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Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:10:48 -0500 Yom Shabbat, Chodesh Rvi'i 22, 6024 — יום שבעי חדש רבעי כב ו׳כד

* I actually address this subject directly later on in this book with a chapter starting with that same statement (including the asterisk). My intention is that, at that point in the book, I will have led up to it after giving it a sufficient introduction!

Essentially, this book is a commentary on the man responsible for being THE ARCHITECT OF THE MAIN DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY, SAUL OF TARSUS, who is more commonly known as The Apostle Paul.

On this website (The-Iconoclast.org), I present information under the title "Paul The False Apostle" which is found on the "Breaking Idols"` (topmost item on that page). However, in this book, I address his antinomian theology in a more systematic way with corroborating references.

Has it ever occurred to you that it might be important to verify supposed quotes in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) which make references to the Jewish Scriptures (what Christians call The Old Testament)? If you were to do so, would you be able to say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Christian Scriptures are absolutely flawless in their references to the Jewish Scriptures, that they are 100% reliable?

In this book, the abject antiTorah ethos of Saul of Tarsus (the Apostle Paul) and his antinomiam views are directly exposed!

By examining his own writings as well as comparing his references to the Jewish Scriptures by actually looking at the Jewish Scriptures, Saul of Tarsus (Paul) is found not to be quite so genuine, authentic and reliable as you may have been led to believe!

This is not an accident! He consistently misquoted, and took out-of-context, the writings of the Holy Prophets of Yehovah. By examining the true references which can easily be found in the Hebrew-Language based Jewish Scriptures sourced from the Leningrad Codex, "The Apostle Paul" displayed an extremely cavalier attitude in his penchant for misleading his own disciples while promoting himself!

From his own writings and those of his biographer friend, Luke, Paul and Luke were consistent in their anti-Torah theology and obfuscation of the message found in the Jewish Scriptures!

This book uncovers the great deception of The Self–Appointed–Apostle–Paul and even refers to it as part of the END–TIME–DECEPTION!

What About Jesus Of Nazareth?

I have also included commentaries about Jesus of Nazareth, and the resurrection, near the end of the book, as a way to express that Jesus CANNOT be a legitimate candidate to being the Jewish Messiah if he actually misquoted the Holy Prophets of יְהֹוָה  [Yehovah]!.

The Talmudic Deception!

Moreover, I have a chapter called 'The Talmudic Deception.' It is a brief commentary on Talmudism, the Jewish religion whose doctrine revolves around the rabbinic, oral tradition. When Talmudists mention the 'Torah,' in a euphemistic way, they really mean 'The Oral Torah,' also known as 'The Oral Law' — which is actually their own oral tradition! When I speak about 'The Torah,' I mean the WRITTEN TORAH, also known as the five books of Moses! Have YOU been deceived by rabbinic subterfuge?

Hardcover ISBN: 979-8-9882917-0-1
Softcover ISBN: 979-8-9882917-1-8
eBook EPUB ISBN: 979-8-9882917-2-5

NOTE: Microsoft Word to EPUB conversion programs (that I have found) do not carry forth the original fonts but rather substitute a plain serif font for English and an italicized plain font for the Hebrew. That conversion also breaks pages up differently: 162 pages are in the printed version, while 303 in the eBook format EPUB, including cover). The content is preserved, but it is just not as had been written for print. As an FYI, I do not think it is aesthetically pleasing as the printed versions. Yet, for those who prefer a digitized format, if you can get past the aesthetics, again, the content is preserved.
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