the Torah shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Psalms 1:1-2
Ernest Klein Alef-Shin-Resh Happy-Happiness p59 midColBot rtColTop rtColBot
Ernest Klein Alef-Yud-Shin Man p26 leftColBot
Ernest Klein Alef-Shin-Resh Who-Which-That p59 rtCol
׀ לֹ֥א
Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein He-Lamed-ChafSofit Walk-Walker p152 midCol
Ernest Klein Bet in-within p62 leftCol - Ayin-Tzade-He Counsel p480 leftCol
Ernest Klein Resh-Shin-Ayin ToBeWicked-ActWickedly p630 rtColBot p631 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Dalet-Resh-ChafSofit Way-Road-Journey p132 midCol
Ernest Klein Het-Tet-Alef MissTheMark Sin Guilt SinOffering p213 midCol
Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Ayin-Mem-Dalet p474 midColBot rtTop rtMid
Ernest Klein Mem-Yud-Shin-Bet Sitting Seat Dwelling MadeToSit p328 rtCol
Ernest Klein Lamed-Tzade Scorner-Scoffer p304 rtColBot p305 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Yud-Shin-Bet ToSit-Remain-Dwell p265 midColBot rtColTop
א 1 Happy is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the wicked, {N} nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of the scornful.
Ernest Klein Chaf-Yud p275 leftColBottom
Ernest Klein Alef-MemSofit If-Whether-When-OnCondition p33 midCol
Ernest Klein Tav-Resh-He Instruction-Teaching-TheBookOfLaws p696 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Yud-He-Vav-He p255 rtCol
Ernest Klein Het-Fe-Tzade Delight-Pleasure-Desire p227 rtCol
Ernest Klein Tav-Resh-He Instruction-Teaching-TheBookOfLaws p696 leftColTop
Ernest Klein He-Gimel-He Hum-Murmur-Ponder p138 leftColBot midColTop
Ernest Klein Yud-Mem-MemSofit Daily p256 rtCol
Ernest Klein Lamed-Yud-Lamed Night p300 leftCol
ב 2 But his delight is in the Torah of Yehovah; and in His Torah doth he meditate day and night.
I believe that Joshua 1:8 (and similar passages like Psalms 1:1-2) can easily be understood to show that meditation on the Torah should be normal, regular behavioral activity! As such, I believe that it is also proper to question the veracity of modern sources for the Torah and especially for The Ten Commandments, to see if those sources adhere to the oldest and complete, de facto source – The Leningrad Codex, also known as The Masoretic Text!

Hebrew scholars regard The Leningrad Codex as the definitive Ancient Hebrew source for the Hebrew Scriptures. Yet, regarding the verse ordering of Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 where the 10 Commandments are given, it can readily be shown that the actual Leningrad Codex has NOT been directly adhered to by modern translations as well as their related Hebrew texts (including the Westminster Leningrad Codex – the digitized version of the actual facsimile Leningrad Codex)!

Thus, not just verse counts, but also the structured order of how those verses have been individually separated by the Masoretes (the group known to have written the Leningrad and Aleppo Codices) should be considered to have been done deliberately, with thoughtful purpose, especially considering that those (Karaite) Masoretes, no doubt, judiciously consulted available ancient Hebrew texts!

Moreover, if regular MEDITATION ON THE TORAH is deemed important, sincere and thoughtful consideration should be given to meditating on the most iconic portion:

"The Crown of The Torah":
The Ten Commandments

וַיִּתֵּ֨ן יְהוָ֜ה אֵלַ֗י אֶת־שְׁנֵי֙ לוּחֹ֣ת הָֽאֲבָנִ֔ים כְּתֻבִ֖ים בְּאֶצְבַּ֣ע אֱלֹהִ֑ים וַעֲלֵיהֶ֗ם כְּֽכָל־הַדְּבָרִ֡ים אֲשֶׁ֣ר דִּבֶּר֩ יְהוָ֨ה עִמָּכֶ֥ם בָּהָ֛ר מִתּ֥וֹךְ הָאֵ֖שׁ בְּי֥וֹם הַקָּהָֽל׃
"And Yehovah delivered unto me the two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the words, which Yehovah spoke with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly."
[Deutaronomy 9:10 The Pill Tanakh]

Note that יְהֹוָה  [Yehovah] considered HIS TEN COMMANDMENTS important enough that HE WROTE THEM BY "The Finger Of Elohim On Two Tablets Of Stone", which were placed in the Ark Of Acacia Wood / The Ark Of The Covenant / The Ark Of The Testimony / also known as The Ark Of Elohim and The Ark Of Yehovah (as they are called in 1 & 2 Chronicles!)

