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Sat, 29 Jun 2024 20:32:28 -0500 Yom Shabbat, Chodesh Rvi'i 22, 6024 — יום שבעי חדש רבעי כב ו׳כד

Ernest Klein
A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary
Of The Hebrew Language For Readers Of English


Carta Jerusalem; 1st edition, 1987
Ernest Klein Online Dictionary

כ י ט ח ז ו ה ד ג ב א
ת ש ר ק צ פ ע ס נ מ ל

Notes On Usage
Transliteration Rules

I consider Ernest Klein's "A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of The Hebrew Language For Readers of English" the absolute best resource for understanding Biblical Hebrew.

In my regular Scripture reading each morning, next to my Tanakh (The Pill Tanakh: Hebrew–English Jewish Scriptures), I have my printed copy of Ernest's Klein's Dictionary. When I come across a Hebrew word I want to better know, I look it up. It has greatly contributed to my understanding of Biblical Hebrew and I highly recommend it.

When I am on my computer or my iPhone and want to look up a word in any of the online editions of Ernest Klein's "A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of The Hebrew Language For Readers of English", I have found navigating too slow for my own use.

That I is why I have put together my own online resource (https://www.the-iconoclast.org/resources/klein) so that this voluminous resource can be navigated quicker.

I am hopeful that all who view my online version will likewise appreciate the ability to navigate through.

To put this version together, I went to https://www.sefaria.org/Klein_Dictionary and copied the content into Microsoft Word. I then saved it out as "Web Page, Filtered". I then edited the content for this present work and saved in php format.

Robert Pill, Wednesday, June 19, 2024
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