Mon, 03 Mar 2025 22:48:32 -0600 Yom Sheni, Chodesh Shalosh Asrei 2, 6024 — יום שני חדש ב ו׳כד |
Calling The Hebrew Scriptures "Old!" |
At The-Iconoclast, we take extreme umbrage at those persons that are convinced that the Hebrew Scriptures are obsolete. As you will see if read this page to the end, we consider that stance to be against the creator of the Universe, יְהֹוָה [Yehovah] Himself! We make no apology for holding to the belief that יְהֹוָה [Yehovah] would "raise up" a prophet like Moses to call the nation of Israel to REPENT AND RETURN TO THE TORAH OF יְהֹוָה [Yehovah]. We believe that if that "Prophet" were to come that there would be many adversaries ( הַשָּׂטָ֔ן – "ha satan" — the adversary ) who would attempt to circumvent the intent to call the nation of Israel to repent and return to the Torah!
Deuteronomy 18:51–22
Yehovah thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; [verse 15]
No doubt but that Western Culture has been greatly influenced by Christianity, so that many people know that when they hear anything like "a prophet like Moses" an association is made with the name of "Jesus"!
Please know that we make a clear distinction between the actual person known as "Yeshua of Nazareth" verses the FICTIONAL "Jesus" promulgated by Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul, the false apostle!) the chief architect of the Christian Religious System. It is our sincere hope that you are not confused between these two either!
Because we believe in the authority of the Hebrew Scriptures, we hold that there was a specific timeline given as to the appearance of that Messiah (see Daniel 9:24-27). Daniel 9:24–27
Appeared At Specific Time, Was 'Cut Off'!
Moreover, we hold that the person Yeshua of Nazareth is the only known historical person to have appeared at that specifically appointed time AND ALSO to have been "cut off", per Daniel 9:26 (see our page Can Mashiach Promised To Israel Actually Be Yeshua of Nazareth? for more information). However, please be advised that to consider Yeshua of Nazareth as the "Prophet like unto Moses" – the promised Messiah to Israel (anointed one—as per the prophecy of Daniel 9) does not mean the strict adherence and de facto consideration of the preeminence of "the Christian Scriptures", aka the "New Testament", nor especially to calling it "Holy Scripture", as if it is in the same "league" as the Jewish Hebrew Scriptures. It is noteworthy that the world has gotten its knowledge of Yeshua of Nazareth from Christianity's New Testament. Yet, it is truly unfortunate that it appears that the "Christian Bible" has become AN IDOL by so many of its strict adherents, causing confusion, distortion and misinterpretation of the True Torah of יְהֹוָה [Yehovah]! Of such, we consider them to be "New Testament Bible IDOLATORS"; i.e., those who are so convinced that there is no truth outside of what they have been directed to by none other than the "Self–Appointed Apostle Paul" (so they will not question their own beliefs, doctrines and sources for the same). Many Christians actually consider their "Bible", their "New Testament Scriptures" to be Uniquely and Singularly "God Breathed". In reality, we have observed that they treat their New Testament "Scriptures" as SUPERIOR to the Hebrew Scriptures, including the Torah – the Five Books – Directly Given To Moses By The Creator Of The Universe, יְהֹוָה [Yehovah]. These Idolators act as if their New Testament "Scriptures" are absolutely without any error and that it actually SUPERSEDES / SUPPLANTS The Torah (The Five Books of Moses)! (Please see our page on Scribal Standards, in the section "Are There 'Scribal' Standards For the Word of G-d?") Thus, self-proclaimed "Christian, New Testament 'Bible Believers'" interpret the Israelite Hebrew Scriptures predominantly through the filtered lens of their "New Testament Scriptures". "OLD!"
"In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away." [Hebrews 8:13 ESV] Interestingly, many of them believe that their Jesus (according to Paul) is actually the Almighty Elohim (God), and they readily quote Hebrews 13:8 in their 'Scriptures': "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." [ESV] (underline ours)
Yet, in practical terms, even though so many of them "consider" [Jesus] Elohim [God]
we find it rather odd that they are quite ready
to consider that the Israelite Hebrew Scriptures, especially with
"In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away." [Hebrews 8:13 ESV]
All of this is summed up neatly in Paul's seminal statement:
"For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace" [Romans 6:14 ESV] Unfortunately, the majority of the books of the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) can be attributed directly to the false apostle and false prophet — Saul of Tarsus and to his chief biographer, Luke (for more information, see our page, Paul, the false apostle). It is our belief that to hold Yeshua of Nazareth as the Messiah of Israel is to understand that the predominant (main) purpose for The Messiah was to have been to proclaim to the Israelite people to Turn/Return To Following The Torah of יְהֹוָה [YehoVaH]. Yet, it appears to us that the predominant Christian view of the Torah, the Hebrew Scriptures, the Messiah and the Jewish way of life have been grossly and wrongfully interpreted, often to the point of perversion! It is our opinion that that "perversion" has occurred because the man known to his followers as The Apostle Paul — it is he who is the de facto Messiah in Christian religious worship and expression! In fact, we believe that it is Paul's characterization of "Jesus" – and not the actual man Yeshua himself – that dominates Christian thought, doctrine and theology! Moreover, because we hold the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh, which includes the written Torah) as our exclusive authority and prophetic reference, we can not even offer consideration for the belief that the Messiah was to come to call the Torah "old" —essentially making it obsolete!— nor to seek out and establish a new religion especially based upon "Scriptural" references predominantly quoting a foreign Greek Translation (Septuagint) instead of actual Hebrew Scriptures, nor to adhere (or succumb) to the easy teachings of one proclaiming first–hand knowledge of that Messiah but having never met Him! (of course, we are referring to the self-proclaimed apostle, Saul of Tarsus). |
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