If interested, see Deuteronomy 10:4–5 and "The Finger of Elohim" Scriptural references as found in the passages in Exodus 31:18 or Deuteronomy 9:10.

WasThe Temple Merely An Empty Shell
Without The Ark Within Its Midst? —

Moreover, it is noteworthy that "The Ark of the Covenant" was only in the Mishkan (Tabernacle in the Wilderness) and in Solomon's Temple. It was not found in the Temple described by Ezekiel (chapters 40–48); neither was it found in the Second Temple built after Judah returned from Babylon and rebuilt Jerusalem.

It was in "The Ark of the Covenant" / "The Ark of the Testimony" / "The Ark of Elohim" / "The Ark of Yehovah" ( אֲר֥וֹן יְהוָֽה [2 Chronicles 8:11]) where the presence of the Almighty God, Yehovah, dwelt among the children of Israel!

It should be noted, however, that Ezekiel's description of the presence of Yehovah, found in Ezekiel 43:4-11, does show that Yehovah would dwell in the Temple, although the description of the Temple does not include the Ark of the Covenant.

Nonetheless, Ezekiel's vision absolutely demands that the presence of Yehovah is contingent upon the people keeping the commandments and being undefiled.

When will the people of Israel, who were chosen by Him specifically, be able to say that they are undefiled and that they willingly keep His commandments, statutes and ordinances?

We must consider to question regarding the Temple, as described by Ezekiel, when he was in Babylon with the northern ten tribes known as Israel.

Was it a description of the future Temple to be built by Ezra and Nehemiah upon returning from Babylon which did not have the Ark of the Covenant in its midst?

Or, was it a description of a much later, future Messianic Temple, as presumed in Christian eschatology and through its many "prophets?"

Is it possible that Ezekiel's Temple may have had no prophetic intent whatsoever, and that anyone promoting that idea could possibly be considered to be a candidate as a false prophet?

Without the Ark of the Covenant and its constant reminder of The Ten Commandments, should the second Temple be considered merely to have been an empty shell?

Should we consider that the presence of Yehovah is contingent upon His people honoring Him and keeping His Commandments?

Do you, dear reader, honour Yehovah and keep His Commandments? Do you love HIM with all of your heart? Can you honestly claim that you are undefiled? Do you even know what the Ten Commandents demand of you?

Further, you may discover that the Masoretes knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they ordered the verses as they did for the 10 Commandments (click either of the following lines to open the respective pages):

The Ten Commandments in Exodus 20

Downloadable PDF File – Exodus20v1-12InLeningradCodex_Printable.pdf – (Right Click To Download–Or Just Click!)

The Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy 5

Downloadable PDF File – 5Deuteronomy6-19InLeningradCodex_Printable.pdf
(Right Click To Download–Or Just Click!)

Exodus 20 & Deuteronomy 5
In The Leningrad Codex

Exodus 20 — Deuteronomy 5
Side–by–Side Comparison

Why Might You Want To Compare Companion Verses?
We, at The-Iconoclast, consider that the Ten Commandments given to Moshe (Moses) directly from the hand of יְהֹוָה  [Yehovah] to be The Crown of the Torah!
To introduce this discussion, we compare the companion verses of Exodus 20:5 and Deuteronomy 5:11. If you follow the link provided (click on the Leningrad Codex images above), you will see that we go into greater detail for this introductory discussion, followed by the actual side–by–side comparison passages that make up The Ten Commandments.

The Third Commandment
Exposing Misleading, Incorrect Translations!

Exodus 20:5 Deuteronomy 5:11

Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Nun-Sin-Alef p427 rtColBot p428 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Alef-Tav p60 ltCol
Ernest Klein Shin-MemSofit Name p664 midCol
Ernest Klein Yud-He-Vav-He p255 rtCol
Ernest Klein Alef-Lamed-He-Yud Elohei-Elohim-Divinity p29 leftCol
Ernest Klein Klein/Lamed p291 leftColBot midColTop Shin-Vav-Alef Lie-Falsehood-Nothingness-Worthlessness-Vanity_p643 leftCol
Ernest Klein Chaf-Yud p275 leftColBottom
Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Nun-Quf-He p425 midCol
Ernest Klein Yud-He-Vav-He p255 rtCol
Ernest Klein Alef-Tav p60 ltCol
Ernest Klein Alef-Shin-Resh Who-Which-That p59 rtCol
Ernest Klein Nun-Sin-Alef
p427 rtColBot p428 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Alef-Tav p60 ltCol
Ernest Klein Shin-MemSofit Name p664 midCol
Ernest Klein Lamed p291 leftColBot midColTop Shin-Vav-Alef Lie-Falsehood-Nothingness-Worthlessness-Vanity_p643 leftCol

5 Thou shalt not take the name of Yehovah thy God in vain; for Yehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Nun-Sin-Alef
p427 rtColBot p428 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Alef-Tav p60 ltCol
Ernest Klein Shin-MemSofit Name p664 midCol
Ernest Klein Yud-He-Vav-He p255 rtCol
Ernest Klein Alef-Lamed-He-Yud Elohei-Elohim-Divinity p29 leftCol
Ernest Klein Klein/Lamed p291 leftColBot midColTop Shin-Vav-Alef Lie-Falsehood-Nothingness-Worthlessness-Vanity_p643 leftCol
Ernest Klein Chaf-Yud p275 leftColBottom
Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Nun-Quf-He p425 midCol
Ernest Klein Yud-He-Vav-He p255 rtCol
Ernest Klein Alef-Tav p60 ltCol
Ernest Klein Alef-Shin-Resh Who-Which-That p59 rtCol
Ernest Klein Nun-Sin-Alef p427
rtColBot p428 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Alef-Tav p60 ltCol
Ernest Klein Shin-MemSofit Name p664 midCol
Ernest Klein Lamed p291 leftColBot midColTop Shin-Vav-Alef Lie-Falsehood-Nothingness-Worthlessness-Vanity_p643 leftCol

11 Thou shalt not take the name of Yehovah thy God in vain: for Yehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

By visually comparing the companion verses of the Hebrew texts of Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, we believe that one can readily determine the essence of meanings rarely captured correctly, if ever, in English translations (this is particularly evident, to us, for the third commandment).

Are we saying that, of these original Hebrew passages, some of the English translations (interpretations) are incorrect in addition to NOT conforming to the Masoretic verse ordering?


For instance, the same Hebrew word לַשָּֽׁוְא
Ernest Klein Lamed p291 leftColBot midColTop Shin-Vav-Alef Lie-Falsehood-Nothingness-Worthlessness-Vanity_p643 leftCol
(root: Shin-Vav-Alef) most often translated as "in vain", in the Ten Commandments companion passages: "Thou shalt not take the name of Yehovah thy God in vain..." is NEVER translated "in vain" in Deuteronomy 5:18, where the common translation of that same Hebrew word ( לַשָּֽׁוְא
Ernest Klein Lamed p291 leftColBot midColTop Shin-Vav-Alef Lie-Falsehood-Nothingness-Worthlessness-Vanity_p643 leftCol
) takes the meaning "false" in the passage "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"!

It should prove of interest to learn that the word used in Exodus 20:11 ( שָֽׁקֶר
Ernest Klein Shin-Quf-Resh p680 leftColBot midColTop Lie-Falsehood-Deception
) for that which is translated as "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" is NOT the same Hebrew word as in its companion passage of Deuteronomy 5:18 ( לַשָּֽׁוְא
Ernest Klein Lamed p291 leftColBot midColTop Shin-Vav-Alef Lie-Falsehood-Nothingness-Worthlessness-Vanity_p643 leftCol
) mentioned above!

The Hebrew word שָֽׁקֶר
Ernest Klein Shin-Quf-Resh p680 leftColBot midColTop Lie-Falsehood-Deception
(root: Shin-Quf-Resh) has an obvious meaning of falsehood, lying, deception and cannot remotely be considered to be interpreted/translated as vain, or in vain!

Thus, it should reasonably be understood that the passages interpreted/translated "Thou shalt not take the name of Yehovah thy God in vain..." are not correct!

Perhaps a closer interpretation is "Thou shalt not take the name of Yehovah thy God as nothing, for Yehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name falsely."

It is quite unfortunate that so many people who believe they have a grasp on the meaning of the Ten Commandments, and particularly on how they rely upon the misinterpreted translations for the third commandment, since it is often defined, in reality, to say "Do not take the Name of God as a swear word".

Obviously, it is a very different thing to consider, rather, that the third commandment would say anything like "Do not take the Name of the Lord thy God with such contempt as to treat Him so lightly, as if he doesn't exist, as if His Name symbolizes worthlessness"!

How Could You Otherwise Come To Understand This?

Actually, we don't think that it is likely that you would!

That is one of the reasons we have put the comparison page together, so that all of us can better understand the meaning of The Ten Commandments as found in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5!


Then, "click" the following link: Comparing The Companion Passages of Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 In the Leningrad Codex.

In essence, an iconoclast is someone who destroys religious images (idols).

At The Iconoclast, we declare that an iconoclast is also one who challenges long–held beliefs and world–views (known as paradigms)!

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines "iconoclast" as follows:

Function: noun

Etymology: Medieval Latin iconoclastes, from the Middle Greek eikonoklastEs, literally, image destroyer, from Greek eikonoklan to break.

1: a person who destroys religious images or opposes their veneration
2: a person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions

At The Iconoclast, we believe that

We make no apology for holding to a world view (belief system, paradigm) centered in the authority of the Hebrew Scriptures (aka Tanakh, the 5 books of Moses (aka Torah - the 'T' in Tanakh), the writings of the prophets (aka Neviim - the 'N' in Tanakh), and the writings (aka ktuvim - the 'KH' in Tanakh)).

Thus, we quote from the Hebrew Scriptures, the Tanakh, (often extensively) to provide context references. If you find that you are offended by the Israelite Hebrew Scriptures, we sincerely hope that you will, in the least, begin to meditate on the 10 Commandments to discover the greatness of יְהֹוָה  [Yehovah]–The Elohim (God) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

Moreover, we heartily disagree with those proponents of belief systems which insist that the Hebrew Scriptures have become obsolete!

Please see our page:


They Call The Hebrew Scriptures


We make no apology for desiring to have open minds to discover truths where we also may not have previously ventured.

Our Central Prayer Is:

יְהֹוָה   [Yehovah],

regardless of the consequences!

This is not a light thing to us.

We believe that no person should expect their prayers to The Creator to be answered and affirmed positively unless they first acknowledge the sovereignty of יְהֹוָה   [Yehovah].




Proverbs 28:4,5,9

Ernest Klein Ayin-Zayin-Vet ToLeave-Forsake p468 midCol
Ernest Klein Tav-Resh-He Instruction-Teaching-TheBookOfLaws p696 leftColTop
Ernest Klein He-Lamed-Lamed Boast-Praise-Halleluyah p152 rtCol
Ernest Klein Resh-Shin-Ayin ToBeWicked-ActWickedly p630 rtColBot p631 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Shin-Mem-Resh ToKeep-ToHeed-ToWatchOver p668 leftCol Shin-Mem-Vav-Resh Watch-Guard p665 left-midCols
Ernest Klein Tav-Resh-He Instruction-Teaching-TheBookOfLaws p696 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Gimel-Resh-He ToIncite-Provoke-Irritate p108 leftCol
בָֽם׃ פ
Ernest Klein Bet-MemSofit p76 midCol



They that forsake the Torah praise the wicked; But such as keep the Torah contend with them.

Ernest Klein Alef-Nun-Vav-Shin People-Mankind p39 leftCol Alef-Nun-Shin Humanity p42 leftCol
Ernest Klein Resh-Ayin Bad-Worthless-Evil p621 midColBot rtColTop
Ernest Klein Lamed-Alef No-Not p291 midCol
Ernest Klein Vet-Yud-NunSofit ToSeparate-ToDivide-ToDistinguish-ToUnderstand p72 leftCol
Ernest Klein Mem-Shin-Pe-Tet Judgment p394 midCol
Ernest Klein Bet-Quf-Shin ToAsk-ToQuest-ToSearch-Request p82 leftColBot midColTop
Ernest Klein Yud-He-Vav-He p255 rtCol
Ernest Klein Vet-Yud-NunSofit ToSeparate-ToDivide-ToDistinguish-ToUnderstand p72 leftCol
Chaf-Lamed All-Whole p276 midCol



Evil men understand not justice; But they that seek Yehovah understand all things.

Ernest Klein Samekh-Vav-Resh ToTurnAside-ToDepart p439 midColBot
Ernest Klein Alef-Zayin-NunSofit Ear-Listen p16 midCol
Ernest Klein Mem From-Of p308 leftCol Shin-Mem-Ayin ToHear-Hearing-Report p667 midColToBot rtColTop
Ernest Klein Tav-Resh-He Instruction-Teaching-TheBookOfLaws p696 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Gimel-MemSofit Also-To-EvenAsWell p102 leftCol
Ernest Klein Tav-Fe-Lamed Prayer p712 rtColBot p713 leftColTop
Ernest Klein Tav-Vav-Ayin-Vet Abomination p695 leftCol Tav-Ayin Vet Abhor p710 midCol



He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Torah, Even his prayer is an abomination.

We absolutely reserve the right to be wrong and to learn from our mistakes, to be flexible in our thinking, and yet we are self-assured that our King יְהֹוָה   [Yehovah] IS TRUE, knowing and expecting that He will lead us in our continued pursuit of truth!

The–Iconoclast.org website is dedicated to the unadulterated pursuit of truth.

We invite you to join us in the search for truth!

  Basic Tenets of
The Iconoclast:
  • We live in an age of Deception!

  • It is our belief that the Roman Catholic Church fulfills prophecies found in the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh) that directly associate it alone as the last dominate world "empire" (essentially, it is the continuation of the original Roman Empire — as foretold in the Book of Daniel)!
  • While many 'Protestants' consider that 'the Roman Catholic church' is 'just a denomination in error', at The Iconoclast we hold to no such delusion!
    In spite of its grandiose claim 'that it is the true church', the institution known as 'the Roman Catholic church' was NOT EVER led by the רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ  Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit of יהוה [YehoVah])  — it has NEVER KNOWN יהוה [YehoVah]) — the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
  • Just look at the two photos of the pompous pagan 'popes' above — 'the Roman Catholic church' calls them 'vicar of christ', meaning substitute, in place of, 'Jesus Christ' on earth!

  • It is highly significant to know that the place where the 'popes' dwell, the Vatican [taken from the classical Latin root Vaticanus] means "house of divination", i.e. dwelling of demons!

  • If our tenet that 'the Roman Catholic church' (State, Institution, Empire) is the same“Empire” that Daniel spoke of, is correct, it should be expected that it is this same Roman [Catholic] Empire which has perpetrated its deceptive views of history upon the entire world.

  • Of course, that deception would also negatively impact all of 'Christianity', i.e. the “Protestant” Churches.
    It should be noted how the Protestant/Evangelical Churches have taken (as their own, without challenge) Roman Catholic false doctrines, such as "Sunday (aka first day) Sabbath" replacing the Sabbath Day given by NONE OTHER THAN THE CREATOR – יהוה [YehoVah])— The Seventh Day of the Week, the pagan sun–god birth celebration transformed into "the birth of Christ" (i.e. Christmas, "the Mass of Christ"), the celebration of the pagan fertility goddess, Eshtar (aka Easter) in the place of Passover, and many other such abominable doctrines and tenets!

  • The Roman Catholic church AND its Protestant offshoots DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT its preeminent doctrines are based upon the teachings of Saul of Tarsus, aka 'Paul', — Who Was Not A True Apostle of Yeshua of Nazareth! In other words, 'The Roman Catholic' Entity/Institution/church IS NOT an institution of Jesus (Yeshua of Nazareth), but rather upon THE FALSE PROPHET, SAUL OF TARSUS!
  • To understand the nature of our mortal enemies, we must understand how contemporaries of Yeshua viewed history, particularly that of the universal flood in Noah's day.

  • See our "Breaking Idols" page for more details of our views of these topics!

We Live In An Age Of Deception!

False Information Abounds — True Faith is rare!

We should expect a shameless revision of history! It is evident that ancient manuscripts were destroyed and/or corrupted, and other distortions of history were presented to keep truth from US.

Thus, much of what we may have accepted as "truth" may actually be lies and distortions!

How often has it been said that "Christians" were responsible for "The Crusades"?

The fact is that there were Crusades, Inquisitions, etc.; but just what group, what entity, what institution could legitimately masquerade themselves to honorably and justifiably do such horrible things?

The truth is that those unspeakable horrors were carried out at the behest of OFFICIAL edicts of the Roman Catholic Church aloneincluding the 600 years of Inquisition sanctioned by at least 75 continuous popesand 50 million persons were killed without mercy (as in "LOVE" from the pit of HELL itself!).

See to our "Breaking Idols" page for more detail on our views of these topics!

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